Class ov::frontend::GraphIterator#

class GraphIterator : private ov::RuntimeAttribute#

Abstract representation for an input model graph that gives nodes in topologically sorted order.

Public Functions

virtual size_t size() const = 0#

Get a number of operation nodes in the graph.

virtual void reset() = 0#

Set iterator to the start position.

virtual void next() = 0#

Move to the next node in the graph.

virtual bool is_end() const = 0#

Returns true if iterator goes out of the range of available nodes.

virtual std::shared_ptr<DecoderBase> get_decoder() const = 0#

Return a pointer to a decoder of the current node.

virtual std::shared_ptr<GraphIterator> get_body_graph_iterator(const std::string &func_name) const = 0#

Checks if the main model graph contains a function of the requested name in the library Returns GraphIterator to this function and nullptr, if it does not exist.

virtual std::vector<std::string> get_input_names() const = 0#

Returns a vector of input names in the original order.

virtual std::vector<std::string> get_output_names() const = 0#

Returns a vector of output names in the original order.

virtual std::map<std::string, std::string> get_input_names_map() const#

Returns a map from internal tensor name to (user-defined) external name for inputs.

virtual std::map<std::string, std::string> get_output_names_map() const#

Returns a map from internal tensor name to (user-defined) external name for outputs.