
openvino.runtime.opset11.prior_box(layer_shape: Node, image_shape: Node | int | float | ndarray, attrs: dict, name: str | None = None) Node#

Generate prior boxes of specified sizes and aspect ratios across all dimensions.

  • layer_shape – Shape of layer for which prior boxes are computed.

  • image_shape – Shape of image to which prior boxes are scaled.

  • attrs – The dictionary containing key, value pairs for attributes.

  • name – Optional name for the output node.


Node representing prior box operation.

Available attributes are: * min_size The minimum box size (in pixels).

Range of values: positive floating point numbers Default value: [] Required: no

  • max_size The maximum box size (in pixels).

    Range of values: positive floating point numbers Default value: [] Required: no

  • aspect_ratio Aspect ratios of prior boxes.

    Range of values: set of positive floating point numbers Default value: [] Required: no

  • flip The flag that denotes that each aspect_ratio is duplicated and flipped.

    Range of values: {True, False} Default value: False Required: no

  • clip The flag that denotes if each value in the output tensor should be clipped

    to [0,1] interval. Range of values: {True, False} Default value: False Required: no

  • step The distance between box centers.

    Range of values: floating point non-negative number Default value: 0 Required: no

  • offset This is a shift of box respectively to top left corner.

    Range of values: floating point non-negative number Default value: None Required: yes

  • variance The variance denotes a variance of adjusting bounding boxes. The attribute

    could contain 0, 1 or 4 elements. Range of values: floating point positive numbers Default value: [] Required: no

  • scale_all_sizes The flag that denotes type of inference.
    Range of values: False - max_size is ignored

    True - max_size is used

    Default value: True Required: no

  • fixed_ratio This is an aspect ratio of a box.

    Range of values: a list of positive floating-point numbers Default value: None Required: no

  • fixed_size This is an initial box size (in pixels).

    Range of values: a list of positive floating-point numbers Default value: None Required: no

  • density This is the square root of the number of boxes of each type.

    Range of values: a list of positive floating-point numbers Default value: None Required: no

  • min_max_aspect_ratios_order The flag that denotes the order of output prior box.
    Range of values: False - the output prior box is in order of

    [min, aspect_ratios, max]

    True - the output prior box is in order of

    [min, max, aspect_ratios]

    Default value: True Required: no

Example of attribute dictionary:

# just required ones
attrs = {
    'offset': 85,
attrs = {
    'offset': 85,
    'flip': True,
    'clip': True,
    'fixed_size': [32, 64, 128]

Optional attributes which are absent from dictionary will be set with corresponding default.