Supported Operations#
Here, you will find comprehensive information on operations supported by OpenVINO. The conformance reports provide operation coverage for inference devices, while the tables list operations available for all OpenVINO framework frontends.
Data as of OpenVINO 2024.4, 18 Oct. 2024.
Device-operation conformance reports:
Operations supported by OpenVINO frontend Frameworks:
Operation Name | Limitation |
aten::__and__ | |
aten::__derive_index | |
aten::__getitem__ | |
aten::__not__ | |
aten::__or__ | |
aten::__range_length | |
aten::__xor__ | |
aten::_convolution | |
aten::_convolution_mode | |
aten::_native_multi_head_attention | |
aten::_pack_padded_sequence | |
aten::_pad_packed_sequence | |
aten::_set_item | |
aten::_shape_as_tensor | |
aten::_unique2 | |
aten::_upsample_bicubic2d_aa | |
aten::_upsample_bilinear2d_aa | |
aten::_weight_norm | |
aten::abs | |
aten::abs_ | |
aten::acos | |
aten::acos_ | |
aten::acosh | |
aten::acosh_ | |
aten::adaptive_avg_pool1d | |
aten::adaptive_avg_pool2d | |
aten::adaptive_avg_pool3d | |
aten::adaptive_max_pool1d | |
aten::adaptive_max_pool2d | |
aten::adaptive_max_pool3d | |
aten::add | |
aten::add_ | |
aten::addcmul | |
aten::addmm | |
aten::alias | |
aten::alias_copy | |
aten::all | |
aten::amax | |
aten::amin | |
aten::aminmax | |
aten::any | |
aten::append | Supported in limited set of patterns |
aten::arange | |
aten::argmax | |
aten::argmin | |
aten::argsort | |
aten::as_strided | |
aten::as_tensor | |
aten::asin | |
aten::asin_ | |
aten::asinh | |
aten::asinh_ | |
aten::atan | |
aten::atan_ | |
aten::atanh | |
aten::atanh_ | |
aten::avg_pool1d | |
aten::avg_pool2d | |
aten::avg_pool3d | |
aten::baddbmm | |
aten::batch_norm | |
aten::bitwise_and | |
aten::bitwise_not | |
aten::bitwise_or | |
aten::bitwise_xor | |
aten::bmm | |
aten::Bool | |
aten::broadcast_tensors | Supported in limited set of patterns |
aten::broadcast_to | |
aten::bucketize | |
aten::cat | |
aten::cdist | |
aten::ceil | |
aten::ceil_ | |
aten::celu | |
aten::celu_ | |
aten::channel_shuffle | |
aten::chunk | Supported in limited set of patterns |
aten::clamp | |
aten::clamp_ | |
aten::clamp_max | |
aten::clamp_max_ | |
aten::clamp_min | |
aten::clamp_min_ | |
aten::clip | |
aten::clip_ | |
aten::clone | |
aten::col2im | |
aten::complex | Supported in limited set of patterns |
aten::concat | |
aten::contiguous | |
aten::conv1d | |
aten::conv2d | |
aten::conv3d | |
aten::conv_transpose1d | |
aten::conv_transpose2d | |
aten::conv_transpose3d | |
aten::convolution | |
aten::copy | |
aten::copy_ | |
aten::cos | |
aten::cos_ | |
aten::cosh | |
aten::cosh_ | |
aten::cross | |
aten::cumsum | |
aten::dequantize | |
aten::detach | |
aten::dim | |
aten::div | |
aten::div_ | |
aten::dot | |
aten::dropout | |
aten::dropout_ | |
aten::einsum | Supported in limited set of patterns |
aten::elu | |
aten::elu_ | |
aten::embedding | |
aten::embedding_bag | |
aten::empty | |
aten::empty_like | |
aten::eq | |
aten::erf | |
aten::erf_ | |
aten::erfc | |
aten::erfc_ | |
aten::exp | |
aten::exp_ | |
aten::expand | |
aten::expand_as | |
aten::expm1 | |
aten::expm1_ | |
aten::eye | |
aten::fake_quantize_per_channel_affine | |
aten::fake_quantize_per_tensor_affine | |
aten::feature_dropout | |
aten::fft_irfftn | Supported in limited set of patterns |
aten::fft_rfftn | Supported in limited set of patterns |
aten::fill | |
aten::fill_ | |
aten::fill_diagonal_ | |
aten::flatten | |
aten::flip | |
aten::floor | |
aten::floor_ | |
aten::floor_divide | |
aten::floor_divide_ | |
aten::floordiv | |
aten::fmod | |
aten::frobenius_norm | |
aten::full | |
aten::full_like | |
aten::gather | |
aten::gcd | |
aten::ge | |
aten::gelu | |
aten::glu | |
aten::grid_sampler | |
aten::group_norm | |
aten::gru | |
aten::gt | |
aten::hann_window | |
aten::hardsigmoid | |
aten::hardsigmoid_ | |
aten::hardswish | |
aten::hardswish_ | |
aten::hardtanh | |
aten::hardtanh_ | |
aten::im2col | |
aten::imag | Supported in limited set of patterns |
aten::index | Supported in limited set of patterns |
aten::index_add | |
aten::index_add_ | |
aten::index_copy_ | |
aten::index_put_ | |
aten::index_select | |
aten::instance_norm | |
aten::Int | |
aten::IntImplicit | |
aten::inverse | |
aten::is_grad_enabled | |
aten::is_nonzero | |
aten::isfinite | |
aten::isinf | |
aten::isnan | |
aten::item | |
aten::layer_norm | |
aten::le | |
aten::leaky_relu | |
aten::leaky_relu_ | |
aten::len | |
aten::lift | |
aten::lift_fresh | |
aten::lift_fresh_copy | |
aten::linalg_cross | |
aten::linalg_inv | |
aten::linalg_matrix_norm | |
aten::linalg_norm | |
aten::linalg_vector_norm | |
aten::linear | |
aten::linspace | |
aten::log | |
aten::log10 | |
aten::log10_ | |
aten::log1p | |
aten::log1p_ | |
aten::log2 | |
aten::log2_ | |
aten::log_ | |
aten::log_sigmoid | |
aten::log_softmax | |
aten::logical_and | |
aten::logical_not | |
aten::logical_or | |
aten::logical_xor | |
aten::lstm | |
aten::lt | |
aten::masked_fill | |
aten::masked_fill_ | |
aten::masked_scatter | |
aten::masked_scatter_ | |
aten::matmul | |
aten::max | |
aten::max_pool1d | |
aten::max_pool1d_with_indices | |
aten::max_pool2d | |
aten::max_pool2d_with_indices | |
aten::max_pool3d | |
aten::max_pool3d_with_indices | |
aten::maximum | |
aten::mean | |
aten::meshgrid | |
aten::min | |
aten::minimum | |
aten::mish | |
aten::mish_ | |
aten::mm | |
aten::movedim | |
aten::mul | |
aten::mul_ | |
aten::multinomial | |
aten::multiply | |
aten::multiply_ | |
aten::mv | |
aten::narrow | |
aten::ne | |
aten::neg | |
aten::new_empty | |
aten::new_full | |
aten::new_ones | |
aten::new_zeros | |
aten::nonzero | |
aten::nonzero_numpy | Supported in limited set of patterns |
aten::norm | |
aten::normal | |
aten::normal_ | |
aten::numel | |
aten::numpy_T | |
aten::one_hot | |
aten::ones | |
aten::ones_like | |
aten::outer | |
aten::pad | |
aten::pairwise_distance | |
aten::permute | |
aten::pixel_shuffle | |
aten::pixel_unshuffle | |
aten::pow | |
aten::pow_ | |
aten::prelu | |
aten::prod | |
aten::quantize_per_channel | |
aten::quantize_per_tensor | |
aten::rand | |
aten::rand_like | |
aten::randint | |
aten::randn | |
aten::randn_like | |
aten::real | Supported in limited set of patterns |
aten::reciprocal | |
aten::reciprocal_ | |
aten::reflection_pad2d | Supported in limited set of patterns |
aten::relu | |
aten::relu6 | |
aten::relu6_ | |
aten::relu_ | |
aten::remainder | |
aten::repeat | |
aten::repeat_interleave | |
aten::reshape | |
aten::reshape_as | |
aten::resolve_conj | |
aten::resolve_neg | |
aten::rnn_relu | |
aten::rnn_tanh | |
aten::roll | |
aten::round | |
aten::rsqrt | |
aten::rsqrt_ | |
aten::rsub | |
aten::ScalarImplicit | |
