OpenVINO™ Python API Exclusives#

OpenVINO™ Runtime Python API offers additional features and helpers to enhance user experience. The main goal of Python API is to provide user-friendly and simple yet powerful tool for Python users.

Easier Model Compilation#

CompiledModel can be easily created with the helper method. It hides the creation of Core and applies AUTO inference mode by default.

compiled_model = ov.compile_model(model)

Model/CompiledModel Inputs and Outputs#

Besides functions aligned to C++ API, some of them have their Python counterparts or extensions. For example, Model and CompiledModel inputs/outputs can be accessed via properties.

import openvino.runtime.opset12 as ops

core = ov.Core()

input_a = ops.parameter([8], name="input_a")
res = ops.absolute(input_a)
model = ov.Model(res, [input_a])
compiled = core.compile_model(model, "CPU")
model.outputs[0].tensor.set_names({"result_0"})  # Add name for Output



Refer to Python API documentation, where helper functions or properties are available for different classes.

Working with Tensor#

Python API allows passing data as tensors. The Tensor object holds a copy of the data from the given array. The dtype of numpy arrays is converted to OpenVINO™ types automatically.

data_float64 = np.ones(shape=(2,8))

tensor = ov.Tensor(data_float64)
assert tensor.element_type == ov.Type.f64

data_int32 = np.ones(shape=(2,8), dtype=np.int32)

tensor = ov.Tensor(data_int32)
assert tensor.element_type == ov.Type.i32

Shared Memory Mode#

Tensor objects can share the memory with numpy arrays. By specifying the shared_memory argument, the Tensor object does not copy data. Instead, it has access to the memory of the numpy array.

data_to_share = np.ones(shape=(2,8))

shared_tensor = ov.Tensor(data_to_share, shared_memory=True)

# Editing of the numpy array affects Tensor's data
data_to_share[0][2] = 6.0
assert[0][2] == 6.0

# Editing of Tensor's data affects the numpy array[0][2] = 0.6
assert data_to_share[0][2] == 0.6

Running Inference#

Python API supports extra calling methods to synchronous and asynchronous modes for inference.

All infer methods allow users to pass data as popular numpy arrays, gathered in either Python dicts or lists.

# Passing inputs data in form of a dictionary
infer_request.infer(inputs={0: data})
# Passing inputs data in form of a list

Results from inference can be obtained in various ways:

# Get output tensor
results = infer_request.get_output_tensor().data

# Get tensor with CompiledModel's output node
results = infer_request.get_tensor(compiled.outputs[0]).data

# Get all results with special helper property
results = list(infer_request.results.values())

Synchronous Mode - Extended#

Python API provides different synchronous calls to infer model, which block the application execution. Additionally, these calls return results of inference:

# Simple call to InferRequest
results = infer_request.infer(inputs={0: data})
# Extra feature: calling CompiledModel directly
results = compiled_model(inputs={0: data})

Inference Results - OVDict#

Synchronous calls return a special data structure called OVDict. It can be compared to a “frozen dictionary”. There are various ways of accessing the object’s elements:

results = compiled_model(inputs={0: data})

# Access via string
_ = results["result_0"]
# Access via index
_ = results[0]
# Access via output port
_ = results[compiled_model.outputs[0]]
# Use iterator over keys
_ = results[next(iter(results))]
# Iterate over values
_ = next(iter(results.values()))


It is possible to convert OVDict to a native dictionary using the to_dict() method.


Using to_dict() results in losing access via strings and integers. Additionally, it performs a shallow copy, thus any modifications may affect the original object as well.


Asynchronous mode pipelines can be supported with a wrapper class called AsyncInferQueue. This class automatically spawns the pool of InferRequest objects (also called “jobs”) and provides synchronization mechanisms to control the flow of the pipeline.

Each job is distinguishable by a unique id, which is in the range from 0 up to the number of jobs specified in the AsyncInferQueue constructor.

The start_async function call is not required to be synchronized - it waits for any available job if the queue is busy/overloaded. Every AsyncInferQueue code block should end with the wait_all function which provides the “global” synchronization of all jobs in the pool and ensure that access to them is safe.

core = ov.Core()

# Simple model that adds two inputs together
input_a = ops.parameter([8])
input_b = ops.parameter([8])
res = ops.add(input_a, input_b)
model = ov.Model(res, [input_a, input_b])
compiled = core.compile_model(model, "CPU")

# Number of InferRequests that AsyncInferQueue holds
jobs = 4
infer_queue = ov.AsyncInferQueue(compiled, jobs)

# Create data
data = [np.array([i] * 8, dtype=np.float32) for i in range(jobs)]

# Run all jobs
for i in range(len(data)):
    infer_queue.start_async({0: data[i], 1: data[i]})


InferRequest objects that can be acquired by iterating over a AsyncInferQueue object or by [id] guaranteed to work with read-only methods like getting tensors. Any mutating methods (e.g. start_async, set_callback) of a single request will put the parent AsyncInferQueue object in an invalid state.

