Person, vehicle, bike detection with multiple data sources#

The purpose of this demo is to show how to send data from multiple sources (cameras, video files) to a model served in OpenVINO Model Server.

Deploy person, vehicle, bike detection model#

Download model files#

mkdir -p model/1

wget -P model/1

wget -P model/1

Run OpenVINO Model Server#

docker run -d -v `pwd`/model:/models -p 9000:9000 openvino/model_server:latest --model_path /models --model_name person-vehicle-detection --port 9000 --shape auto

Running the client application#

git clone
cd model_server/demos/person_vehicle_bike_detection/python
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python --help





Show help message and exit


Network name

-l INPUT_LAYER, –input_layer INPUT_LAYER

Input layer name


Output layer name

-d FRAME_SIZE, –frame_size FRAME_SIZE

Input frame width and height that matches used model

-c NUM_CAMERAS, –num_cameras NUM_CAMERAS

Number of cameras to be used

-f FILE, –file FILE

Path to the video file

-i IP, –ip IP

IP address of the ovms

-p PORT, –port PORT

Port of the ovms

Using with video file#

Copy example video file:

git clone ""

Set camera count to 0 with -c 0 and provide path to the video file with -f parameter.

python -n person-vehicle-detection -l data -o detection_out -d 1024 -c 0 -f sample-videos/person-bicycle-car-detection.mp4 -i localhost -p 9000


[$(levelname)s ] Video0 fps: 7, Inf fps: 7, dropped fps: 0
[$(levelname)s ] Video0 fps: 7, Inf fps: 7, dropped fps: 0
[$(levelname)s ] Video0 fps: 7, Inf fps: 7, dropped fps: 0

Using with video file and camera#

Set camera count to 1 with -c 1 and provide path to the video file with -f parameter.

python -n person-vehicle-detection -l data -o detection_out -d 1024 -c 1 -f sample-videos/person-bicycle-car-detection.mp4 -i localhost -p 9000

Console logs:

[$(levelname)s ] Video1 fps: 7, Inf fps: 7, dropped fps: 0
[$(levelname)s ] Camera0 fps: 7, Inf fps: 7, dropped fps: 0
[$(levelname)s ] Video1 fps: 7, Inf fps: 7, dropped fps: 0
[$(levelname)s ] Camera0 fps: 7, Inf fps: 7, dropped fps: 0
[$(levelname)s ] Video1 fps: 7, Inf fps: 7, dropped fps: 0
[$(levelname)s ] Camera0 fps: 8, Inf fps: 8, dropped fps: 0

NOTE: You should also be seeing the GUI showing the video frame and bounding boxes drawn with the detected class name