aten::scaled_dot_product_attention | |
aten::scatter | |
aten::scatter_ | |
aten::scatter_add | |
aten::scatter_add_ | |
aten::scatter_reduce | |
aten::scatter_reduce_ | |
aten::select | |
aten::selu | |
aten::selu_ | |
aten::sigmoid | |
aten::sigmoid_ | |
aten::sign | |
aten::silu | |
aten::silu_ | |
aten::sin | |
aten::sin_ | |
aten::sinh | |
aten::sinh_ | |
aten::size | |
aten::slice | |
aten::softmax | |
aten::softplus | |
aten::sort | |
aten::split | Supported in limited set of patterns |
aten::split_with_sizes | Supported in limited set of patterns |
aten::sqrt | |
aten::sqrt_ | |
aten::square | |
aten::squeeze | |
aten::stack | Supported in limited set of patterns |
aten::std | |
aten::std_mean | |
aten::sub | |
aten::sub_ | |
aten::sum | |
aten::swapaxes | |
aten::t | |
aten::t_ | |
aten::take_along_dim | |
aten::tan | |
aten::tan_ | |
aten::tanh | |
aten::tanh_ | |
aten::tensor | |
aten::tensor_split | Supported in limited set of patterns |
aten::tile | |
aten::to | |
aten::topk | |
aten::transpose | |
aten::tril | |
aten::tril_ | |
aten::triu | |
aten::triu_ | |
aten::type_as | |
aten::unbind | Supported in limited set of patterns |
aten::unflatten | |
aten::unfold | |
aten::unsqueeze | |
aten::unsqueeze_ | |
aten::upsample_bicubic2d | |
aten::upsample_bilinear2d | |
aten::upsample_linear1d | |
aten::upsample_nearest1d | |
aten::upsample_nearest2d | |
aten::upsample_nearest3d | |
aten::upsample_trilinear3d | |
aten::var | |
aten::var_mean | |
aten::view | |
aten::view_as | |
aten::where | |
aten::zero_ | |
aten::zeros | |
aten::zeros_like | |
ov_ext::conv1d | |
ov_ext::embedding | |
ov_ext::linear | |
prim::Constant | |
prim::device | |
prim::DictConstruct | Supported in limited set of patterns |
prim::GetAttr | |
prim::If | |
prim::is_cuda | |
prim::ListConstruct | |
prim::ListUnpack | |
prim::Loop | |
prim::max | Supported in limited set of patterns |
prim::min | Supported in limited set of patterns |
prim::NumToTensor | |
prim::PythonOp | |
prim::requires_grad | |
prim::TupleConstruct | Supported in limited set of patterns |
prim::TupleIndex | |
prim::TupleUnpack | Supported in limited set of patterns |
prim::type | |
quantized::add | |
quantized::add_relu | |
quantized::cat | |
quantized::conv2d | |
quantized::conv2d_relu | |
quantized::hardswish | |
quantized::linear | |
quantized::mul | |
torchvision::deform_conv2d | |
torchvision::nms | |
torchvision::roi_align |
Operation Name | Supported | Limitation |
Abort | NO | |
Abs | YES | |
AccumulateNV2 | NO | |
AccumulatorApplyGradient | NO | |
AccumulatorNumAccumulated | NO | |
AccumulatorSetGlobalStep | NO | |
AccumulatorTakeGradient | NO | |
Acos | YES | |
Acosh | YES | |
Add | YES | |
AddManySparseToTensorsMap | NO | |
AddN | YES | |
AddSparseToTensorsMap | NO | |
AddV2 | YES | |
AdjustContrast | NO | |
AdjustContrastv2 | YES | |
AdjustHueNEW | YES | |
AdjustSaturationNEW | YES | |
All | YES | |
AllCandidateSampler | NO | |
AllToAll | NO | |
Angle | YES | |
AnonymousHashTable | NO | |
AnonymousIterator | NO | |
AnonymousIteratorV2 | NO | |
AnonymousIteratorV3 | NO | |
AnonymousMemoryCache | NO | |
AnonymousMultiDeviceIterator | NO | |
AnonymousMultiDeviceIteratorV3 | NO | |
AnonymousMutableDenseHashTable | NO | |
AnonymousMutableHashTable | NO | |
AnonymousMutableHashTableOfTensors | NO | |
AnonymousRandomSeedGenerator | NO | |
AnonymousSeedGenerator | NO | |
Any | YES | |
ApplyAdaMax | NO | |
ApplyAdadelta | NO | |
ApplyAdagrad | NO | |
ApplyAdagradDA | NO | |
ApplyAdagradV2 | NO | |
ApplyAdam | NO | |
ApplyAddSign | NO | |
ApplyCenteredRMSProp | NO | |
ApplyFtrl | NO | |
ApplyFtrlV2 | NO | |
ApplyGradientDescent | NO | |
ApplyMomentum | NO | |
ApplyPowerSign | NO | |
ApplyProximalAdagrad | NO | |
ApplyProximalGradientDescent | NO | |
ApplyRMSProp | NO | |
ApproxTopK | NO | |
ApproximateEqual | YES | |
ArgMax | YES | |
ArgMin | YES | |
AsString | NO | |
Asin | YES | |
Asinh | YES | |
Assert | YES | |
AssertCardinalityDataset | NO | |
AssertNextDataset | NO | |
AssertPrevDataset | NO | |
Assign | YES | |
AssignAdd | YES | |
AssignAddVariableOp | YES | |
AssignSub | YES | |
AssignSubVariableOp | YES | |
AssignVariableOp | YES | |
AssignVariableXlaConcatND | NO | |
Atan | YES | |
Atan2 | YES | |
Atanh | YES | |
AudioSpectrogram | NO | |
AudioSummary | NO | |
AudioSummaryV2 | NO | |
AutoShardDataset | NO | |
AvgPool | YES | |
AvgPool3D | YES | |
AvgPool3DGrad | NO | |
AvgPoolGrad | NO | |
BandedTriangularSolve | NO | |
Barrier | NO | |
BarrierClose | NO | |
BarrierIncompleteSize | NO | |
BarrierInsertMany | NO | |
BarrierReadySize | NO | |
BarrierTakeMany | NO | |
Batch | NO | |
BatchCholesky | NO | |
BatchCholeskyGrad | NO | |
BatchDataset | NO | |
BatchDatasetV2 | NO | |
BatchFFT | NO | |
BatchFFT2D | NO | |
BatchFFT3D | NO | |
BatchFunction | NO | |
BatchIFFT | NO | |
BatchIFFT2D | NO | |
BatchIFFT3D | NO | |
BatchMatMul | YES | |
BatchMatMulV2 | YES | |
BatchMatMulV3 | YES | |
BatchMatrixBandPart | NO | |
BatchMatrixDeterminant | NO | |
BatchMatrixDiag | NO | |
BatchMatrixDiagPart | NO | |
BatchMatrixInverse | NO | |
BatchMatrixSetDiag | NO | |
BatchMatrixSolve | NO | |
BatchMatrixSolveLs | NO | |
BatchMatrixTriangularSolve | NO | |
BatchNormWithGlobalNormalization | NO | |
BatchNormWithGlobalNormalizationGrad | NO | |
BatchSelfAdjointEig | NO | |
BatchSelfAdjointEigV2 | NO | |
BatchSvd | NO | |
BatchToSpace | NO | |
BatchToSpaceND | YES | |
BesselI0 | NO | |
BesselI0e | NO | |
BesselI1 | NO | |
BesselI1e | NO | |
BesselJ0 | NO | |
BesselJ1 | NO | |
BesselK0 | NO | |
BesselK0e | NO | |
BesselK1 | NO | |
BesselK1e | NO | |
BesselY0 | NO | |
BesselY1 | NO | |
Betainc | NO | |
BiasAdd | YES | |
BiasAddGrad | NO | |
BiasAddV1 | NO | |
Bincount | YES | |
Bitcast | NO | |
BitwiseAnd | YES | |
BitwiseOr | YES | |
BitwiseXor | YES | |
BlockLSTM | YES | |
BlockLSTMGrad | NO | |
BlockLSTMGradV2 | NO | |
BlockLSTMV2 | NO | |
BoostedTreesAggregateStats | NO | |
BoostedTreesBucketize | NO | |
BoostedTreesCalculateBestFeatureSplit | NO | |
BoostedTreesCalculateBestFeatureSplitV2 | NO | |
BoostedTreesCalculateBestGainsPerFeature | NO | |
BoostedTreesCenterBias | NO | |
BoostedTreesCreateEnsemble | NO | |
BoostedTreesCreateQuantileStreamResource | NO | |
BoostedTreesDeserializeEnsemble | NO | |
BoostedTreesEnsembleResourceHandleOp | NO | |
BoostedTreesExampleDebugOutputs | NO | |
BoostedTreesFlushQuantileSummaries | NO | |
BoostedTreesGetEnsembleStates | NO | |
BoostedTreesMakeQuantileSummaries | NO | |
BoostedTreesMakeStatsSummary | NO | |
BoostedTreesPredict | NO | |
BoostedTreesQuantileStreamResourceAddSummaries | NO | |
BoostedTreesQuantileStreamResourceDeserialize | NO | |
BoostedTreesQuantileStreamResourceFlush | NO | |
