ovmsclient python library#

The Model Server client library is a set of objects and methods designed to simplify user interaction with instances of OpenVINO Model Server. The library contains functions that conceal API-specific details. Users do not need to know about creating protos, preparing requests, parsing responses, and other details, so they can focus on deploying the application.

OVMS client library contains only the necessary dependencies, so the whole package is light. That makes it more friendly for deployments with restricted resources as well as for the use cases that require applications to scale well.

As OpenVINO Model Server API is compatible with TensorFlow Serving, it’s possible to use ovmsclient with TensorFlow Serving instances on: Predict, GetModelMetadata and GetModelStatus endpoints.

See API documentation for details on what the library provides.

git clone https://github.com/openvinotoolkit/model_server.git
cd model_server/client/python/ovmsclient/lib


Note: The client library requires Python in version >= 3.7.

pip3 install ovmsclient

Build the wheel#



To build the package run:

make build

This command will create pip wheel placed in dist directory.

Note: For development purposes, you may want to repeatedly rebuild the package. Assuming you have TFS API built, you can use make build-package target to build only the ovmsclient package and omit downloading and building the TFS API.

To install the package run:

pip3 install --force-reinstall --no-deps dist/ovmsclient-2023.3-py3-none-any.whl

Note: For development purposes you may want to repeatedly reinstall the package. For that consider using pip3 install with --force-reinstall and --no-deps options.

Apart from make build, there are also other targets available:

  • make build-deps - downloads and compiles TFS API protos

make build-deps
  • make build-package - builds only ovmsclient package (requires TFS API protos compiled)

make build-package
  • make test - runs tests on ovmsclient package. By default the package located in dist/ directory is used. To specify custom package path pass PACKAGE_PATH option like:

    make test PACKAGE_PATH=/opt/packages/ovmsclient-2023.1-py3-none-any.whl

make test
  • make clean - removes all intermediate files generated while building the package

make clean


Create gRPC client instance:

import ovmsclient

client = ovmsclient.make_grpc_client("localhost:9000")

Create and send model status request:

model_status = client.get_model_status(model_name="model")

# Exemplary model_status:
# {
#    "1": {
#        "state": "AVAILABLE",
#        "error_code": 0,
#        "error_message": ""
#    }
# }

Create and send model metadata request:

model_metadata = client.get_model_metadata(model_name="model")

# Exemplary model_metadata. Values for model:
# https://github.com/openvinotoolkit/open_model_zoo/blob/releases/2023/1/models/public/resnet-50-tf/README.md
#   "model_version": 1,
#   "inputs": {
#       "map/TensorArrayStack/TensorArrayGatherV3": {
#           "shape": [1, 224, 224, 3],
#           "dtype": DT_FLOAT32
#       }
#   },
#   "outputs": {
#       "softmax_tensor": {
#           "shape": [1, 1001],
#           "dtype": DT_FLOAT32
#       }
#   }

Create and send predict request with binary input data:

# Assuming requesting model with inputs and outputs as in:
# https://github.com/openvinotoolkit/open_model_zoo/blob/releases/2023/1/models/public/resnet-50-tf/README.md

with open(<path_to_img>, 'rb') as f:
    img = f.read()
inputs = {"map/TensorArrayStack/TensorArrayGatherV3": img}
results = client.predict(inputs=inputs, model_name="model")

# Exemplary results:
# [[0.01, 0.03, 0.91, ... , 0.00021]]

For more details on ovmsclient see API reference