Class ov::Dimension

class Dimension

Class representing a dimension, which may be dynamic (undetermined until runtime), in a shape or shape-like object.

Static dimensions may be implicitly converted from value_type. A dynamic dimension is constructed with Dimension() or Dimension::dynamic().

Public Functions

Dimension(value_type dimension)

Construct a static dimension.


dimension – Value of the dimension.

Dimension(value_type min_dimension, value_type max_dimension)

Construct a dynamic dimension with bounded range.

  • min_dimension – The lower inclusive limit for the dimension

  • max_dimension – The upper inclusive limit for the dimension

Dimension(const std::string &str)

Construct a dimension from string.


str – String to parse to dimension.

Dimension() = default

Construct a dynamic dimension with range [0, …].

inline bool is_static() const

Check whether this dimension is static.


true if the dimension is static, else false.

inline bool is_dynamic() const

Check whether this dimension is dynamic.


false if the dimension is static, else true.

value_type get_length() const

Convert this dimension to value_type. This dimension must be static and non-negative.


std::invalid_argument – If this dimension is dynamic or negative.

inline const Interval &get_interval() const

Return the interval of valid lengths.

bool same_scheme(const Dimension &dim) const

Check whether this dimension represents the same scheme as the argument (both dynamic, or equal).


dim – The other dimension to compare this dimension to.


true if this dimension and dim are both dynamic, or if they are both static and equal; otherwise, false.

bool compatible(const Dimension &d) const

Check whether this dimension is capable of being merged with the argument dimension.

Two dimensions are considered compatible if it is possible to merge them. (See Dimension::merge.)


d – The dimension to compare this dimension with.


true if this dimension is compatible with d, else false.

bool relaxes(const Dimension &d) const

Check whether this dimension is a relaxation of the argument.

A dimension d1 relaxes (or is a relaxation of) d2 if d1 and d2 are static and equal, or d1 is dynamic.

d1.relaxes(d2) is equivalent to d2.refines(d1).


d – The dimension to compare this dimension with.


true if this dimension relaxes d, else false.

bool refines(const Dimension &d) const

Check whether this dimension is a refinement of the argument.

A dimension d2 refines (or is a refinement of) d1 if d1 and d2 are static and equal, or d2 is dynamic.

d1.refines(d2) is equivalent to d2.relaxes(d1).


d – The dimension to compare this dimension with.


true if this dimension relaxes d, else false.

Dimension operator+(const Dimension &dim) const

Addition operator for Dimension.


dim – Right operand for addition.


Smallest interval dimension enclosing inputs

Dimension operator-(const Dimension &dim) const

Subtraction operator for Dimension.


dim – Right operand for subtraction.


Smallest interval dimension enclosing inputs

Dimension operator/(const value_type divisor) const

Division operator for Dimension divided by a value_type parameter.


divisor – Right operand for division.


Smallest interval dimension enclosing inputs

inline Dimension &operator/=(const value_type divisor)

Divided-into operator for Dimension.


divisor – Right operand for multiplication.


A reference to *this, after updating *this to the value *this * dim.

Dimension operator*(const Dimension &dim) const

Multiplication operator for Dimension.


dim – Right operand for multiplicaiton.


Smallest interval containing all “produces” which are 0 if either of this or dim has length 0, else unbounded if either is unbounded, else product of lengths.

inline Dimension &operator+=(const Dimension &dim)

Add-into operator for Dimension.


dim – Right operand for addition.


A reference to *this, after updating *this to the value *this + dim.

inline Dimension &operator*=(const Dimension &dim)

Multiply-into operator for Dimension.


dim – Right operand for multiplication.


A reference to *this, after updating *this to the value *this * dim.

Dimension operator&(const Dimension &dim) const

Intersection of dimensions.

Dimension &operator&=(const Dimension &dim)

Intersection of dimensions.

std::string to_string() const

String representation of Dimension.

Public Static Functions

static bool merge(Dimension &dst, const Dimension &d1, const Dimension &d2)

Try to merge two Dimension objects together.

  • If d1 is dynamic, writes d2 to dst and returns true.

  • If d2 is dynamic, writes d1 to dst and returns true.

  • If d1 and d2 are static and equal, writes d1 to dst and returns true.

  • If d1 and d2 are both static and unequal, leaves dst unchanged and returns false.

  • dst[out] Reference to write the merged Dimension into.

  • d1 – First dimension to merge.

  • d2 – Second dimension to merge.


true if merging succeeds, else false.

static bool broadcast_merge(Dimension &dst, const Dimension &d1, const Dimension &d2)

Try to merge two Dimension objects together with implicit broadcasting of unit-sized dimension to non unit-sized dimension.

static inline Dimension dynamic()

Create a dynamic dimension.


A dynamic dimension.


inline friend void swap(Dimension &a, Dimension &b)

Swap of dimensions.