namespace ov::op


namespace op {

// namespaces

namespace ov::op::ShapeInferLSTM;
namespace ov::op::ShapeInferRange;
namespace ov::op::convolution;
    namespace ov::op::convolution::validate;
namespace ov::op::deformable_conv;
    namespace ov::op::deformable_conv::validate;
namespace ov::op::eye;
namespace ov::op::gather_nd;
namespace ov::op::internal;
namespace ov::op::pooling;
    namespace ov::op::pooling::validate;
namespace ov::op::psroi_pooling;
    namespace ov::op::psroi_pooling::validate;
namespace ov::op::rnn;
namespace ov::op::roi_pooling;
    namespace ov::op::roi_pooling::validate;
namespace ov::op::slice;
namespace ov::op::util;
    namespace ov::op::util::detail;
    namespace ov::op::util::embedding;
    namespace ov::op::util::error;
    namespace ov::op::util::rfft_common_validation;
namespace ov::op::v0;
namespace ov::op::v1;
    namespace ov::op::v1::utils;
        namespace ov::op::v1::utils::one_hot;
namespace ov::op::v10;
namespace ov::op::v11;
namespace ov::op::v3;
namespace ov::op::v4;
    namespace ov::op::v4::ctc_loss;
namespace ov::op::v5;
namespace ov::op::v6;
namespace ov::op::v7;
namespace ov::op::v8;
namespace ov::op::v9;

// enums

enum AutoBroadcastType;
enum BroadcastType;
enum EpsMode;
enum GeluApproximationMode;
enum LSTMWeightsFormat;
enum MVNEpsMode;
enum PadMode;
enum PadType;
enum RecurrentSequenceDirection;
enum RoundingType;
enum TopKMode;
enum TopKSortType;

// structs

struct AutoBroadcastSpec;
struct BroadcastModeSpec;

// classes

class Op;
class Sink;
class TemporaryReplaceOutputType;
template <typename BaseOp>
class TypeRelaxed;
class TypeRelaxedBase;

// global functions

OPENVINO_SUPPRESS_DEPRECATED_END std::unordered_map<size_t, std::pair<ov::Tensor, ov::Tensor>> OPENVINO_API convert_input_types(
    OutputVector& inputs,
    const element::TypeVector& types

ov::TensorVector OPENVINO_API get_output_tensors_of_original_type(
    const ov::TensorVector& fake_output_tensors,
    const element::TypeVector& types

void OPENVINO_API reset_input_types(
    const std::unordered_map<size_t, std::pair<ov::Tensor, ov::Tensor>>& original_input_vals,
    OutputVector& inputs

bool OPENVINO_API convert_outputs_to_fake_type(
    ov::TensorVector& outputs,
    ov::TensorVector& original_outputs,
    bool is_upper

OPENVINO_API std::ostream& operator << (
    std::ostream& s,
    const GeluApproximationMode& type

ov::op::util::LSTMWeightsFormat convert_lstm_weights_enums(LSTMWeightsFormat format);
OPENVINO_API std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& s, const MVNEpsMode& type);
OPENVINO_API std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& s, const PadMode& type);
OPENVINO_API std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& s, const PadType& type);
OPENVINO_API std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& s, const RoundingType& type);

OPENVINO_API std::ostream& operator << (
    std::ostream& s,
    const AutoBroadcastType& type

OPENVINO_API std::ostream& operator << (
    std::ostream& s,
    const BroadcastType& type

OPENVINO_API std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& s, const EpsMode& type);
OPENVINO_API std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& s, const TopKSortType& type);
OPENVINO_API std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& s, const TopKMode& type);

OPENVINO_API std::ostream& operator << (
    std::ostream& s,
    const RecurrentSequenceDirection& direction

template <class OpType, class ShapeType>
void read_value_shape_infer(
    const OpType \* op,
    const std::vector<ShapeType>& input_shapes,
    std::vector<ShapeType>& output_shapes

template <class TShape>
std::vector<TShape> shape_infer(
    const util::ScatterNDBase \* op,
    const std::vector<TShape>& input_shapes

template <class TShape>
void shape_infer(
    const util::ScatterNDBase \* op,
    const std::vector<TShape>& input_shapes,
    std::vector<TShape>& output_shapes