BoostedTreesQuantileStreamResourceGetBucketBoundaries | NO | |
BoostedTreesQuantileStreamResourceHandleOp | NO | |
BoostedTreesSerializeEnsemble | NO | |
BoostedTreesSparseAggregateStats | NO | |
BoostedTreesSparseCalculateBestFeatureSplit | NO | |
BoostedTreesTrainingPredict | NO | |
BoostedTreesUpdateEnsemble | NO | |
BoostedTreesUpdateEnsembleV2 | NO | |
BroadcastArgs | YES | |
BroadcastGradientArgs | NO | |
BroadcastTo | YES | |
Bucketize | YES | |
BytesProducedStatsDataset | NO | |
CSRSparseMatrixComponents | NO | |
CSRSparseMatrixToDense | NO | |
CSRSparseMatrixToSparseTensor | NO | |
CSVDataset | NO | |
CSVDatasetV2 | NO | |
CTCBeamSearchDecoder | NO | |
CTCGreedyDecoder | YES | |
CTCLoss | YES | |
CTCLossV2 | NO | |
CacheDataset | NO | |
CacheDatasetV2 | NO | |
Case | NO | |
Cast | YES | |
Ceil | YES | |
CheckNumerics | YES | |
CheckNumericsV2 | YES | |
Cholesky | NO | |
CholeskyGrad | NO | |
ChooseFastestBranchDataset | NO | |
ChooseFastestDataset | NO | |
ClipByValue | YES | |
CloseSummaryWriter | NO | |
CollectiveAllToAllV2 | NO | |
CollectiveAllToAllV3 | NO | |
CollectiveAssignGroupV2 | NO | |
CollectiveBcastRecv | NO | |
CollectiveBcastRecvV2 | NO | |
CollectiveBcastSend | NO | |
CollectiveBcastSendV2 | NO | |
CollectiveGather | NO | |
CollectiveGatherV2 | NO | |
CollectiveInitializeCommunicator | NO | |
CollectivePermute | NO | |
CollectiveReduce | NO | |
CollectiveReduceScatterV2 | NO | |
CollectiveReduceV2 | NO | |
CollectiveReduceV3 | NO | |
CombinedNonMaxSuppression | NO | |
Complex | YES | |
ComplexAbs | YES | |
CompositeTensorVariantFromComponents | NO | |
CompositeTensorVariantToComponents | NO | |
CompressElement | NO | |
ComputeAccidentalHits | NO | |
ComputeBatchSize | NO | |
Concat | YES | |
ConcatOffset | NO | |
ConcatV2 | YES | |
ConcatenateDataset | NO | |
ConditionalAccumulator | NO | |
ConfigureDistributedTPU | NO | |
ConfigureTPUEmbedding | NO | |
Conj | YES | |
ConjugateTranspose | YES | |
Const | YES | |
ConsumeMutexLock | NO | |
ControlTrigger | NO | |
Conv | NO | |
Conv2D | YES | |
Conv2DBackpropFilter | NO | |
Conv2DBackpropFilterV2 | NO | |
Conv2DBackpropInput | YES | |
Conv2DBackpropInputV2 | NO | |
Conv3D | YES | |
Conv3DBackpropFilter | NO | |
Conv3DBackpropFilterV2 | NO | |
Conv3DBackpropInput | NO | |
Conv3DBackpropInputV2 | YES | |
Copy | NO | |
CopyHost | NO | |
Cos | YES | |
Cosh | YES | |
CountUpTo | NO | |
CreateSummaryDbWriter | NO | |
CreateSummaryFileWriter | NO | |
CropAndResize | YES | |
CropAndResizeGradBoxes | NO | |
CropAndResizeGradImage | NO | |
Cross | NO | |
CrossReplicaSum | NO | |
CudnnRNN | NO | |
CudnnRNNBackprop | NO | |
CudnnRNNBackpropV2 | NO | |
CudnnRNNBackpropV3 | NO | |
CudnnRNNCanonicalToParams | NO | |
CudnnRNNCanonicalToParamsV2 | NO | |
CudnnRNNParamsSize | NO | |
CudnnRNNParamsToCanonical | NO | |
CudnnRNNParamsToCanonicalV2 | NO | |
CudnnRNNV2 | NO | |
CudnnRNNV3 | NO | |
Cumprod | NO | |
Cumsum | YES | |
CumulativeLogsumexp | NO | |
DataFormatDimMap | NO | |
DataFormatVecPermute | NO | |
DataServiceDataset | NO | |
DataServiceDatasetV2 | NO | |
DataServiceDatasetV3 | NO | |
DataServiceDatasetV4 | NO | |
DatasetCardinality | NO | |
DatasetFromGraph | NO | |
DatasetToGraph | NO | |
DatasetToGraphV2 | NO | |
DatasetToSingleElement | NO | |
DatasetToTFRecord | NO | |
Dawsn | NO | |
DebugGradientIdentity | NO | |
DebugGradientRefIdentity | NO | |
DebugIdentity | NO | |
DebugIdentityV2 | NO | |
DebugIdentityV3 | NO | |
DebugNanCount | NO | |
DebugNumericSummary | NO | |
DebugNumericSummaryV2 | NO | |
DecodeAndCropJpeg | NO | |
DecodeBase64 | NO | |
DecodeBmp | NO | |
DecodeCSV | NO | |
DecodeCompressed | NO | |
DecodeGif | NO | |
DecodeImage | NO | |
DecodeJSONExample | NO | |
DecodeJpeg | NO | |
DecodePaddedRaw | NO | |
DecodePng | NO | |
DecodeProtoV2 | NO | |
DecodeRaw | NO | |
DecodeWav | NO | |
DeepCopy | NO | |
DeleteIterator | NO | |
DeleteMemoryCache | NO | |
DeleteMultiDeviceIterator | NO | |
DeleteRandomSeedGenerator | NO | |
DeleteSeedGenerator | NO | |
DeleteSessionTensor | NO | |
DenseBincount | NO | |
DenseCountSparseOutput | NO | |
DenseToCSRSparseMatrix | NO | |
DenseToDenseSetOperation | NO | |
DenseToSparseBatchDataset | NO | |
DenseToSparseSetOperation | NO | |
DepthToSpace | YES | |
DepthwiseConv2dNative | YES | |
DepthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropFilter | NO | |
DepthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropInput | NO | |
Dequantize | NO | |
DeserializeIterator | NO | |
DeserializeManySparse | NO | |
DeserializeSparse | NO | |
DestroyResourceOp | NO | |
DestroyTemporaryVariable | NO | |
DeviceIndex | NO | |
Diag | NO | |
DiagPart | NO | |
Digamma | NO | |
Dilation2D | NO | |
Dilation2DBackpropFilter | NO | |
Dilation2DBackpropInput | NO | |
DirectedInterleaveDataset | NO | |
DisableCopyOnRead | NO | |
DistributedSave | NO | |
Div | YES | |
DivNoNan | YES | |
DrawBoundingBoxes | NO | |
DrawBoundingBoxesV2 | NO | |
DummyIterationCounter | NO | |
DummyMemoryCache | NO | |
DummySeedGenerator | NO | |
DynamicEnqueueTPUEmbeddingArbitraryTensorBatch | NO | |
DynamicPartition | YES | |
DynamicStitch | YES | |
EagerPyFunc | NO | |
EditDistance | NO | |
Eig | NO | |
Einsum | YES | |
Elu | YES | |
EluGrad | NO | |
Empty | NO | |
EmptyTensorList | YES | |
EncodeBase64 | NO | |
EncodeJpeg | NO | |
EncodeJpegVariableQuality | NO | |
EncodePng | NO | |
EncodeProto | NO | |
EncodeWav | NO | |
EnqueueTPUEmbeddingArbitraryTensorBatch | NO | |
EnqueueTPUEmbeddingIntegerBatch | NO | |
EnqueueTPUEmbeddingRaggedTensorBatch | NO | |
EnqueueTPUEmbeddingSparseBatch | NO | |
EnqueueTPUEmbeddingSparseTensorBatch | NO | |
EnsureShape | YES | |
Enter | YES | |
Equal | YES | |
Erf | YES | |
Erfc | NO | |
Erfinv | NO | |
EuclideanNorm | YES | |
Exit | YES | |
Exp | YES | |
ExpandDims | YES | |
ExperimentalAssertNextDataset | NO | |
ExperimentalAutoShardDataset | NO | |
ExperimentalBytesProducedStatsDataset | NO | |
ExperimentalCSVDataset | NO | |
ExperimentalChooseFastestDataset | NO | |
ExperimentalDatasetCardinality | NO | |
ExperimentalDatasetToTFRecord | NO | |
ExperimentalDenseToSparseBatchDataset | NO | |
ExperimentalDirectedInterleaveDataset | NO | |
ExperimentalGroupByReducerDataset | NO | |
ExperimentalGroupByWindowDataset | NO | |
ExperimentalIgnoreErrorsDataset | NO | |
ExperimentalIteratorGetDevice | NO | |
ExperimentalLMDBDataset | NO | |
ExperimentalLatencyStatsDataset | NO | |
ExperimentalMapAndBatchDataset | NO | |
ExperimentalMapDataset | NO | |
ExperimentalMatchingFilesDataset | NO | |
ExperimentalMaxIntraOpParallelismDataset | NO | |
ExperimentalNonSerializableDataset | NO | |
ExperimentalParallelInterleaveDataset | NO | |
