Convert a PaddlePaddle Model to OpenVINO™ IR

This tutorial is also available as a Jupyter notebook that can be cloned directly from GitHub. See the installation guide for instructions to run this tutorial locally on Windows, Linux or macOS.


This notebook shows how to convert a MobileNetV3 model from PaddleHub, pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset, to OpenVINO IR. It also shows how to perform classification inference on a sample image, using OpenVINO Runtime and compares the results of the PaddlePaddle model with the IR model.

Source of the model.



!pip install -q "paddlepaddle==2.5.0rc0"
!pip install -q paddleclas --no-deps
!pip install -q "prettytable" "ujson" "visualdl>=2.2.0" "faiss-cpu>=1.7.1"
ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts.
paddleclas 2.5.1 requires easydict, which is not installed.
paddleclas 2.5.1 requires faiss-cpu==1.7.1.post2, but you have faiss-cpu 1.7.4 which is incompatible.
paddleclas 2.5.1 requires gast==0.3.3, but you have gast 0.4.0 which is incompatible.
import time
import tarfile
from pathlib import Path
import sys

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from paddleclas import PaddleClas
from IPython.display import Markdown, display
from PIL import Image
from openvino.runtime import Core
from notebook_utils import download_file
2023-05-17 22:25:31 INFO: Loading faiss with AVX2 support.
2023-05-17 22:25:31 INFO: Successfully loaded faiss with AVX2 support.


Set IMAGE_FILENAME to the filename of an image to use. Set MODEL_NAME to the PaddlePaddle model to download from PaddleHub. MODEL_NAME will also be the base name for the IR model. The notebook is tested with the mobilenet_v3_large_x1_0 model. Other models may use different preprocessing methods and therefore require some modification to get the same results on the original and converted model.

First of all, we need to download and unpack model files. The first time you run this notebook, the PaddlePaddle model is downloaded from PaddleHub. This may take a while.

IMAGE_FILENAME = "../data/image/coco_close.png"

MODEL_NAME = "MobileNetV3_large_x1_0"
MODEL_DIR = Path("model")
if not MODEL_DIR.exists():
MODEL_URL = '{}_infer.tar'.format(MODEL_NAME)
download_file(MODEL_URL, directory=MODEL_DIR)
file = / '{}_infer.tar'.format(MODEL_NAME))
res = file.extractall(MODEL_DIR)
if not res:
    print(f"Model Extracted to \"./{MODEL_DIR}\".")
    print("Error Extracting the model. Please check the network.")
model/MobileNetV3_large_x1_0_infer.tar:   0%|          | 0.00/19.5M [00:00<?, ?B/s]
Model Extracted to "./model".

Show Inference on PaddlePaddle Model

In the next cell, we load the model, load and display an image, do inference on that image, and then show the top three prediction results.

classifier = PaddleClas(inference_model_dir=MODEL_DIR / '{}_infer'.format(MODEL_NAME))
result = next(classifier.predict(IMAGE_FILENAME))
class_names = result[0]['label_names']
scores = result[0]['scores']
image =
for class_name, softmax_probability in zip(class_names, scores):
    print(f"{class_name}, {softmax_probability:.5f}")
[2023/05/17 22:25:58] ppcls WARNING: The current running environment does not support the use of GPU. CPU has been used instead.
W0517 22:25:58.355152 1511172] It is detected that mkldnn and memory_optimize_pass are enabled at the same time, but they are not supported yet. Currently, memory_optimize_pass is explicitly disabled
Labrador retriever, 0.75138
German short-haired pointer, 0.02373
Great Dane, 0.01848
Rottweiler, 0.01435
flat-coated retriever, 0.01144

classifier.predict() takes an image file name, reads the image, preprocesses the input, then returns the class labels and scores of the image. Preprocessing the image is done behind the scenes. The classification model returns an array with floating point values for each of the 1000 ImageNet classes. The higher the value, the more confident the network is that the class number corresponding to that value (the index of that value in the network output array) is the class number for the image.

To see PaddlePaddle’s implementation for the classification function and for loading and preprocessing data, uncomment the next two cells.

