Synchronous Inference Request#

InferRequest class functionality:

  • Allocate input and output tensors needed for a backend-dependent network inference.

  • Define functions for inference process stages (for example, preprocess, upload, infer, download, postprocess). These functions can later be used to define an execution pipeline during Asynchronous Inference Request implementation.

  • Call inference stages one by one synchronously.

InferRequest Class#

OpenVINO Plugin API provides the interface ov::ISyncInferRequest which should be used as a base class for a synchronous inference request implementation. Based of that, a declaration of a synchronous request class can look as follows:

class InferRequest : public ov::ISyncInferRequest {
    explicit InferRequest(const std::shared_ptr<const ov::template_plugin::CompiledModel>& compiled_model);

    void infer() override;
    std::vector<ov::SoPtr<ov::IVariableState>> query_state() const override;
    std::vector<ov::ProfilingInfo> get_profiling_info() const override;

    // pipeline methods-stages which are used in async infer request implementation and assigned to particular executor
    void infer_preprocess();
    void start_pipeline();
    void wait_pipeline();
    void infer_postprocess();
    void cancel();

    void set_tensors_impl(const ov::Output<const ov::Node> port,
                          const std::vector<ov::SoPtr<ov::ITensor>>& tensors) override;

    std::shared_ptr<const CompiledModel> get_template_model() const;

    enum { Preprocess, Postprocess, StartPipeline, WaitPipeline, numOfStages };

    std::array<openvino::itt::handle_t, numOfStages> m_profiling_task;
    // for performance counters
    std::array<std::chrono::duration<float, std::micro>, numOfStages> m_durations;

    std::vector<ov::Tensor> m_backend_input_tensors;
    std::vector<ov::Tensor> m_backend_output_tensors;
    std::shared_ptr<ov::runtime::Executable> m_executable;
    ov::EvaluationContext m_eval_context;
    std::vector<ov::SoPtr<ov::IVariableState>> m_variable_states;

Class Fields#

The example class has several fields:

  • m_profiling_task - array of the std::array<openvino::itt::handle_t, numOfStages> type. Defines names for pipeline stages. Used to profile an inference pipeline execution with the Intel® instrumentation and tracing technology (ITT).

  • m_durations - array of durations of each pipeline stage.

  • backend-specific fields:

    • m_backend_input_tensors - input backend tensors.

    • m_backend_output_tensors - output backend tensors.

    • m_executable - an executable object / backend computational graph.

    • m_eval_context - an evaluation context to save backend states after the inference.

    • m_variable_states - a vector of variable states.

InferRequest Constructor#

The constructor initializes helper fields and calls methods which allocate tensors:

ov::template_plugin::InferRequest::InferRequest(const std::shared_ptr<const ov::template_plugin::CompiledModel>& model)
    : ov::ISyncInferRequest(model) {
    // TODO: allocate infer request device and host buffers if needed, fill actual list of profiling tasks

    auto requestID = std::to_string(get_template_model()->m_request_id.fetch_add(1));

    std::string name = get_template_model()->m_model->get_friendly_name() + "_Req" + requestID;
    m_profiling_task = {
        openvino::itt::handle("Template" + std::to_string(get_template_model()->m_cfg.device_id) + "_" + name +
        openvino::itt::handle("Template" + std::to_string(get_template_model()->m_cfg.device_id) + "_" + name +
        openvino::itt::handle("Template" + std::to_string(get_template_model()->m_cfg.device_id) + "_" + name +
        openvino::itt::handle("Template" + std::to_string(get_template_model()->m_cfg.device_id) + "_" + name +
    m_durations = {};
    m_executable = get_template_model()->get_template_plugin()->m_backend->compile(get_template_model()->m_model);

    // Allocate plugin backend specific memory handles

    // Allocate input/output tensors
    for (const auto& input : get_inputs()) {
        allocate_tensor(input, [input](ov::SoPtr<ov::ITensor>& tensor) {
            // Can add a check to avoid double work in case of shared tensors
                                 input.get_partial_shape().is_dynamic() ? ov::Shape{0} : input.get_shape());
    for (const auto& output : get_outputs()) {
        allocate_tensor(output, [output](ov::SoPtr<ov::ITensor>& tensor) {
            // Can add a check to avoid double work in case of shared tensors
                                 output.get_partial_shape().is_dynamic() ? ov::Shape{0} : output.get_shape());

