namespace ov::op::pooling


namespace pooling {

// namespaces

namespace ov::op::pooling::validate;

// global variables

constexpr size_t spatial_dim_offset = 2;

// global functions

void valid_dilated_kernel_with_padding(
    const v1::AvgPool \* op,
    const size_t kernel,
    const size_t pad_begin,
    const size_t pad_end,
    const size_t axis

template <class TContainer>
void resize_empty_padding(
    const size_t num_spatial,
    TContainer& pads_begin,
    TContainer& pads_end

template <class TOp, class TShape, class TContainer>
void apply_padding(
    const TOp \* op,
    const TShape& data_shape,
    const Strides& dilations,
    TContainer& pads_begin,
    TContainer& pads_end

template <class TOp, class TDim>
void valid_dilated_kernel_with_dim(
    const TOp \* op,
    const size_t kernel,
    const TDim& dim,
    const size_t axis

template <class TOp>
void valid_dilated_kernel_with_padding(
    const TOp \* op,
    const size_t kernel,
    const size_t pad_begin,
    const size_t pad_end,
    const size_t axis

template <class TOp, class TShape, class TContainer>
void append_spatial_shape(
    const TOp \* op,
    const TShape& data_shape,
    const TContainer& pads_begin,
    const TContainer& pads_end,
    const Strides& dilations,
    TShape& out_shape

template <class TOp, class TShape, class TContainer>
TShape out_shape_infer(
    const TOp \* op,
    const TShape& data_shape,
    const TContainer& pads_begin,
    const TContainer& pads_end,
    const Strides& dilations

template <
    class TShape,
    class TOp,
    typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<TOp, v8::AdaptiveAvgPool>::value||std::is_same<TOp, v8::AdaptiveMaxPool>::value>::type \* = nullptr
TShape out_shape_infer(
    const TOp \* op,
    const std::vector<TShape>& input_shapes,
    const std::map<size_t, HostTensorPtr>& constant_data = {}

} // namespace pooling

Detailed Documentation

Global Functions

template <class TContainer>
void resize_empty_padding(
    const size_t num_spatial,
    TContainer& pads_begin,
    TContainer& pads_end

Resize paddings if empty to number of spatial dimensions.



Number of spatial dimensions.


Begin padding to resize.


End padding to resize.

template <class TOp, class TShape, class TContainer>
void apply_padding(
    const TOp \* op,
    const TShape& data_shape,
    const Strides& dilations,
    TContainer& pads_begin,
    TContainer& pads_end

Apply pooling operator padding depends on auto pad value.



Pointer to Pooling operator to apply padding.


Shape infer data input shape.


Kernel dilations.


Padding begin to update.


Padding end to update.

template <class TOp, class TShape, class TContainer>
void append_spatial_shape(
    const TOp \* op,
    const TShape& data_shape,
    const TContainer& pads_begin,
    const TContainer& pads_end,
    const Strides& dilations,
    TShape& out_shape

Append spatial shape to the end of output shape for pooling operator shape inference result.



Pointer to pooling operator.


Shape inference input pooling data shape.


Pooling pads begin.


Pooling pads end.


Kernel dilations.


Output shape for appending the spatial shape of pooling

template <class TOp, class TShape, class TContainer>
TShape out_shape_infer(
    const TOp \* op,
    const TShape& data_shape,
    const TContainer& pads_begin,
    const TContainer& pads_end,
    const Strides& dilations

Shape inference helper used for pooling operators such Max Pool, Avg Pool.

template <
    class TShape,
    class TOp,
    typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<TOp, v8::AdaptiveAvgPool>::value||std::is_same<TOp, v8::AdaptiveMaxPool>::value>::type \* = nullptr
TShape out_shape_infer(
    const TOp \* op,
    const std::vector<TShape>& input_shapes,
    const std::map<size_t, HostTensorPtr>& constant_data = {}

Shape inference helper used for adaptive pooling operators.