Interface Model#

interface Model {
    inputs: Output[];
    outputs: Output[];
    getFriendlyName(): string;
    getName(): string;
    getOutputShape(index): number[];
    getOutputSize(): number;
    input(): Output;
    input(name): Output;
    input(index): Output;
    isDynamic(): boolean;
    output(): Output;
    output(name): Output;
    output(index): Output;
    setFriendlyName(name): void;

A user-defined model read by Core.readModel.






  • getFriendlyName(): string

    It gets the friendly name for a model. If a friendly name is not set via Model.setFriendlyName, a unique model name is returned.

    • Returns: string

      A string with a friendly name of the model.

    • Defined in: addon.ts:200


  • getName(): string

    It gets the unique name of the model.

    • Returns: string

      A string with the name of the model.

    • Defined in: addon.ts:196


  • getOutputShape(): number[]

    It returns the shape of the element at the specified index.


  • getOutputSize(): number[]

    It returns the number of the model outputs.


  • input(): Output

    It gets the input of the model. If a model has more than one input, this method throws an exception.

    input(name: string): Output

    It gets the input of the model identified by the tensor name.

    • Parameters:

      • Optional

        name: string

        The tensor name.

    • Returns: Output

    • Defined in: addon.ts:224

    input(index: number): Output

    It gets the input of the model identified by the index.

    • Parameters:

      • Optional

        index: number

        The index of the input.

    • Returns: Output

    • Defined in: addon.ts:229


  • isDynamic(): boolean

    It returns true if any of the ops defined in the model contains a partial shape.


  • output(nameOrId?): Output


  • setFriendlyName(name): void
    • Parameters:

      • name: string

    • Returns: void

    • Defined in: addon.ts:199