
openvino.runtime.opset5.detection_output(box_logits: Node, class_preds: Node, proposals: Node, attrs: dict, aux_class_preds: Node | int | float | ndarray = None, aux_box_preds: Node | int | float | ndarray = None, name: str | None = None) Node#

Generate the detection output using information on location and confidence predictions.

  • box_logits – The 2D input tensor with box logits.

  • class_preds – The 2D input tensor with class predictions.

  • proposals – The 3D input tensor with proposals.

  • attrs – The dictionary containing key, value pairs for attributes.

  • aux_class_preds – The 2D input tensor with additional class predictions information.

  • aux_box_preds – The 2D input tensor with additional box predictions information.

  • name – Optional name for the output node.


Node representing DetectionOutput operation.

Available attributes are:

  • num_classes The number of classes to be predicted.

    Range of values: positive integer number Default value: None Required: yes

  • background_label_id The background label id.

    Range of values: integer value Default value: 0 Required: no

  • top_k Maximum number of results to be kept per batch after NMS step.

    Range of values: integer value Default value: -1 Required: no

  • variance_encoded_in_target The flag that denotes if variance is encoded in target.

    Range of values: {False, True} Default value: False Required: no

  • keep_top_k Maximum number of bounding boxes per batch to be kept after NMS step.

    Range of values: integer values Default value: None Required: yes

  • code_type The type of coding method for bounding boxes.
    Range of values: {‘caffe.PriorBoxParameter.CENTER_SIZE’,


    Default value: ‘caffe.PriorBoxParameter.CORNER’ Required: no

  • share_location The flag that denotes if bounding boxes are shared among different

    classes. Range of values: {True, False} Default value: True Required: no

  • nms_threshold The threshold to be used in the NMS stage.

    Range of values: floating point value Default value: None Required: yes

  • confidence_threshold Specifies the minimum confidence threshold for detection boxes to be

    considered. Range of values: floating point value Default value: 0 Required: no

  • clip_after_nms The flag that denotes whether to perform clip bounding boxes after

    non-maximum suppression or not. Range of values: {True, False} Default value: False Required: no

  • clip_before_nms The flag that denotes whether to perform clip bounding boxes before

    non-maximum suppression or not. Range of values: {True, False} Default value: False Required: no

  • decrease_label_id The flag that denotes how to perform NMS.
    Range of values: False - perform NMS like in Caffe*.

    True - perform NMS like in MxNet*.

    Default value: False Required: no

  • normalized The flag that denotes whether input tensors with boxes are normalized.

    Range of values: {True, False} Default value: False Required: no

  • input_height The input image height.

    Range of values: positive integer number Default value: 1 Required: no

  • input_width The input image width.

    Range of values: positive integer number Default value: 1 Required: no

  • objectness_score The threshold to sort out confidence predictions.

    Range of values: non-negative float number Default value: 0 Required: no

Example of attribute dictionary: .. code-block:: python

# just required ones attrs = {

‘num_classes’: 85, ‘keep_top_k’: [1, 2, 3], ‘nms_threshold’: 0.645,


attrs = {

‘num_classes’: 85, ‘keep_top_k’: [1, 2, 3], ‘nms_threshold’: 0.645, ‘normalized’: True, ‘clip_before_nms’: True, ‘input_height’: [32], ‘input_width’: [32],


Optional attributes which are absent from dictionary will be set with corresponding default.