
Versioned name: BatchNormInference-5

Category: Normalization

Short description: BatchNormInference performs Batch Normalization operation described in the Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift article.

Detailed Description

BatchNormInference performs the following operations on a given data batch input tensor data:

  • Normalizes each activation x(k) by the mean and variance.


    where E[x(k)] and Var(x(k)) are the mean and variance, calculated per channel axis of data input, and correspond to mean and variance inputs, respectively. Additionally, ϵ is a value added to the variance for numerical stability and corresponds to epsilon attribute.

  • Performs linear transformation of each normalized activation based on gamma and beta input, representing the scaling factor and shift, respectively.


    where γ(k) and β(k) are learnable parameters, calculated per channel axis, and correspond to gamma and beta inputs.

Mathematical Formulation

Let x be a d-dimensional input, x=(x1xd). Since normalization is applied to each activation E[x(k)], you can focus on a particular activation and omit k.

For a particular activation, consider a mini-batch B of m values. BatchNormInference performs Batch Normalization algorithm as follows:

  • Input: Values of x over a mini-batch:

  • Parameters to learn: γ,β

  • Output:

  • Mini-batch mean:

  • Mini-batch variance:

  • Normalize:

  • Scale and shift:



  • epsilon

    • Description: epsilon is a constant added to the variance for numerical stability.

    • Range of values: a floating-point number greater than or equal to zero

    • Type: float

    • Required: yes


  • 1: data - A tensor of type T and at least rank 2. The second dimension represents the channel axis and must have a span of at least 1. Required.

  • 2: gamma - Scaling factor for normalized value. A 1D tensor of type T with the same span as data channel axis. Required.

  • 3: beta - Bias added to the scaled normalized value. A 1D tensor of type T with the same span as data channel axis. Required.

  • 4: mean - Value for mean normalization. A 1D tensor of type T with the same span as data channel axis. Required.

  • 5: variance - Value for variance normalization. A 1D tensor of type T with the same span as data channel axis. Required.


  • 1: The result of element-wise Batch Normalization operation applied to the input tensor data. A tensor of type T and the same shape as data input tensor.


  • T: any supported floating-point type.


Example: 2D input tensor data

<layer ... type="BatchNormInference" ...>
    <data epsilon="9.99e-06" />
        <port id="0">  <!-- input -->
        <port id="1">  <!-- gamma -->
        <port id="2">  <!-- beta -->
        <port id="3">  <!-- mean -->
        <port id="4">  <!-- variance -->
        <port id="5">

Example: 4D input tensor data

<layer ... type="BatchNormInference" ...>
    <data epsilon="9.99e-06" />
        <port id="0">  <!-- input -->
        <port id="1">  <!-- gamma -->
        <port id="2">  <!-- beta -->
        <port id="3">  <!-- mean -->
        <port id="4">  <!-- variance -->
        <port id="5">