text-to-speech-en-multi-0001 (composite)#

Use Case and High-Level Description#

This is a speech synthesis composite model that simultaneously reconstructs mel-spectrogram and wave form from text. The model generates wave form from symbol sequences separated by space for forty speakers. The speaker voice characteristics are represented by vector of two numbers. The model is built on top of the modified ForwardTacotron and modified MelGAN frameworks.

Composite model specification#



Source framework


Duration prediction model specification#

The text-to-speech-en-multi-0001-duration-prediction model is a ForwardTacotron-based duration predictor for symbols.








  1. Sequence, name: input_seq, shape: 1, 512, format: B,C, where:

    • B - batch size

    • C - number of symbols in sequence

  2. Mask for input sequence, name: input_mask, shape: 1, 1, 512, format: B, D, C, where:

    • B - batch size

    • D - extra dimension for multiplication

    • C - number of symbols in sequence

  3. Mask for relative position representation in attention, name: pos_mask, shape: 1, 1, 512, 512, format: B, D, C, C, where:

    • B - batch size

    • D - extra dimension for multiplication

    • C - number of symbols in sequence

  4. Vector for representing the speaker voice embedding, name: speaker_embedding, shape: 1, 2, format: B, D, where:

    • B - batch size

    • D - size of the embedding vector


  1. Duration for input symbols, name: duration, shape: 1, 512, 1, format B, C, H. Contains predicted duration for each of the symbol in sequence.

    • B - batch size

    • C - number of symbols in sequence

    • H - empty dimension

  2. Processed embeddings, name: embeddings, shape: 1, 512, 256, format B, C, H. Contains processed embeddings for each symbol in sequence.

    • B - batch size

    • C - number of symbols in sequence

    • H - height of the intermediate feature map

Mel-spectrogram regression model specification#

The text-to-speech-en-multi-0001-regression model accepts aligned by duration processed embeddings (for example: if duration is [2, 3] and processed embeddings is [[1, 2], [3, 4]], aligned embeddings is [[1, 2], [1, 2], [1,2], [3, 4], [3, 4]]) and produces mel-spectrogram.








  1. Processed embeddigs aligned by durations, name: data, shape: 1, 512, 256, format: B, T, C, where:

    • B - batch size

    • T - time in mel-spectrogram

    • C - processed embedding dimension

  2. Mask for data by time dimension, name: data_mask, shape: 1, 1, 512, format: B, D, T, where:

    • B - batch size

    • D - extra dimension for multiplication

    • T - time in mel-spectrogram

  3. Mask for relative position representation in attention, name: pos_mask, shape: 1, 1, 512, 512, format: B, D, C, C, where:

    • B - batch size

    • D - extra dimension for multiplication

    • C - number of symbols in sequence

  4. Vector for representing the speaker voice embedding, name: speaker_embedding, shape: 1, 2, format: B, D, where:

    • B - batch size

    • D - size of the embedding vector


Mel-spectrogram, name: mel, shape: 80, 512, format: C, T, where:

  • T - time in mel-spectrogram

  • C - number of rows in mel-spectrogram

Audio generation model specification#

The text-to-speech-en-multi-0001-generation model is a MelGAN based audio generator.








Mel-spectrogram, name: mel, shape: 1, 80, 128, format: B, C, T, where:

  • B - batch size

  • C - number of rows in mel-spectrogram

  • T - time in mel-spectrogram


Audio, name: audio, shape: 32768, format: T, where:

  • T - time in audio with sampling rate 22050 (~1.5 sec).

Demo usage#

The model can be used in the following demos provided by the Open Model Zoo to show its capabilities: