4-bit Weight Quantization#

The 4-bit weight quantization method results in significant reduction in model size and memory usage, making LLMs more accessible to less performant devices. It also usually offers lower inference latency, however, depending on specific models, it may potentially impact the accuracy.

Nevertheless, the INT4 method has several parameters that can provide different performance-accuracy trade-offs after optimization:

  • mode - there are two optimization modes: symmetric and asymmetric.

    INT4 Symmetric mode (INT4_SYM) involves quantizing weights to a signed 4-bit integer symmetrically without zero point. This mode is faster than the INT8_ASYM, making it ideal for situations where speed and size reduction are prioritized over accuracy.

    from nncf import compress_weights
    from nncf import CompressWeightsMode
    compressed_model = compress_weights(model, mode=CompressWeightsMode.INT4_SYM)

    INT4 Asymmetric mode (INT4_ASYM) also uses an unsigned 4-bit integer but quantizes weights asymmetrically with a non-fixed zero point. This mode slightly compromises speed in favor of better accuracy compared to the symmetric mode. This mode is useful when minimal accuracy loss is crucial, but a faster performance than INT8 is still desired.

    from nncf import compress_weights
    from nncf import CompressWeightsMode
    compressed_model = compress_weights(model, mode=CompressWeightsMode.INT4_ASYM)
  • group_size controls the size of the group of weights that share the same quantization parameters. Shared quantization parameters help to speed up the calculation of activation values as they are dequantized and quantized between layers. However, they can reduce accuracy. The following group sizes are recommended: 128, 64, 32 (128 is default value).

    Smaller Group Size: Leads to a more accurate model but increases the model’s footprint and reduces inference speed.

    Larger Group Size: Results in faster inference and a smaller model, but might compromise accuracy.

  • ratio controls the ratio between the layers compressed to the precision defined by mode and the rest of the layers that will be kept in the backup_mode in the optimized model. Ratio is a decimal between 0 and 1. For example, 0.8 means that 80% of layers will be compressed to the precision defined by mode, while the rest will be compressed to backup_mode precision. The default value for ratio is 1.

    Higher Ratio (more layers set to mode precision):
    Reduces the model size and increase inference speed but might lead to higher accuracy degradation.
    Lower Ratio (more layers set to backup_mode precision):
    Maintains better accuracy but results in a larger model size and potentially slower inference.

    In the example below, 90% of the model’s layers are quantized to INT4 asymmetrically with a group size of 64:

    from nncf import compress_weights, CompressWeightsMode
    # Example: Compressing weights with INT4_ASYM mode, group size of 64, and 90% INT4 ratio
    compressed_model = compress_weights(
  • scale_estimation - a boolean parameter that enables more accurate estimation of quantization scales. Especially helpful when the weights of all layers are quantized to 4 bits. Requires dataset.

  • awq - a boolean parameter that enables the AWQ method for more accurate INT4 weight quantization. Especially helpful when the weights of all the layers are quantized to 4 bits. The method can sometimes result in reduced accuracy when used with Dynamic Quantization of activations. Requires dataset.

  • gptq - a boolean parameter that enables the GPTQ method for more accurate INT4 weight quantization. Requires dataset.

  • dataset - a calibration dataset for data-aware weight compression. It is required for some compression options, for example, scale_estimation, gptq or awq. Some types of sensitivity_metric can use data for precision selection.

  • sensitivity_metric - controls the metric to estimate the sensitivity of compressing layers in the bit-width selection algorithm. Some of the metrics require dataset to be provided. The following types are supported:

    • nncf.SensitivityMetric.WEIGHT_QUANTIZATION_ERROR - a data-free metric computed as the inverted 8-bit quantization noise. Weights with highest value of this metric can be accurately quantized channel-wise to 8-bit. The idea is to leave these weights in 8 bit, and quantize the rest of layers to 4-bit group-wise. Since group-wise is more accurate than per-channel, accuracy should not degrade.

    • nncf.SensitivityMetric.HESSIAN_INPUT_ACTIVATION - requires a dataset. The average Hessian trace of weights with respect to the layer-wise quantization error multiplied by L2 norm of 8-bit quantization noise.

    • nncf.SensitivityMetric.MEAN_ACTIVATION_VARIANCE - requires a dataset. The mean variance of the layers’ inputs multiplied by inverted 8-bit quantization noise.

    • nncf.SensitivityMetric.MAX_ACTIVATION_VARIANCE - requires a dataset. The maximum variance of the layers’ inputs multiplied by inverted 8-bit quantization noise.

    • nncf.SensitivityMetric.MEAN_ACTIVATION_MAGNITUDE - requires a dataset. The mean magnitude of the layers’ inputs multiplied by inverted 8-bit quantization noise.

  • all_layers - a boolean parameter that enables INT4 weight quantization of all Fully-Connected and Embedding layers, including the first and last layers in the model.

  • lora_correction - a boolean parameter that enables the LoRA Correction Algorithm to further improve the accuracy of INT4 compressed models on top of other algorithms - AWQ and Scale Estimation.

  • backup_mode - defines a backup precision for mixed-precision weight compression. There are three modes: INT8_ASYM, INT8_SYM, and NONE, which retains the original floating-point precision of the model weights (INT8_ASYM is default value).


NNCF enables you to stack the supported optimization methods. For example, AWQ, Scale Estimation and GPTQ methods may be enabled all together to achieve better accuracy.

4-bit Weight Quantization with GPTQ#

You can use models from Hugging Face Transformers library, which are quantized with GPTQ algorithm. Such models do not require additional optimization step because the conversion will automatically preserve the INT4 optimization results, and model inference will eventually benefit from it.

See the example of a model that has been optimized with GPTQ.

You can also refer to the code sample below which shows how to load a 4-bit GPTQ model and run inference.

Using a GPTQ model.

Make sure to install GPTQ dependencies by running the following command:

pip install optimum[openvino] auto-gptq
from optimum.intel.openvino import OVModelForCausalLM
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, pipeline

# Load model from Hugging Face already optimized with GPTQ
model_id = "TheBloke/Llama-2-7B-Chat-GPTQ"
model = OVModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_id, export=True)

# Inference
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id)
pipe = pipeline("text-generation", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer)
phrase = "The weather is"
results = pipe(phrase)