
Metric is a class which is used to compare predicted data with annotated data and perform quality measurement. For correct work metrics require specific representation format. (e. g. map expects detection annotation and detection prediction for evaluation).

In case when you use complicated representation located in representation container, you need to add options annotation_source and prediction_source in configuration file to select specific representation, another way metric calculation possible only if container has only one suitable representation and will be resolved automatically. annotation_source and prediction_source should contain only one annotation identifier and output layer name respectively. You may optionally provide reference field for metric, if you want calculated metric tested against specific value (i.e. reported in canonical paper) and acceptable abs_threshold and rel_threshold for absolute and relative metric deviation from reference value respectively. Reference can be specified as single floating-point value, then for vector metric representation it will be applied to average value (e.g. if metric returns values for each class, then comparing with reference should be performed for mean value) or as dictionary, where keys are metric component name and value is reference value. For example, if you use PSNR metric which consists of 2 values - mean and std, you can specify reference for both values as:

  mean: 42.56
  std: 0.89

Note: all reference values should be provided in raw format without scaling (metric specific, you can see raw metrics results using –ignore_results_formatting True parameter) e.g. If you want provide reference for metric expressed as a percentage, you should normalized reference value by scale = 100. For example, if you use accuracy metric for classification models, you should specify reference as:

name: accuracy@top1
type: accuracy
top_k: 1
reference: 0.7464

Every metric has parameters available for configuration. The metric and its parameters are set through the configuration file. Metrics are provided in datasets section of configuration file to use specific metric.

Supported Metrics#

Accuracy Checker supports following set of metrics:

  • accuracy - classification accuracy metric, defined as the number of correct predictions divided by the total number of predictions. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: ClassificationAnnotation, TextClassificationAnnotation, ClassificationPrediction, ArgMaxClassificationPrediction.

    • top_k - the number of classes with the highest probability, which will be used to decide if prediction is correct.

    • match - Batch-oriented binary classification metric. Metric value calculated for each record in batch. Parameter top_k ignored in this mode.

    • cast_to_int - in match mode predictions rounded to nearest integer before calculating metric value.

  • accuracy_per_class - classification accuracy metric which represents results for each class. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: ClassificationAnnotation, ClassificationPrediction.

    • top_k - the number of classes with the highest probability, which will be used to decide if prediction is correct.

    • label_map - the field in annotation metadata, which contains dataset label map (Optional, should be provided if different from default).

  • character_recognition_accuracy - accuracy metric for character recognition task. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: CharacterRecognitionAnnotation, CharacterRecognitionPrediction.

    • remove_spaces - allow removing spaces from reference and predicted strings (Optional, default - False).

  • label_level_recognition_accuracy - label level recognition accuracy metric for text line character recognition task. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: CharacterRecognitionAnnotation, CharacterRecognitionPrediction.

  • classification_f1-score - F1 score metric for classification task. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: ClassificationAnnotation, TextClassificationAnnotation, ClassificationPrediction, ArgMaxClassificationPrediction, AnomalySegmentationAnnotation, AnomalySegmentationPrediction.

    • label_map - the field in annotation metadata, which contains dataset label map (Optional, should be provided if different from default).

    • pos_label - class to report during metric calculation (Optional). If argument is not specified, metric for each class and mean will be reported.

    • pixel_level- evaluate metric on pixel level for anomaly segmentation (Optional, default False) .

  • metthews_correlation_coef - Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) for binary classification. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: ClassificationAnnotation, TextClassificationAnnotation, ClassificationPrediction.

  • roc_auc_score - ROC AUC score for binary classification. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: ClassificationAnnotation, TextClassificationAnnotation, ClassificationPrediction ArgMaxClassificationPrediction, AnomalySegmentationAnnotation, AnomalySegmentationPrediction.

    • pixel_level- evaluate metric on pixel level for anomaly segmentation (Optional, default False).

    • calculate_hot_label - calculate one hot label for annotation and prediction before metric evaluation calculation for anomaly segmentation (Optional, default False).

  • acer_score - metric for the classification tasks. Can be obtained from the following formula: ACER = (APCER + BPCER)/2 = ((fp / (tn + fp)) + (fn / (fn + tp)))/2. For more details about metrics see the section 9.3. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: ClassificationAnnotation, TextClassificationAnnotation, ClassificationPrediction.

  • clip_accuracy - classification video-level accuracy metric. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: ClassificationAnnotation, ClassificationPrediction.

  • map - mean average precision. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: DetectionAnnotation, DetectionPrediction.

    • overlap_threshold - minimal value for intersection over union that allows to make decision that prediction bounding box is true positive.

    • overlap_method - method for calculation bbox overlap. You can choose between intersection over union (iou), defined as area of intersection divided by union of annotation and prediction boxes areas, and intersection over area (ioa), defined as area of intersection divided by ara of prediction box.

    • include_boundaries - allows including boundaries in overlap calculation process. If it is True then width and height of box is calculated by max - min + 1.

    • ignore_difficult - allows ignoring difficult annotation boxes in metric calculation. In this case, difficult boxes are filtered annotations from postprocessing stage.

