Named entity recognition with OpenVINO™#

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The Named Entity Recognition(NER) is a natural language processing method that involves the detecting of key information in the unstructured text and categorizing it into pre-defined categories. These categories or named entities refer to the key subjects of text, such as names, locations, companies and etc.

NER is a good method for the situations when a high-level overview of a large amount of text is needed. NER can be helpful with such task as analyzing key information in unstructured text or automates the information extraction of large amounts of data.

This tutorial shows how to perform named entity recognition using OpenVINO. We will use the pre-trained model elastic/distilbert-base-cased-finetuned-conll03-english. It is DistilBERT based model, trained on conll03 english dataset. The model can recognize four named entities in text: persons, locations, organizations and names of miscellaneous entities that do not belong to the previous three groups. The model is sensitive to capital letters.

To simplify the user experience, the Hugging Face Optimum library is used to convert the model to OpenVINO™ IR format and quantize it.

Table of contents:


%pip install -q "diffusers>=0.17.1" "openvino>=2023.1.0" "nncf>=2.5.0" "gradio>=4.19" "onnx>=1.11.0" "transformers>=4.33.0" "torch>=2.1" --extra-index-url
%pip install -q "git+"
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.

Download the NER model#

We load the distilbert-base-cased-finetuned-conll03-english model from the Hugging Face Hub with Hugging Face Transformers libraryand Optimum Intel with OpenVINO integration.

OVModelForTokenClassification is represent model class for Named Entity Recognition task in Optimum Intel. Model class initialization starts with calling from_pretrained method. For conversion original PyTorch model to OpenVINO format on the fly, export=True parameter should be used. To easily save the model, you can use the save_pretrained() method. After saving the model on disk, we can use pre-converted model for next usage, and speedup deployment process.

from pathlib import Path
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from import OVModelForTokenClassification

original_ner_model_dir = Path("original_ner_model")

model_id = "elastic/distilbert-base-cased-finetuned-conll03-english"
if not original_ner_model_dir.exists():
    model = OVModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained(model_id, export=True)

    model = OVModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained(model_id, export=True)

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id)
INFO:nncf:NNCF initialized successfully. Supported frameworks detected: torch, tensorflow, onnx, openvino
No CUDA runtime is found, using CUDA_HOME='/usr/local/cuda'
2024-04-05 18:35:04.594311: I tensorflow/core/util/] oneDNN custom operations are on. You may see slightly different numerical results due to floating-point round-off errors from different computation orders. To turn them off, set the environment variable TF_ENABLE_ONEDNN_OPTS=0.
2024-04-05 18:35:04.596755: I tensorflow/tsl/cuda/] Could not find cuda drivers on your machine, GPU will not be used.
2024-04-05 18:35:04.628293: E tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] Unable to register cuDNN factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuDNN when one has already been registered
2024-04-05 18:35:04.628326: E tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] Unable to register cuFFT factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuFFT when one has already been registered
2024-04-05 18:35:04.628349: E tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] Unable to register cuBLAS factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuBLAS when one has already been registered
2024-04-05 18:35:04.634704: I tensorflow/tsl/cuda/] Could not find cuda drivers on your machine, GPU will not be used.
2024-04-05 18:35:04.635314: I tensorflow/core/platform/] This TensorFlow binary is optimized to use available CPU instructions in performance-critical operations.
To enable the following instructions: AVX2 AVX512F AVX512_VNNI FMA, in other operations, rebuild TensorFlow with the appropriate compiler flags.
2024-04-05 18:35:05.607762: W tensorflow/compiler/tf2tensorrt/utils/] TF-TRT Warning: Could not find TensorRT
/home/ea/miniconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/transformers/utils/ FutureWarning: is_torch_tpu_available is deprecated and will be removed in 4.41.0. Please use the is_torch_xla_available instead.
Framework not specified. Using pt to export the model.
Using the export variant default. Available variants are:
    - default: The default ONNX variant.
Using framework PyTorch: 2.1.2+cpu
/home/ea/miniconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/transformers/ FutureWarning: _is_quantized_training_enabled is going to be deprecated in transformers 4.39.0. Please use model.hf_quantizer.is_trainable instead
/home/ea/miniconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/nncf/torch/dynamic_graph/ TracerWarning: torch.tensor results are registered as constants in the trace. You can safely ignore this warning if you use this function to create tensors out of constant variables that would be the same every time you call this function. In any other case, this might cause the trace to be incorrect.
  op1 = operator(*args, **kwargs)
Compiling the model to CPU ...

