Install OpenVINO™ Runtime via Homebrew


Installing OpenVINO Runtime from Homebrew is recommended for C++ developers. If you work with Python, consider installing OpenVINO from PyPI

You can use Homebrew to install OpenVINO Runtime on macOS and Linux. OpenVINO™ Development Tools can be installed via PyPI only. See Installing Additional Components for more information.


By downloading and using this container and the included software, you agree to the terms and conditions of the software license agreements.

Full requirement listing is available in:
  • Homebrew

  • CMake 3.13 or higher (choose “macOS 10.13 or later”). Add /Applications/ to path (for default installation).

  • Python 3.7 - 3.11 . Install and add it to path.

  • Apple Xcode Command Line Tools. In the terminal, run xcode-select --install from any directory to install it.

  • (Optional) Apple Xcode IDE (not required for OpenVINO™, but useful for development)

Installing OpenVINO Runtime

  1. Make sure that you have installed Homebrew on your system. If not, follow the instructions on the Homebrew website to install and configure it.

  2. Open a command prompt terminal window, and run the following command to install OpenVINO Runtime:

    brew install openvino
  3. Check if the installation was successful by listing all Homebrew packages:

    brew list

Congratulations, you’ve finished the installation!

(Optional) Installing Additional Components

OpenVINO Development Tools is a set of utilities for working with OpenVINO and OpenVINO models. It provides tools like Model Optimizer, Benchmark Tool, Post-Training Optimization Tool, and Open Model Zoo Downloader. If you installed OpenVINO Runtime using Homebrew, OpenVINO Development Tools must be installed separately.

See the For C++ Developers section on the Install OpenVINO Development Tools page for instructions.

OpenCV is necessary to run demos from Open Model Zoo (OMZ). Some OpenVINO samples can also extend their capabilities when compiled with OpenCV as a dependency. To install OpenCV for OpenVINO, see the instructions on GitHub.

Uninstalling OpenVINO

To uninstall OpenVINO via Homebrew, use the following command:

brew uninstall openvino

What’s Next?

Now that you’ve installed OpenVINO Runtime, you can try the following things: