[LEGACY] Graph Transformation Extensions


The code described here has been deprecated! Do not use it to avoid working with a legacy solution. It will be kept for some time to ensure backwards compatibility, but you should not use it in contemporary applications.

This guide describes a deprecated TensorFlow conversion method. The guide on the new and recommended method, using a new frontend, can be found in the Frontend Extensions article.

Model Optimizer provides various base classes to implement Front Phase Transformations, Middle Phase Transformations, and Back Phase Transformations. All classes have the following common class attributes and methods:

  1. The enabled attribute specifies whether the transformation is enabled or not. The value can be changed during runtime to enable or disable execution of the transformation during a model conversion. Default value is True.

  2. The id attribute specifies a unique transformation string identifier. This transformation identifier can be used to enable (disable) the transformation by setting environment variable MO_ENABLED_TRANSFORMS (MO_DISABLED_TRANSFORMS) with a comma separated list of ids. The environment variables override the value of the enabled attribute of the transformation. Instead of using id attribute value you can add fully defined class name to MO_ENABLED_TRANSFORMS (MO_DISABLED_TRANSFORMS) variable, extensions.back.NonmalizeToNormalizeL2.NormalizeToNormalizeL2 for example. It is an optional attribute.

  3. The run_not_recursively attribute specifies whether the transformation should be executed in the sub-graphs, for example, body of the TensorIterator and the Loop. Default value is True.

  4. The force_clean_up attribute specifies whether the graph clean up should be executed after the transformation. The graph cleanup removes nodes of the graph not reachable from the model inputs. Default value is False.

  5. The force_shape_inference attribute specifies whether the nodes marked with need_shape_inference attribute equal to True should be re-inferred after the transformation. Model Optimizer sets this attribute automatically for nodes, input(s) of which were changed during the transformation, or you can set this attribute manually in the transformation for the specific nodes. Default value is False.

  6. Attribute graph_condition specifies a list of functions with one parameter – Graph object. The transformation is executed if and only if all functions return True. If the attribute is not set, no check is performed.

  7. Method run_before() returns a list of transformation classes which this transformation should be executed before.

  8. Method run_after() returns a list of transformation classes which this transformation should be executed after.


Some of the transformation types have specific class attributes and methods, which are explained in the corresponding sections of this document.

Model Optimizer builds a graph of dependencies between registered transformations and executes them in the topological order. To execute the transformation during a proper model conversion phase, Model Optimizer defines several anchor transformations that do nothing. All transformations are ordered with respect to these anchor transformations. The diagram below shows anchor transformations, some of built-in transformations and dependencies between them:


User-defined transformations are executed after the corresponding Start and before the corresponding Finish anchor transformations by default (if run_before() and run_after() methods have not been overridden).


The PreMiddleStart and PostMiddleStart anchors were introduced due to historical reasons to refactor the Model Optimizer pipeline, which initially had a hardcoded order of transformations.

Front Phase Transformations

There are several types of a front phase transformation:

  1. Pattern-Defined Front Phase Transformations triggered for each sub-graph of the original graph isomorphic to the specified pattern.

  2. Specific Operation Front Phase Transformations triggered for the node with a specific op attribute value.

  3. Generic Front Phase Transformations.

  4. Manually enabled transformation, defined with a JSON configuration file (for TensorFlow, ONNX, and PaddlePaddle models), specified using the --transformations_config command-line parameter:

    1. Node Name Pattern Front Phase Transformations.

    2. Front Phase Transformations Using Start and End Points.

    3. Generic Front Phase Transformations Enabled with Transformations Configuration File.

Pattern-Defined Front Phase Transformations

This type of transformation is implemented using mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementSubgraph and mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementPattern as base classes and works as follows:

  1. Define a sub-graph to be matched, using a list of nodes with attributes and edges connecting them (edges may also have attributes).

  2. Model Optimizer searches for all sub-graphs of the original graph, isomorphic to the specified sub-graph (pattern).

  3. Model Optimizer executes the defined function performing graph transformation for each instance of a matched sub-graph. You can override different functions in the base transformation class so the Model Optimizer works differently:

    1. The replace_sub_graph(self, graph, match) override the method. In this case Model Optimizer only executes the overridden function, pass the graph object and a dictionary describing the matched sub-graph. You are required to write the transformation and connect the newly created nodes to the rest of the graph.