Quantize the model, using Hugging Face Optimum API#

Post-training static quantization introduces an additional calibration step where data is fed through the network in order to compute the activations quantization parameters. For quantization it will be used Hugging Face Optimum Intel API.

To handle the NNCF quantization process we use class OVQuantizer. The quantization with Hugging Face Optimum Intel API contains the next steps: * Model class initialization starts with calling from_pretrained() method. * Next we create calibration dataset with get_calibration_dataset() to use for the post-training static quantization calibration step. * After we quantize a model and save the resulting model in the OpenVINO IR format to save_directory with quantize() method. * Then we load the quantized model. The Optimum Inference models are API compatible with Hugging Face Transformers models and we can just replace AutoModelForXxx class with the corresponding OVModelForXxx class. So we use OVModelForTokenClassification to load the model.

from functools import partial
from import OVQuantizer, OVConfig, OVQuantizationConfig

from import OVModelForTokenClassification

def preprocess_fn(data, tokenizer):
    examples = []
    for data_chunk in data["tokens"]:
        examples.append(" ".join(data_chunk))

    return tokenizer(examples, padding=True, truncation=True, max_length=128)

quantizer = OVQuantizer.from_pretrained(model)
calibration_dataset = quantizer.get_calibration_dataset(
    preprocess_function=partial(preprocess_fn, tokenizer=tokenizer),

# The directory where the quantized model will be saved
quantized_ner_model_dir = "quantized_ner_model"

# Apply static quantization and save the resulting model in the OpenVINO IR format
ov_config = OVConfig(quantization_config=OVQuantizationConfig(num_samples=len(calibration_dataset)))
/home/ea/miniconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/datasets/ FutureWarning: 'use_auth_token' was deprecated in favor of 'token' in version 2.14.0 and will be removed in 3.0.0.
You can remove this warning by passing 'token=<use_auth_token>' instead.
INFO:nncf:18 ignored nodes were found by name in the NNCFGraph
INFO:nncf:25 ignored nodes were found by name in the NNCFGraph
import ipywidgets as widgets
import openvino as ov

core = ov.Core()
device = widgets.Dropdown(
    options=core.available_devices + ["AUTO"],

Dropdown(description='Device:', index=3, options=('CPU', 'GPU.0', 'GPU.1', 'AUTO'), value='AUTO')
# Load the quantized model
optimized_model = OVModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained(quantized_ner_model_dir, device=device.value)
Compiling the model to AUTO ...

Compare the Original and Quantized Models#

Compare the original distilbert-base-cased-finetuned-conll03-english model with quantized and converted to OpenVINO IR format models to see the difference.

Compare performance#

As the Optimum Inference models are API compatible with Hugging Face Transformers models, we can just use pipleine() from Hugging Face Transformers API for inference.

from transformers import pipeline

ner_pipeline_optimized = pipeline("token-classification", model=optimized_model, tokenizer=tokenizer)

ner_pipeline_original = pipeline("token-classification", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer)
import time
import numpy as np

def calc_perf(ner_pipeline):
    inference_times = []

    for data in calibration_dataset:
        text = " ".join(data["tokens"])
        start = time.perf_counter()
        end = time.perf_counter()
        inference_times.append(end - start)

    return np.median(inference_times)

print(f"Median inference time of quantized model: {calc_perf(ner_pipeline_optimized)} ")

print(f"Median inference time of original model: {calc_perf(ner_pipeline_original)} ")
Median inference time of quantized model: 0.0063508255407214165
Median inference time of original model: 0.007429798366501927

Compare size of the models#

from pathlib import Path

fp_model_file = Path(original_ner_model_dir) / "openvino_model.bin"
print(f"Size of original model in Bytes is {fp_model_file.stat().st_size}")
print(f'Size of quantized model in Bytes is {Path(quantized_ner_model_dir, "openvino_model.bin").stat().st_size}')
Size of original model in Bytes is 260795516
Size of quantized model in Bytes is 65802712

Prepare demo for Named Entity Recognition OpenVINO Runtime#

Now, you can try NER model on own text. Put your sentence to input text box, click Submit button, the model label the recognized entities in the text.

import gradio as gr

examples = [
    "My name is Wolfgang and I live in Berlin.",

def run_ner(text):
    output = ner_pipeline_optimized(text)
    return {"text": text, "entities": output}

demo = gr.Interface(
    gr.Textbox(placeholder="Enter sentence here...", label="Input Text"),
    gr.HighlightedText(label="Output Text"),

if __name__ == "__main__":
    except Exception:
        demo.launch(share=True, debug=False)
# if you are launching remotely, specify server_name and server_port
# demo.launch(server_name='your server name', server_port='server port in int')
# Read more in the docs: