Group Inference#
- group ov_runtime_cpp_api
OpenVINO Inference C++ API provides ov::Core, ov::CompiledModel, ov::InferRequest and ov::Tensor classes
using SupportedOpsMap = std::map<std::string, std::string>#
This type of map is used for result of Core::query_model.
means operation namevalue
means device name supporting this operation
class Allocator
- #include <allocator.hpp>
Wraps allocator implementation to provide safe way to store allocater loaded from shared library And constructs default based on
c++ calls allocator if created without parameters Accepts any std::pmr::memory_resource like allocator.Public Functions
Destructor preserves unloading order of implementation object and reference to library.
Default constructor.
Allocator(const Allocator &other) = default
Default copy constructor.
- Parameters:
other – other Allocator object
Allocator &operator=(const Allocator &other) = default
Default copy assignment operator.
- Parameters:
other – other Allocator object
- Returns:
reference to the current object
Allocator(Allocator &&other) = default
Default move constructor.
- Parameters:
other – other Allocator object
Allocator &operator=(Allocator &&other) = default
Default move assignment operator.
- Parameters:
other – other Allocator object
- Returns:
reference to the current object
Initialize allocator using any allocator like object.
- Template Parameters:
A – Type of allocator
- Parameters:
a – allocator object
void *allocate(const size_t bytes, const size_t alignment = alignof(max_align_t))
Allocates memory.
- Parameters:
bytes – The size in bytes at least to allocate
alignment – The alignment of storage
- Throws:
Exception – if specified size and alignment is not supported
- Returns:
Handle to the allocated resource
void deallocate(void *ptr, const size_t bytes = 0, const size_t alignment = alignof(max_align_t))
Releases the handle and all associated memory resources which invalidates the handle.
- Parameters:
ptr – The handle to free
bytes – The size in bytes that was passed into allocate() method
alignment – The alignment of storage that was passed into allocate() method
bool operator==(const Allocator &other) const
Compares with other Allocator.
- Parameters:
other – Other instance of allocator
- Returns:
if and only if memory allocated from one Allocator can be deallocated from the other and vice versa
class Tensor
- #include <tensor.hpp>
Tensor API holding host memory It can throw exceptions safely for the application, where it is properly handled.
Subclassed by ov::RemoteTensor
Public Functions
Tensor() = default
Default constructor.
Copy constructor with adding new shared object.
- Parameters:
other – Original tensor
so – Shared object
Tensor(const Tensor &other) = default
Default copy constructor.
- Parameters:
other – other Tensor object
Tensor &operator=(const Tensor &other) = default
Default copy assignment operator.
- Parameters:
other – other Tensor object
- Returns:
reference to the current object
Tensor &operator=(Tensor &&other) = default
Default move assignment operator.
- Parameters:
other – other Tensor object
- Returns:
reference to the current object
Destructor preserves unloading order of implementation object and reference to library.
Tensor(const element::Type &type, const Shape &shape, const Allocator &allocator = {})
Constructs Tensor using element type and shape. Allocate internal host storage using default allocator.
Tensor(const element::Type &type, const Shape &shape, void *host_ptr, const Strides &strides = {})
Constructs Tensor using element type and shape. Wraps allocated host memory.
Does not perform memory allocation internally
Tensor(const ov::Output<const ov::Node> &port, const Allocator &allocator = {})
Constructs Tensor using port from node. Allocate internal host storage using default allocator.
- Parameters:
port – port from node
allocator – allocates memory for internal tensor storage
Tensor(const ov::Output<const ov::Node> &port, void *host_ptr, const Strides &strides = {})
Constructs Tensor using port from node. Wraps allocated host memory.
Does not perform memory allocation internally
- Parameters:
port – port from node
host_ptr – Pointer to pre-allocated host memory with initialized objects
strides – Optional strides parameters in bytes. Strides are supposed to be computed automatically based on shape and element size
Tensor(const Tensor &other, const Coordinate &begin, const Coordinate &end)
Constructs region of interest (ROI) tensor form another tensor.