    • distinct_conf - select only values for distinct confidences.

    • allow_multiple_matches_per_ignored - allows multiple matches per ignored.

    • label_map - the field in annotation metadata, which contains dataset label map (Optional, should be provided if different from default).

    • integral - integral type for average precision calculation. Pascal VOC 11point and max approaches are available.

  • miss_rate - miss rate metric of detection models. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: DetectionAnnotation, DetectionPrediction.

    • overlap_threshold - minimal value for intersection over union that allows to make decision that prediction bounding box is true positive.

    • overlap_method - method for calculation bbox overlap. You can choose between intersection over union (iou), defined as area of intersection divided by union of annotation and prediction boxes areas, and intersection over area (ioa), defined as area of intersection divided by ara of prediction box.

    • include_boundaries - allows including boundaries in overlap calculation process. If it is True then width and height of box is calculated by max - min + 1.

    • ignore_difficult - allows ignoring difficult annotation boxes in metric calculation. In this case, difficult boxes are filtered annotations from postprocessing stage.

    • distinct_conf - select only values for distinct confidences.

    • allow_multiple_matches_per_ignored - allows multiple matches per ignored.

    • label_map - the field in annotation metadata, which contains dataset label map (Optional, should be provided if different from default).

    • fppi_level - false positive per image level.

  • recall - recall metric of detection models. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: DetectionAnnotation, DetectionPrediction.

    • overlap_threshold - minimal value for intersection over union that allows to make decision that prediction bounding box is true positive.

    • overlap_method - method for calculation bbox overlap. You can choose between intersection over union (iou), defined as area of intersection divided by union of annotation and prediction boxes areas, and intersection over area (ioa), defined as area of intersection divided by ara of prediction box.

    • include_boundaries - allows including boundaries in overlap calculation process. If it is True then width and height of box is calculated by max - min + 1.

    • ignore_difficult - allows ignoring difficult annotation boxes in metric calculation. In this case, difficult boxes are filtered annotations from postprocessing stage.

    • distinct_conf - select only values for distinct confidences.

    • allow_multiple_matches_per_ignored - allows multiple matches per ignored.

    • label_map - the field in annotation metadata, which contains dataset label map (Optional, should be provided if different from default).

  • detection_accuracy - accuracy for detection models. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: DetectionAnnotation, DetectionPrediction.

    • overlap_threshold - minimal value for intersection over union that allows to make decision that prediction bounding box is true positive.

    • overlap_method - method for calculation bbox overlap. You can choose between intersection over union (iou), defined as area of intersection divided by union of annotation and prediction boxes areas, and intersection over area (ioa), defined as area of intersection divided by ara of prediction box.

    • include_boundaries - allows to include boundaries in overlap calculation process. If it is True then width and height of box is calculated by max - min + 1.

    • label_map - the field in annotation metadata, which contains dataset label map (Optional, should be provided if different from default).

    • use_normalization - allows to normalize confusion_matrix for metric calculation.

  • segmentation_accuracy - pixel accuracy for semantic segmentation models. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: SegmentationAnnotation, SegmentationPrediction.

    • use_argmax - allows using argmax for prediction mask.

    • ignore_label - specified which class_id prediction should be ignored during metric calculation. (Optional, if not provided, all labels will be used).

  • mean_iou - mean intersection over union for semantic segmentation models. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: SegmentationAnnotation, SegmentationPrediction.

    • use_argmax - allows using argmax for prediction mask.

    • ignore_label - specified which class_id prediction should be ignored during metric calculation. (Optional, if not provided, all labels will be used).

  • mean_accuracy - mean accuracy for semantic segmentation models. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: SegmentationAnnotation, SegmentationPrediction.

    • use_argmax - allows using argmax for prediction mask.

    • ignore_label - specified which class_id prediction should be ignored during metric calculation. (Optional, if not provided, all labels will be used).

  • frequency_weighted_accuracy - frequency weighted accuracy for semantic segmentation models. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: SegmentationAnnotation, SegmentationPrediction.

    • use_argmax - allows using argmax for prediction mask.

    • ignore_label - specified which class_id prediction should be ignored during metric calculation. (Optional, if not provided, all labels will be used). More detailed information about calculation segmentation metrics you can find here.

  • cmc - Cumulative Matching Characteristics (CMC) score. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: ReIdentificationAnnotation, ReIdentificationPrediction.

    • top_k - number of k-highest ranked samples to consider when matching.

    • separate_camera_set - should identities from the same camera view be filtered out.

    • single_gallery_shot - each identity has only one instance in the gallery.

    • number_single_shot_repeats - number of repeats for single_gallery_shot setting (required for CUHK).

    • first_match_break - break on first matched gallery sample.

  • reid_map - Mean Average Precision score for object reidentification. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: ReIdentificationAnnotation, ReIdentificationPrediction.

    • uninterpolated_auc - should area under precision recall curve be computed using trapezoidal rule or directly.

  • pairwise_accuracy - pairwise accuracy for object reidentification. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: ReIdentificationClassificationAnnotation, ReIdentificationPrediction.

