Class ov::pass::GRUCellDecomposition¶
class GRUCellDecomposition : public ov::pass::MatcherPass¶
GRUCellDecomposition transformation decomposes GRUCell layer with inputs X, H, W, R, B to Add, Split, MatMul, Multiply and Subtract ops according to the formula: (.) - Denotes element-wise multiplication.
Denotes dot product. f, g - are activation functions
zt = f(Xt*(Wz^T) + Ht-1*(Rz^T) + Wbz + Rbz) rt = f(Xt*(Wr^T) + Ht-1*(Rr^T) + Wbr + Rbr) ht = g(Xt*(Wh^T) + (rt (.) Ht-1)*(Rh^T) + Rbh + Wbh) # when linear_before_reset := false # (default) ht = g(Xt*(Wh^T) + (rt (.) (Ht-1*(Rh^T) + Rbh)) + Wbh) # when linear_before_reset:= true Ht = (1 - zt) (.) ht + zt (.) Ht-1