template <
    class TShape,
    class TData,
    class TRes = std::vector<TData>,
    class TTensorPtr = HostTensorPtr,
    class UnaryOperation = ov::util::Cast<TData>,
    typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<TShape, ov::PartialShape>::value>::type \* = nullptr
std::unique_ptr<TRes> get_input_const_data_as(
    const ov::Node \* op,
    size_t idx,
    const std::map<size_t, TTensorPtr>& constant_data = {},
    UnaryOperation&& func = ov::util::Cast<TData>()

template <
    class TShape,
    class TDimValue = typename TShape::value_type::value_type,
    class TTensorPtr = HostTensorPtr,
    class UnaryOperation = ov::util::InTypeRange<TDimValue>
std::unique_ptr<TShape> get_input_const_data_as_shape(
    const ov::Node \* op,
    size_t idx,
    const std::map<size_t, TTensorPtr>& constant_data = {},
    UnaryOperation&& func = ov::util::InTypeRange<TDimValue>()

template <
    class TShape,
    class TData,
    class TResult = std::vector<std::pair<TData, TData>>
std::unique_ptr<TResult> get_input_bounds(
    const ov::Node \* op,
    size_t idx,
    const std::map<size_t, HostTensorPtr>& constant_data

} // namespace op

Detailed Documentation

Global Functions

template <
    class TShape,
    class TData,
    class TRes = std::vector<TData>,
    class TTensorPtr = HostTensorPtr,
    class UnaryOperation = ov::util::Cast<TData>,
    typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<TShape, ov::PartialShape>::value>::type \* = nullptr
std::unique_ptr<TRes> get_input_const_data_as(
    const ov::Node \* op,
    size_t idx,
    const std::map<size_t, TTensorPtr>& constant_data = {},
    UnaryOperation&& func = ov::util::Cast<TData>()

Get the operator’s input const as pointer to vector of specified type.

The behaviour depends on shape type. The default output type is std::vector<TData> can be replace by other type which if is possible to construct it from constant data vector.

The behaviour depends on shape type. The default output type is std::vector<TData> can be replace by other type which if is possible to construct it from constant data vector.



Shape type which enabled this version (not ov::PartialShape)


Type use to cast input’s data.


Result type which has got default type as std::vector<TData>.


Type of tensor pointer or reference_wrapper. Default HostTensorPtr.


Unary function object applied on data with signature (Ret f(const TData &a)).


Pointer to operator.


Operator’s input number.


Map with constant. Default empty.


Unary operation function object.


Shape type which enabled this version (ov::PartialShape)


Type use to cast input’s data.


Result type which has got default type as std::vector<TData>.


Type of tensor pointer or reference_wrapper. Default HostTensorPtr.


Unary function object applied on data with signature (Ret f(const TData &a)).


Pointer to operator.


Operator’s input number.


Map with constant. Default empty.


Unary operation function object.


Pointer to constant data or nullptr if input has no constant data.

Pointer to constant data or nullptr if input has no constant data.

template <
    class TShape,
    class TDimValue = typename TShape::value_type::value_type,
    class TTensorPtr = HostTensorPtr,
    class UnaryOperation = ov::util::InTypeRange<TDimValue>
std::unique_ptr<TShape> get_input_const_data_as_shape(
    const ov::Node \* op,
    size_t idx,
    const std::map<size_t, TTensorPtr>& constant_data = {},
    UnaryOperation&& func = ov::util::InTypeRange<TDimValue>()

Get the input const data as shape object.

The input data can be processed by unary operation. By default is validated and casted to shape’s dimension type.




Type of tensor pointer or reference_wrapper. Default HostTensorPtr.


Unary function object applied on data with signature (Ret f(const TDimValue &a)).


Pointer to operator.


Operator input index.


Map with constant data. Default empty.


Unary operation function object to apply in input data. Default ov::utils::InTypeRange<TDimValue>.


Unique pointer to shape created from input data.

template <
    class TShape,
    class TData,
    class TResult = std::vector<std::pair<TData, TData>>
std::unique_ptr<TResult> get_input_bounds(
    const ov::Node \* op,
    size_t idx,
    const std::map<size_t, HostTensorPtr>& constant_data

Get the input bounds from constant input (constant map) or evaluate bunds and return them as vector of pairs (lower, upper).



Shape type.


Bound value type.


Operator pointer.


Input index.


Map with constant data.


Return vector of bounds as pair lower, upper.