    • min_score - min score for determining that objects are different. You can provide value or use train_median or best_train_threshold values which will be calculated if annotations has training subset.

    • distance_method - allows to choose one of the distance calculation methods (optional, supported methods are euclidian_distance and cosine_distance, default - euclidian_distance).

    • subtract_mean - allows subtracting mean calculated on train embeddings before calculating the distance(optional, default - False).

  • pairwise_accuracy_subsets - object reidentification pairwise accuracy with division dataset on test and train subsets for calculation mean score. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: ReIdentificationClassificationAnnotation, ReIdentificationPrediction.

    • subset_number - number of subsets for separating.

    • min_score - min score for determining that objects are different. You can provide value or use train_median or best_train_threshold values which will be calculated if annotations has training subset.

    • distance_method - allows to choose one of the distance calculation methods (optional, supported methods are euclidian_distance and cosine_distance, default - euclidian_distance).

    • subtract_mean - allows subtracting mean calculated on train embeddings before calculating the distance(optional, default - False).

  • localization_recall - recall metric used for evaluation place recognition task. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: PlaceRecognitionAnnotation, ReidentificationPrediction.

    • top_k - number of k-highest ranked samples to consider when matching.

    • distance_threshold - distance threshold for search positive matching pairs between query and gallery (Optional, default 25).

  • spearman_correlation_coef - the similarity of the embeddings by calculating the Spearman rank correlation in comparison to the gold standard labels. Supported representations: SentenceSimilarityAnnotation, ReidentificationPrediction. The Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient is a nonparametric measure of the monotonicity of the relationship between two values sets. Like other correlation coefficients, this one varies between -1 and +1 with 0 implying no correlation. Correlations of -1 or +1 imply an exact monotonic relationship. Positive correlations imply that as x increases, so does y. Negative correlations imply that as x increases, y decreases.

    • similarity_distance - approach for calculation distance between embeddings, supported methods: cosine - cosine distance, manhattan - manhattan distance, euclidian - euclidian distance, dot_product - dot product between embeddings vectors.

  • pearson_correlation_coef - the similarity of the embeddings by calculating the Pearson rank correlation in comparison to the gold standard labels. Supported representations: SentenceSimilarityAnnotation, ReidentificationPrediction. The Pearson rank-order correlation coefficient is a nonparametric measure of the linear relationship between two values sets. Like other correlation coefficients, this one varies between -1 and +1 with 0 implying no correlation. Correlations of -1 or +1 imply an exact monotonic relationship. Positive correlations imply that as x increases, so does y. Negative correlations imply that as x increases, y decreases.

    • similarity_distance - approach for calculation distance between embeddings, supported methods: cosine - cosine distance, manhattan - manhattan distance, euclidian - euclidian distance, dot_product - dot product between embeddings vectors.

  • mae - Mean Absolute Error. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: RegressionAnnotation, RegressionPrediction, FeatureRegressionAnnotation, DepthEstimationAnnotation, DepthEstimationPrediction, ImageProcessingAnnotation, ImageProcessingPrediction, BackgroundMattingAnnotation, BackgroundMattingPrediction.

    • max_error - allow to calculate maximal error in range. Optional, default False.

  • mae_on_intervals - Mean Absolute Error estimated magnitude for specific value range. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: RegressionAnnotation, RegressionPrediction.

    • intervals - comma-separated list of interval boundaries.

    • ignore_values_not_in_interval - allows create additional intervals for values less than minimal value in interval and greater than maximal.

    • start , step, end - way to generate range of intervals from start to end with length step.

  • mse - Mean Squared Error. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: RegressionAnnotation, RegressionPrediction, FeatureRegressionAnnotation, DepthEstimationAnnotation, DepthEstimationPrediction, ImageProcessingAnnotation, ImageProcessingPrediction, BackgroundMattingAnnotation, BackgroundMattingPrediction.

    • max_error - allow to calculate maximal error in range. Optional, default False.

  • mse_on_intervals - Mean Squared Error estimated magnitude for specific value range. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: RegressionAnnotation, RegressionPrediction.

    • intervals - comma-separated list of interval boundaries.

    • ignore_values_not_in_interval - allows create additional intervals for values less than minimal value in interval and greater than maximal.

    • start, step, end - generate range of intervals from start to end with length step.

  • rmse - Root Mean Squared Error. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: RegressionAnnotation, RegressionPrediction, FeatureRegressionAnnotation, DepthEstimationAnnotation, DepthEstimationPrediction, ImageProcessingAnnotation, ImageProcessingPrediction, BackgroundMattingAnnotation, BackgroundMattingPrediction.

    • max_error - allow to calculate maximal error in range. Optional, default False.

  • rmse_on_intervals - Root Mean Squared Error estimated magnitude for specific value range. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: RegressionAnnotation, RegressionPrediction.

    • intervals - comma-separated list of interval boundaries.

    • ignore_values_not_in_interval - allows create additional intervals for values less than minimal value in interval and greater than maximal.

    • start, step, end - generate range of intervals from start to end with length step.

