Class ov::op::v1::DeformablePSROIPooling#

class DeformablePSROIPooling : public ov::op::Op#

DeformablePSROIPooling operation.

Public Functions

DeformablePSROIPooling(const Output<Node> &input, const Output<Node> &coords, const Output<Node> &offsets, const int64_t output_dim, const float spatial_scale, const int64_t group_size = 1, const std::string mode = "bilinear_deformable", int64_t spatial_bins_x = 1, int64_t spatial_bins_y = 1, float trans_std = 1, int64_t part_size = 1)#

Constructs a DeformablePSROIPooling operation.

  • inputInput tensor with position sensitive score maps

  • coordsInput tensor with list of five element tuples describing ROI coordinates

  • offsetsInput tensor with transformation values

  • output_dim – Pooled output channel number

  • group_size – Number of horizontal bins per row to divide ROI area, it defines output width and height

  • spatial_scale – Multiplicative spatial scale factor to translate ROI coordinates from their input scale to the scale used when pooling

  • mode – Specifies mode for pooling.

  • spatial_bins_x – Specifies numbers of bins to divide ROI single bin over width

  • spatial_bins_y – Specifies numbers of bins to divide ROI single bin over height

  • no_trans – The flag that specifies whenever third input exists and contains transformation (offset) values

  • trans_std – The value that all transformation (offset) values are multiplied with

  • part_size – The number of parts the output tensor spatial dimensions are divided into. Basically it is the height and width of the third input

virtual void validate_and_infer_types() override#

Verifies that attributes and inputs are consistent and computes output shapes and element types. Must be implemented by concrete child classes so that it can be run any number of times.

Throws if the node is invalid.