Does not perform memory allocation internally
A Number of dimensions in
must match number of dimensions inother.get_shape()
- Parameters:
other – original tensor
begin – start coordinate of ROI object inside of the original object.
end – end coordinate of ROI object inside of the original object.
void set_shape(const ov::Shape &shape)
Set new shape for tensor, deallocate/allocate if new total size is bigger than previous one.
Memory allocation may happen
- Parameters:
shape – A new shape
const Shape &get_shape() const
- Returns:
A tensor shape
void copy_to(ov::Tensor dst) const
Copy tensor, destination tensor should have the same element type and shape.
- Parameters:
dst – destination tensor
bool is_continuous() const
Reports whether the tensor is continuous or not.
- Returns:
true if tensor is continuous
size_t get_size() const
Returns the total number of elements (a product of all the dims or 1 for scalar)
- Returns:
The total number of elements
size_t get_byte_size() const
Returns the size of the current Tensor in bytes.
- Returns:
Tensor’s size in bytes
void *data(const element::Type &type = {}) const
Provides an access to the underlaying host memory.
If type parameter is specified, the method throws an exception if specified type’s fundamental type does not match with tensor element type’s fundamental type
- Parameters:
type – Optional type parameter.
- Returns:
A host pointer to tensor memory
template<typename T, typename datatype = typename std::decay<T>::type>
inline T *data() const Provides an access to the underlaying host memory casted to type
Throws exception if specified type does not match with tensor element type
- Returns:
A host pointer to tensor memory casted to specified type
bool operator!() const noexcept
Checks if current Tensor object is not initialized.
- Returns:
if current Tensor object is not initialized,false
- otherwise
explicit operator bool() const noexcept
Checks if current Tensor object is initialized.
- Returns:
if current Tensor object is initialized,false
- otherwise
template<typename T>
inline std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<Tensor, T>::value, bool>::type is() const noexcept Checks if the Tensor object can be cast to the type T.
- Template Parameters:
T – Type to be checked. Must represent a class derived from the Tensor
- Returns:
true if this object can be dynamically cast to the type const T*. Otherwise, false
Tensor() = default
class CompiledModel
- #include <compiled_model.hpp>
This class represents a compiled model.
A model is compiled by a specific device by applying multiple optimization transformations, then mapping to compute kernels.
Public Functions
CompiledModel() = default
Default constructor.
Destructor that preserves unloading order of an implementation object and reference to library.
std::shared_ptr<const Model> get_runtime_model() const
Gets runtime model information from a device. This object represents an internal device-specific model that is optimized for a particular accelerator. It contains device-specific nodes, runtime information and can be used only to understand how the source model is optimized and which kernels, element types, and layouts are selected for optimal inference.
- Returns:
A model containing Executable Graph Info.
const std::vector<ov::Output<const ov::Node>> &inputs() const
Gets all inputs of a compiled model. Inputs are represented as a vector of outputs of the ov::op::v0::Parameter operations. They contain information about input tensors such as tensor shape, names, and element type.
- Returns:
std::vector of model inputs.
const ov::Output<const ov::Node> &input() const
Gets a single input of a compiled model. The input is represented as an output of the ov::op::v0::Parameter operation. The input contains information about input tensor such as tensor shape, names, and element type.
If a model has more than one input, this method throws ov::Exception.
- Returns:
Compiled model input.
const ov::Output<const ov::Node> &input(size_t i) const
Gets input of a compiled model identified by
. The input contains information about input tensor such as tensor shape, names, and element type.Note
The method throws ov::Exception if input with the specified index
is not found.- Parameters:
i – Index of input.
- Returns:
Compiled model input.
const ov::Output<const ov::Node> &input(const std::string &tensor_name) const
Gets input of a compiled model identified by
. The input contains information about input tensor such as tensor shape, names, and element type.Note
The method throws ov::Exception if input with the specified tensor name
is not found.- Parameters:
tensor_name – The input tensor name.