  • mape - Mean Absolute Percentage Error. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: RegressionAnnotation, RegressionPrediction, FeatureRegressionAnnotation, DepthEstimationAnnotation, DepthEstimationPrediction, ImageProcessingAnnotation, ImageProcessingPrediction, BackgroundMattingAnnotation, BackgroundMattingPrediction.

    • max_error - allow to calculate maximal error in range. Optional, default False.

  • log10_error - Logarithmic mean absolute error. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: RegressionAnnotation, RegressionPrediction, FeatureRegressionAnnotation, DepthEstimationAnnotation, DepthEstimationPrediction.

    • max_error - allow to calculate maximal error in range. Optional, default False.

  • per_point_normed_error - Normed Error for measurement the quality of landmarks’ positions. Estimated results for each point independently. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: FacialLandmarksAnnotation, FacialLandmarksPrediction, FacialLandmarks3DAnnotation, FacialLandmarks3DPrediction.

  • normed_error - Normed Error for measurement the quality of landmarks’ positions. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: FacialLandmarksAnnotation, FacialLandmarksPrediction, FacialLandmarks3DAnnotation, FacialLandmarks3DPrediction.

    • calculate_std - allows calculation of standard deviation (default value: False).

    • percentile - calculate error rate for given percentile.

  • nme - Mean Normed Error for measurement quality of landmarks positions. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: FacialLandmarks3DAnnotation, FacialLandwarks3DPrediction.

    • only_2d - evaluate metric only for 2d case.

  • psnr - Peak signal to noise ratio. Metric is calculated as a decibel(dB). Direction of metric’s mean growth is higher-better. Direction of metric’s std and max_error growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: SuperResolutionAnnotation, SuperResolutionPrediction, ImageProcessingAnnotation, ImageProcessingPrediction, ImageInpaintingAnnotation, ImageInpaintingPrediction.

    • color_order - the field specified which color order BGR or RGB will be used during metric calculation (Optional. Default value is RGB), used only if you have 3-channel images.

    • normalized_images - whether the images are normalized in [0, 1] range or not. Optional, default False.

    • scale_border - Scale boarder - the number of pixels to crop from the height and width of the image. Optional, default value 4.

    • unweighted_average - whether metric is calculated as for grayscale image or not (3-channel images by default use weighted average of R, G, B channels). Optional, defaul value ‘False’.

  • psnr-b - Peak signal to noise ratio with blocked effect factor. Metric is calculated as a decibel(dB). Direction of metric’s mean growth is higher-better. Direction of metric’s std and max_error growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: SuperResolutionAnnotation, SuperResolutionPrediction, ImageProcessingAnnotation, ImageProcessingPrediction, ImageInpaintingAnnotation, ImageInpaintingPrediction.

    • color_order - the field specified which color order BGR or RGB will be used during metric calculation (Optional. Default value is RGB), used only if you have 3-channel images.

    • normalized_images - whether the images are normalized in [0, 1] range or not. Optional, default False.

    • block_size - block size for blocked effect factor. Optional, default 8.

    • max_error - allow to calculate maximal error in range. Optional, default False.

  • vif - Visual Information Fidelity. Direction of metric’s mean growth is higher-better. Direction of metric’s std and max_error growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: SuperResolutionAnnotation, ImageInpaintingAnnotation, ImageProcessingAnnotation, StyleTransferAnnotation, SuperResolutionPrediction, ImageInpaintingPrediction, ImageProcessingPrediction, StyleTransferPrediction.

    • sigma_nsq - variance of the visual noise (default = 2).

    • max_error - allow to calculate maximal error in range. Optional, default False.

  • lpips - Learned Perceptual Image Patch Similarity. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: SuperResolutionAnnotation, SuperResolutionPrediction, ImageProcessingAnnotation, ImageProcessingPrediction, ImageInpaintingAnnotation, ImageInpaintingPrediction. ** Metric calculation requires lpips package installation.**

    • color_order - the field specified which color order BGR or RGB will be used during metric calculation (Optional. Default value is RGB), used only if you have 3-channel images.

    • normalized_images - whether the images are normalized in [0, 1] range or not. Optional, default False.

    • net - network for perceptual loss calculation. Supported models: alex - for AlexNet, vgg - for VGG16, squeeze - for SqueezeNet1.1. Optional, default alex.

    • distance_threshold - distance threshold for getting images ratio with greater distance. Optional, if not provided, this coefficient will not be calculated.

    • max_error - allow to calculate maximal error in range. Optional, default False.

  • ssim - Structural similarity. Direction of metric’s mean growth is higher-better. Direction of metric’s std and max_error growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: ImageProcessingAnnotation, ImageProcessingPrediction, ImageInpaintingAnnotation, ImageInpaintingPrediction, SuperResolutionAnnotation, SuperResolutionPrediction.

    • max_error - allow to calculate maximal error in range. Optional, default False.

  • angle_error - Mean angle error and Standard deviation of angle error for gaze estimation. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: GazeVectorAnnotation, GazeVectorPrediction.

    • max_error - allow to calculate maximal error in range. Optional, default False.

