
Versioned name: Transpose-1

Category: Data movement

Short description: Transpose operation reorders the input tensor dimensions.

Detailed description: Transpose operation reorders the input tensor dimensions. Source indexes and destination indexes are bound by the formula:

[output[i(order[0]),i(order[1]),...,i(order[N1])]=input[i(0),i(1),...,i(N1)]wherei(j)is in the range[0,(input.shape[j]1)]

Attributes: Transpose operation has no attributes.


  • 1: arg - the tensor to be transposed. A tensor of type T and arbitrary shape. Required.

  • 2: input_order - the permutation to apply to the axes of the first input shape. A 1D tensor of n elements T_AXIS type and shape [n], where n is the rank of the first input or 0. The tensor’s value must contain every integer in the range [0, n-1], but if an empty tensor is specified (shape [0]), then the axes will be inverted. Required.


  • 1: A tensor of type T and transposed shape according to the rules specified above.


  • T: any supported type.

  • T_AXIS: any integer type.


Example 1

 <layer ... type="Transpose">
         <port id="0">
         <port id="1">
             <dim>3</dim>  <!-- [2, 0, 1] -->
         <port id="2">

Example 2: input_order = empty 1D tensor of Shape[0]

 <layer ... type="Transpose">
         <port id="0">
         <port id="1">
             <dim>0</dim> <!-- input_order is an empty 1D tensor -->
         <port id="2">