- Returns:
Compiled model input.
const std::vector<ov::Output<const ov::Node>> &outputs() const
Get all outputs of a compiled model. Outputs are represented as a vector of output from the ov::op::v0::Result operations. Outputs contain information about output tensors such as tensor shape, names, and element type.
- Returns:
std::vector of model outputs.
const ov::Output<const ov::Node> &output() const
Gets a single output of a compiled model. The output is represented as an output from the ov::op::v0::Result operation. The output contains information about output tensor such as tensor shape, names, and element type.
If a model has more than one output, this method throws ov::Exception.
- Returns:
Compiled model output.
const ov::Output<const ov::Node> &output(size_t i) const
Gets output of a compiled model identified by
. The output contains information about output tensor such as tensor shape, names, and element type.Note
The method throws ov::Exception if output with the specified index
is not found.- Parameters:
i – Index of input.
- Returns:
Compiled model output.
const ov::Output<const ov::Node> &output(const std::string &tensor_name) const
Gets output of a compiled model identified by
. The output contains information about output tensor such as tensor shape, names, and element type.Note
The method throws ov::Exception if output with the specified tensor name
is not found.- Parameters:
tensor_name – Output tensor name.
- Returns:
Compiled model output.
InferRequest create_infer_request()
Creates an inference request object used to infer the compiled model. The created request has allocated input and output tensors (which can be changed later).
- Returns:
InferRequest object
void export_model(std::ostream &model_stream)
Exports the current compiled model to an output stream
. The exported model can also be imported via the ov::Core::import_model method.See also
- Parameters:
model_stream – Output stream to store the model to.
void set_property(const AnyMap &properties)
Sets properties for the current compiled model.
- Parameters:
properties – Map of pairs: (property name, property value).
template<typename ...Properties>
inline util::EnableIfAllStringAny<void, Properties...> set_property(Properties&&... properties) Sets properties for the current compiled model.
- Template Parameters:
Properties – Should be the pack of
std::pair<std::string, ov::Any>
types.- Parameters:
properties – Optional pack of pairs: (property name, property value).
Any get_property(const std::string &name) const
Gets properties for current compiled model.
The method is responsible for extracting information that affects compiled model inference. The list of supported configuration values can be extracted via CompiledModel::get_property with the ov::supported_properties key, but some of these keys cannot be changed dynamically, for example, ov::device::id cannot be changed if a compiled model has already been compiled for a particular device.
template<typename T, PropertyMutability mutability>
inline T get_property(const ov::Property<T, mutability> &property) const Gets properties related to device behaviour.
The method extracts information that can be set via the set_property method.
- Template Parameters:
T – Type of a returned value.
- Parameters:
property – Property object.
- Returns:
Value of property.
void release_memory()
Release intermediate memory.
This method forces the Compiled model to release memory allocated for intermediate structures, e.g. caches, tensors, temporal buffers etc., when possible
RemoteContext get_context() const
Returns pointer to device-specific shared context on a remote accelerator device that was used to create this CompiledModel.
- Returns:
A context.
bool operator!() const noexcept
Checks if the current CompiledModel object is not initialized.
- Returns:
if the current CompiledModel object is not initialized;false
, otherwise.
explicit operator bool() const noexcept
Checks if the current CompiledModel object is initialized.
- Returns:
if the current CompiledModel object is initialized;false
, otherwise.
CompiledModel() = default
class Core
- #include <core.hpp>
This class represents an OpenVINO runtime Core entity.
User applications can create several Core class instances, but in this case the underlying plugins are created multiple times and not shared between several Core instances. The recommended way is to have a single Core instance per application.
Unnamed Group
CompiledModel compile_model(const std::string &model_path, const AnyMap &properties = {})
Reads and loads a compiled model from the IR/ONNX/PDPD file to the default OpenVINO device selected by the AUTO plugin.
