namespace ov::op::util


namespace util {

// namespaces

namespace ov::op::util::detail;
namespace ov::op::util::embedding;
namespace ov::op::util::error;
namespace ov::op::util::rfft_common_validation;

// typedefs

typedef std::shared_ptr<Node>(\*)(const std::shared_ptr<Node>&, float, float) ActivationFunctionType;
typedef std::vector<util::SubGraphOp::InputDescription::Ptr> InputDescriptionVector;
typedef std::vector<util::SubGraphOp::OutputDescription::Ptr> OutputDescriptionVector;
typedef std::vector<Variable::Ptr> VariableVector;
typedef std::unordered_map<Variable::Ptr, VariableValue::Ptr> VariableMap;

// enums

enum LSTMPeepholesFormat;
enum LSTMWeightsFormat;

// structs

struct ClipNegative;
template <class T>
struct GetK;
template <class T>
struct GetNotNegative;
struct VariableInfo;

// classes

class ActivationFunction;
class ArithmeticReduction;
class ArithmeticReductionKeepDims;
class AssignBase;
class BinaryElementwiseArithmetic;
class BinaryElementwiseComparison;
class BinaryElementwiseLogical;
class BroadcastBase;
class ConvertColorI420Base;
class ConvertColorNV12Base;
class ConvolutionBackPropBase;
class ConvolutionBase;
class ConvolutionFwdPropBase;
class DeformableConvolutionBase;
class DetectionOutputBase;
class EmbeddingBagOffsetsBase;
class EmbeddingBagPackedBase;
class FFTBase;
class FrameworkNode;
class FrameworkNodeAttrs;
class GatherBase;
class GatherNDBase;
class IndexReduction;
class InterpolateBase;
class LogicalReduction;
class LogicalReductionKeepDims;
class MaxPoolBase;
class MultiSubGraphOp;
class MulticlassNmsBase;
class PadBase;
class RNNCellBase;
class ReadValueBase;
class ReductionBase;
class ScatterBase;
class ScatterElementsUpdateBase;
class ScatterNDBase;
class ShapeOfBase;
class SubGraphOp;
class TopKBase;
class UnaryElementwiseArithmetic;
class Variable;
class VariableContext;
class VariableExtension;
class VariableValue;

// global variables

constexpr size_t num_spatial_undefined = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
constexpr size_t spatial_dim_offset = 2;

// global functions

template <class T>
bool normalize_single_value(
    std::vector<T> vec,
    float& value,
    bool check_value_range = true

template <class T>
bool has_op_with_type(const std::shared_ptr<const ov::Model>& function);

bool has_decompression_converts(const std::shared_ptr<const ov::Model>& function);
std::string create_ie_output_name(const Output<const Node>& output);
std::string create_ie_output_name(const Output<Node>& output);
std::string get_ie_output_name(const Output<const Node>& output);
std::string get_ie_output_name(const Output<Node>& output);
float cast_eps_to_float(double eps_d);

template <typename T>
bool has_constant_value(
    const std::shared_ptr<Node>& node,
    const T value,
    T epsilon = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon()

template <typename T>
bool has_constant_value(
    const std::shared_ptr<Node>& node,
    const std::vector<T> values,
    T epsilon = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon()

bool get_single_value(
    const std::shared_ptr<opset4::Constant>& const_node,
    float& value,
    bool check_value_range = true

std::shared_ptr<Node> normalize_constant(
    const std::shared_ptr<opset4::Constant>& constant,
    const PartialShape& shape

std::shared_ptr<Node> broadcastTo(const Output<Node>& input, const Shape& shape);
std::shared_ptr<Node> reshapeTo(const Output<Node>& input, const Shape& shape);

bool constantIsEqualTo(
    const std::shared_ptr<opset4::Constant>& const_node,
    float value,
    float eps = 1e-5

bool has_f16_constants(const std::shared_ptr<const ov::Model>& function);

bool check_for_broadcast(
    const PartialShape& ref_shape,
    const PartialShape& other_shape

std::shared_ptr<Node> activation(
    const std::string& activation_name,
    const Output<Node>& apply_to

bool is_seq_len_provided(
    const std::shared_ptr<Node>& seq_len_input,
    int64_t max_seq_len