ExperimentalParseExampleDataset | NO | |
ExperimentalPrivateThreadPoolDataset | NO | |
ExperimentalRandomDataset | NO | |
ExperimentalRebatchDataset | NO | |
ExperimentalScanDataset | NO | |
ExperimentalSetStatsAggregatorDataset | NO | |
ExperimentalSleepDataset | NO | |
ExperimentalSlidingWindowDataset | NO | |
ExperimentalSqlDataset | NO | |
ExperimentalStatsAggregatorHandle | NO | |
ExperimentalStatsAggregatorSummary | NO | |
ExperimentalTakeWhileDataset | NO | |
ExperimentalThreadPoolDataset | NO | |
ExperimentalThreadPoolHandle | NO | |
ExperimentalUnbatchDataset | NO | |
ExperimentalUniqueDataset | NO | |
Expint | NO | |
Expm1 | NO | |
ExtractGlimpse | NO | |
ExtractGlimpseV2 | NO | |
ExtractImagePatches | YES | |
ExtractJpegShape | NO | |
ExtractVolumePatches | NO | |
FFT | YES | |
FFT2D | YES | |
FFT3D | YES | |
FIFOQueue | YES | |
FIFOQueueV2 | YES | |
Fact | NO | |
FakeParam | NO | |
FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgs | YES | |
FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgsGradient | NO | |
FakeQuantWithMinMaxVars | YES | |
FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsGradient | NO | |
FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannel | YES | |
FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannelGradient | NO | |
FakeQueue | NO | |
Fill | YES | |
FilterByLastComponentDataset | NO | |
FilterDataset | NO | |
FinalizeDataset | NO | |
Fingerprint | NO | |
FixedLengthRecordDataset | NO | |
FixedLengthRecordDatasetV2 | NO | |
FixedLengthRecordReader | NO | |
FixedLengthRecordReaderV2 | NO | |
FixedUnigramCandidateSampler | NO | |
FlatMapDataset | NO | |
Floor | YES | |
FloorDiv | YES | |
FloorMod | YES | |
FlushSummaryWriter | NO | |
For | NO | |
FractionalAvgPool | NO | |
FractionalAvgPoolGrad | NO | |
FractionalMaxPool | NO | |
FractionalMaxPoolGrad | NO | |
FresnelCos | NO | |
FresnelSin | NO | |
FusedBatchNorm | YES | |
FusedBatchNormGrad | NO | |
FusedBatchNormGradV2 | NO | |
FusedBatchNormGradV3 | NO | |
FusedBatchNormV2 | YES | |
FusedBatchNormV3 | YES | |
FusedPadConv2D | NO | |
FusedResizeAndPadConv2D | NO | |
GRUBlockCell | YES | |
GRUBlockCellGrad | NO | |
Gather | YES | |
GatherNd | YES | |
GatherV2 | YES | |
GenerateBoundingBoxProposals | NO | |
GenerateVocabRemapping | NO | |
GeneratorDataset | NO | |
GetElementAtIndex | NO | |
GetOptions | NO | |
GetSessionHandle | NO | |
GetSessionHandleV2 | NO | |
GetSessionTensor | NO | |
Greater | YES | |
GreaterEqual | YES | |
GroupByReducerDataset | NO | |
GroupByWindowDataset | NO | |
GuaranteeConst | NO | |
HashTable | YES | |
HashTableV2 | YES | |
HistogramFixedWidth | NO | |
HistogramSummary | NO | |
IFFT | YES | |
IFFT2D | YES | |
IFFT3D | YES | |
Identity | YES | |
IdentityN | YES | |
IdentityReader | NO | |
IdentityReaderV2 | NO | |
If | YES | |
Igamma | NO | |
IgammaGradA | NO | |
Igammac | NO | |
IgnoreErrorsDataset | NO | |
Imag | YES | |
ImageProjectiveTransformV2 | NO | |
ImageProjectiveTransformV3 | NO | |
ImageSummary | NO | |
ImmutableConst | NO | |
ImportEvent | NO | |
InTopK | NO | |
InTopKV2 | NO | |
InfeedDequeue | NO | |
InfeedDequeueTuple | NO | |
InfeedEnqueue | NO | |
InfeedEnqueuePrelinearizedBuffer | NO | |
InfeedEnqueueTuple | NO | |
InitializeTable | NO | |
InitializeTableFromDataset | NO | |
InitializeTableFromTextFile | NO | |
InitializeTableFromTextFileV2 | NO | |
InitializeTableV2 | NO | |
InplaceAdd | NO | |
InplaceSub | NO | |
InplaceUpdate | NO | |
InterleaveDataset | NO | |
Inv | YES | |
InvGrad | NO | |
Invert | YES | |
InvertPermutation | YES | |
IsBoostedTreesEnsembleInitialized | NO | |
IsBoostedTreesQuantileStreamResourceInitialized | NO | |
IsFinite | YES | |
IsInf | YES | |
IsNan | YES | |
IsTPUEmbeddingInitialized | NO | |
IsVariableInitialized | YES | |
IsotonicRegression | NO | |
Iterator | YES | |
IteratorFromStringHandle | NO | |
IteratorFromStringHandleV2 | NO | |
IteratorGetDevice | NO | |
IteratorGetNext | YES | |
IteratorGetNextAsOptional | NO | |
IteratorGetNextSync | NO | |
IteratorToStringHandle | NO | |
IteratorV2 | YES | |
L2Loss | YES | |
LMDBDataset | NO | |
LMDBReader | NO | |
LRN | YES | |
LRNGrad | NO | |
LSTMBlockCell | NO | |
LSTMBlockCellGrad | NO | |
LatencyStatsDataset | NO | |
LeakyRelu | YES | |
LeakyReluGrad | NO | |
LearnedUnigramCandidateSampler | NO | |
LeftShift | NO | |
LegacyParallelInterleaveDatasetV2 | NO | |
Less | YES | |
LessEqual | YES | |
Lgamma | NO | |
LinSpace | YES | |
ListDataset | NO | |
ListDiff | YES | |
LoadAndRemapMatrix | NO | |
LoadDataset | NO | |
LoadTPUEmbeddingADAMParameters | NO | |
LoadTPUEmbeddingAdadeltaParameters | NO | |
LoadTPUEmbeddingAdagradMomentumParameters | NO | |
LoadTPUEmbeddingAdagradParameters | NO | |
LoadTPUEmbeddingCenteredRMSPropParameters | NO | |
LoadTPUEmbeddingFTRLParameters | NO | |
LoadTPUEmbeddingFrequencyEstimatorParameters | NO | |
LoadTPUEmbeddingMDLAdagradLightParameters | NO | |
LoadTPUEmbeddingMomentumParameters | NO | |
LoadTPUEmbeddingProximalAdagradParameters | NO | |
LoadTPUEmbeddingProximalYogiParameters | NO | |
LoadTPUEmbeddingRMSPropParameters | NO | |
LoadTPUEmbeddingStochasticGradientDescentParameters | NO | |
Log | YES | |
Log1p | YES | |
LogMatrixDeterminant | NO | |
LogSoftmax | YES | |
LogUniformCandidateSampler | NO | |
LogicalAnd | YES | |
LogicalNot | YES | |
LogicalOr | YES | |
LookupTableExport | NO | |
LookupTableExportV2 | NO | |
LookupTableFind | YES | |
LookupTableFindV2 | YES | |
LookupTableImport | YES | |
LookupTableImportV2 | YES | |
LookupTableInsert | YES | |
LookupTableInsertV2 | YES | |
LookupTableRemoveV2 | NO | |
LookupTableSize | NO | |
LookupTableSizeV2 | NO | |
LoopCond | YES | |
LowerBound | NO | |
Lu | NO | |
MakeIterator | NO | |
MapAndBatchDataset | NO | |
MapClear | NO | |
MapDataset | NO | |
MapDefun | NO | |
MapIncompleteSize | NO | |
MapPeek | NO | |
MapSize | NO | |
MapStage | NO | |
MapUnstage | NO | |
MapUnstageNoKey | NO | |
MatMul | YES | |
MatchingFiles | NO | |
MatchingFilesDataset | NO | |
MatrixBandPart | YES | |
MatrixDeterminant | NO | |
MatrixDiag | YES | |
MatrixDiagPart | NO | |
MatrixDiagPartV2 | NO | |
MatrixDiagPartV3 | NO | |
MatrixDiagV2 | NO | |
MatrixDiagV3 | NO | |
MatrixExponential | NO | |
MatrixInverse | YES | |
MatrixLogarithm | NO | |
MatrixSetDiag | NO | |
MatrixSetDiagV2 | NO | |
MatrixSetDiagV3 | NO | |
MatrixSolve | NO | |
MatrixSolveLs | NO | |
MatrixSquareRoot | NO | |
MatrixTriangularSolve | NO | |
Max | YES | |
MaxIntraOpParallelismDataset | NO | |
MaxPool | YES | |
MaxPool3D | YES | |
MaxPool3DGrad | NO | |
MaxPool3DGradGrad | NO | |
MaxPoolGrad | NO | |
MaxPoolGradGrad | NO | |
MaxPoolGradGradV2 | NO | |
MaxPoolGradGradWithArgmax | NO | |