Acquiring Results from Requests#

After the call to wait_all, jobs and their data can be safely accessed. Acquiring a specific job with [id] will return the InferRequest object, which will result in seamless retrieval of the output data.

results = infer_queue[3].get_output_tensor().data

Setting Callbacks#

Another feature of AsyncInferQueue is the ability to set callbacks. When callback is set, any job that ends inference calls upon the Python function. The callback function must have two arguments: one is the request that calls the callback, which provides the InferRequest API; the other is called “userdata”, which provides the possibility of passing runtime values. Those values can be of any Python type and later used within the callback function.

The callback of AsyncInferQueue is uniform for every job. When executed, GIL is acquired to ensure safety of data manipulation inside the function.

data_done = [False for _ in range(jobs)]

def f(request, userdata):
    print(f"Done! Result: {request.get_output_tensor().data}")
    data_done[userdata] = True


for i in range(len(data)):
    infer_queue.start_async({0: data[i], 1: data[i]}, userdata=i)

assert all(data_done)

Working with u1, u4 and i4 Element Types#

Since OpenVINO™ supports low precision element types, there are a few ways to handle them in Python. To create an input tensor with such element types, you may need to pack your data in the new numpy array, with which the byte size matches the original input size:

from openvino.helpers import pack_data

packed_buffer = pack_data(unt8_data, ov.Type.u4)
# Create tensor with shape in element types
t = ov.Tensor(packed_buffer, [100], ov.Type.u4)

To extract low precision values from a tensor into the numpy array, you can use the following helper:

from openvino.helpers import unpack_data

unpacked_data = unpack_data(, t.element_type, t.shape)
assert np.array_equal(unpacked_data , unt8_data)

Release of GIL#

Some functions in Python API release the Global Lock Interpreter (GIL) while running work-intensive code. This can help you achieve more parallelism in your application, using Python threads. For more information about GIL, refer to the Python API documentation.

import openvino as ov
from threading import Thread

input_data = []

# Processing input data will be done in a separate thread
# while compilation of the model and creation of the infer request
# is going to be executed in the main thread.
def prepare_data(input, image):
    shape = list(input.shape)
    resized_img = np.resize(image, shape)

core = ov.Core()
model = core.read_model(model_path)
# Create thread with prepare_data function as target and start it
thread = Thread(target=prepare_data, args=[model.input(), image])
# The GIL will be released in compile_model.
# It allows a thread above to start the job,
# while main thread is running in the background.
compiled = core.compile_model(model, "CPU")
# After returning from compile_model, the main thread acquires the GIL
# and starts create_infer_request which releases it once again.
request = compiled.create_infer_request()
# Join the thread to make sure the input_data is ready
# running the inference


While GIL is released, functions can still modify and/or operate on Python objects in C++. Hence, there is no reference counting. You should pay attention to thread safety in case sharing of these objects with another thread occurs. It might affect code only if multiple threads are spawned in Python.

List of Functions that Release the GIL#

  • openvino.runtime.AsyncInferQueue.start_async

  • openvino.runtime.AsyncInferQueue.is_ready

  • openvino.runtime.AsyncInferQueue.wait_all

  • openvino.runtime.AsyncInferQueue.get_idle_request_id

  • openvino.runtime.CompiledModel.create_infer_request

  • openvino.runtime.CompiledModel.infer_new_request

  • openvino.runtime.CompiledModel.__call__

  • openvino.runtime.CompiledModel.export

  • openvino.runtime.CompiledModel.get_runtime_model

  • openvino.runtime.Core.compile_model

  • openvino.runtime.Core.read_model

  • openvino.runtime.Core.import_model

  • openvino.runtime.Core.query_model

  • openvino.runtime.Core.get_available_devices

  • openvino.runtime.InferRequest.infer

  • openvino.runtime.InferRequest.start_async

  • openvino.runtime.InferRequest.wait

  • openvino.runtime.InferRequest.wait_for

  • openvino.runtime.InferRequest.get_profiling_info

  • openvino.runtime.InferRequest.query_state

  • openvino.runtime.Model.reshape
