Class ov::OpExtension#
template<class T>
class OpExtension : public ov::BaseOpExtension# The default implementation of OpenVINO operation extensions.
Public Functions
inline OpExtension()#
Default constructor.
inline virtual ov::OutputVector create(const ov::OutputVector &inputs, ov::AttributeVisitor &visitor) const override#
Method creates an OpenVINO operation.
- Parameters:
inputs – vector of input ports
visitor – attribute visitor which allows to read necessaty arguments
- Returns:
vector of output ports
inline virtual std::vector<ov::Extension::Ptr> get_attached_extensions() const override#
Returns extensions that should be registered together with this extension class object.
Attached extensions may include frontend extensions that OpenVINO op to framework ops or necessary transformations that should be applied to the network which consist of target op.
- Returns:
inline OpExtension()#