# classifier??
# classifier.get_config()

The classifier.get_config() module shows the preprocessing configuration for the model. It should show that images are normalized, resized and cropped, and that the BGR image is converted to RGB before propagating it through the network. In the next cell, we get the classifier.predictror.preprocess_ops property that returns list of preprocessing operations to do inference on the OpenVINO IR model using the same method.

preprocess_ops = classifier.predictor.preprocess_ops

def process_image(image):
    for op in preprocess_ops:
        image = op(image)
    return image

It is useful to show the output of the process_image() function, to see the effect of cropping and resizing. Because of the normalization, the colors will look strange, and matplotlib will warn about clipping values.

pil_image =
processed_image = process_image(np.array(pil_image))
print(f"Processed image shape: {processed_image.shape}")
# Processed image is in (C,H,W) format, convert to (H,W,C) to show the image
plt.imshow(np.transpose(processed_image, (1, 2, 0)))
2023-05-17 22:25:58 WARNING: Clipping input data to the valid range for imshow with RGB data ([0..1] for floats or [0..255] for integers).
Processed image shape: (3, 224, 224)
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f7885a4c610>

To decode the labels predicted by the model to names of classes, we need to have a mapping between them. The model config contains information about class_id_map_file, which stores such mapping. The code below shows how to parse the mapping into a dictionary to use with the OpenVINO model.

class_id_map_file = classifier.get_config()['PostProcess']['Topk']['class_id_map_file']
class_id_map = {}
with open(class_id_map_file, "r") as fin:
    lines = fin.readlines()
    for line in lines:
        partition = line.split("\n")[0].partition(" ")
        class_id_map[int(partition[0])] = str(partition[-1])

Convert the Model to OpenVINO IR Format

Call the OpenVINO Model Optimizer tool to convert the PaddlePaddle model to OpenVINO IR, with FP32 precision. The models are saved to the current directory. You can add the mean values to the model with --mean_values and scale the output with the standard deviation with --scale_values. With these options, it is not necessary to normalize input data before propagating it through the network. However, to get the exact same output as the PaddlePaddle model, it is necessary to preprocess in the image in the same way. Therefore, for this tutorial, you do not add the mean and scale values to the model, and you use the process_image function, as described in the previous section, to ensure that both the IR and the PaddlePaddle model use the same preprocessing methods. It is explained how to get the mean and scale values of the PaddleGAN model, so you can add them to the Model Optimizer command if you want. See the PyTorch/ONNX to OpenVINO notebook, where these options are used.

Run ! mo --help in a code cell to show an overview of command line options for Model Optimizer. See the Model Optimizer Developer Guide for more information about Model Optimizer.

In the next cell, we first construct the command for Model Optimizer, and then execute this command in the notebook by prepending the command with a !. When Model Optimization is successful, the last lines of the output include [ SUCCESS ] Generated IR version 11 model.

model_xml = Path(MODEL_NAME).with_suffix('.xml')
if not model_xml.exists():
    mo_command = f'mo --input_model model/MobileNetV3_large_x1_0_infer/inference.pdmodel --model_name {MODEL_NAME}'
    display(Markdown(f"Model Optimizer command to convert the ONNX model to IR: `{mo_command}`"))
    display(Markdown("_Converting model to IR. This may take a few minutes..._"))
    ! $mo_command
    print(f"{model_xml} already exists.")

Model Optimizer command to convert the ONNX model to IR: mo --input_model model/MobileNetV3_large_x1_0_infer/inference.pdmodel --model_name MobileNetV3_large_x1_0

Converting model to IR. This may take a few minutes…

Check for a new version of Intel(R) Distribution of OpenVINO(TM) toolkit here or on
[ INFO ] The model was converted to IR v11, the latest model format that corresponds to the source DL framework input/output format. While IR v11 is backwards compatible with OpenVINO Inference Engine API v1.0, please use API v2.0 (as of 2022.1) to take advantage of the latest improvements in IR v11.
Find more information about API v2.0 and IR v11 at
[ SUCCESS ] Generated IR version 11 model.
[ SUCCESS ] XML file: /opt/home/k8sworker/cibuilds/ov-notebook/OVNotebookOps-408/.workspace/scm/ov-notebook/notebooks/103-paddle-to-openvino/MobileNetV3_large_x1_0.xml
[ SUCCESS ] BIN file: /opt/home/k8sworker/cibuilds/ov-notebook/OVNotebookOps-408/.workspace/scm/ov-notebook/notebooks/103-paddle-to-openvino/MobileNetV3_large_x1_0.bin