MaxPoolGradV2 | NO | |
MaxPoolGradWithArgmax | NO | |
MaxPoolV2 | YES | |
MaxPoolWithArgmax | YES | |
Maximum | YES | |
Mean | YES | |
Merge | YES | |
MergeSummary | NO | |
MergeV2Checkpoints | YES | |
Mfcc | NO | |
Min | YES | |
Minimum | YES | |
MirrorPad | YES | |
MirrorPadGrad | NO | |
Mod | YES | |
ModelDataset | NO | |
Mul | YES | |
MulNoNan | YES | |
MultiDeviceIterator | NO | |
MultiDeviceIteratorFromStringHandle | NO | |
MultiDeviceIteratorGetNextFromShard | NO | |
MultiDeviceIteratorInit | NO | |
MultiDeviceIteratorToStringHandle | NO | |
Multinomial | YES | |
MutableDenseHashTable | NO | |
MutableDenseHashTableV2 | NO | |
MutableHashTable | YES | |
MutableHashTableOfTensors | NO | |
MutableHashTableOfTensorsV2 | NO | |
MutableHashTableV2 | YES | |
MutexLock | NO | |
MutexV2 | NO | |
NcclAllReduce | NO | |
NcclBroadcast | NO | |
NcclReduce | NO | |
Ndtri | NO | |
Neg | YES | |
NextAfter | NO | |
NextIteration | YES | |
NoOp | YES | |
NonDeterministicInts | NO | |
NonMaxSuppression | YES | |
NonMaxSuppressionV2 | YES | |
NonMaxSuppressionV3 | YES | |
NonMaxSuppressionV4 | YES | |
NonMaxSuppressionV5 | YES | |
NonMaxSuppressionWithOverlaps | NO | |
NonSerializableDataset | NO | |
NotEqual | YES | |
NthElement | NO | |
OneHot | YES | |
OneShotIterator | YES | |
OnesLike | YES | |
OptimizeDataset | NO | |
OptimizeDatasetV2 | NO | |
OptionalFromValue | NO | |
OptionalGetValue | NO | |
OptionalHasValue | NO | |
OptionalNone | NO | |
OptionsDataset | NO | |
OrderedMapClear | NO | |
OrderedMapIncompleteSize | NO | |
OrderedMapPeek | NO | |
OrderedMapSize | NO | |
OrderedMapStage | NO | |
OrderedMapUnstage | NO | |
OrderedMapUnstageNoKey | NO | |
OutfeedDequeue | NO | |
OutfeedDequeueTuple | NO | |
OutfeedDequeueTupleV2 | NO | |
OutfeedDequeueV2 | NO | |
OutfeedEnqueue | NO | |
OutfeedEnqueueTuple | NO | |
Pack | YES | |
Pad | YES | |
PadV2 | YES | |
PaddedBatchDataset | NO | |
PaddedBatchDatasetV2 | NO | |
PaddingFIFOQueue | NO | |
PaddingFIFOQueueV2 | NO | |
ParallelBatchDataset | NO | |
ParallelConcat | NO | |
ParallelDynamicStitch | YES | |
ParallelFilterDataset | NO | |
ParallelInterleaveDataset | NO | |
ParallelInterleaveDatasetV2 | NO | |
ParallelInterleaveDatasetV3 | NO | |
ParallelInterleaveDatasetV4 | NO | |
ParallelMapDataset | NO | |
ParallelMapDatasetV2 | NO | |
ParameterizedTruncatedNormal | NO | |
ParseExample | NO | |
ParseExampleDataset | NO | |
ParseExampleDatasetV2 | NO | |
ParseExampleV2 | NO | |
ParseSequenceExample | NO | |
ParseSequenceExampleV2 | NO | |
ParseSingleExample | NO | |
ParseSingleSequenceExample | NO | |
ParseTensor | NO | |
PartitionedCall | YES | |
Placeholder | YES | |
PlaceholderV2 | NO | |
PlaceholderWithDefault | YES | |
Polygamma | NO | |
PopulationCount | NO | |
Pow | YES | |
PrefetchDataset | NO | |
Prelinearize | NO | |
PrelinearizeTuple | NO | |
PreventGradient | YES | |
NO | ||
PrintV2 | NO | |
PriorityQueue | NO | |
PriorityQueueV2 | NO | |
PrivateThreadPoolDataset | NO | |
Prod | YES | |
PyFunc | NO | |
PyFuncStateless | NO | |
Qr | NO | |
QuantizeAndDequantize | NO | |
QuantizeAndDequantizeV2 | NO | |
QuantizeAndDequantizeV3 | NO | |
QuantizeAndDequantizeV4 | NO | |
QuantizeAndDequantizeV4Grad | NO | |
QuantizeDownAndShrinkRange | NO | |
QuantizeV2 | NO | |
QuantizedAdd | NO | |
QuantizedAvgPool | NO | |
QuantizedBatchNormWithGlobalNormalization | NO | |
QuantizedBiasAdd | NO | |
QuantizedConcat | NO | |
QuantizedConv2D | NO | |
QuantizedConv2DAndRelu | NO | |
QuantizedConv2DAndReluAndRequantize | NO | |
QuantizedConv2DAndRequantize | NO | |
QuantizedConv2DPerChannel | NO | |
QuantizedConv2DWithBias | NO | |
QuantizedConv2DWithBiasAndRelu | NO | |
QuantizedConv2DWithBiasAndReluAndRequantize | NO | |
QuantizedConv2DWithBiasAndRequantize | NO | |
QuantizedConv2DWithBiasSignedSumAndReluAndRequantize | NO | |
QuantizedConv2DWithBiasSumAndRelu | NO | |
QuantizedConv2DWithBiasSumAndReluAndRequantize | NO | |
QuantizedDepthwiseConv2D | NO | |
QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DWithBias | NO | |
QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DWithBiasAndRelu | NO | |
QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DWithBiasAndReluAndRequantize | NO | |
QuantizedInstanceNorm | NO | |
QuantizedMatMul | NO | |
QuantizedMatMulWithBias | NO | |
QuantizedMatMulWithBiasAndDequantize | NO | |
QuantizedMatMulWithBiasAndRelu | NO | |
QuantizedMatMulWithBiasAndReluAndRequantize | NO | |
QuantizedMatMulWithBiasAndRequantize | NO | |
QuantizedMaxPool | NO | |
QuantizedMul | NO | |
QuantizedRelu | NO | |
QuantizedRelu6 | NO | |
QuantizedReluX | NO | |
QuantizedReshape | NO | |
QuantizedResizeBilinear | NO | |
QueueClose | NO | |
QueueCloseV2 | NO | |
QueueDequeue | YES | |
QueueDequeueMany | YES | |
QueueDequeueManyV2 | NO | |
QueueDequeueUpTo | YES | |
QueueDequeueUpToV2 | YES | |
QueueDequeueV2 | YES | |
QueueEnqueue | NO | |
QueueEnqueueMany | NO | |
QueueEnqueueManyV2 | NO | |
QueueEnqueueV2 | NO | |
QueueIsClosed | NO | |
QueueIsClosedV2 | NO | |
QueueSize | NO | |
QueueSizeV2 | NO | |
RFFT | YES | |
RFFT2D | YES | |
RFFT3D | YES | |
RaggedBincount | NO | |
RaggedCountSparseOutput | NO | |
RaggedCross | NO | |
RaggedFillEmptyRows | NO | |
RaggedFillEmptyRowsGrad | NO | |
RaggedGather | NO | |
RaggedRange | NO | |
RaggedTensorFromVariant | NO | |
RaggedTensorToSparse | YES | openvino-tokenizers required |
RaggedTensorToTensor | YES | openvino-tokenizers required |
RaggedTensorToVariant | NO | |
RaggedTensorToVariantGradient | NO | |
RandomCrop | NO | |
RandomDataset | NO | |
RandomDatasetV2 | NO | |
RandomGamma | NO | |
RandomGammaGrad | NO | |
RandomIndexShuffle | NO | |
RandomPoisson | NO | |
RandomPoissonV2 | NO | |
RandomShuffle | NO | |
RandomShuffleQueue | NO | |
RandomShuffleQueueV2 | NO | |
RandomStandardNormal | NO | |
RandomUniform | YES | |
RandomUniformInt | YES | |
Range | YES | |
RangeDataset | NO | |
Rank | YES | |
ReadFile | NO | |
ReadVariableOp | YES | |
ReadVariableXlaSplitND | NO | |
ReaderNumRecordsProduced | NO | |
ReaderNumRecordsProducedV2 | NO | |
ReaderNumWorkUnitsCompleted | NO | |
ReaderNumWorkUnitsCompletedV2 | NO | |
ReaderRead | NO | |
ReaderReadUpTo | NO | |
ReaderReadUpToV2 | NO | |
ReaderReadV2 | NO | |
ReaderReset | NO | |
ReaderResetV2 | NO | |
ReaderRestoreState | NO | |
ReaderRestoreStateV2 | NO | |
ReaderSerializeState | NO | |
ReaderSerializeStateV2 | NO | |
Real | YES | |
RealDiv | YES | |
RebatchDataset | NO | |
RebatchDatasetV2 | NO | |
Reciprocal | YES | |
ReciprocalGrad | NO | |
RecordInput | NO | |
Recv | NO | |
RecvTPUEmbeddingActivations | NO | |
ReduceDataset | NO | |
ReduceJoin | NO | |
RefEnter | NO | |
RefExit | NO | |
RefIdentity | NO | |