This can be more efficient than using the Core::read_model + Core::compile_model(model_in_memory_object) flow, especially for cases when caching is enabled and a cached model is available.
- Parameters:
model_path – Path to a model.
properties – Optional map of pairs: (property name, property value) relevant only for this load operation.
- Returns:
A compiled model.
Unnamed Group
template<typename ...Properties>
inline util::EnableIfAllStringAny<CompiledModel, Properties...> compile_model(const std::string &model_path, Properties&&... properties) Reads and loads a compiled model from IR / ONNX / PDPD file to the default OpenVINO device selected by AUTO plugin.
This can be more efficient than using read_model + compile_model(Model) flow especially for cases when caching is enabled and cached model is available
- Template Parameters:
Properties – Should be the pack of
std::pair<std::string, ov::Any>
types- Parameters:
model_path – path to model with string or wstring
properties – Optional pack of pairs: (property name, property value) relevant only for this load operation
- Returns:
A compiled model
Unnamed Group
CompiledModel compile_model(const std::string &model_path, const std::string &device_name, const AnyMap &properties = {})
Reads a model and creates a compiled model from the IR/ONNX/PDPD file.
This can be more efficient than using the Core::read_model + Core::compile_model(model_in_memory_object) flow, especially for cases when caching is enabled and a cached model is available.
- Parameters:
model_path – Path to a model.
device_name – Name of a device to load a model to.
properties – Optional map of pairs: (property name, property value) relevant only for this load operation.
- Returns:
A compiled model.
Unnamed Group
template<typename ...Properties>
inline util::EnableIfAllStringAny<CompiledModel, Properties...> compile_model(const std::string &model_path, const std::string &device_name, Properties&&... properties) Reads a model and creates a compiled model from the IR/ONNX/PDPD file.
This can be more efficient than using read_model + compile_model(Model) flow especially for cases when caching is enabled and cached model is available.
- Template Parameters:
Properties – Should be a pack of
std::pair<std::string, ov::Any>
types.- Parameters:
model_path – Path to a model.
device_name – Name of a device to load a model to.
properties – Optional pack of pairs: (property name, property value) relevant only for this load operation.
- Returns:
A compiled model.
Public Functions
explicit Core(const std::string &xml_config_file = {})
Constructs an OpenVINO Core instance with devices and their plugins description.
There are two ways how to configure device plugins:
(default) Use XML configuration file in case of dynamic libraries build;
Use strictly defined configuration in case of static libraries build.
- Parameters:
xml_config_file – Path to the .xml file with plugins to load from. If path contains only file name with extension, file will be searched in a folder with OpenVINO runtime shared library. If the XML configuration file is not specified, default OpenVINO Runtime plugins are loaded from:
(dynamic build) default
file located in the same folder as OpenVINO runtime shared library;(static build) statically defined configuration. In this case path to the .xml file is ignored.
std::map<std::string, Version> get_versions(const std::string &device_name) const
Returns device plugins version information. Device name can be complex and identify multiple devices at once like
; in this case, std::map contains multiple entries, each per device.- Parameters:
device_name – Device name to identify a plugin.
- Returns:
A vector of versions.
std::shared_ptr<ov::Model> read_model(const std::string &model_path, const std::string &bin_path = {}) const
Reads models from IR / ONNX / PDPD / TF / TFLite file formats.
- Parameters:
model_path – Path to a model.
bin_path – Path to a data file. For IR format (*.bin):
is empty, will try to read a bin file with the same name as xml andif the bin file with the same name is not found, will load IR without weights. For the following file formats the
parameter is not used:ONNX format (*.onnx)
PDPD (*.pdmodel)
TF (*.pb)
TFLite (*.tflite)
- Returns:
A model.
std::shared_ptr<ov::Model> read_model(const std::string &model, const Tensor &weights) const
Reads models from IR / ONNX / PDPD / TF / TFLite formats.
