
Versioned name: NV12toBGR-8

Category: Image processing

Short description: NV12toBGR performs image conversion from NV12 to BGR format.

Detailed description:

Similar to NV12toRGB but output channels for each pixel are reversed so that the first channel is blue, the second one is green, the last one is red. See detailed conversion formulas in the NV12toRGB description.


Same as specified for NV12toRGB operation.


  • 1: A tensor of type T representing an image converted in BGR format. Dimensions:

    • N - batch dimension

    • H - height dimension is the same as the image height

    • W - width dimension is the same as the image width

    • C - channels dimension is equal to 3. The first channel is Blue, the second one is Green, the last one is Red


  • T: uint8 or any supported floating-point type.


Example 1

 <layer ... type="NV12toBGR">
         <port id="0">
         <port id="1">

Example 2

 <layer ... type="NV12toBGR">
         <port id="0">  <!-- Y plane -->
         <port id="1">  <!-- UV plane -->
         <port id="1">