RefMerge | NO | |
RefNextIteration | NO | |
RefSelect | NO | |
RefSwitch | NO | |
RegexFullMatch | NO | |
RegexReplace | NO | |
RegisterDataset | NO | |
RegisterDatasetV2 | NO | |
Relu | YES | |
Relu6 | YES | |
Relu6Grad | NO | |
ReluGrad | NO | |
RemoteCall | NO | |
RepeatDataset | NO | |
RequantizationRange | NO | |
RequantizationRangePerChannel | NO | |
Requantize | NO | |
RequantizePerChannel | NO | |
Reshape | YES | |
ResizeArea | NO | |
ResizeBicubic | NO | |
ResizeBicubicGrad | NO | |
ResizeBilinear | YES | |
ResizeBilinearGrad | NO | |
ResizeNearestNeighbor | YES | |
ResizeNearestNeighborGrad | NO | |
ResourceAccumulatorApplyGradient | NO | |
ResourceAccumulatorNumAccumulated | NO | |
ResourceAccumulatorSetGlobalStep | NO | |
ResourceAccumulatorTakeGradient | NO | |
ResourceApplyAdaMax | NO | |
ResourceApplyAdadelta | NO | |
ResourceApplyAdagrad | NO | |
ResourceApplyAdagradDA | NO | |
ResourceApplyAdagradV2 | NO | |
ResourceApplyAdam | NO | |
ResourceApplyAdamWithAmsgrad | NO | |
ResourceApplyAddSign | NO | |
ResourceApplyCenteredRMSProp | NO | |
ResourceApplyFtrl | NO | |
ResourceApplyFtrlV2 | NO | |
ResourceApplyGradientDescent | NO | |
ResourceApplyKerasMomentum | NO | |
ResourceApplyMomentum | NO | |
ResourceApplyPowerSign | NO | |
ResourceApplyProximalAdagrad | NO | |
ResourceApplyProximalGradientDescent | NO | |
ResourceApplyRMSProp | NO | |
ResourceConditionalAccumulator | NO | |
ResourceCountUpTo | NO | |
ResourceGather | YES | |
ResourceGatherNd | NO | |
ResourceScatterAdd | NO | |
ResourceScatterDiv | NO | |
ResourceScatterMax | NO | |
ResourceScatterMin | NO | |
ResourceScatterMul | NO | |
ResourceScatterNdAdd | NO | |
ResourceScatterNdMax | NO | |
ResourceScatterNdMin | NO | |
ResourceScatterNdSub | NO | |
ResourceScatterNdUpdate | NO | |
ResourceScatterSub | NO | |
ResourceScatterUpdate | NO | |
ResourceSparseApplyAdadelta | NO | |
ResourceSparseApplyAdagrad | NO | |
ResourceSparseApplyAdagradDA | NO | |
ResourceSparseApplyAdagradV2 | NO | |
ResourceSparseApplyCenteredRMSProp | NO | |
ResourceSparseApplyFtrl | NO | |
ResourceSparseApplyFtrlV2 | NO | |
ResourceSparseApplyKerasMomentum | NO | |
ResourceSparseApplyMomentum | NO | |
ResourceSparseApplyProximalAdagrad | NO | |
ResourceSparseApplyProximalGradientDescent | NO | |
ResourceSparseApplyRMSProp | NO | |
ResourceStridedSliceAssign | NO | |
Restore | NO | |
RestoreSlice | NO | |
RestoreV2 | YES | |
RetrieveTPUEmbeddingADAMParameters | NO | |
RetrieveTPUEmbeddingAdadeltaParameters | NO | |
RetrieveTPUEmbeddingAdagradMomentumParameters | NO | |
RetrieveTPUEmbeddingAdagradParameters | NO | |
RetrieveTPUEmbeddingCenteredRMSPropParameters | NO | |
RetrieveTPUEmbeddingFTRLParameters | NO | |
RetrieveTPUEmbeddingFrequencyEstimatorParameters | NO | |
RetrieveTPUEmbeddingMDLAdagradLightParameters | NO | |
RetrieveTPUEmbeddingMomentumParameters | NO | |
RetrieveTPUEmbeddingProximalAdagradParameters | NO | |
RetrieveTPUEmbeddingProximalYogiParameters | NO | |
RetrieveTPUEmbeddingRMSPropParameters | NO | |
RetrieveTPUEmbeddingStochasticGradientDescentParameters | NO | |
Reverse | YES | |
ReverseSequence | YES | |
ReverseV2 | YES | |
RewriteDataset | NO | |
RightShift | NO | |
Rint | YES | |
RngReadAndSkip | NO | |
RngSkip | NO | |
Roll | YES | |
Round | YES | |
Rsqrt | YES | |
RsqrtGrad | NO | |
SampleDistortedBoundingBox | NO | |
SampleDistortedBoundingBoxV2 | NO | |
SamplingDataset | NO | |
Save | NO | |
SaveDataset | NO | |
SaveDatasetV2 | NO | |
SaveSlices | NO | |
SaveV2 | YES | |
ScalarSummary | NO | |
ScaleAndTranslate | NO | |
ScaleAndTranslateGrad | NO | |
ScanDataset | NO | |
ScatterAdd | NO | |
ScatterDiv | NO | |
ScatterMax | NO | |
ScatterMin | NO | |
ScatterMul | NO | |
ScatterNd | YES | |
ScatterNdAdd | NO | |
ScatterNdMax | NO | |
ScatterNdMin | NO | |
ScatterNdNonAliasingAdd | NO | |
ScatterNdSub | NO | |
ScatterNdUpdate | NO | |
ScatterSub | NO | |
ScatterUpdate | NO | |
SdcaFprint | NO | |
SdcaOptimizer | NO | |
SdcaOptimizerV2 | NO | |
SdcaShrinkL1 | NO | |
SegmentMax | NO | |
SegmentMaxV2 | NO | |
SegmentMean | NO | |
SegmentMin | NO | |
SegmentMinV2 | NO | |
SegmentProd | NO | |
SegmentProdV2 | NO | |
SegmentSum | YES | |
SegmentSumV2 | NO | |
Select | YES | |
SelectV2 | YES | |
SelfAdjointEig | NO | |
SelfAdjointEigV2 | NO | |
Selu | YES | |
SeluGrad | NO | |
Send | NO | |
SendTPUEmbeddingGradients | NO | |
SerializeIterator | NO | |
SerializeManySparse | NO | |
SerializeSparse | NO | |
SerializeTensor | NO | |
SetSize | NO | |
SetStatsAggregatorDataset | NO | |
Shape | YES | |
ShapeN | YES | |
ShardDataset | NO | |
ShardedFilename | YES | |
ShardedFilespec | NO | |
ShuffleAndRepeatDataset | NO | |
ShuffleAndRepeatDatasetV2 | NO | |
ShuffleDataset | NO | |
ShuffleDatasetV2 | NO | |
ShuffleDatasetV3 | NO | |
ShutdownDistributedTPU | NO | |
Sigmoid | YES | |
SigmoidGrad | NO | |
Sign | YES | |
Sin | YES | |
Sinh | YES | |
Size | YES | |
SkipDataset | NO | |
SleepDataset | NO | |
Slice | YES | |
SlidingWindowDataset | NO | |
Snapshot | YES | |
SnapshotChunkDataset | NO | |
SnapshotDataset | NO | |
SnapshotDatasetReader | NO | |
SnapshotDatasetV2 | NO | |
SnapshotNestedDatasetReader | NO | |
SobolSample | NO | |
Softmax | YES | |
SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits | NO | |
Softplus | YES | |
SoftplusGrad | NO | |
Softsign | YES | |
SoftsignGrad | NO | |
SpaceToBatch | NO | |
SpaceToBatchND | YES | |
SpaceToDepth | YES | |
SparseAccumulatorApplyGradient | NO | |
SparseAccumulatorTakeGradient | NO | |
SparseAdd | NO | |
SparseAddGrad | NO | |
SparseApplyAdadelta | NO | |
SparseApplyAdagrad | NO | |
SparseApplyAdagradDA | NO | |
SparseApplyAdagradV2 | NO | |
SparseApplyCenteredRMSProp | NO | |
SparseApplyFtrl | NO | |
SparseApplyFtrlV2 | NO | |
SparseApplyMomentum | NO | |
SparseApplyProximalAdagrad | NO | |
SparseApplyProximalGradientDescent | NO | |
SparseApplyRMSProp | NO | |
SparseBincount | NO | |
SparseConcat | NO | |
SparseConditionalAccumulator | NO | |
SparseCountSparseOutput | NO | |
SparseCross | NO | |
SparseCrossHashed | NO | |
SparseCrossV2 | NO | |
SparseDenseCwiseAdd | NO | |
SparseDenseCwiseDiv | NO | |
SparseDenseCwiseMul | NO | |
SparseFillEmptyRows | YES | |
SparseFillEmptyRowsGrad | NO | |
SparseMatMul | NO | |
SparseMatrixAdd | NO | |
SparseMatrixMatMul | NO | |
SparseMatrixMul | NO | |
SparseMatrixNNZ | NO | |
SparseMatrixOrderingAMD | NO | |
SparseMatrixSoftmax | NO | |
SparseMatrixSoftmaxGrad | NO | |
SparseMatrixSparseCholesky | NO | |
SparseMatrixSparseMatMul | NO | |
SparseMatrixTranspose | NO | |
SparseMatrixZeros | NO | |
SparseReduceMax | NO | |
SparseReduceMaxSparse | NO | |
SparseReduceSum | NO | |
SparseReduceSumSparse | NO | |