    // Save variable states
    ov::op::util::VariableContext variable_context;
    const auto& ov_model = m_executable->get_model();
    collect_variables(ov_model, variable_context, m_variable_states);
    m_eval_context.emplace("VariableContext", variable_context);


Use inputs/outputs information from the compiled model to understand shape and element type of tensors, which you can set with ov::InferRequest::set_tensor and get with ov::InferRequest::get_tensor. A plugin uses these hints to determine its internal layouts and element types for input and output tensors if needed.

~InferRequest Destructor#

Destructor can contain plugin specific logic to finish and destroy infer request.

ov::template_plugin::InferRequest::~InferRequest() = default;


The method allows to set batched tensors in case if the plugin supports it.

void ov::template_plugin::InferRequest::set_tensors_impl(const ov::Output<const ov::Node> port,
                                                         const std::vector<ov::SoPtr<ov::ITensor>>& tensors) {
    for (const auto& input : get_inputs()) {
        if (input == port) {
            m_batched_tensors[input.get_tensor_ptr()] = tensors;
    OPENVINO_THROW("Cannot find input tensors for port ", port);


The method returns variable states from the model.

std::vector<ov::SoPtr<ov::IVariableState>> ov::template_plugin::InferRequest::query_state() const {
    return m_variable_states;


The method calls actual pipeline stages synchronously. Inside the method plugin should check input/output tensors, move external tensors to backend and run the inference.

void ov::template_plugin::InferRequest::infer() {
    // TODO: fill with actual list of pipeline stages, which are executed synchronously for sync infer requests
    wait_pipeline();  // does nothing in current implementation

1. infer_preprocess()#

Below is the code of the infer_preprocess() method. The method checks user input/output tensors and demonstrates conversion from user tensor to backend specific representation:

void ov::template_plugin::InferRequest::infer_preprocess() {
    OV_ITT_SCOPED_TASK(itt::domains::TemplatePlugin, m_profiling_task[Preprocess]);
    auto start = Time::now();

    // Allocate backend tensors
    OPENVINO_ASSERT(get_inputs().size() == m_backend_input_tensors.size());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < get_inputs().size(); i++) {
        auto tensor = get_tensor(get_inputs()[i]);
        if (std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ov::IRemoteTensor>(tensor._ptr)) {
            auto vector_tensor = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ov::template_plugin::VectorImpl>(tensor._ptr);
            OPENVINO_ASSERT(vector_tensor, "Template plugin supports only VectorTensor with remote context.");
            auto element_type = vector_tensor->get_element_type();
            void* data = vector_tensor->get_data();
            OPENVINO_ASSERT(data != nullptr);
            // Create backend tenor
            m_backend_input_tensors[i] =
        } else if (tensor->is_continuous()) {
            // No ROI extraction is needed
            m_backend_input_tensors[i] =
        } else {
            OPENVINO_ASSERT(tensor->get_element_type().bitwidth() % 8 == 0,
                            "Template plugin: Unsupported ROI tensor with element type having ",
                            " bits size");
            ov::Shape shape = tensor->get_shape();
            // Perform manual extraction of ROI tensor
            // Basic implementation doesn't take axis order into account `desc.getBlockingDesc().getOrder()`
            // Performance of manual extraction is not optimal, but it is ok for template implementation
            m_backend_input_tensors[i] =
    // Tensors can be dynamic, so in this case we need to allocate tensors with right shape
    OPENVINO_ASSERT(get_outputs().size() == m_backend_output_tensors.size());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < get_outputs().size(); i++) {
        const auto& result = get_template_model()->m_model->get_results()[i];
        if (result->get_output_partial_shape(0).is_dynamic()) {
            m_backend_output_tensors[i] = get_template_model()->get_template_plugin()->m_backend->create_tensor();
        auto tensor = make_tensor(get_tensor(get_outputs()[i]));
        if (tensor.is_continuous() && !<ov::RemoteTensor>())
            m_backend_output_tensors[i] =
            m_backend_output_tensors[i] =
    m_durations[Preprocess] = Time::now() - start;