Created model object shares the weights with the
object. Thus, do not createweights
on temporary data that can be freed later, since the model constant data will point to an invalid memory.- Parameters:
model – String with a model in IR / ONNX / PDPD / TF / TFLite format.
weights – Shared pointer to a constant tensor with weights. Reading ONNX / PDPD / TF / TFLite models does not support loading weights from the
- Returns:
A model.
Creates and loads a compiled model from a source model to the default OpenVINO device selected by the AUTO plugin.
Users can create as many compiled models as they need and use them simultaneously (up to the limitation of the hardware resources).
- Parameters:
model – Model object acquired from Core::read_model.
properties – Optional map of pairs: (property name, property value) relevant only for this load operation.
- Returns:
A compiled model.
Creates and loads a compiled model from a source model to the default OpenVINO device selected by AUTO plugin.
Users can create as many compiled models as they need and use them simultaneously (up to the limitation of the hardware resources)
- Template Parameters:
Properties – Should be the pack of
std::pair<std::string, ov::Any>
types- Parameters:
model – Model object acquired from Core::read_model
properties – Optional pack of pairs: (property name, property value) relevant only for this load operation
- Returns:
A compiled model
Creates a compiled model from a source model object.
Users can create as many compiled models as they need and use them simultaneously (up to the limitation of the hardware resources).
- Parameters:
model – Model object acquired from Core::read_model.
device_name – Name of a device to load a model to.
properties – Optional map of pairs: (property name, property value) relevant only for this load operation.
- Returns:
A compiled model.
Creates a compiled model from a source model object.
Users can create as many compiled models as they need and use them simultaneously (up to the limitation of the hardware resources)
- Template Parameters:
Properties – Should be the pack of
std::pair<std::string, ov::Any>
types- Parameters:
model – Model object acquired from Core::read_model
device_name – Name of device to load model to
properties – Optional pack of pairs: (property name, property value) relevant only for this load operation
- Returns:
A compiled model
CompiledModel compile_model(const std::string &model, const ov::Tensor &weights, const std::string &device_name, const AnyMap &properties = {})
Reads a model and creates a compiled model from the IR/ONNX/PDPD memory.
Created model object shares the weights with the
object. Thus, do not createweights
on temporary data that can be freed later, since the model constant data will point to an invalid memory.- Parameters:
model – String with a model in IR/ONNX/PDPD format.
weights – Shared pointer to a constant tensor with weights. Reading ONNX/PDPD models does not support loading weights from the
tensors.device_name – Name of a device to load a model to.
properties – Optional map of pairs: (property name, property value) relevant only for this load operation.
- Returns:
A compiled model.
template<typename ...Properties>
inline util::EnableIfAllStringAny<CompiledModel, Properties...> compile_model(const std::string &model, const ov::Tensor &weights, const std::string &device_name, Properties&&... properties) Reads a model and creates a compiled model from the IR/ONNX/PDPD memory.
Created model object shares the weights with the
object. Thus, do not createweights
on temporary data that can be freed later, since the model constant data will point to an invalid memory.- Parameters:
model – String with a model in IR/ONNX/PDPD format.
weights – Shared pointer to a constant tensor with weights. Reading ONNX/PDPD models does not support loading weights from the
tensors.device_name – Name of a device to load a model to.
- Template Parameters:
Properties – Should be a pack of
std::pair<std::string, ov::Any>
types.- Returns:
A compiled model.
Creates a compiled model from a source model within a specified remote context.
- Parameters:
model – Model object acquired from Core::read_model.
context – A reference to a RemoteContext object.
properties – Optional map of pairs: (property name, property value) relevant only for this load operation.
- Returns:
A compiled model object.
Creates a compiled model from a source model within a specified remote context.
