
Use Case and High-Level Description#

YOLOF is a simple, fast, and efficient object detector without FPN. Model based on “You Only Look One-level Feature” paper. It was implemented in PyTorch* framework. Model used DarkNet-53 with Cross Stage Partial blocks as backbone. For details see repository. This model was pre-trained on Common Objects in Context (COCO) dataset with 80 classes. Mapping of class IDs to label names provided in <omz_dir>/data/dataset_classes/coco_80cl.txt file.










Source framework



Accuracy metrics obtained on Common Objects in Context (COCO) validation dataset for converted model.





COCO mAP (0.5)


COCO mAP (0.5:0.05:0.95)



Original model#

Image, name - image_input, shape - 1, 3, 608, 608, format is B, C, H, W, where:

  • B - batch size

  • C - channel

  • H - height

  • W - width

Channel order is BGR. Mean values - [103.53, 116.28, 123.675].

Converted model#

Image, name - image_input, shape - 1, 3, 608, 608, format is B, C, H, W, where:

  • B - batch size

  • C - channel

  • H - height

  • W - width

Channel order is BGR.


Original model#

The list of instances. The postprocessing is implemented inside the model and is performed while inference of model. So each instance it is a object with next fields:

  • detection box

  • label - predicted class ID

  • score - onfidence for the predicted class

Detection box has format [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max], where:

  • (x_min, y_min) - coordinates of the top left bounding box corner

  • (x_max, y_max) - coordinates of the bottom right bounding box corner

Converted model#

The array of detection summary info, name - boxes, shape - 1, 504, 38, 38. The anchor values are 16,16,  32,32,  64,64,  128,128,  256,256,  512,512.

For each case format is B, N*84, Cx, Cy, where

  • B - batch size

  • Cx, Cy - cell index

  • N - number of detection boxes for cell

Detection box has format [x, y, h, w, class_id_1, …, class_id_80], where:

  • (x, y) - raw coordinates of box center, multiply by corresponding anchors to get relative to the cell coordinates

  • h, w - raw height and width of box, apply exponential function and multiply by corresponding anchors to get absolute height and width values

  • class_id_1,…,class_id_80 - probability distribution over the classes in logits format, apply sigmoid function to get confidence of each class

Download a Model and Convert it into OpenVINO™ IR Format#

You can download models and if necessary convert them into OpenVINO™ IR format using the Model Downloader and other automation tools as shown in the examples below.

An example of using the Model Downloader:

omz_downloader --name <model_name>

An example of using the Model Converter:

omz_converter --name <model_name>

Demo usage#

The model can be used in the following demos provided by the Open Model Zoo to show its capabilities: