Group Runtime information

group ie_runtime_attr_api

A mechanism of runtime information extension.


std::string getFusedNames(const std::shared_ptr<ov::Node> &node)

getFusedNames return string with operation names separated by coma in alphabetical order


node[in] The node will be used to get FusedNames attribute

std::vector<std::string> getFusedNamesVector(const std::shared_ptr<ov::Node> &node)

getFusedNamesVector return vector of fused names sorted in alphabetical order


node[in] The node will be used to get FusedNames attribute


vector of strings

std::string getPrimitivesPriority(const std::shared_ptr<Node> &node)

getPrimitivesPriority return string with primitive priorities value


node[in] The node will be used to get PrimitivesPriority attribute

class Mask : public std::vector<std::set<uint64_t>>, public std::enable_shared_from_this<Mask>
#include <mask_attribute.hpp>

each element in vector represents dimension and each element in set is an id of dimensions which contains zeros.

class Decompression : public ov::RuntimeAttribute
#include <decompression.hpp>

Decompression class represents runtime info attribute that marks operation as used as decompression for Compressed Only format.

class DequantizationNode : public ov::RuntimeAttribute
#include <dequantization_node.hpp>

DequantizationNode class represents runtime info attribute that marks operation that are part of dequantization subgraph.

class DisableFP16Compression : public ov::RuntimeAttribute
#include <disable_fp16_compression.hpp>

DisableFP16Compression class represents runtime info attribute that marks operation as prohibited to convert to lower precision (e.g. to FP16) and they should be inferred precisely in the original precision.

class FusedNames : public ov::RuntimeAttribute
#include <fused_names_attribute.hpp>

FusedName class represents runtime info attribute that stores all operation names that was fully or partially fused into node.

Public Functions

FusedNames() = default

A default constructor

inline explicit FusedNames(const std::string &name)

Constructs a new object consisting of a single name *.


name[in] The name

void fuseWith(const FusedNames &names)

Unites current set of already fused names with another FusedNames object.


names[in] Another object to fuse with

std::string getNames() const

return string with operation names separated by coma in alphabetical order

std::vector<std::string> getVectorNames() const

return vector of fused names sorted in alphabetical order


vector if strings

class ShapeSubgraph : public ov::RuntimeAttribute
#include <is_shape_subgraph.hpp>

ShapeSubgraph class represents runtime info attribute that marks shape subgraphs. Information whether the node belongs to the shape path or to the data path is needed during evaluate and CF.

class KeepConstPrecision : public ov::RuntimeAttribute
#include <keep_const_precision.hpp>

KeepConstPrecision class represents runtime info attribute that marks a Constant as prohibitted to fuse precision in ConvertPrecision.

class NonconvertibleDivide : public ov::RuntimeAttribute
#include <nonconvertible_divide.hpp>

NonconvertibleDivide class represents runtime info attribute that marks a Divide as prohibitted to transform it to power.

class OldApiMapElementType : public ov::RuntimeAttribute
#include <old_api_map_element_type_attribute.hpp>

OldApiMapElementType class represents runtime info attribute that stores legacy type that is required for obtaining IR in old API.

Public Functions

OldApiMapElementType() = default

A default constructor

inline OldApiMapElementType(const ov::element::Type &value)

Constructs a new OldApiMapElementType object.


value[in] The object that stores values of OldApiMapElementType.

class OldApiMapOrder : public ov::RuntimeAttribute
#include <old_api_map_order_attribute.hpp>

OldApiMapOrder class represents runtime info attribute that stores order of the transpose that is required for obtaining IR in old API.

OldApiMapOrder stores the following information. Parameter: Order of the transpose which should be applied to Parameter with old API layout to obtain Parameter with new API layout.

Result: Order of the transpose which should be applied to Result with new API layout to obtain Result with old API layout.

Public Functions

OldApiMapOrder() = default

A default constructor

inline OldApiMapOrder(const std::vector<uint64_t> &value)

Constructs a new OldApiMapOrder object.


value[in] The object that stores values of OldApiMapOrder.

class OriginalPrecisionAttribute : public ov::RuntimeAttribute
#include <original_precision_attribute.hpp>

OriginalPrecisionAttribute stores the original precision of the node to pass this information to plugins.

class NoTransposeSinkingAttr : public ov::RuntimeAttribute
#include <transpose_sinking_attr.hpp>

NoTransposeSinkingAttr class represents runtime info attribute that marks transpose operation should not be moved be backward sinking propagation.

class SymbolicInfo : public ov::RuntimeAttribute
#include <symbolic_info.hpp>

SymbolicInfo class represents runtime info attribute that instructs ov::Output objects to skip invalidation of partial values and labels during partial value propagation and keeps shared_ptr to TableOfEquivalence.