Text Generation via Speculative Sampling, KV Caching, and OpenVINO™¶
This Jupyter notebook can be launched after a local installation only.
As model sizes grow, Generative AI implementations require significant inference resources. This not only increases the cost per generation from a prompt, but also increases the power consumption used to serve such requests.
Inference optimizations for text generation are essential for reducing costs and power consumption. When optimizing the inference process, the amount of time and energy required to generate text can be significantly reduced. This can lead to cost savings in terms of hardware and software, as well as reduced power consumption. Additionally, inference optimizations can help improve the accuracy of text generation as well as the speed at which it can be generated. This can lead to an improved user experience and increased efficiency in text-generation tasks. In summary, inference optimizations for text generation are essential to reduce costs and power consumption, while also improving the accuracy and speed of text generation.
Another necessary condition is that the optimizations are compatible with each other. That is, implementing a certain optimization should not preclude other optimizations. There are several levels of optimizations that can provide significant speedup without “bumping into each other” in a way that will compromise overall efficiency.
For details on this method, please refer to the paper by Chen et al, http://arxiv.org/abs/2302.01318. Additionally, there’s an interesting proof of correctness of speculative sampling (showing that the original distribution is preserved) by Leviathan et al, http://arxiv.org/abs/2211.17192
Our blog article describing this implementation with OpenVino is available at openvino.ai
Table of contents:¶
First, we should install the Hugging Face Optimum library accelerated by OpenVINO integration. The Hugging Face Optimum Intel API is a high-level API that enables us to convert and quantize models from the Hugging Face Transformers library to the OpenVINO™ IR format. For more details, refer to the Hugging Face Optimum Intel documentation.
We will also need to install transformers (HuggingFace) and some other useful modules.
%pip install -q --upgrade pip
%pip install -q --upgrade transformers torch gradio openvino accelerate onnx ipywidgets --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cpu
%pip install -q "git+https://github.com/huggingface/optimum-intel.git"
Select inference device¶
Select the device from dropdown list for running inference using OpenVINO.
import ipywidgets as widgets
from openvino.runtime import Core
core = Core()
device = widgets.Dropdown(
options=core.available_devices + ["AUTO"],
Create autoregressive and speculative forms of sampling with KV Cache support¶
Text generation is often done in an autoregressive fashion. We will all support a KV cache (aka Past Value Cache) in the code. Note that we are using greedy sampling. We do not adjust other text generation parameters (e.g. temperature) so keep this illustration of speculative sampling as simple and understandable as possible.
Setup imports¶
import time
import numpy as np
import torch
import gradio as gr
Prepare autoregressive sampling¶
def max_fn(x):
x_max = torch.where(x > 0, x, torch.zeros_like(x))
return x_max / torch.sum(x_max)
def autoregressive_sampling_with_pkv(x, model, N):
n = len(x)
T = n + N
input = x
past_kv = None
while n < T:
res = model(input, attention_mask=torch.ones(input.size(), dtype=torch.long), past_key_values=past_kv)
model_out = torch.softmax(res.logits, dim=2)
past_kv = res.past_key_values
next_token = torch.reshape(torch.argmax(model_out[-1][-1]), (1, 1))
x = torch.cat((x, next_token), dim=1)
n += 1
input = next_token
return x
Prepare speculative sampling¶
Step 1: With speculative sampling, we first generate K samples from the draft model (in an autoregressive manner).
Step 2: These are now candidates to examine using the target model (step 2) using a batch size of K.
Step 3: We now determine if the K candidates from the draft model are acceptable based on the logits generated from the target model in step 2.
Step 4: We can sample another token with no additional cost (assuming that all the candidates were accepted).
Regarding the acceptance criterion for step 3, we need to compare logits from the target model and compare with the draft model. If the ratio is high enough, it’s likely to be accepted (using a random number).