  • relative_l2_error - Mean relative error defined like L2 norm for difference between annotation and prediction normalized by L2 norm for annotation value. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: FeatureRegressionAnnotation, RegressionPrediction.

    • max_error - allow to calculate maximal error in range. Optional, default False.

  • multi_accuracy - accuracy for multilabel recognition task. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: MultiLabelRecognitionAnnotation, MultiLabelRecognitionPrediction.

    • label_map - the field in annotation metadata, which contains dataset label map (Optional, should be provided if different from default).

    • calculate_average - allows calculation of average accuracy (default value: True).

  • multi_precision - precision metric for multilabel recognition. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: MultiLabelRecognitionAnnotation, MultiLabelRecognitionPrediction.

    • label_map - the field in annotation metadata, which contains dataset label map (Optional, should be provided if different from default).

    • calculate_average - allows calculation of average precision (default value: True).

  • multi_recall - recall metric for multilabel recognition. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: MultiLabelRecognitionAnnotation, MultiLabelRecognitionPrediction.

    • label_map - the field in annotation metadata, which contains dataset label map (Optional, should be provided if different from default).

    • calculate_average - allows calculation of average recall (default value: True).

  • f1_score - F score metric for multilabel recognition. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: MultiLabelRecognitionAnnotation, MultiLabelRecognitionPrediction.

    • label_map - the field in annotation metadata, which contains dataset label map (Optional, should be provided if different from default).

    • calculate_average - allows calculation of average f-score (default value: True).

  • focused_text_hmean - Harmonic mean of precision and recall for focused scene text detection task introduced in Robust Reading Competition challenge 2. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: TextDetectionAnnotation, TextDetectionPrediction, DetectionPrediction.

    • ignore_difficult - allows to ignore difficult ground truth text polygons in metric calculation.

    • area_precision_constrain - minimal value for precision that allows to make decision that prediction polygon matched with annotation.

    • area_recall_constrain - minimal value for recall that allows to make decision that prediction polygon matched with annotation.

    • center_diff_threshold - acceptable difference between center of predicted text region and ground truth.

    • one_to_one_match_score - weight for one to one matching results (Optional, default 1).

    • one_to_many_match_score - weight for one to many matching results (Optional, default 0.8).

    • many_to_one_match_score - weight for many to one matching results (optional, default 1).

  • focused_text_precision - precision for focused scene text detection task introduced in Robust Reading Competition challenge 2. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: TextDetectionAnnotation, TextDetectionPrediction, DetectionPrediction.

    • ignore_difficult - allows to ignore difficult ground truth text polygons in metric calculation.

    • area_precision_constrain - minimal value for precision that allows to make decision that prediction polygon matched with annotation.

    • area_recall_constrain - minimal value for recall that allows to make decision that prediction polygon matched with annotation.

    • center_diff_threshold - acceptable difference between center of predicted text region and ground truth.

    • one_to_one_match_score - weight for one to one matching results (Optional, default 1).

    • one_to_many_match_score - weight for one to many matching results (Optional, default 0.8).

    • many_to_one_match_score - weight for many to one matching results (optional, default 1).

  • focused_text_recall - recall for focused scene text detection task introduced in Robust Reading Competition challenge 2. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: TextDetectionAnnotation, TextDetectionPrediction, DetectionPrediction.

    • ignore_difficult - allows to ignore difficult ground truth text polygons in metric calculation.

    • area_precision_constrain - minimal value for precision that allows to make decision that prediction polygon matched with annotation.

    • area_recall_constrain - minimal value for recall that allows to make decision that prediction polygon matched with annotation.

    • center_diff_threshold - acceptable difference between center of predicted text region and ground truth.

    • one_to_one_match_score - weight for one to one matching results (Optional, default 1).

    • one_to_many_match_score - weight for one to many matching results (Optional, default 0.8).

    • many_to_one_match_score - weight for many to one matching results (optional, default 1).

  • incidental_text_hmean - Harmonic mean of precision and recall for incidental scene text detection task introduced in Robust Reading Competition challenge 4. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: TextDetectionAnnotation, TextDetectionPrediction.

    • ignore_difficult - allows to ignore difficult ground truth text polygons in metric calculation.

    • iou_constrain - minimal value for intersection over union that allows to make decision that prediction polygon is true positive.

    • area_precision_constrain - minimal value for precision that allows to make decision that prediction polygon matched with ignored annotation.

  • incidental_text_precision - precision for incidental scene text detection task introduced in Robust Reading Competition challenge 4. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: TextDetectionAnnotation, TextDetectionPrediction.

    • ignore_difficult - allows to ignore difficult ground truth text polygons in metric calculation.

    • iou_constrain - minimal value for intersection over union that allows to make decision that prediction polygon is true positive.

    • area_precision_constrain - minimal value for precision that allows to make decision that prediction polygon matched with ignored annotation.

  • incidental_text_recall - recall for incidental scene text detection task introduced in Robust Reading Competition challenge 4. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: TextDetectionAnnotation, TextDetectionPrediction.

    • ignore_difficult - allows to ignore difficult ground truth text polygons in metric calculation.