    2. The generate_sub_graph(self, graph, match) override the method. This case is not recommended for use because it is the most complicated approach. It can be effectively replaced with one of two previous approaches.

The sub-graph pattern is defined in the pattern() function. This function should return a dictionary with two keys: nodes and edges:

  • The value for the nodes key is a list of tuples with two elements.

    • The first element is an alias name for a node that will be used to define edges between nodes and in the transformation function.

    • The second element is a dictionary with attributes. The key is a name of an attribute that should exist in the node. The value for the attribute can be some specific value to match or a function that gets a single parameter - the attribute value from the node. The function should return the result of attribute comparison with a dedicated value.

  • The value for the edges key is a list of tuples with two or three elements.

    • The first element is the alias name of the node producing a tensor.

    • The second element is the alias name of the node consuming the tensor.

    • The third element (optional) is the dictionary with expected edge attributes. This dictionary usually contains attributes like in and out, defining input and output ports.

Consider the example of a front transformation implemented in the extensions/front/Mish_fusion.py file performing fusing of the sub-graph defining the Mish activation function into a single operation:

from openvino.tools.mo.front.Softplus_fusion import SoftplusFusion
from openvino.tools.mo.ops.activation_ops import Mish
from openvino.tools.mo.front.common.replacement import FrontReplacementSubgraph
from openvino.tools.mo.front.subgraph_matcher import SubgraphMatch
from openvino.tools.mo.graph.graph import Graph, rename_nodes

class MishFusion(FrontReplacementSubgraph):
    The transformation looks for the pattern with Softplus defining the Mish function: Mish(x) = x * tanh(SoftPlus(x)).
    enabled = True  # Transformation is enabled.

    def run_after(self):  # Run this transformation after "SoftplusFusion" transformation.
        return [SoftplusFusion]

    def pattern(self):  # Define pattern according to formulae x * tanh(SoftPlus(x)).
        return dict(
                ('mul', dict(op='Mul')),
                ('tanh', dict(op='Tanh')),
                ('softplus', dict(op='SoftPlus')),
                ('softplus', 'tanh'),
                ('tanh', 'mul'),

    def replace_sub_graph(self, graph: Graph, match: [dict, SubgraphMatch]):  # Entry point for the transformation.
        mul = match['mul']  # Get the Node corresponding to matched "mul" node.
        mul_name = mul.soft_get('name', mul.id)
        softplus = match['softplus']  # Get the Node corresponding to the matched "softplus" node.

        # Determine the input port of Mul which gets the 'input' node output.
        input_port_idx = int(mul.in_port(0).get_connection().get_source().node.soft_get('op') == 'Tanh')

        # Check that the same tensor is provided as input to Mul and SoftPlus.
        if mul.in_port(input_port_idx).get_source() != softplus.in_port(0).get_source():

        mish = Mish(graph, {}).create_node()  # Create Mish operation.
        mish.in_port(0).connect(mul.in_port(input_port_idx).get_source())  # Connect input to the Mish.
        mul.out_port(0).get_connection().set_source(mish.out_port(0))  # Reconnect outgoing edge from "mul" to Mish.

        # Rename the created Mish operation to have the name of the "mul" node, which produced the value equal to the
        # Mish output.
        rename_nodes([(mul, mul_name + '/TBR'), (mish, mul_name)])

Specific Operation Front Phase Transformations

This type of transformation is implemented using mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementOp as base class and works as follows:

  1. Define an operation type to trigger the transformation.

  2. Model Optimizer searches for all nodes in the graph with the attribute op equal to the specified value.

  3. Model Optimizer executes the defined function performing graph transformation for each instance of a matched node. You can override different functions in the base transformation class and Model Optimizer works differently:

    1. The replace_sub_graph(self, graph, match) override method. In this case, Model Optimizer only executes the overridden function. Pass the graph object and a dictionary with a single key op with the matched node as value. You are required to write the transformation and connect the newly created nodes to the rest of the graph.

    2. The replace_op(self, graph, node) override method. In this case, Model Optimizer executes the overridden function. Pass the graph object and the matched node as node parameter. If the function returns an id of some node, then the Node with this id is connected to the consumers of the matched node. After applying the transformation, the matched node is removed from the graph.