Show Inference on OpenVINO Model

Load the IR model, get model information, load the image, do inference, convert the inference to a meaningful result, and show the output. See the OpenVINO Runtime API Notebook for more information.

# Load OpenVINO Runtime and OpenVINO IR model
ie = Core()
model = ie.read_model(model_xml)
compiled_model = ie.compile_model(model=model, device_name="CPU")

# Get model output
output_layer = compiled_model.output(0)

# Read, show, and preprocess input image
# See the "Show Inference on PaddlePaddle Model" section for source of process_image
image =
input_image = process_image(np.array(image))[None,]

# Do inference
ie_result = compiled_model([input_image])[output_layer][0]

# find the top three values
top_indices = np.argsort(ie_result)[-3:][::-1]
top_scores = ie_result[top_indices]

# Convert the inference results to class names, using the same labels as the PaddlePaddle classifier
for index, softmax_probability in zip(top_indices, top_scores):
    print(f"{class_id_map[index]}, {softmax_probability:.5f}")
Labrador retriever, 0.75138
German short-haired pointer, 0.02373
Great Dane, 0.01848

Timing and Comparison

Measure the time it takes to do inference on fifty images and compare the result. The timing information gives an indication of performance. For a fair comparison, we include the time it takes to process the image. For more accurate benchmarking, use the OpenVINO benchmark tool. Note that many optimizations are possible to improve the performance.

num_images = 50

image =
# Show CPU information
ie = Core()
print(f"CPU: {ie.get_property('CPU', 'FULL_DEVICE_NAME')}")
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10920X CPU @ 3.50GHz
# Show inference speed on PaddlePaddle model
start = time.perf_counter()
for _ in range(num_images):
    result = next(classifier.predict(np.array(image)))
end = time.perf_counter()
time_ir = end - start
    f"PaddlePaddle model on CPU: {time_ir/num_images:.4f} "
    f"seconds per image, FPS: {num_images/time_ir:.2f}\n"
print("PaddlePaddle result:")
class_names = result[0]['label_names']
scores = result[0]['scores']
for class_name, softmax_probability in zip(class_names, scores):
    print(f"{class_name}, {softmax_probability:.5f}")
PaddlePaddle model on CPU: 0.0070 seconds per image, FPS: 142.39

PaddlePaddle result:
Labrador retriever, 0.75138
German short-haired pointer, 0.02373
Great Dane, 0.01848
Rottweiler, 0.01435
flat-coated retriever, 0.01144
# Show inference speed on OpenVINO IR model
compiled_model = ie.compile_model(model=model, device_name="CPU")
output_layer = compiled_model.output(0)

start = time.perf_counter()
input_image = process_image(np.array(image))[None,]
for _ in range(num_images):
    ie_result = compiled_model([input_image])[output_layer][0]
    top_indices = np.argsort(ie_result)[-5:][::-1]
    top_softmax = ie_result[top_indices]

end = time.perf_counter()
time_ir = end - start

    f"OpenVINO IR model in OpenVINO Runtime (CPU): {time_ir/num_images:.4f} "
    f"seconds per image, FPS: {num_images/time_ir:.2f}"
print("OpenVINO result:")
for index, softmax_probability in zip(top_indices, top_softmax):
    print(f"{class_id_map[index]}, {softmax_probability:.5f}")
OpenVINO IR model in OpenVINO Runtime (CPU): 0.0029 seconds per image, FPS: 341.66

OpenVINO result:
Labrador retriever, 0.75138
German short-haired pointer, 0.02373
Great Dane, 0.01848
Rottweiler, 0.01435
flat-coated retriever, 0.01144