
Versioned name: ScatterElementsUpdate-3

Category: Data movement

Short description: Creates a copy of the first input tensor with updated elements specified with second and third input tensors.

Detailed description: For each entry in updates, the target index in data is obtained by combining the corresponding entry in indices with the index of the entry itself: the index-value for dimension equal to axis is obtained from the value of the corresponding entry in indices and the index-value for dimension not equal to axis is obtained from the index of the entry itself.

For instance, in a 3D tensor case, the update corresponding to the [i][j][k] entry is performed as below:

output[indices[i][j][k]][j][k] = updates[i][j][k] if axis = 0,
output[i][indices[i][j][k]][k] = updates[i][j][k] if axis = 1,
output[i][j][indices[i][j][k]] = updates[i][j][k] if axis = 2

update tensor dimensions are less or equal to the corresponding data tensor dimensions.

Attributes: ScatterElementsUpdate does not have attributes.


  • 1: data tensor of arbitrary rank r and of type T. Required.

  • 2: indices tensor with indices of type T_IND. The rank of the tensor is equal to the rank of data tensor. All index values are expected to be within bounds [0, s - 1] along axis of size s. If multiple indices point to the same output location then the order of updating the values is undefined. If an index points to non-existing output tensor element or is negative then exception is raised. Required.

  • 3: updates tensor of shape equal to the shape of indices tensor and of type T. Required.

  • 4: axis tensor with scalar or 1D tensor with one element of type T_AXIS specifying axis for scatter. The value can be in range [-r, r - 1] where r is the rank of data. Required.


  • 1: tensor with shape equal to data tensor of the type T.


  • T: any numeric type.

  • T_IND: any integer numeric type.

  • T_AXIS: any integer numeric type.


 <layer ... type="ScatterElementsUpdate">
         <port id="0">
         <port id="1">
         <port id="2">
         <port id="3">     <!-- value [0] -->
         <port id="4" precision="FP32">