
Versioned name: SearchSorted-15

Category: Sorting and maximization

Short description: Determines the indices in the innermost dimension of a sorted sequence where elements should be inserted to maintain order.

Detailed description: SearchSorted operation determines the indices in the innermost dimension of a sorted sequence where elements should be inserted to maintain order. The operation is based on the binary search algorithm. The operation is performed on two input tensors: the first tensor contains a monotonically increasing sequence on the innermost dimension, and the second tensor contains the search values. The operation returns a tensor with the same shape as the second input tensor, containing the indices.


  • right_mode

    • Description: flag to control whether output would contain leftmost or rightmost indices for given values.

    • Range of values:

      • true - return the rightmost (last) suitable index for given value.

      • false - return the leftmost (first) suitable index for given value.

    • Type: boolean

    • Default value: false

    • Required: no


  • 1: sorted_sequence - ND input tensor of type T - cannot be a scalar, containing monotonically increasing sequence on the innermost dimension. Required.

  • 2: values - ND input tensor of type T, containing the search values. If sorted sequence is 1D, then the values can have any shape, otherwise the rank should be equal to the rank of sorted input. Required.


  • 1: Tensor of type T_IND, with the same shape as second input tensor values, containing the indices.


  • T: any supported floating-point and integer type.

  • T_IND: int64.


<layer ... type="SearchSorted" ... >
    <data right_mode="true"/>
        <port id="0">
        <port id="1">
        <port id="2" precision="I64">