Versioned name: RandomUniform-8
Category: Generation
Short description: RandomUniform operation generates a sequence of random values from a uniform distribution.
Detailed description:
RandomUniform operation generates random numbers from a uniform distribution in the range [minval, maxval)
The generation algorithm is based on underlying random integer generator that uses Philox algorithm. Philox algorithm
is a counter-based pseudo-random generator, which produces uint32 values. Single invocation of Philox algorithm returns
four result random values, depending on the given key and counter values. Key and counter are initialized
with global_seed and op_seed attributes respectively.
If both seed values equal to zero, RandomUniform generates non-deterministic sequence.
Link to the original paper Parallel Random Numbers: As Easy as 1, 2, 3.
The result of Philox is calculated by applying a fixed number of key and counter updating so-called “rounds”. This implementation uses 4x32_10 version of Philox algorithm, where number of rounds = 10.
Suppose we have n which determines n-th 4 elements of random sequence. In each round key, counter and n are splitted to pairs of uint32 values:
where cast_to_uint32 - static cast to uint32, value - uint64 input value, L, R - uint32 result values, >> - bitwise right shift.
Then n and counter are updated with the following formula:
where 0xD2511F53
for updating n, M = 0xCD9E8D57
for updating counter.
After each round key is raised by summing with another pair of const values:
Float values between [0..1) are obtained from 32-bit integers by the following rules.
Float16 is formatted as follows: sign (1 bit) exponent (5 bits) mantissa (10 bits). The value is interpreted using following formula:
so to obtain float16 values sign, exponent and mantissa are set as follows:
sign = 0
exponent = 15 - representation of a zero exponent.
mantissa = 10 right bits from generated uint32 random value.
So the resulting float16 value is:
x_uint16 = x // Truncate the upper 16 bits.
val = ((exponent << 10) | x_uint16 & 0x3ffu) - 1.0,
where x is uint32 generated random value.
Float32 is formatted as follows: sign (1 bit) exponent (8 bits) mantissa (23 bits). The value is interpreted using following formula:
so to obtain float values sign, exponent and mantissa are set as follows:
sign = 0
exponent = 127 - representation of a zero exponent.
mantissa = 23 right bits from generated uint32 random value.
So the resulting float value is:
val = ((exponent << 23) | x & 0x7fffffu) - 1.0,
where x is uint32 generated random value.
Double is formatted as follows: sign (1 bit) exponent (11 bits) mantissa (52 bits). The value is interpreted using following formula:
so to obtain double values sign, exponent and mantissa are set as follows:
sign = 0
exponent = 1023 - representation of a zero exponent.
mantissa = 52 right bits from two concatinated uint32 values from random integer generator.
So the resulting double is obtained as follows:
mantissa_h = x0 & 0xfffffu; // upper 20 bits of mantissa
mantissa_l = x1; // lower 32 bits of mantissa
mantissa = (mantissa_h << 32) | mantissa_l;
val = ((exponent << 52) | mantissa) - 1.0,
where x0, x1 are uint32 generated random values.
To obtain a value in a specified range each value is processed with the following formulas:
For float values:
where x is random float or double value between [0..1).
For integer values:
where x is uint32 random value.
Example 1. RandomUniform output with global_seed
= 150, op_seed
= 10, output_type
= f32:
input_shape = [ 3, 3 ]
output = [[0.7011236 0.30539632 0.93931055]
[0.9456035 0.11694777 0.50770056]
[0.5197197 0.22727466 0.991374 ]]
Example 2. RandomUniform output with global_seed
= 80, op_seed
= 100, output_type
= double:
input_shape = [ 2, 2 ]
minval = 2
maxval = 10
output = [[5.65927959 4.23122376]
[2.67008206 2.36423758]]
Example 3. RandomUniform output with global_seed
= 80, op_seed
= 100, output_type
= i32:
input_shape = [ 2, 3 ]
minval = 50
maxval = 100
output = [[65 70 56]
[59 82 92]]
Description: the type of the output. Determines generation algorithm and affects resulting values. Output numbers generated for different values of output_type may not be equal.
Range of values: “i32”, “i64”, “f16”, “bf16”, “f32”, “f64”.
Type: string
Required: Yes
Description: global seed value.
Range of values: positive integers
Type: int
Default value: 0
Required: Yes
Description: operational seed value.
Range of values: positive integers
Type: int
Default value: 0
Required: Yes
- 1D tensor of type T_SHAPE describing output shape. Required.2:
- scalar or 1D tensor with 1 element with type specified by the attribute output_type, defines the lower bound on the range of random values to generate (inclusive). Required.3:
- scalar or 1D tensor with 1 element with type specified by the attribute output_type, defines the upper bound on the range of random values to generate (exclusive). Required.
1: A tensor with type specified by the attribute output_type and shape defined by
input tensor.
Example 1: IR example.
<layer ... name="RandomUniform" type="RandomUniform">
<data output_type="f32" global_seed="234" op_seed="148"/>
<port id="0" precision="I32"> <!-- shape value: [2, 3, 10] -->
<port id="1" precision="FP32"/> <!-- min value -->
<port id="2" precision="FP32"/> <!-- max value -->
<port id="3" precision="FP32" names="RandomUniform:0">