

bitwise_left_shift(arg0, arg1[, ...])

Return node which performs BitwiseLeftShift operation on input nodes element-wise.

bitwise_right_shift(arg0, arg1[, ...])

Return node which performs BitwiseRightShift operation on input nodes element-wise.

col2im(data, output_size, kernel_size[, ...])

Perform data movement operation which combines sliding blocks into an image tensor.

embedding_bag_offsets(emb_table, indices, ...)

Return a node which performs sums or means of bags of embeddings without the intermediate embeddings.

embedding_bag_packed(emb_table, indices[, ...])

Return a node which performs sums or means of "bags" of embeddings, without the intermediate embeddings.

parameter(shape[, dtype, name])

Return an openvino Parameter object.

roi_align_rotated(data, rois, batch_indices, ...)

Return a node which performs ROIAlignRotated operation.

scatter_nd_update(data, indices, updates[, ...])

Return a node which performs ScatterNDUpdate.

slice_scatter(data, updates, start, stop, step)

Return a node which generates SliceScatter operation.

string_tensor_pack(begins, ends, symbols[, name])

Perform an operation which packs a concatenated batch of strings into a batched string tensor.

string_tensor_unpack(data[, name])

Perform an operation which unpacks a batch of strings into three tensors.