std::shared_ptr<Node> try_fold_unary_output(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& node);

std::shared_ptr<Node> clone_try_fold(
    const std::shared_ptr<Node>& node,
    const OutputVector& inputs

bool shapes_equal_except_dynamic_expected_batch(
    const PartialShape& expected,
    const PartialShape& actual

void visit_shape_path(
    ov::Node \* node,
    std::unordered_set<ov::Node \*>& visited,
    std::function<void(ov::Node \*)> func

template <typename T, typename... Args>
std::shared_ptr<Node> make_try_fold(Args&&... args);

template <class T>
Output<Node> eltwise_fold(
    const Output<Node>& input0,
    const Output<Node>& input1

std::vector<Input<Node>> get_node_target_inputs(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& node);

std::shared_ptr<Node> node_to_get_shape_value_of_indices_from_shape_node(
    const std::shared_ptr<Node>& shape_node,
    const std::vector<size_t>& indices

std::shared_ptr<Node> node_to_get_shape_value_of_indices_from_shape_source(
    const Output<Node>& shape_source,
    const std::vector<size_t>& indices

bool is_dequantization_subgraph(const Output<Node>& node);

bool can_eliminate_eltwise_node(
    const std::shared_ptr<Node>& eltwise,
    const Output<Node>& constant,
    const Output<Node>& non_constant_input

bool is_constant_and_all_values_equal_int(
    const Output<Node>& output,
    const int64_t& v

bool is_on_constant_path(const ov::Output<ov::Node>& output);
ActivationFunction get_activation_func_by_name(const std::string& func_name);
std::tuple<element::Type, PartialShape> validate_and_infer_elementwise_args(Node \* node);
OPENVINO_API bool is_unary_elementwise_arithmetic(const Node \* node);
OPENVINO_API bool is_binary_elementwise_arithmetic(const Node \* node);
OPENVINO_API bool is_binary_elementwise_comparison(const Node \* node);
OPENVINO_API bool is_binary_elementwise_logical(const Node \* node);
OPENVINO_API bool supports_auto_broadcast(const Node \* node);
OPENVINO_API bool is_op(const Node \* node);
OPENVINO_API bool is_parameter(const Node \* node);
OPENVINO_API bool is_output(const Node \* node);
OPENVINO_API bool is_sink(const Node \* node);
OPENVINO_API bool is_constant(const Node \* node);
OPENVINO_API bool is_commutative(const Node \* node);
OPENVINO_API bool is_unary_elementwise_arithmetic(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& node);
OPENVINO_API bool is_binary_elementwise_arithmetic(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& node);
OPENVINO_API bool is_binary_elementwise_comparison(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& node);
OPENVINO_API bool is_binary_elementwise_logical(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& node);
OPENVINO_API bool supports_auto_broadcast(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& node);
OPENVINO_API bool is_op(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& node);
OPENVINO_API bool is_parameter(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& node);
OPENVINO_API bool is_output(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& node);
OPENVINO_API bool is_sink(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& node);
OPENVINO_API bool is_constant(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& node);
OPENVINO_API bool is_commutative(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& node);

std::shared_ptr<Node> OPENVINO_API convert_lstm_node_format(
    const Output<Node>& node,
    LSTMWeightsFormat from_format,
    LSTMWeightsFormat to_format = LSTMWeightsFormat::FICO,
    int64_t axis = 0

std::shared_ptr<Node> OPENVINO_API convert_lstm_peepholes_format(
    const Output<Node>& node,
    LSTMPeepholesFormat from_format,
    LSTMPeepholesFormat to_format = LSTMPeepholesFormat::FIO,
    int64_t axis = 0

template <typename T, class TRShape = result_shape_t<T>>
void validate_target_shape_none(
    const ov::Node \* op,
    const T& arg_shape,
    const AxisVector& axes_mapping_val,
    const TRShape& target_input_shape

template <typename T, class TRShape = result_shape_t<T>>
void validate_target_shape_numpy(
    const ov::Node \* op,
    const T& arg_shape,
    const TRShape& target_input_shape

