Converting a TensorFlow BERT Model


The code described here has been deprecated! Do not use it to avoid working with a legacy solution. It will be kept for some time to ensure backwards compatibility, but you should not use it in contemporary applications.

This guide describes a deprecated conversion method. The guide on the new and recommended method can be found in the Python tutorials.

Pretrained models for BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) are publicly available.

Supported Models

The following models from the pretrained BERT model list are currently supported:

  • BERT-Base, Cased

  • BERT-Base, Uncased

  • BERT-Base, Multilingual Cased

  • BERT-Base, Multilingual Uncased

  • BERT-Base, Chinese

  • BERT-Large, Cased

  • BERT-Large, Uncased

Downloading the Pretrained BERT Model

Download and unzip an archive with the BERT-Base, Multilingual Uncased Model.

After the archive is unzipped, the directory uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12 is created and contains the following files:

  • bert_config.json


  • bert_model.ckpt.index

  • bert_model.ckpt.meta

  • vocab.txt

Pretrained model meta-graph files are bert_model.ckpt.*.

Converting a TensorFlow BERT Model to IR

To generate the BERT Intermediate Representation (IR) of the model, run model conversion with the following parameters:

 mo \
--input_meta_graph uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12/bert_model.ckpt.meta \
--output bert/pooler/dense/Tanh                                 \
--input Placeholder{i32},Placeholder_1{i32},Placeholder_2{i32}

Pretrained models are not suitable for batch reshaping out-of-the-box because of multiple hardcoded shapes in the model.

Converting a Reshapable TensorFlow BERT Model to OpenVINO IR

Follow these steps to make a pretrained TensorFlow BERT model reshapable over batch dimension:

  1. Download a pretrained BERT model you want to use from the Supported Models list.

  2. Clone google-research/bert git repository:
  3. Go to the root directory of the cloned repository:

    cd bert
  4. (Optional) Checkout to the commit that the conversion was tested on:

    git checkout eedf5716c
  5. Download script to load GLUE data:

    • For UNIX-like systems, run the following command:

    • For Windows systems:

      Download the Python script to the current working directory.

  6. Download GLUE data by running:

    python3 --tasks MRPC
  7. Open the file in the text editor and delete lines 923-924. They should look like this:

     if not non_static_indexes:
         return shape
  8. Open the file and insert the following code after the line 645:

     import os, sys
     import tensorflow as tf
     from tensorflow.python.framework import graph_io
     with tf.compat.v1.Session(graph=tf.compat.v1.get_default_graph()) as sess:
         (assignment_map, initialized_variable_names) = \
             modeling.get_assignment_map_from_checkpoint(tf.compat.v1.trainable_variables(), init_checkpoint)
         tf.compat.v1.train.init_from_checkpoint(init_checkpoint, assignment_map)
         frozen = tf.compat.v1.graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants(sess, sess.graph_def, ["bert/pooler/dense/Tanh"])
         graph_io.write_graph(frozen, './', 'inference_graph.pb', as_text=False)
     print('BERT frozen model path {}'.format(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'inference_graph.pb')))

    Lines before the inserted code should look like this:

     (total_loss, per_example_loss, logits, probabilities) = create_model(
         bert_config, is_training, input_ids, input_mask, segment_ids, label_ids,
         num_labels, use_one_hot_embeddings)
  9. Set environment variables BERT_BASE_DIR, BERT_REPO_DIR and run the script to create inference_graph.pb file in the root of the cloned BERT repository.

    export BERT_BASE_DIR=/path/to/bert/uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12
    export BERT_REPO_DIR=/current/working/directory
    python3 \
        --task_name=MRPC \
        --do_eval=true \
        --data_dir=$BERT_REPO_DIR/glue_data/MRPC \
        --vocab_file=$BERT_BASE_DIR/vocab.txt \
        --bert_config_file=$BERT_BASE_DIR/bert_config.json \
        --init_checkpoint=$BERT_BASE_DIR/bert_model.ckpt \

    Run model conversion with the following command line parameters to generate reshape-able BERT Intermediate Representation (IR):

     mo \
    --input_model inference_graph.pb \
    --input "IteratorGetNext:0{i32}[1,128],IteratorGetNext:1{i32}[1,128],IteratorGetNext:4{i32}[1,128]"

For other applicable parameters, refer to the Convert Model from TensorFlow guide.

For more information about reshape abilities, refer to the Using Shape Inference guide.