Dataset Preparation Guide#
If you want to use prepared configs to run the Accuracy Checker tool, you need to organize <DATASET_DIR>
folder with validation datasets in a certain way. Instructions for preparing validation data are described in this document.
Each dataset description consists of the following sections:
instruction for downloading the dataset
structure of
that matches the dataset definition in the existing global configuration file (<omz_dir>/data/dataset_definitions.yml
)examples of using and presenting the dataset in the global configuration file
More detailed information about using predefined configuration files you can find here.
Download dataset#
To download images from ImageNet, you need to have an account and agree to the Terms of Access.
Go to the ImageNet home page.
If you have an account, click
. Otherwise, clickSignup
in the right upper corner, provide your data, and wait for a confirmation email.Log in after receiving the confirmation email and go to the
Download Original Images
.You will be redirected to the Terms of Access page. If you agree to the Terms, continue by clicking Agree and Sign.
Click one of the links in the
Download as one tar file
section to select it.Unpack archive.
To download annotation files:
Download archive
from the archivecaffe_ilsvrc12.tar.gz
Download annotation file
Files layout#
To use this dataset with OMZ tools, make sure <DATASET_DIR>
contains the following:
- directory containing the ILSVRC 2012 validation imagesval.txt
- annotation file used for ILSVRC 2012val15.txt
- annotation file used for ILSVRC 2015
Datasets in dataset_definitions.yml#
used for evaluation models trained on ILSVRC 2012 dataset with 1000 classes. (model example: densenet-121-tf)imagenet_1000_classes_2015
used for evaluation models trained on ILSVRC 2015 dataset with 1000 classes.imagenet_1001_classes
used for evaluation models trained on ILSVRC 2012 dataset with 1001 classes (background label + original labels). (model examples: googlenet-v2-tf, resnet-50-tf)
Common Objects in Context (COCO)#
Download dataset#
Go to the COCO home page.
in the menu and selectDownload
.Download 2017 Val images and 2017 Train/Val annotations.
Unpack archives.
Files layout#
To use this dataset with OMZ tools, make sure <DATASET_DIR>
contains the following:
- directory containing the COCO 2017 validation imagesannotations
- directory containing the COCO 2017 annotation filesinstances_val2017.json
- annotation file which used for object detection and instance segmentation tasksperson_keypoints_val2017.json
- annotation file which used for human pose estimation tasks
Datasets in dataset_definitions.yml#
used for evaluation models trained on COCO dataset for object detection and instance segmentation tasks. Background label + label map with 80 public available object categories are used. Annotations are saved in order of ascending image ID.ms_coco_detection_91_classes
used for evaluation models trained on COCO dataset for object detection tasks. Background label + label map with 80 public available object categories are used (original indexing to 91 categories is preserved. You can find more information about object categories labels here). Annotations are saved in order of ascending image ID. (model examples: faster_rcnn_resnet50_coco, ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco)ms_coco_detection_80_class_with_background
used for evaluation models trained on COCO dataset for object detection tasks. Background label + label map with 80 public available object categories are used. Annotations are saved in order of ascending image ID. (model examples: faster-rcnn-resnet101-coco-sparse-60-0001, ssd-resnet34-1200-onnx)ms_coco_detection_80_class_without_background
used for evaluation models trained on COCO dataset for object detection tasks. Label map with 80 public available object categories is used. Annotations are saved in order of ascending image ID. (model examples: ctdet_coco_dlav0_512, yolo-v3-tf)ms_coco_keypoints
used for evaluation models trained on COCO dataset for human pose estimation tasks. Each annotation stores multiple keypoints for one image. (model examples: human-pose-estimation-0001)ms_coco_single_keypoints
used for evaluation models trained on COCO dataset for human pose estimation tasks. Each annotation stores single keypoints for image, so several annotation can be associated to one image. (model examples: single-human-pose-estimation-0001)
Download dataset#
Go to the WIDER FACE home page.
Go to the
WIDER Face Validation images
and download them from Google Drive or Tencent Drive.Select and download
Face annotations
.Unpack archives.
Files layout#
To use this dataset with OMZ tools, make sure <DATASET_DIR>
contains the following:
- directory containing images directoryimages
- directory containing the WIDER Face validation images
- directory with annotation filewider_face_val_bbx_gt.txt
- annotation file
Datasets in dataset_definitions.yml#
used for evaluation models on WIDER Face dataset where the face is the first class. (model example: faceboxes-pytorch)wider_without_bkgr
used for evaluation models on WIDER Face dataset where the face is class zero. (model example: face-detection-0204)
Visual Object Classes Challenge 2012 (VOC2012)#
Download dataset#
Go to the VOC2012 website.
Go to the Development Kit section.
Click Download the training/validation data to download archive.
Unpack archive.
Files layout#
To use this dataset with OMZ tools, make sure <DATASET_DIR>
contains the following:
- directory containing annotations, images, segmentation masks and image sets files directoriesAnnotations
- directory containing the VOC2012 annotation filesJPEGImages
- directory containing the VOC2012 validation imagesImageSets
- directory containing the VOC2012 text files specifying lists of images for different tasksMain/val.txt
- image sets file for detection tasksSegmentation/val.txt
- image sets file for segmentation tasks
- directory containing the VOC2012 segmentation masks
Datasets in dataset_definitions.yml#
used for evaluation models on VOC2012 dataset for object detection task. Background label + label map with 20 object categories are used.VOC2012_without_background
used for evaluation models on VOC2012 dataset for object detection tasks. Label map with 20 object categories is used.(model examples: yolo-v2-ava-0001, yolo-v2-tiny-ava-0001)VOC2012_Segmentation
used for evaluation models on VOC2012 dataset for segmentation tasks. Background label + label map with 20 object categories are used.(model examples: deeplabv3)
Visual Object Classes Challenge 2007 (VOC2007)#
Download dataset#
Go to the VOC2007 website.
