Struct ov::device::Properties#

struct Properties : public ov::Property<std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, Any>>>#

Type for property to pass set of properties to specified device.

Public Functions

inline std::pair<std::string, Any> operator()(const AnyMap &config) const#

Constructs property.


configs – set of property values with names


Pair of string key representation and type erased property value.

inline std::pair<std::string, Any> operator()(const std::string &device_name, const AnyMap &config) const#

Constructs property.

  • device_name – device plugin alias

  • config – set of property values with names


Pair of string key representation and type erased property value.

template<typename ...Properties>
inline util::EnableIfAllStringAny<std::pair<std::string, Any>, Properties...> operator()(const std::string &device_name, Properties&&... configs) const#

Constructs property.

Template Parameters:

Properties – Should be the pack of std::pair<std::string, ov::Any> types

  • device_name – device plugin alias

  • configs – Optional pack of pairs: (config parameter name, config parameter value)


Pair of string key representation and type erased property value.