Arm® CPU Device¶
Introducing the Arm® CPU Plugin¶
The Arm® CPU plugin is developed in order to enable deep neural networks inference on Arm® CPU, using Compute Library as a backend.
This is a community-level add-on to OpenVINO™. Intel® welcomes community participation in the OpenVINO™ ecosystem, technical questions and code contributions on community forums. However, this component has not undergone full release validation or qualification from Intel®, hence no official support is offered.
The set of supported layers and their limitations are defined on the Op-set specification page.
Supported Inference Data Types¶
The Arm® CPU plugin supports the following data types as inference precision of internal primitives:
Floating-point data types:
Quantized data types:
i8 (support is experimental)
Hello Query Device C++ Sample can be used to print out supported data types for all detected devices.
Supported Features¶
Preprocessing Acceleration The Arm® CPU plugin supports the following accelerated preprocessing operations:
Precision conversion:
u8 -> u16, s16, s32
u16 -> u8, u32
s16 -> u8, s32
f16 -> f32
Transposition of tensors with dims < 5
Interpolation of 4D tensors with no padding (
equal 0).
The Arm® CPU plugin supports the following preprocessing operations, however they are not accelerated:
Precision conversion that is not mentioned above
Color conversion:
NV12 to RGB
NV12 to BGR
i420 to RGB
i420 to BGR
For more details, see the preprocessing API guide.
Supported Properties¶
The plugin supports the properties listed below.
Read-write Properties In order to take effect, all parameters must be set before calling ov::Core::compile_model()
or passed as additional argument to ov::Core::compile_model()
Read-only Properties