The FrontReplacementOp class provides a simpler mechanism to match a single operation with specific value of the op (write the op attribute in the class instead of defining a pattern() function) attribute and perform the transformation.

Consider an example transformation from the extensions/front/Pack.py file, which replaces Pack operation from the TensorFlow:

from openvino.tools.mo.front.common.partial_infer.utils import int64_array
from openvino.tools.mo.front.common.replacement import FrontReplacementOp
from openvino.tools.mo.front.tf.graph_utils import create_op_with_const_inputs
from openvino.tools.mo.graph.graph import Node, Graph, rename_nodes
from openvino.tools.mo.ops.concat import Concat
from openvino.tools.mo.ops.unsqueeze import Unsqueeze

class Pack(FrontReplacementOp):
    op = "Pack"  # Trigger transformation for all nodes in the graph with the op = "Pack" attribute
    enabled = True  # Transformation is enabled.

    def replace_op(self, graph: Graph, node: Node):  # Entry point for the transformation.
        # Create a Concat operation with a number of inputs equal to a number of inputs to Pack.
        out_node = Concat(graph, {'axis': node.axis, 'in_ports_count': len(node.in_ports())}).create_node()
        pack_name = node.soft_get('name', node.id)

        for ind in node.in_ports():
            # Add dimension of size 1 to all inputs of the Pack operation and add them as Concat inputs.
            unsqueeze_node = create_op_with_const_inputs(graph, Unsqueeze, {1: int64_array([node.axis])},
                                                         {'name': node.soft_get('name', node.id) + '/Unsqueeze'})

        # Rename the created Concat operation to have the name of the "pack" node, which produced the value equal to the
        # Concat output.
        rename_nodes([(node, pack_name + '/TBR'), (out_node, pack_name)])
        return [out_node.id]  # Reconnect the Pack operation consumers to get input from Concat instead.

Generic Front Phase Transformations

Model Optimizer provides a mechanism to implement generic front phase transformation. This type of transformation is implemented using mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementSubgraph or mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementPattern as base classes. Make sure the transformation is enabled before trying to execute it. Then, Model Optimizer executes the find_and_replace_pattern(self, graph) method and provides a Graph object as an input.

Consider the example of a generic front transformation from the extensions/front/SqueezeNormalize.py file performing normalization of the Squeeze operation. Older version of the operation had a list of axes to squeeze as an attribute, but now it is a separate input. For backward compatibility, the Model Optimizer operation supports both semantics. Before IR generation, however, the operation should be normalized according to the specification.

import logging as log

from openvino.tools.mo.front.common.partial_infer.utils import int64_array
from openvino.tools.mo.front.common.replacement import FrontReplacementPattern
from openvino.tools.mo.graph.graph import Graph
from openvino.tools.mo.ops.const import Const
from openvino.tools.mo.utils.error import Error

class SqueezeNormalize(FrontReplacementPattern):
    Normalizes inputs of the Squeeze layers. The layers should have two inputs: the input with data and input with the
    dimensions to squeeze. If the second input is omitted then all dimensions of size 1 should be removed.
    enabled = True  # The transformation is enabled.

    def find_and_replace_pattern(self, graph: Graph):  # The function is called unconditionally.
        for squeeze_node in graph.get_op_nodes(op='Squeeze'):  # Iterate over all nodes with op='Squeeze'.
            # If the operation has only 1 input node and no 'squeeze_dims' Node attribute, then convert the attribute to
            # the operation input.
            if len(squeeze_node.in_nodes()) == 1 and squeeze_node.has_valid('squeeze_dims'):
                dims_node = Const(graph, {'name': squeeze_node.id + '/Dims',
                                          'value': int64_array(squeeze_node.squeeze_dims)}).create_node()
                del squeeze_node['squeeze_dims']
            # If two inputs already exist, that means the operation is already normalized.
            elif len(squeeze_node.in_nodes()) == 2:
                log.debug('The Squeeze node "{}" is already normalized'.format(squeeze_node.name))
            # In all other cases, raise an error.
                raise Error('The Squeeze layer "{}" should either have 2 inputs or one input and an "squeeze_dims" '

For the details on implementation and how these front phase transformations work, refer to the mo/front/common/replacement.py file.