def speculative_sampling_with_pkv(x, draft_model, target_model, N, K):
n = x.size(1)
T = n + N
target_past_kv = None
while n < T:
# Step 1: autoregressive decode of K candidate tokens from
# the draft model and get final p for this batch of candidates
x_draft = None
draft_past_kv = None
x_draft_input = x
p_cum = None
for _ in range(K):
res_draft = draft_model(x_draft_input, attention_mask=torch.ones(x_draft_input.size(), dtype=torch.long), past_key_values=draft_past_kv, use_cache=True)
p = res_draft.logits
p = torch.softmax(p, dim=2)
draft_past_kv = res_draft.past_key_values
next_token = torch.reshape(torch.argmax(p[-1][-1]), (1, 1))
x_draft_input = next_token
if p_cum is None:
p_cum = p[:, -1].unsqueeze(1)
x_draft = next_token
p_cum = torch.cat((p_cum, p), dim=1)
x_draft = torch.cat((x_draft, next_token), dim=1)
# Step 2: target model forward passes on x_draft
if target_past_kv is None:
x_draft_target_input = torch.cat((x, x_draft), dim=1)
x_draft_target_input = x_draft
res = target_model(x_draft_target_input, attention_mask=torch.ones(x_draft_target_input.size(), dtype=torch.long), use_cache=False)
q = res.logits
target_new_past_kv = res.past_key_values
# Step 3: append draft tokens based on acceptance-rejection criterion and resample a token on rejection
all_accepted = True
for k in range(K):
j = x_draft[0][k].item()
q_item = q[-1][k][j].detach().numpy()
p_item = p_cum[-1][k][j].detach().numpy()
if np.random.random() < min(1, (q_item / p_item)): # accepted
x = torch.cat((x, torch.tensor(j).reshape(1,1)), dim=1)
n += 1
else: # rejected
q_p = max_fn(q[0][k] - p_cum[0][k])
resampled_output = torch.argmax(q_p)
resampled_output = torch.reshape(resampled_output, (1,1))
x = torch.cat((x, resampled_output), dim=1)
n += 1
all_accepted = False
target_past_kv = target_new_past_kv
# Step 4: if all draft tokens were accepted, sample a final token
if all_accepted:
x = torch.cat((x, torch.reshape(torch.argmax(q[-1][-1]), (1,1))), dim=1)
n += 1
return x
Main generation function¶
Download and Convert Model¶
Optimum Intel can be used to load optimized models from the Hugging
Face Hub and
create pipelines to run an inference with OpenVINO Runtime using Hugging
Face APIs. The Optimum Inference models are API compatible with Hugging
Face Transformers models. This means we just need to replace
class with the corresponding OVModelForXxx
Below is an example of the Dolly model
-from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM
+from optimum.intel.openvino import OVModelForCausalLM
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, pipeline
model_id = "databricks/dolly-v2-3b"
-model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_id)
+model = OVModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_id, from_transformers=True)
Model class initialization starts with calling from_pretrained
method. When downloading and converting Transformers model, the
parameter from_transformers=True
should be added. We can save the
converted model for the next usage with the save_pretrained
Tokenizer class and pipelines API are compatible with Optimum models.
from pathlib import Path
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from optimum.intel.openvino import OVModelForCausalLM
# If you are on a large system with lots of memory, you can run a larger model like DollyV2
# draft_model_id = "databricks/dolly-v2-3b"
# draft_model_path = Path("dolly-v2-3b")
# target_model_id = "databricks/dolly-v2-12b"
# target_model_path = Path("dolly-v2-12b")
# If you are on a system with limited memory, you can try the smaller GPT2 models
draft_model_id = "gpt2"
draft_model_path = Path("gpt2-local")
target_model_id = "gpt2-xl"
target_model_path = Path("gpt2-xl-local")
target_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(target_model_id)
current_device = device.value
# Save local copies for subsequent runs
if draft_model_path.exists():
draft_ov_model = OVModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(draft_model_path, device=current_device)
draft_ov_model = OVModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(draft_model_id, device=current_device, from_transformers=True)
if target_model_path.exists():
target_ov_model = OVModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(target_model_path, device=current_device)
target_ov_model = OVModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(target_model_id, device=current_device, from_transformers=True)
def main(
prompt: str = "Explain the difference between fission and fusion",
n_tokens_to_generate: int = 100,
K: int = 5,
seed: int = 5555,
# seed numpy rng
draft_model = draft_ov_model
target_model = target_ov_model
input_ids = target_tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors="pt")['input_ids']
def run_autoregressive_sampling_fn(decode_fn, input_ids, **kwargs):
start = time.perf_counter()
output_ids = decode_fn(x=input_ids, **kwargs)
text = target_tokenizer.decode(output_ids[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
elapsed_time = time.perf_counter() - start
return text, elapsed_time
def run_speculative_sampling_fn(decode_fn, input_ids, **kwargs):
start = time.perf_counter()
output_ids = decode_fn(x=input_ids, **kwargs)
text = target_tokenizer.decode(output_ids[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
elapsed_time = time.perf_counter() - start
return text, elapsed_time
autoregressive_text, autoregressive_time = run_autoregressive_sampling_fn(
speculative_text, speculative_time = run_speculative_sampling_fn(
# Format results for output in gradio
out = "\n" + "Autoregressive Decode" + "\n" + "---------------------" + "\n"
out = out + f"Time = {autoregressive_time:.2f}s" + "\n" + f"Text = {autoregressive_text}" + "\n"
out = out + "\n" + "Speculative Decode" + "\n" + "------------------" + "\n"
out = out + f"Time = {speculative_time:.2f}s" + "\n" + f"Text = {speculative_text}"
return out
if __name__ == "__main__":
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
# Speculative Sampling Demo
## The output will show a comparison of Autoregressive Sampling vs Speculative Sampling
- Target Model: Dolly V2 12B
- Draft Model: Dolly V2 3B
- K = 5
> Some improvements can be made to acceptance criterion and adjusting temperature to improve text quality.
with gr.Row():
inp = gr.Textbox(placeholder="THIS CANNOT BE EMPTY", label="Input Prompt")
out = gr.Textbox(label="Output")
btn = gr.Button("Run")
btn.click(fn=main, inputs=inp, outputs=out)