
ngraph.strided_slice(data: Union[_pyngraph.Node, int, float, numpy.ndarray], begin: Union[_pyngraph.Node, int, float, numpy.ndarray], end: Union[_pyngraph.Node, int, float, numpy.ndarray], strides: Union[_pyngraph.Node, int, float, numpy.ndarray], begin_mask: List[int], end_mask: List[int], new_axis_mask: Optional[List[int]] = None, shrink_axis_mask: Optional[List[int]] = None, ellipsis_mask: Optional[List[int]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None) _pyngraph.Node

Return a node which dynamically repeats(replicates) the input data tensor.

  • data – The tensor to be sliced

  • begin – 1D tensor with begin indexes for input blob slicing

  • end – 1D tensor with end indexes for input blob slicing

  • strides – The slicing strides

  • begin_mask – A mask applied to the ‘begin’ input indicating which elements shoud be ignored

  • end_mask – A mask applied to the ‘end’ input indicating which elements shoud be ignored

  • new_axis_mask – A mask indicating dimensions where ‘1’ should be inserted

  • shrink_axis_mask – A mask indicating which dimensions should be deleted

  • ellipsis_mask – Indicates positions where missing dimensions should be inserted


StridedSlice node