    • iou_constrain - minimal value for intersection over union that allows to make decision that prediction polygon is true positive.

    • area_precision_constrain - minimal value for precision that allows to make decision that prediction polygon matched with ignored annotation.

  • coco_precision - MS COCO Average Precision metric for keypoints recognition and object detection tasks. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: PoseEstimationAnnotation, PoseEstimationPrediction, DetectionAnnotation, DetectionPrediction.

    • max_detections - max number of predicted results per image. If you have more predictions,the results with minimal confidence will be ignored.

    • threshold - intersection over union threshold. You can specify one value or comma separated range of values. This parameter supports precomputed values for standard COCO thresholds (.5, .75, .5:.05:.95).

  • coco_recall - MS COCO Average Recall metric for keypoints recognition and object detection tasks. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: PoseEstimationAnnotation, PoseEstimationPrediction, DetectionAnnotation, DetectionPrediction.

    • max_detections - max number of predicted results per image. If you have more predictions,the results with minimal confidence will be ignored.

    • threshold - intersection over union threshold. You can specify one value or comma separated range of values. This parameter supports precomputed values for standard COCO thresholds (.5, .75, .5:.05:.95).

  • coco_keypoints_precision - MS COCO Average Precision metric for keypoints recognition task. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: PoseEstimationAnnotation, PoseEstimationPrediction.

    • max_detections - max number of predicted results per image. If you have more predictions,the results with minimal confidence will be ignored.

    • threshold - intersection over union threshold. You can specify one value or comma separated range of values. This parameter supports precomputed values for standard COCO thresholds (.5, .75, .5:.05:.95).

  • coco_keypoints_recall - MS COCO Average Recall metric for keypoints recognition task. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: PoseEstimationAnnotation, PoseEstimationPrediction.

    • max_detections - max number of predicted results per image. If you have more predictions,the results with minimal confidence will be ignored.

    • threshold - intersection over union threshold. You can specify one value or comma separated range of values. This parameter supports precomputed values for standard COCO thresholds (.5, .75, .5:.05:.95).

  • coco_segm_precision - MS COCO Average Precision metric for instance segmentation task. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: CoCoInstanceSegmentationAnnotation, CoCoInstanceSegmentationPrediction.

    • max_detections - max number of predicted results per image. If you have more predictions,the results with minimal confidence will be ignored.

    • threshold - intersection over union threshold. You can specify one value or comma separated range of values. This parameter supports precomputed values for standard COCO thresholds (.5, .75, .5:.05:.95).

  • coco_segm_recall - MS COCO Average Recall metric for instance segmentation task. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: CoCoInstanceSegmentationAnnotation, CoCoInstanceSegmentationPrediction.

    • max_detections - max number of predicted results per image. If you have more predictions,the results with minimal confidence will be ignored.

    • threshold - intersection over union threshold. You can specify one value or comma separated range of values. This parameter supports precomputed values for standard COCO thresholds (.5, .75, .5:.05:.95).

  • hit_ratio - metric for recommendation system evaluation. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: HitRatioAnnotation, HitRatioPrediction.

    • top_k - definition of number elements in rank list (optional, default 10).

  • ndcg - Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: HitRatioAnnotation, HitRatioPrediction.

    • top_k - definition of number elements in rank list (optional, default 10).

  • dice - Sørensen–Dice coefficient. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: BrainTumorSegmentationAnnotation, BrainTumorSegmentationPrediction.

  • dice_index - Sørensen–Dice coefficient. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: BrainTumorSegmentationAnnotation, BrainTumorSegmentationPrediction, SegmentationAnnotation, SegmentationPrediction. Supports result representation for multiple classes. Metric represents result for each class if label_map for used dataset is provided, otherwise it represents overall result. For brats_numpy converter file with labels set in labels_file tag.

    • mean - allows calculation mean value (default - True).

    • median - allows calculation median value (default - False).

  • dice_unet3d - Sørensen–Dice coefficient. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: BrainTumorSegmentationAnnotation, BrainTumorSegmentationPrediction. Applied for models trained on brats data with labels in range (0, 1, 2, 3). The metric is quite similar to dice_index with only the difference that represents data for three statically defined labels: 1) whole tumor - aggregated data for labels (1, 2, 3) of the dataset; 2) tumor core - aggregated data for labels (2, 3) of the dataset; 3) enhancing tumor - data for label (3) of the dataset.

    • mean - allows calculation mean value (default - True).

    • median - allows calculation median value (default - False).

  • dice_oar3d - Sørensen–Dice coefficient. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: OAR3DTilingSegmentationAnnotation, SegmentationPrediction.

  • bleu - Bilingual Evaluation Understudy. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: MachineTranslationAnnotation, MachineTranslationPrediction.

    • smooth - Whether or not to apply Lin et al. 2004 smoothing (Optional, default False).

    • max_order - Maximum n-gram order to use when computing BLEU score. (Optional, default 4).

    • smooth_method - The smoothing method to use. Supported values: exp, floor, add-k, none (Optional, default value is exp is smooth is enabled and none if not).