- Template Parameters:
Properties – Should be the pack of
std::pair<std::string, ov::Any>
types- Parameters:
model – Model object acquired from Core::read_model
context – Pointer to RemoteContext object
properties – Optional pack of pairs: (property name, property value) relevant only for this load operation
- Returns:
A compiled model object
void add_extension(const std::string &library_path)
Registers an extension to a Core object.
- Parameters:
library_path – Path to the library with ov::Extension.
Registers an extension to a Core object.
- Parameters:
extension – Pointer to the extension.
Registers extensions to a Core object.
- Parameters:
extensions – Vector of loaded extensions.
template<class T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<ov::Extension, T>::value, bool>::type = true>
inline void add_extension(const T &extension) Registers an extension to a Core object.
- Parameters:
extension – Extension class that is inherited from the ov::Extension class.
template<class T, class ...Targs, typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<ov::Extension, T>::value, bool>::type = true>
inline void add_extension(const T &extension, Targs... args) Registers extensions to a Core object.
- Parameters:
extension – Extension class that is inherited from the ov::Extension class.
args – A list of extensions.
template<class T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<ov::op::Op, T>::value, bool>::type = true>
inline void add_extension() Registers a custom operation inherited from ov::op::Op.
template<class T, class ...Targs, typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<ov::op::Op, T>::value && sizeof...(Targs), bool>::type = true>
inline void add_extension() Registers custom operations inherited from ov::op::Op.
CompiledModel import_model(std::istream &model_stream, const std::string &device_name, const AnyMap &properties = {})
Imports a compiled model from the previously exported one.
- Parameters:
model_stream – std::istream input stream containing a model previously exported using the ov::CompiledModel::export_model method.
device_name – Name of a device to import a compiled model for. Note, if
device was not used to compile the original mode, an exception is – Optional map of pairs: (property name, property value) relevant only for this load operation.
- Returns:
A compiled model.
template<typename ...Properties>
inline util::EnableIfAllStringAny<CompiledModel, Properties...> import_model(std::istream &model_stream, const std::string &device_name, Properties&&... properties) Imports a compiled model from the previously exported one.
- Template Parameters:
Properties – Should be the pack of
std::pair<std::string, ov::Any>
types.- Parameters:
model_stream – Model stream.
device_name – Name of a device to import a compiled model for. Note, if
device was not used to compile the original mode, an exception is – Optional pack of pairs: (property name, property value) relevant only for this load operation.
- Returns:
A compiled model.
CompiledModel import_model(std::istream &model_stream, const RemoteContext &context, const AnyMap &properties = {})
Imports a compiled model from the previously exported one with the specified remote context.
- Parameters:
model_stream – std::istream input stream containing a model previously exported from ov::CompiledModel::export_model
context – A reference to a RemoteContext object. Note, if the device from
was not used to compile the original mode, an exception is – Optional map of pairs: (property name, property value) relevant only for this load operation.
- Returns:
A compiled model.
template<typename ...Properties>
inline util::EnableIfAllStringAny<CompiledModel, Properties...> import_model(std::istream &model_stream, const RemoteContext &context, Properties&&... properties) Imports a compiled model from the previously exported one with the specified remote context.
- Template Parameters:
Properties – Should be the pack of
std::pair<std::string, ov::Any>
types.- Parameters:
model_stream – Model stream.
context – Pointer to a RemoteContext object.
properties – Optional pack of pairs: (property name, property value) relevant only for this load operation.
- Returns:
A compiled model.
Query device if it supports the specified model with specified properties.
- Parameters:
device_name – Name of a device to query.
model – Model object to query.
properties – Optional map of pairs: (property name, property value).
- Returns:
An object containing a map of pairs an operation name -> a device name supporting this operation.
Queries a device if it supports the specified model with specified properties.
- Template Parameters:
Properties – Should be the pack of
std::pair<std::string, ov::Any>
types.- Parameters:
device_name – Name of a device to query.
model – Model object to query.
properties – Optional pack of pairs: (property name, property value) relevant only for this query operation.