Node Name Pattern Front Phase Transformations

TensorFlow uses a mechanism of scope to group related operation nodes. It is a good practice to put nodes performing particular task into the same scope. This approach divides a graph into logical blocks that are easier to review in the TensorBoard. The scope, in fact, just defines a common name prefix for the nodes belonging to it.

For example, Inception topologies contain several types of so-called Inception blocks. Some of them are equal to each other, but located in different places of the network. For example, Inception V4 from the TensorFlow-Slim image classification model library has Mixed_5b, Mixed_5c and Mixed_5d inception blocks with exactly the same nodes, with the same set of attributes.

Consider a situation when these Inception blocks are implemented extremely efficiently using a single Inference Engine operation called InceptionBlock and these blocks in the model need to be replaced with instances of this operation. Model Optimizer provides mechanism to trigger the transformation for a sub-graph of operations defined by the node name regular expressions (scope). In this particular case, some of the patterns are: .*InceptionV4/Mixed_5b, .*InceptionV4/Mixed_5c and .*InceptionV4/Mixed_5d. Each pattern starts with .*, because the InceptionV4 prefix is added to all nodes names during a model freeze.

This type of transformation is implemented using mo.front.tf.replacement.FrontReplacementFromConfigFileSubGraph as a base class and works as follows:

  1. Prepare a JSON configuration file template defining node names patterns.

  2. Run Model Optimizer with the --tensorflow_custom_operations_config_update command-line parameter, and Model Optimizer adds information about input and output nodes of the specified sub-graphs.

  3. Model Optimizer executes the defined transformation only when you specify the path to the configuration file updated in step 2 using the --transformations_config command-line parameter.

Consider the following possible configuration file template for the Inception Block transformation:

        "custom_attributes": {
            "attr1_key": "attr1_value",
            "attr2_key": 123456
        "id": "InceptionBlockTransformation",
        "instances": [
        "match_kind": "scope"

The configuration file contains a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary defines one transformation. Each transformation is defined with several parameters:

  • id - (Mandatory) — is a unique identifier of the transformation. It is used in the Python code that implements the transformation to link the class and the transformation description from the configuration file.

  • match_kind - (Mandatory) — is a string that specifies the matching algorithm. For the node name pattern case, the value should be equal to scope. Another possible values are described in the dedicated sections below.

  • instances - (Mandatory) — specifies instances of the sub-graph to be matched. It contains a list of node names prefixes patterns for the match kind of the scope type.

  • custom_attributes - (Optional) — is a dictionary with attributes that can be used in the transformation code.

After running Model Optimizer with additional --tensorflow_custom_operations_config_update parameter pointing to the template configuration file, the content of the file should be updated with two new sections inputs and outputs. The file content after the update is as follows:

        "id": "InceptionBlockTransformation",
        "custom_attributes": {
            "attr1_key": "attr1_value",
            "attr2_key": 123456
        "instances": [
        "match_kind": "scope",
        "inputs": [
                    "node": "Branch_2/Conv2d_0a_1x1/Conv2D$",
                    "port": 0
                    "node": "Branch_3/AvgPool_0a_3x3/AvgPool$",
                    "port": 0
                    "node": "Branch_1/Conv2d_0a_1x1/Conv2D$",
                    "port": 0
                    "node": "Branch_0/Conv2d_0a_1x1/Conv2D$",
                    "port": 0
        "outputs": [
                "node": "concat$",
                "port": 0

The value for inputs key is a list of lists describing input tensors of the sub-graph. Each element of the top-level list corresponds to one unique input tensor of the sub-graph. Each internal list describes a list of nodes consuming this tensor and port numbers, where the tensor is consumed. Model Optimizer generates regular expressions for the input nodes names to uniquely identify them in each instance of the sub-graph, defined by the instances. Denote these nodes as input nodes of the sub-graph.

In the InceptionV4 topology, the InceptionV4/Mixed_5b block has four input tensors from outside of the sub-graph, but all of them are produced by the InceptionV4/Mixed_5a/concat node. Therefore, the top-level list of the inputs contains one list corresponding to this tensor. Four input nodes of the sub-graph consume the tensor produced by InceptionV4/Mixed_5a/concat node. In this case, all four input nodes consume input tensor into “port 0”.