SparseReorder | NO | |
SparseReshape | YES | |
SparseSegmentMean | NO | |
SparseSegmentMeanGrad | NO | |
SparseSegmentMeanGradV2 | NO | |
SparseSegmentMeanWithNumSegments | NO | |
SparseSegmentSqrtN | NO | |
SparseSegmentSqrtNGrad | NO | |
SparseSegmentSqrtNGradV2 | NO | |
SparseSegmentSqrtNWithNumSegments | NO | |
SparseSegmentSum | YES | |
SparseSegmentSumGrad | NO | |
SparseSegmentSumGradV2 | NO | |
SparseSegmentSumWithNumSegments | NO | |
SparseSlice | NO | |
SparseSliceGrad | NO | |
SparseSoftmax | NO | |
SparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits | NO | |
SparseSparseMaximum | NO | |
SparseSparseMinimum | NO | |
SparseSplit | NO | |
SparseTensorDenseAdd | NO | |
SparseTensorDenseMatMul | NO | |
SparseTensorSliceDataset | NO | |
SparseTensorToCSRSparseMatrix | NO | |
SparseToDense | YES | |
SparseToSparseSetOperation | NO | |
Spence | NO | |
Split | YES | |
SplitV | YES | |
SqlDataset | NO | |
Sqrt | YES | |
SqrtGrad | NO | |
Square | YES | |
SquaredDifference | YES | |
Squeeze | YES | |
Stack | NO | |
StackClose | NO | |
StackCloseV2 | NO | |
StackPop | NO | |
StackPopV2 | NO | |
StackPush | NO | |
StackPushV2 | NO | |
StackV2 | NO | |
Stage | NO | |
StageClear | NO | |
StagePeek | NO | |
StageSize | NO | |
StatefulPartitionedCall | YES | |
StatefulRandomBinomial | NO | |
StatefulStandardNormal | NO | |
StatefulStandardNormalV2 | NO | |
StatefulTruncatedNormal | NO | |
StatefulUniform | NO | |
StatefulUniformFullInt | NO | |
StatefulUniformInt | NO | |
StatelessCase | NO | |
StatelessIf | YES | |
StatelessMultinomial | NO | |
StatelessParameterizedTruncatedNormal | NO | |
StatelessRandomBinomial | NO | |
StatelessRandomGammaV2 | NO | |
StatelessRandomGammaV3 | NO | |
StatelessRandomGetAlg | NO | |
StatelessRandomGetKeyCounter | NO | |
StatelessRandomGetKeyCounterAlg | NO | |
StatelessRandomNormal | NO | |
StatelessRandomNormalV2 | NO | |
StatelessRandomPoisson | NO | |
StatelessRandomUniform | NO | |
StatelessRandomUniformFullInt | NO | |
StatelessRandomUniformFullIntV2 | NO | |
StatelessRandomUniformInt | NO | |
StatelessRandomUniformIntV2 | NO | |
StatelessRandomUniformV2 | NO | |
StatelessSampleDistortedBoundingBox | NO | |
StatelessShuffle | NO | |
StatelessTruncatedNormal | NO | |
StatelessTruncatedNormalV2 | NO | |
StatelessWhile | YES | |
StaticRegexFullMatch | YES | |
StaticRegexReplace | YES | openvino-tokenizers required |
StatsAggregatorHandle | NO | |
StatsAggregatorHandleV2 | NO | |
StatsAggregatorSetSummaryWriter | NO | |
StatsAggregatorSummary | NO | |
StopGradient | YES | |
StridedSlice | YES | |
StridedSliceAssign | NO | |
StridedSliceGrad | NO | |
StringFormat | NO | |
StringJoin | YES | |
StringLength | NO | |
StringLower | YES | openvino-tokenizers required |
StringNGrams | NO | |
StringSplit | NO | |
StringSplitV2 | YES | openvino-tokenizers required |
StringStrip | NO | |
StringToHashBucket | NO | |
StringToHashBucketFast | YES | openvino-tokenizers required |
StringToHashBucketStrong | NO | |
StringToNumber | NO | |
StringUpper | NO | |
Sub | YES | |
Substr | NO | |
Sum | YES | |
SummaryWriter | NO | |
Svd | NO | |
Switch | YES | |
SymbolicGradient | NO | |
SyncDevice | NO | |
TFRecordDataset | NO | |
TFRecordDatasetV2 | NO | |
TFRecordReader | NO | |
TFRecordReaderV2 | NO | |
TPUCompilationResult | NO | |
TPUEmbeddingActivations | NO | |
TPUOrdinalSelector | NO | |
TPUPartitionedCall | NO | |
TPUPartitionedInput | NO | |
TPUPartitionedInputV2 | NO | |
TPUPartitionedOutput | NO | |
TPUPartitionedOutputV2 | NO | |
TPUReplicateMetadata | NO | |
TPUReplicatedInput | NO | |
TPUReplicatedOutput | NO | |
TakeDataset | NO | |
TakeManySparseFromTensorsMap | NO | |
TakeWhileDataset | NO | |
Tan | YES | |
Tanh | YES | |
TanhGrad | NO | |
TemporaryVariable | NO | |
TensorArray | NO | |
TensorArrayClose | NO | |
TensorArrayCloseV2 | NO | |
TensorArrayCloseV3 | YES | |
TensorArrayConcat | NO | |
TensorArrayConcatV2 | NO | |
TensorArrayConcatV3 | YES | |
TensorArrayGather | NO | |
TensorArrayGatherV2 | NO | |
TensorArrayGatherV3 | YES | |
TensorArrayGrad | NO | |
TensorArrayGradV2 | NO | |
TensorArrayGradV3 | NO | |
TensorArrayGradWithShape | NO | |
TensorArrayPack | NO | |
TensorArrayRead | NO | |
TensorArrayReadV2 | NO | |
TensorArrayReadV3 | YES | |
TensorArrayScatter | NO | |
TensorArrayScatterV2 | NO | |
TensorArrayScatterV3 | YES | |
TensorArraySize | NO | |
TensorArraySizeV2 | NO | |
TensorArraySizeV3 | YES | |
TensorArraySplit | NO | |
TensorArraySplitV2 | NO | |
TensorArraySplitV3 | NO | |
TensorArrayUnpack | NO | |
TensorArrayV2 | NO | |
TensorArrayV3 | YES | |
TensorArrayWrite | NO | |
TensorArrayWriteV2 | NO | |
TensorArrayWriteV3 | YES | |
TensorDataset | NO | |
TensorListConcat | NO | |
TensorListConcatLists | NO | |
TensorListConcatV2 | YES | |
TensorListElementShape | NO | |
TensorListFromTensor | YES | |
TensorListGather | NO | |
TensorListGetItem | YES | |
TensorListLength | YES | |
TensorListPopBack | NO | |
TensorListPushBack | YES | |
TensorListPushBackBatch | NO | |
TensorListReserve | YES | |
TensorListResize | YES | |
TensorListScatter | NO | |
TensorListScatterIntoExistingList | NO | |
TensorListScatterV2 | NO | |
TensorListSetItem | YES | |
TensorListSplit | NO | |
TensorListStack | YES | |
TensorScatterAdd | NO | |
TensorScatterMax | NO | |
TensorScatterMin | NO | |
TensorScatterSub | NO | |
TensorScatterUpdate | NO | |
TensorSliceDataset | NO | |
TensorStridedSliceUpdate | NO | |
TensorSummary | NO | |
TensorSummaryV2 | NO | |
TextLineDataset | NO | |
TextLineReader | NO | |
TextLineReaderV2 | NO | |
ThreadPoolDataset | NO | |
ThreadPoolHandle | NO | |
ThreadUnsafeUnigramCandidateSampler | NO | |
Tile | YES | |
TileGrad | NO | |
Timestamp | NO | |
ToBool | YES | |
TopK | YES | |
TopKV2 | YES | |
Transpose | YES | |
TridiagonalMatMul | NO | |
TridiagonalSolve | NO | |
TruncateDiv | YES | |
TruncateMod | YES | |
TruncatedNormal | NO | |
Unbatch | NO | |
UnbatchDataset | NO | |
UnbatchGrad | NO | |
UncompressElement | NO | |
UnicodeDecode | NO | |
UnicodeDecodeWithOffsets | NO | |
UnicodeEncode | NO | |
UnicodeScript | NO | |
UnicodeTranscode | NO | |
UniformCandidateSampler | NO | |
UniformDequantize | NO | |
UniformQuantize | NO | |
UniformQuantizedAdd | NO | |
UniformQuantizedClipByValue | NO | |
UniformQuantizedConvolution | NO | |
UniformQuantizedConvolutionHybrid | NO | |
UniformQuantizedDot | NO | |
UniformQuantizedDotHybrid | NO | |
UniformRequantize | NO | |
Unique | YES | |
UniqueDataset | NO | |
UniqueV2 | NO | |
UniqueWithCounts | YES | |
UniqueWithCountsV2 | NO | |
Unpack | YES | |
UnravelIndex | YES | |
UnsortedSegmentJoin | NO | |
UnsortedSegmentMax | NO | |
UnsortedSegmentMin | NO | |