- Returns:
An object containing a map of pairs an operation name -> a device name supporting this operation.
void set_property(const AnyMap &properties)
Sets properties for all the registered devices, acceptable keys can be found in openvino/runtime/properties.hpp.
- Parameters:
properties – Map of pairs: (property name, property value).
template<typename ...Properties>
inline util::EnableIfAllStringAny<void, Properties...> set_property(Properties&&... properties) Sets properties for all the registered devices, acceptable keys can be found in openvino/runtime/properties.hpp.
- Template Parameters:
Properties – Should be a pack of
std::pair<std::string, ov::Any>
types.- Parameters:
properties – Optional pack of pairs: property name, property value.
void set_property(const std::string &device_name, const AnyMap &properties)
Sets properties for a device, acceptable keys can be found in openvino/runtime/properties.hpp.
- Parameters:
device_name – Name of a device.
properties – Map of pairs: (property name, property value).
template<typename ...Properties>
inline util::EnableIfAllStringAny<void, Properties...> set_property(const std::string &device_name, Properties&&... properties) Sets properties for a device, acceptable keys can be found in openvino/runtime/properties.hpp.
- Template Parameters:
Properties – Should be the pack of
std::pair<std::string, ov::Any>
types.- Parameters:
device_name – Name of a device.
properties – Optional pack of pairs: (property name, property value).
Any get_property(const std::string &device_name, const std::string &name) const
Gets properties related to device behaviour.
The method extracts information that can be set via the set_property method.
- Parameters:
device_name – Name of a device to get a property value.
name – Property name.
- Returns:
Value of a property corresponding to the property name.
Any get_property(const std::string &device_name, const std::string &name, const AnyMap &arguments) const
Gets properties related to device behaviour.
The method extracts information that can be set via the set_property method.
- Parameters:
device_name – Name of a device to get a property value.
name – Property name.
arguments – Additional arguments to get a property.
- Returns:
Value of a property corresponding to the property name.
inline Any get_property(const std::string &name) const
Gets properties related to core behaviour.
The method extracts information that can be set via the set_property method.
- Parameters:
name – Property name.
- Returns:
Value of a property corresponding to the property name.
template<typename T, PropertyMutability M>
inline T get_property(const std::string &device_name, const ov::Property<T, M> &property) const Gets properties related to device behaviour.
The method is needed to request common device or system properties. It can be device name, temperature, and other devices-specific values.
template<typename T, PropertyMutability M>
inline T get_property(const std::string &device_name, const ov::Property<T, M> &property, const AnyMap &arguments) const Gets properties related to device behaviour.
The method is needed to request common device or system properties. It can be device name, temperature, other devices-specific values.
template<typename T, PropertyMutability M, typename ...Args>
inline util::EnableIfAllStringAny<T, Args...> get_property(const std::string &device_name, const ov::Property<T, M> &property, Args&&... args) const Gets properties related to device behaviour.
The method is needed to request common device or system properties. It can be device name, temperature, other devices-specific values.
- Template Parameters:
T – Type of a returned value.
M – Property mutability.
Args – Set of additional arguments ended with property object variable.
- Parameters:
device_name – Name of a device to get a property value.
property – Property object.
args – Optional pack of pairs: (argument name, argument value) ended with property object.
- Returns:
Property value.
std::vector<std::string> get_available_devices() const
Returns devices available for inference. Core objects go over all registered plugins and ask about available devices.
- Returns:
A vector of devices. The devices are returned as { CPU, GPU.0, GPU.1, NPU }. If there is more than one device of a specific type, they are enumerated with the .# suffix. Such enumerated device can later be used as a device name in all Core methods like Core::compile_model, Core::query_model, Core::set_property and so on.
CompiledModel compile_model(const std::string &model_path, const AnyMap &properties = {})
using SupportedOpsMap = std::map<std::string, std::string>#