The order of items in the internal list describing nodes does not matter, but the order of elements in the top-level list is important. This order defines how Model Optimizer attaches input tensors to a new generated node if the sub-graph is replaced with a single node. The i-th input node of the sub-graph is obtained using match.single_input_node(i) call in the sub-graph transformation code. More information about API is given below. If it is necessary to change the order of input tensors, the configuration file can be edited in the text editor.

The value for the outputs key is a list describing nodes of the sub-graph producing tensor, that goes outside of the sub-graph or does not have child nodes. Denote these nodes as output nodes of the sub-graph. The order of elements in the list is important. The i-th element of the list describes the i-th output tensor of the sub-graph, which could be obtained using match.output_node(i) call. The order of elements can be manually changed in the configuration file. Model Optimizer uses this order to connect output edges if the sub-graph is replaced with a single node.

For more examples of this type of transformation, refer to the Converting TensorFlow Object Detection API Models guide.

Front Phase Transformations Using Start and End Points

This type of transformation is implemented using mo.front.tf.replacement.FrontReplacementFromConfigFileSubGraph as a base class and works as follows:

  1. Prepare a JSON configuration file that defines the sub-graph to match, using two lists of node names: “start” and “end” nodes.

  2. Model Optimizer executes the defined transformation only when you specify the path to the configuration file using the --transformations_config command-line parameter . Model Optimizer performs the following steps to match the sub-graph:

    1. Starts a graph traversal from every start node following the direction of the graph edges. The search stops in an end node or in the case of a node without consumers. All visited nodes are added to the matched sub-graph.

    2. Starts another graph traversal from each non-start node of the sub-graph, i.e. every node except nodes from the “start” list. In this step, the edges are traversed in the opposite edge direction. All newly visited nodes are added to the matched sub-graph. This step is needed to add nodes required for calculation values of internal nodes of the matched sub-graph.

    3. Checks that all “end” nodes were reached from “start” nodes. If not, it exits with an error.

    4. Checks that there are no Parameter operations among added nodes. If they exist, the sub-graph depends on the inputs of the model. Such configuration is considered incorrect so Model Optimizer exits with an error.

This algorithm finds all nodes “between” start and end nodes and nodes needed for calculation of non-input nodes of the matched sub-graph.

The example of a JSON configuration file for a transformation with start and end points is extensions/front/tf/ssd_support_api_v1.15.json:

        "custom_attributes": {
            "code_type": "caffe.PriorBoxParameter.CENTER_SIZE",
            "pad_mode": "caffe.ResizeParameter.CONSTANT",
            "resize_mode": "caffe.ResizeParameter.WARP",
            "clip_before_nms": false,
            "clip_after_nms": true
        "id": "ObjectDetectionAPISSDPostprocessorReplacement",
        "include_inputs_to_sub_graph": true,
        "include_outputs_to_sub_graph": true,
        "instances": {
            "end_points": [
            "start_points": [
        "match_kind": "points"

The format of the file is similar to the one provided as an example in the Node Name Pattern Front Phase Transformations section. The difference is in the value of the match_kind parameter, which should be equal to the points and the format of the instances parameter, which should be a dictionary with two keys start_points and end_points, defining start and end node names respectively.


The include_inputs_to_sub_graph and include_outputs_to_sub_graph parameters are redundant and should be always equal to true.


This sub-graph match algorithm has a limitation that each start node must have only one input. Therefore, it is not possible to specify, for example, the Convolution node as input because it has two inputs: data tensor and tensor with weights.

For other examples of transformations with points, refer to the Converting TensorFlow Object Detection API Models guide.

Generic Front Phase Transformations Enabled with Transformations Configuration File

This type of transformation works similarly to the Generic Front Phase Transformations but require a JSON configuration file to enable it similarly to Node Name Pattern Front Phase Transformations and Front Phase Transformations Using Start and End Points.

The base class for this type of transformation is mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementFromConfigFileGeneral. Model Optimizer executes the transform_graph(self, graph, replacement_descriptions) method and provides the Graph object and dictionary with values parsed from the custom_attributes attribute of the provided JSON configuration file.

