
ngraph.random_uniform(output_shape: Union[_pyngraph.Node, int, float, numpy.ndarray], min_val: Union[_pyngraph.Node, int, float, numpy.ndarray], max_val: Union[_pyngraph.Node, int, float, numpy.ndarray], output_type: str, global_seed: int = 0, op_seed: int = 0) _pyngraph.Node

Return a node which generates sequence of random values from uniform distribution.

  • output_shape – Tensor with shape of the output tensor.

  • min_val – Tensor with the lower bound on the range of random values to generate.

  • max_val – Tensor with the upper bound on the range of random values to generate.

  • output_type – Specifies the output tensor type, possible values:

‘i64’, ‘i32’, ‘f64’, ‘f32’, ‘f16’, ‘bf16’. :param global_seed: Specifies global seed value. Required to be a positive integer or 0. :param op_seed: Specifies operational seed value. Required to be a positive integer or 0. :return: The new node which performs generation of random values from uniform distribution.