template <typename T, class TRShape = result_shape_t<T>>
void set_result_shape_pdpd(
    const ov::Node \* op,
    const T& arg0_shape,
    const TRShape& target_input_shape,
    TRShape& result_shape,
    const ov::op::BroadcastModeSpec& broadcast_spec

template <typename T, class TRShape = result_shape_t<T>>
void set_result_shape_bidirectional(
    const ov::Node \* op,
    const T& arg_shape,
    TRShape& target_input_shape,
    TRShape& result_shape

template <class T, class TRShape = result_shape_t<T>>
std::vector<TRShape> broadcast_base_shape_infer(
    const ov::op::util::BroadcastBase \* op,
    const std::vector<T>& input_shapes,
    const ITensorAccessor& ta = make_tensor_accessor()

template <class TShape>
size_t num_spatial_from_shapes(
    const TShape& data_shape,
    const TShape& filter_shape,
    const size_t filter_non_spatial_dims_count

bool is_attr_validation_required(const ConvolutionBase \* op);
size_t get_num_spatial(const ConvolutionBase \* op);

template <class TShape, class TRShape = result_shape_t<TShape>>
std::vector<TRShape> shape_infer(
    const DeformableConvolutionBase \* op,
    const std::vector<TShape>& input_shapes,
    CoordinateDiff& pads_begin,
    CoordinateDiff& pads_end

template <
    typename T,
    typename V = typename std::iterator_traits<typename T::iterator>::value_type::value_type
void compute_num_classes(
    const DetectionOutputBase \* op,
    const DetectionOutputBase::AttributesBase& attrs,
    const std::vector<T>& input_shapes,
    V& num_classes,
    V& num_prior_boxes

template <class T, class TRShape = result_shape_t<T>>
std::vector<TRShape> shape_infer_base(
    const DetectionOutputBase \* op,
    const DetectionOutputBase::AttributesBase& attrs,
    const std::vector<T>& input_shapes,
    int64_t attribute_num_classes

template <class TShape, class TRShape = result_shape_t<TShape>>
std::vector<TRShape> shape_infer(
    const ov::op::util::EmbeddingBagOffsetsBase \* op,
    const std::vector<TShape>& input_shapes

template <class TShape, class TRShape = result_shape_t<TShape>>
std::vector<TRShape> shape_infer(
    const ov::op::util::EmbeddingBagPackedBase \* op,
    const std::vector<TShape>& input_shapes

template <class T>
void check_1D_or_scalar_shape(
    const ov::op::v9::Eye \* op,
    const T& input_shape,
    const std::string& name

} // namespace util

Detailed Documentation

Global Functions

float cast_eps_to_float(double eps_d)

Convert epsilon value from double to float type.

If the value is too large, the epsilon is converted to std::numeric_limits<float>::min() or std::numeric_limits<float>::min(), otherwise static cast to float is called. The adjustment is made for positive values only, for negative it works as static cast.



Original value of the epsilon (double).


Epsilon value as float.

ActivationFunction get_activation_func_by_name(const std::string& func_name)

Gets the activation function by name.



The function name


When provided func_name is unknown.


The activation function object.

std::shared_ptr<Node> OPENVINO_API convert_lstm_node_format(
    const Output<Node>& node,
    LSTMWeightsFormat from_format,
    LSTMWeightsFormat to_format = LSTMWeightsFormat::FICO,
    int64_t axis = 0

Change data format of provided node.



The input node to be permuted.


Original node weights format.


Weights format to convert to.


Node representing reshaped tensor according to to_format weights format.

template <class TShape>
size_t num_spatial_from_shapes(
    const TShape& data_shape,
    const TShape& filter_shape,
    const size_t filter_non_spatial_dims_count

Get num of spatial form convolution operator.

Tries get value from operator member if is not deduced (has -1 value) then tries evaluate it from input shapes.



Convolution type (this function must be a friend of TConv to access private member).


Shape type.


Pointer to convolution operator.


Input data shape.


Input filter shape.


Value of spatial dimension number or infinite bound (-1) if cannot evaluate.

bool is_attr_validation_required(const ConvolutionBase \* op)

Checks if validation attributes is required.



Pointer to convolution base operator.


True if internal number of spatial dimension not defined otherwise false.

size_t get_num_spatial(const ConvolutionBase \* op)

Get the num spatil object.