The example of the configuration file for this type of transformation is extensions/front/tf/yolo_v1_tiny.json:

    "id": "TFYOLO",
    "match_kind": "general",
    "custom_attributes": {
      "classes": 20,
      "coords": 4,
      "num": 2,
      "do_softmax": 0

and the corresponding transformation file is ./extensions/front/YOLO.py:

from openvino.tools.mo.front.no_op_eraser import NoOpEraser
from openvino.tools.mo.front.standalone_const_eraser import StandaloneConstEraser
from openvino.tools.mo.ops.regionyolo import RegionYoloOp
from openvino.tools.mo.front.tf.replacement import FrontReplacementFromConfigFileGeneral
from openvino.tools.mo.graph.graph import Node, Graph
from openvino.tools.mo.ops.result import Result
from openvino.tools.mo.utils.error import Error

class YoloRegionAddon(FrontReplacementFromConfigFileGeneral):
    Replaces all Result nodes in graph with YoloRegion->Result nodes chain.
    YoloRegion node attributes are taken from configuration file
    replacement_id = 'TFYOLO'  # The identifier matching the "id" attribute in the JSON file.

    def run_after(self):
        return [NoOpEraser, StandaloneConstEraser]

    def transform_graph(self, graph: Graph, replacement_descriptions):
        op_outputs = [n for n, d in graph.nodes(data=True) if 'op' in d and d['op'] == 'Result']
        for op_output in op_outputs:
            last_node = Node(graph, op_output).in_node(0)
            op_params = dict(name=last_node.id + '/YoloRegion', axis=1, end_axis=-1)
            region_layer = RegionYoloOp(graph, op_params)
            region_layer_node = region_layer.create_node([last_node])
            # In here, 'axis' from 'dim_attrs' can be removed to avoid permutation from axis = 1 to axis = 2.

The configuration file has only 3 parameters: id identifier of the transformation , match_kind (which should be equal to general) and the custom_attributes dictionary with custom attributes accessible in the transformation.

Middle Phase Transformations

There are two types of middle phase transformations:

  1. Pattern-Defined Middle Phase Transformations triggered for each sub-graph of the original graph, isomorphic to the specified pattern.

  2. Generic Middle Phase Transformations.

Pattern-Defined Middle Phase Transformations

This type of transformation is implemented using mo.middle.replacement.MiddleReplacementPattern as a base class and works similarly to the Pattern-Defined Middle Phase Transformations The are two differences:

  1. The transformation entry function name is replace_pattern(self, graph, match).

  2. The pattern defining the graph should contain data nodes because the structure of the graph is different between front and middle phases. For more information about the graph structure changes, refer to the Partial Inference.

For the example of a pattern-defined middle transformation, refer to the extensions/middle/L2NormToNorm.py file.

Generic Middle Phase Transformations

Model Optimizer provides a mechanism to implement generic middle phase transformations. This type of transformation is implemented using mo.middle.replacement.MiddleReplacementPattern as a base class and works similarly to the Generic Front Phase Transformations. The only difference is that the transformation entry function name is find_and_replace_pattern(self, graph: Graph).

For the example of this transformation, refer to the extensions/middle/CheckForCycle.py file.

Back Phase Transformations

There are two types of back phase transformations:

  1. Pattern-Defined Back Phase Transformations triggered for each sub-graph of the original graph, isomorphic to the specified pattern.

  2. Generic Back Phase Transformations.


The graph layout during the back phase is always NCHW. However, during the front and middle phases it could be NHWC if the original model was using it. For more details, refer to Model Conversion Pipeline.

Pattern-Defined Back Phase Transformations

This type of transformation is implemented using mo.back.replacement.MiddleReplacementPattern as a base class and works the same way as Pattern-Defined Middle Phase Transformations.

For the example of a pattern-defined back transformation, refer to the extensions/back/ShufflenetReLUReorder.py file.

Generic Back Phase Transformations

Model Optimizer provides mechanism to implement generic back phase transformations. This type of transformation is implemented using mo.back.replacement.BackReplacementPattern as a base class and works the same way as Generic Middle Phase Transformations.

For the example of this transformation, refer to the extensions/back/GatherNormalizer.py file.