
interface InferRequest {
    getCompiledModel(): CompiledModel;
    getInputTensor(): Tensor;
    getInputTensor(idx): Tensor;
    getOutputTensor(): Tensor;
    getOutputTensor(idx?): Tensor;
    getTensor(nameOrOutput): Tensor;
    infer(): {
        [outputName: string]: Tensor;
    infer(inputData): {
        [outputName: string]: Tensor;
    infer(inputData): {
        [outputName: string]: Tensor;
    inferAsync(inputData): Promise<{
        [outputName: string]: Tensor;
    setInputTensor(tensor): void;
    setInputTensor(idx, tensor): void;
    setOutputTensor(tensor): void;
    setOutputTensor(idx, tensor): void;
    setTensor(name, tensor): void;

The InferRequest object is created using CompiledModel.createInferRequest method and is specific for a given deployed model. It is used to make predictions and can be run in asynchronous or synchronous manners.



getCompiledModel(): CompiledModel

It gets the compiled model used by the InferRequest object.


getInputTensor(): Tensor

It gets the input tensor for inference.

  • Parameters:

    • Optional

      idx: number
  • Returns: Tensor

    The input tensor for the model. If the model has several inputs, an exception is thrown.

  • Defined in: addon.ts:445

getInputTensor(idx: number): Tensor

It gets the input tensor for inference.

  • Parameters:

    • Optional

      idx: number

      An index of the tensor to get.

  • Returns: Tensor

    A tensor at the specified index. If the tensor with the specified idx is not found, an exception is thrown.

  • Defined in: addon.ts:452


getOutputTensor(): Tensor

It gets the output tensor for inference.

  • Returns: Tensor

    The output tensor for the model. If the tensor with the specified idx is not found, an exception is thrown.

  • Defined in: addon.ts:465

getOutputTensor(idx?: number): Tensor

It gets the output tensor for inference.

  • Parameters:

    • Optional

      idx: number

      An index of the tensor to get.

  • Returns: Tensor

    A tensor at the specified index. If the tensor with the specified idx is not found, an exception is thrown.

  • Defined in: addon.ts:465


getTensor(nameOrOutput: string | Output): Tensor;

It gets an input/output tensor for inference. If a tensor with the specified name or port is not found, an exception is thrown.

  • Parameters:

    • nameOrOutput: string | Output

      The name of the tensor or output object.

  • Returns: Tensor

  • Defined in: addon.ts:474


infer(): { [outputName: string] : Tensor};

It infers specified input(s) in the synchronous mode. Inputs have to be specified earlier using InferRequest.setTensor or InferRequest.setInputTensor

  • Returns:

    [outputName: string]: Tensor;
  • Defined in: addon.ts:409

infer(inputData): {
    [outputName: string]: Tensor;

It infers specified input(s) in the synchronous mode.

  • Parameters:

    • inputData: {
                 [inputName: string]: Tensor | SupportedTypedArray;

      An object with the key-value pairs where the key is the input name and value can be either a tensor or a TypedArray. TypedArray will be wrapped into Tensor underneath using the input shape and element type of the deployed model.

  • Returns:

    [outputName: string]: Tensor;
  • Defined in: addon.ts:417

infer(inputData): {
    [outputName: string]: Tensor;

It infers specified input(s) in the synchronous mode.

  • Parameters:

    • inputData: Tensor[] | SupportedTypedArray[]

      An array with tensors or TypedArrays. TypedArrays will be wrapped into Tensors underneath using the input shape and element type of the deployed model. If the model has multiple inputs, the Tensors and TypedArrays must be passed in the correct order.

  • Returns:

    [outputName: string]: Tensor;
  • Defined in: addon.ts:426


inferAsync(inputData): Promise<{
    [outputName: string]: Tensor;

It infers specified input(s) in the asynchronous mode.

  • Parameters:

    • inputData: Tensor[] | {
          [inputName: string]: Tensor;

      An object with the key-value pairs where the key is the input name and value is a tensor or an array with tensors. If the model has multiple inputs, the Tensors must be passed in the correct order.

  • Returns:

     [outputName: string]: Tensor;
  • Defined in: addon.ts:434


setInputTensor(tensor): void

It sets the input tensor to infer models with a single input.

  • Parameters:

    • Tensor

      The input tensor. The element type and shape of the tensor must match the type and size of the model’s input element. If the model has several inputs, an exception is thrown.

  • Returns: void

  • Defined in: addon.ts:481

setInputTensor(idx, tensor): void

It sets the input tensor to infer.

  • Parameters:

    • idx: number

      The input tensor index. If idx is greater than the number of model inputs, an exception is thrown.

    • Tensor

      The input tensor. The element type and shape of the tensor must match the input element type and size of the model.

  • Returns: void

  • Defined in: addon.ts:489


setOutputTensor(tensor): void

It sets the output tensor to infer models with a single output.

  • Parameters:

    • Tensor

      The output tensor. The element type and shape of the tensor must match the output element type and size of the model. If the model has several outputs, an exception is thrown.

  • Returns: void

  • Defined in: addon.ts:496

setOutputTensor(idx, tensor): void

It sets the output tensor to infer.

  • Parameters:

    • idx: number

      The output tensor index.

    • Tensor

      The output tensor. The element type and shape of the tensor must match the output element type and size of the model.

  • Returns: void

  • Defined in: addon.ts:503


setTensor(name, tensor): void

It sets the input/output tensor to infer.

  • Parameters:

    • name: string

      The input or output tensor name.

    • tensor: Tensor

      The tensor. The element type and shape of the tensor must match the input/output element type and size of the model.

  • Returns: void

  • Defined in: addon.ts:510