    • smooth_value - the value for smoothing for floor or add-k smoothing methods. (Optional, applicable only if specific smoothing methods selected, default values are 0 or 1 for floor and add-k methods respectively).

    • lower_case - convert annotation and prediction tokens to lower case (Optional, default False).

  • f1 - F1-score for question answering task. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: QuestionAnsweringAnnotation, QuestionAnsweringPrediction.

  • exact_match - Exact matching (EM) metric for question answering task. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: QuestionAnsweringAnnotation, QuestionAnsweringPrediction.

  • qa_embedding_accuracy - Right context detection accuracy metric for question answering task solved by question vs context embeddings comparison. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: QuestionAnsweringEmbeddingAnnotation, QuestionAnsweringEmbeddingPrediction.

  • ner_accuracy - Token-level accuracy used for Named Entity Recognition task. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: BERTNamedEntityRecognitionAnnotation, SequenceClassificationAnnotation, SequenceClassificationPrediction.

    • label_map - the field in annotation metadata, which contains dataset label map (Optional, should be provided if different from default).

  • ner_recall - Token-level recall used for Named Entity Recognition task. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: BERTNamedEntityRecognitionAnnotation, SequenceClassificationAnnotation, SequenceClassificationPrediction.

    • label_map - the field in annotation metadata, which contains dataset label map (Optional, should be provided if different from default).

  • ner_precision - Token-level precision for Named Entity Recognition task. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: BERTNamedEntityRecognitionAnnotation, SequenceClassificationAnnotation, SequenceClassificationPrediction.

    • label_map - the field in annotation metadata, which contains dataset label map (Optional, should be provided if different from default).

  • ner_f_score - Token-level F-score used for Named Entity Recognition task. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: BERTNamedEntityRecognitionAnnotation, SequenceClassificationAnnotation, SequenceClassificationPrediction.

    • label_map - the field in annotation metadata, which contains dataset label map (Optional, should be provided if different from default).

  • mpjpe_multiperson - Mean Per Joint Position Error extended for multi-person case. Metric is calculated as a millimeters(mm). Direction of metric’s growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: PoseEstimation3dAnnotation, PoseEstimation3dPrediction. As the first step, correspondence between ground truth and prediction skeletons is established for each image. Then MPJPE is computed for each ground truth and prediction pair. The error is averaged over poses in each frame, then over all frames.

  • face_recognition_tafa_pair_metric - accuracy for face recognition models based on dot product of embedding values. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: ReIdentificationAnnotation, ReIdentificationPrediction.

    • threshold - minimal dot product value of embeddings to identify as matched face pair.

  • youtube_faces_accuracy - accuracy for face detection models calculated based on IOU values of ground truth bounding boxes and model-detected bounding boxes. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: DetectionAnnotation, DetectionPrediction.

    • overlap - minimum IOU threshold to consider as a true positive candidate face.

    • relative_size - size of detected face candidate’s area in proportion to the size of ground truth’s face size. This value is set to filter candidates that have high IOU but have a relatively smaller face size than ground truth face size.

  • normalized_embedding_accuracy - accuracy for re-identification models based on normalized dot product of embedding values. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: ReIdentificationAnnotation, ReIdentificationPrediction.

    • top_k - the number of people with the highest probability, which will be used to decide if prediction is correct.

  • attribute_accuracy - accuracy for attributes in attribute classification models. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: ContainerAnnotation with ClassificationAnnotation and ContainerPrediction with ClassificationPrediction.

    • attributes: names of attributes.

    • calculate_average - allows calculation of average accuracy (default value: True).

  • attribute_recall - recall for attributes in attribute classification models. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: ContainerAnnotation with ClassificationAnnotation and ContainerPrediction with ClassificationPrediction.

    • attributes: names of attributes.

    • calculate_average - allows calculation of average recall (default value: True).

  • attribute_precision - precision for attributes in attribute classification models. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: ContainerAnnotation with ClassificationAnnotation and ContainerPrediction with ClassificationPrediction.

    • attributes: names of attributes.

    • calculate_average - allows calculation of average precision (default value: True).

  • wer - Word error rate (WER). Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: CharacterRecognitionAnnotation, CharacterRecognitionPrediction.

  • cer - Character error rate, character-level counterpart of WER. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: CharacterRecognitionAnnotation, CharacterRecognitionPrediction.

  • ser - Sentence error rate (SER), which indicates the percentage of sentences, whose translations have not matched in an exact manner those of reference. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: CharacterRecognitionAnnotation, CharacterRecognitionPrediction.

  • score_class_comparison - allows calculate an accuracy of quality score class(low/normal/good). It sorts all quality scores from annotations and predictions and set the k1 highest scores as high class and the k2 lowest scores as low class where k1 is num_high_quality and k2 is num_low_quality. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: QualityAssessmentAnnotation, QualityAssessmentPrediction.

    • num_high_quality - the number of high class in total (default value: 1).

    • num_low_quality - the number of low class in total (default value: 1).