UnsortedSegmentProd | NO | |
UnsortedSegmentSum | YES | |
Unstage | NO | |
UnwrapDatasetVariant | NO | |
UpperBound | NO | |
VarHandleOp | YES | |
VarIsInitializedOp | YES | |
Variable | YES | |
VariableShape | NO | |
VariableV2 | YES | |
Where | YES | |
While | YES | |
WholeFileReader | NO | |
WholeFileReaderV2 | NO | |
WindowDataset | NO | |
WindowOp | NO | |
WorkerHeartbeat | NO | |
WrapDatasetVariant | NO | |
WriteAudioSummary | NO | |
WriteFile | NO | |
WriteGraphSummary | NO | |
WriteHistogramSummary | NO | |
WriteImageSummary | NO | |
WriteRawProtoSummary | NO | |
WriteScalarSummary | NO | |
WriteSummary | NO | |
Xdivy | YES | |
XlaConcatND | NO | |
XlaSplitND | NO | |
Xlog1py | YES | |
Xlogy | YES | |
ZerosLike | YES | |
Zeta | NO | |
ZipDataset | NO |
PaddlePaddle Supported Operations (v. >= 2.1) | Limitations |
arg_max | The ``int32`` output data_type is not supported. |
adaptive_pool2d | The ``NHWC`` data_layout is not supported. |
assign | |
assign_value | |
batch_norm | |
bicubic_interp | |
bilinear_interp | ``NCW``, ``NWC``, ``NHWC``, ``NCDHW``, ``NDHWC`` data_layout are not supported |
bmm | |
box_coder | |
cast | |
ceil | |
clip | |
concat | |
conditional_block | |
conv2d | ``NHWC`` data_layout is not supported |
conv2d_transpose | |
cumsum | |
deformable_conv | |
depthwise_conv2d | ``NHWC`` data_layout is not supported. |
depthwise_conv2d_transpose | |
dropout | |
elementwise_add | |
elementwise_div | |
elementwise_floordiv | |
elementwise_max | |
elementwise_min | |
elementwise_mod | |
elementwise_mul | |
elementwise_pow | |
elementwise_sub | |
equal | |
exp | |
expand | |
fill_any_like | |
fill_constant | |
fill_constant_batch_size_like | |
flatten_contiguous_range | |
floor | |
gather | |
gather_nd | |
gelu | |
generate_proposals | |
greater_equal | |
greater_than | |
group_norm | |
hard_sigmoid | |
hard_swish | |
layer_norm | |
leaky_relu | |
less_than | |
linear_interp | |
log | |
logical_and | |
logical_not | |
logical_or | |
logical_xor | |
lookup_table | |
matmul | |
matrix_nms | Only supports CPU plugin with "number of selected boxes" static shape (e.g.: ``min(min(num_boxes, nms_top_k) * num_classes_output, keep_top_k)``). |
max_pool2d_with_index | |
meshgrid | |
multiclass_nms | Only supports CPU plugin with "number of selected boxes" static shape (e.g.: ``min(min(num_boxes, nms_top_k) * num_classes_output, keep_top_k)``). |
nearest_interp | ``NCW``, ``NWC``, ``NHWC``, ``NCDHW``, ``NDHWC`` data_layout are not supported. |
not_equal | |
p_norm | |
pad3d | ``Circular`` mode is not supported. |
pool2d | ``NHWC`` data_layout is not supported. |
pow | |
prior_box | |
range | |
reduce_max | |
reduce_mean | |
reduce_min | |
reduce_prod | |
reduce_sum | |
relu | |
reshape | |
reverse | |
rnn | ``SimpleRNN`` and ``GRU`` modes are not supported. |
roi_align | |
scale | |
select_input | |
shape | |
sigmoid | |
slice | |
softmax | |
softplus | |
split | |
sqrt | |
squeeze | |
stack | |
strided_slice | |
sum | |
swish | |
sync_batch_norm | |
tanh | |
tile | |
top_k | |
transpose | |
trilinear_interp | |
unsqueeze | |
where | |
where_index | |
while | |
yolo_box |
ONNX Supported Operations (standard) |
Limitations |
Abs |
Acos |
Acosh |
Add |
And |
ArgMin |
ArgMax |
Asin |
Asinh |
Atan |
ATen |
Atanh |
AveragePool |
BatchNormalization |
BitShift |
Cast |
CastLike |
Ceil |
Clip |
Concat |
Constant |
ConstantOfShape |
Conv |
ConvInteger |
ConvTranspose |
Compress |
Cos |
Cosh |
ConstantFill |
CumSum |
DepthToSpace |
DequantizeLinear |
Div |
Dropout |
Einsum |
Elu |
Equal |
Erf |
Exp |
Expand |
EyeLike |
Flatten |
Floor |
Gather |
GatherElements |
GatherND |
Gemm |
GlobalAveragePool |
GlobalLpPool |
GlobalMaxPool |
Greater |
Hardmax |
HardSigmoid |
HardSwish |
Identity |
If |
ImageScaler |
InstanceNormalization |
LeakyRelu |
Less |
Log |
LogSoftmax |
Loop |
LpNormalization |
MatMulInteger |
MatMul |
MaxPool |
Max |
Mean |
MeanVarianceNormalization |
Min |
Mod |
Mul |
Neg |
NonMaxSuppression |
NonZero |
Not |
Or |
OneHot |
Pad |
Pow |
PRelu |
QLinearConv |
QLinearMatMul |
QuantizeLinear |
Range |
RandomNormal |
RandomNormalLike |
RandomUniform |
RandomUniformLike |
Reciprocal |
ReduceLogSum |
ReduceLogSumExp |
ReduceL1 |
ReduceL2 |
ReduceMax |
ReduceMean |
ReduceMin |
ReduceProd |
ReduceSum |
ReduceSumSquare |
Relu |
Reshape |
Resize |
ReverseSequence |
RoiAlign |
Round |
ScatterElements |
ScatterND |
Selu |
Shape |
Shrink |
Sigmoid |
Sign |
Sin |
Sinh |
Size |
Slice |
Softmax |
Softplus |
Softsign |
SpaceToDepth |
Split |
Sqrt |
Squeeze |
Sub |
Sum |
Tan |
Tanh |
ThresholdedRelu |
Tile |
TopK |
Transpose |
Unsqueeze |
Where |
Xor |
ONNX Supported Operations (deprecated) |
Limitations |
Affine |
Crop |
Scatter |
Upsample |
ONNX Supported Operations (custom - the org.openvinotoolkit Domain) |
Limitations |
DeformableConv2D |
DetectionOutput |
ExperimentalDetectronDetectionOutput |
ExperimentalDetectronGenerateProposalsSingleImage |
ExperimentalDetectronGroupNorm |
ExperimentalDetectronPriorGridGenerator |
ExperimentalDetectronROIFeatureExtractor |
ExperimentalDetectronTopKROIs |
FakeQuantize |
GroupNorm |
Normalize |
PriorBox |
PriorBoxClustered |
Swish |
ONNX Supported Operations (custom - Domain) |
Limitations |
Attention |
BiasGelu |
EmbedLayerNormalization |
SkipLayerNormalization |
TensorFlow Lite Supported Operations |
Limitations |
Supported in a specific pattern with RFFT2D |
Supported in a specific pattern with COMPLEX_ABS |
TensorFlow 2 Keras Supported Operations |
Limitations |
ActivityRegularization |
Add |
AdditiveAttention |
AlphaDropout |
Attention |
Average |
AveragePooling1D |
AveragePooling2D |
AveragePooling3D |
BatchNormalization |
Bidirectional |
Concatenate |
Conv1D |
Conv1DTranspose |
Not supported if |
Conv2D |
Conv2DTranspose |
Conv3D |
Conv3DTranspose |
Cropping1D |
Cropping2D |
Cropping3D |
Dense |
DenseFeatures |
Not supported for categorical and crossed features. |
DepthwiseConv2D |
Dot |
Dropout |
Embedding |
Flatten |
GRUCell |
GaussianDropout |
GaussianNoise |
GlobalAveragePooling1D |
GlobalAveragePooling2D |
GlobalAveragePooling3D |
GlobalMaxPool1D |
GlobalMaxPool2D |
GlobalMaxPool3D |
LSTMCell |
Lambda |
LayerNormalization |
LeakyReLU |
LocallyConnected1D |
LocallyConnected2D |
MaxPool1D |
MaxPool2D |
MaxPool3D |
Maximum |
Minimum |
Multiply |
Permute |
Not supported for some custom cells. |
ReLU |
RepeatVector |
Reshape |
Roll |
SeparableConv1D |
SeparableConv2D |
SimpleRNN |
SimpleRNNCell |
Softmax |
SpatialDropout1D |
SpatialDropout2D |
SpatialDropout3D |
StackedRNNCells |
Subtract |
ThresholdedReLU |
TimeDistributed |
UpSampling1D |
UpSampling2D |
UpSampling3D |
ZeroPadding1D |
ZeroPadding2D |
ZeroPadding3D |