Go to the Development Kit section.
Click Download the training/validation data to download archive.
Unpack archive.
Files layout#
To use this dataset with OMZ tools, make sure <DATASET_DIR>
contains the following:
- directory containing annotations, images and image sets files directoriesAnnotations
- directory containing the VOC2007 annotation filesJPEGImages
- directory containing the VOC2007 imagesImageSets
- directory containing the VOC2007 text files specifying lists of images for different tasksMain/test.txt
- image sets file for detection tasks
Datasets in dataset_definitions.yml#
used for evaluation models on VOC2007 dataset for object detection task. Background label + label map with 20 object categories are used. (model example: yolo-v1-tiny-tf)VOC2007_detection_no_bkgr
used for evaluation models on VOC2007 dataset for object detection tasks. Label map with 20 object categories is used.(model example: yolo-v1-tiny-tf)
Download dataset#
Go to the SYGData0829 Github repository.
Unpack archive.
Files layout#
- directory containing annotations, images and image sets files directoriesAnnotations
- directory containing the SYGData0829 annotation filesJPEGImages
- directory containing the SYGData0829 imagesImageSets
- directory containing the SYGData0829 text files specifying lists of images for different tasksMain/val.txt
- image sets file for validation of detection tasks
Datasets in dataset_definitions.yml#
used for evaluation models on SYGData0829 dataset for object detection task. Label map with 4 object categories are used. (model examples: mobilenet-yolo-v4-syg)
How to download dataset#
To download erfnet_data dataset, you need to follow the steps below:
Go to the github repo
Select ‘JPEGImages.rar’ Select ‘erfnet_meta_zxw.json’ Select ‘val.txt’Unpack archive
Files layout#
- directory containing annotations, images, image sets and dataset meta files directoriesAnnotations
- directory containing the erfnet_data annotation filesJPEGImages
- directory containing the erfnet_data imageserfnet_meta_zxw.json
- directory containing the erfnet_data text files specifying lists of images for different tasksval.txt
- image sets file for validation of detection tasks
Datasets in dataset_definitions.yml#
used for evaluation models on erfnet_data dataset for object segmentation task. (model examples:erfnet
Download dataset#
Go to the The Secrets of Salient Object Segmentation home page.
Go to the
section.Click Dataset & Code to download archive.
Unpack archive.
Files layout#
To use this dataset with OMZ tools, make sure <DATASET_DIR>
contains the following:
- directory containing images and salient region masks subdirectoriesimage
- directory containing the PASCAL-S images from the directorydatasets/imgs/pascal
in the unpacked archivemask
- directory containing the PASCAL-S salient region masks from the directorydatasets/masks/pascal
in the unpacked archive
Datasets in dataset_definitions.yml#
used for evaluation models on PASCAL-S dataset for salient object detection task. (model examples: f3net)
CoNLL2003 Named Entity Recognition#
See the CoNLL2003 Named Entity Recognition website.
Download dataset#
Download archive from the CoNLL 2003 (English) Dataset page in the DeepAI Datasets website.
Unpack archive.
Files layout#
To use this dataset with OMZ tools, make sure <DATASET_DIR>
contains the following:
- directory containing annotation filesvalid.txt
- annotation file for CoNLL2003 validation set
Datasets in dataset_definitions.yml#
used for evaluation models on CoNLL2003 dataset for named entity recognition task. (model examples: bert-base-ner)
MRL Eye#
Download dataset#
Go to the MRL Eye Dataset website.
Download archive.
Unpack archive.
Files layout#
To use this dataset with OMZ tools, make sure <DATASET_DIR>
contains the following:
- directory containing subdirectories with dataset images
Datasets in dataset_definitions.yml#
used for evaluation models on MRL Eye dataset for recognition of eye state. (model examples: open-closed-eye-0001)
Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW)#
Download dataset#
Go to the Labeled Faces in the Wild home page.
Go to the
Download the database
All images as gzipped tar file
to download archive.Unpack archive.
Go to the
Training, Validation, and Testing
and download pairs file.Download lfw_landmark file.
Files layout#
To use this dataset with OMZ tools, make sure <DATASET_DIR>
contains the following:
- directory containing images directories, pairs and landmarks fileslfw
- directory containing the LFW imagesannotation
- directory containing pairs and landmarks filespairs.txt
- file with annotation positive and negative pairs for LFW datasetlfw_landmark.txt
- file with facial landmarks coordinates for annotation images of LFW dataset
Datasets in dataset_definitions.yml#
used for evaluation models on LFW dataset for face recognition task. (model example: face-reidentification-retail-0095)
NYU Depth Dataset V2#
See the the NYU Depth Dataset V2 website.
Download dataset#
To download NYU Depth Dataset V2 preprocessed data stored in HDF5 format:
Files layout#
To use this dataset with OMZ tools, make sure <DATASET_DIR>
contains the following:
- directory with dataset official data and converted images and depth mapofficial
- directory with data stored in original hdf5 formatconverted
- directory with converted dataimages
- directory with converted imagesdepth
- directory with depth maps
Note: If dataset is used in the first time, set allow_convert_data: True
in annotation conversion parameters for this dataset in dataset_definitions.yml
or use convert_annotation
command line interface:
convert_annotation nyu_depth_v2 --data_dir <DATASET_DIR>/nyudepthv2/val/official --allow_convert_data True
Datasets in dataset_definitions.yml#
used for evaluation models on NYU Depth Dataset V2 for monocular depth estimation task. (model examples: fcrn-dp-nyu-depth-v2-tf)