  • im2latex_images_match - This metric gets formulas in CharacterRecognitionAnnotation and CharacterRecognitionPrediction format and based on this given text renders images with this formulas. Then for every two corresponding formulas images are getting compared. The result accuracy is percent of the equivalent formulas. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better.

    Note: this metric requires installed packages texlive and imagemagick. In linux you can do it this way: sudo apt-get update && apt-get install texlive imagemagick

  • pckh - Percentage of Correct Keypoints normalized by head size. A detected joint is considered correct if the distance between the predicted and the true joint is within a certain threshold. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: PoseEstimationAnnotation, PoseEstimationPrediction.

    • threshold - distance threshold (Optional, default 0.5).

    • scale_bias - bias for scale head size (Optional, default 0.6).

  • dna_seq_accuracy - accuracy for DNA sequencing task. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: DNASequenceAnnotation, DNASequencePrediction, CharacterRecognitionAnnotation, CharacterRecognitionPrediction.

    • min_coverage - minimum sequence coverage between predicted sequence and reference for positive measurement (Optional, default 0.5).

    • balansed - balanced accuracy metric (Optional, default false).

  • inception_score - Inception score for generated images by GAN models. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: ImageProcessingAnnotation, ImageProcessingPrediction.

    • eps - epsilon to avoid nan during calculate log for metric.

    • length - length of input feature vector for metric.

  • fid - Frechet Inception Distance to measure the distance between the distributions of synthesized images and real images. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: ImageProcessingAnnotation, ImageProcessingPrediction.

    • eps - epsilon to avoid nan during calculate sqrtm for metric.

    • length - length of input feature vector for metric.

  • epe - Average End Point Error (EPE) metric for optical flow estimation task, defined as Euclidean distance between ground truth and predicted flow. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: OpticalFlowAnnotation, OpticalFlowPrediction.

    • max_error - allow to calculate maximal error in range. Optional, default False.

  • salience_mae - Mean Absolute Error for salient object detection task. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: SalientRegionAnnotation, SalientRegionPrediction.

  • salience_f-measure - f-measure metric for salient object detection task. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: SalientRegionAnnotation, SalientRegionPrediction.

  • salience_e-measure - enhanced alignment measure for salient object detection task, defined in following paper. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: SalientRegionAnnotation, SalientRegionPrediction.

  • salience_s-measure - simularity measure for salient object detection task, defined in following paper. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-better. Supported representations: SalientRegionAnnotation, SalientRegionPrediction.

  • sisdr - Scale-invariant signal-to-distortion ratio described in paper. Metric is calculated as a decibel(dB). Direction of metric’s mean growth is higher-better. Direction of metric’s std growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: NoiseSuppressionAnnotation, NoiseSuppressionPrediction.

    • delay - shift output by delay for alignment with reference (Optional, default 0).

  • normalised_quantile_loss - q-risk normalized quantile loss for evaluation of time series forecasting models. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: TimeSeriesForecastingAnnotation, TimeSeriesForecastingQuantilesPrediction.

  • log_loss - classification metric based on probabilities. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: HitRatioAnnotation, HitRatioPrediction.

  • perplexity - a measurement of how well a probability distribution or probability model predicts a sample. Metric is calculated as a percentage. Direction of metric’s growth is higher-worse. Supported representations: LanguageModelingAnnotation, LanguageModelingPrediction.

  • clip_score - Calculates CLIP Score which is a text-to-image similarity metric. The score is bound between 0 and 100 and the closer to 100 the better.

    • clip_model_name - string indicating the version of the CLIP model to use (openai/clip-vit-base-patch16 is default). Available models are:

      • openai/clip-vit-base-patch16

      • openai/clip-vit-base-patch32

      • openai/clip-vit-large-patch14-336

      • openai/clip-vit-large-patch14

    • normalized_image - identifier that generated image in normalized [0, 1] range.

    • channel_order - identifier which channels order generated image has (RGB or BGR).

Metrics profiling#

Accuracy Checker supports providing detailed information necessary for understanding metric calculation for each data object. This feature can be useful for debug purposes. For enabling this behaviour you need to provide --profile True in accuracy checker command line. Additionally, you can specify directory for saving profiling results --profiler_logs_dir and select data format in --profile_report_type between csv (brief) and json (more detailed).

Supported for profiling metrics:

  • Classification:

    • accuracy

    • accuracy_per_class

    • classification_f1-score

    • metthews_correlation_coef

    • multi_accuracy

    • multi_recall

    • multi_precision

    • f1-score

  • Regression:

    • mae

    • mse

    • rmse

    • mae_on_interval

    • mse_on_interval

    • rmse_on_interval

    • angle_error

    • psnr

    • ssim

    • normed_error

    • per_point_normed_error

  • Object Detection:

    • map

    • recall

    • miss_rate

    • coco_precision

    • coco_recall

  • Semantic Segmentation

    • segmentation_accuracy

    • mean_iou

    • mean_accuracy

    • frequency_weighted_accuracy

  • Instance Segmentation

    • coco_orig_segm_precision

  • GAN:

    • inception_score

    • fid

  • Background matting:

    • mad

    • spatial_gradient

    • mse_with_mask