2. start_pipeline()#

Executes a pipeline synchronously using m_executable object:

void ov::template_plugin::InferRequest::start_pipeline() {
    OV_ITT_SCOPED_TASK(itt::domains::TemplatePlugin, m_profiling_task[StartPipeline])
    auto start = Time::now();
    m_durations[StartPipeline] = Time::now() - start;

3. wait_pipeline()#

Waits a pipeline in case of plugin asynchronous execution:

void ov::template_plugin::InferRequest::wait_pipeline() {
    OV_ITT_SCOPED_TASK(itt::domains::TemplatePlugin, m_profiling_task[WaitPipeline])
    auto start = Time::now();
    // TODO: Wait pipeline using driver API or other synchronizations methods
    // NOTE: not used in current implementation since `startPipeline` executes pipiline synchronously
    m_durations[WaitPipeline] = Time::now() - start;

4. infer_postprocess()#

Converts backend specific tensors to tensors passed by user:

void ov::template_plugin::InferRequest::infer_postprocess() {
    OV_ITT_SCOPED_TASK(itt::domains::TemplatePlugin, m_profiling_task[Postprocess]);
    auto start = Time::now();
    OPENVINO_ASSERT(get_outputs().size() == m_backend_output_tensors.size());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < get_outputs().size(); i++) {
        const auto& result = get_template_model()->m_model->get_results()[i];
        const auto& host_tensor = m_backend_output_tensors[i];
        auto tensor = get_tensor(get_outputs()[i]);
        if (result->get_output_partial_shape(0).is_dynamic()) {
            ov::Output<const ov::Node> output{result->output(0).get_node(), result->output(0).get_index()};
            allocate_tensor(output, [&host_tensor](ov::SoPtr<ov::ITensor>& tensor) {
                allocate_tensor_impl(tensor, host_tensor.get_element_type(), host_tensor.get_shape());
        } else if (!tensor->is_continuous()) {
        } else if (std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ov::IRemoteTensor>(tensor._ptr)) {
            auto vector_tensor = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ov::template_plugin::VectorImpl>(tensor._ptr);
            OPENVINO_ASSERT(vector_tensor, "Template plugin supports only VectorTensor with remote context.");
            void* data = vector_tensor->get_data();
            // Copy to vector
            std::memcpy(data,, tensor->get_byte_size());
    m_durations[Postprocess] = Time::now() - start;


The method returns the profiling info which was measured during pipeline stages execution:

std::vector<ov::ProfilingInfo> ov::template_plugin::InferRequest::get_profiling_info() const {
    std::vector<ov::ProfilingInfo> info;
    const auto fill_profiling_info = [](const std::string& name,
                                        const std::chrono::duration<float, std::micro>& time) -> ov::ProfilingInfo {
        ov::ProfilingInfo p_info;
        p_info.status = ov::ProfilingInfo::Status::EXECUTED;
        p_info.node_name = name;
        p_info.cpu_time = p_info.real_time = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(time);
        return p_info;

    info.emplace_back(fill_profiling_info("input preprocessing", m_durations[Preprocess]));
    info.emplace_back(fill_profiling_info("execution time", m_durations[StartPipeline]));
    auto template_model = get_template_model();
    for (const auto& op : template_model->get_runtime_model()->get_ops()) {
        auto rt_info = op->get_rt_info();
        const auto& it = rt_info.find(ov::runtime::interpreter::PERF_COUNTER_NAME);
        OPENVINO_ASSERT(it != rt_info.end(), "Operation ", op, " doesn't contain performance counter");
        auto counter = it-><std::shared_ptr<ov::runtime::interpreter::PerfCounter>>();
        info.emplace_back(fill_profiling_info(op->get_friendly_name(), counter->duration()));
    info.emplace_back(fill_profiling_info("output postprocessing", m_durations[Postprocess]));

    return info;


The plugin specific method allows to interrupt the synchronous execution from the AsyncInferRequest:

void ov::template_plugin::InferRequest::cancel() {

The next step in the plugin library implementation is the Asynchronous Inference Request class.