Weight Compression

Enhancing Model Efficiency with Weight Compression

Weight compression aims to reduce the memory footprint of a model. It can also lead to significant performance improvement for large memory-bound models, such as Large Language Models (LLMs). LLMs and other models, which require extensive memory to store the weights during inference, can benefit from weight compression in the following ways:

  • enabling the inference of exceptionally large models that cannot be accommodated in the memory of the device;

  • improving the inference performance of the models by reducing the latency of the memory access when computing the operations with weights, for example, Linear layers.

Currently, Neural Network Compression Framework (NNCF) provides 8-bit weight quantization as a compression method primarily designed to optimize LLMs. The main difference between weights compression and full model quantization (post-training quantization) is that activations remain floating-point in the case of weights compression which leads to a better accuracy. Weight compression for LLMs provides a solid inference performance improvement which is on par with the performance of the full model quantization. In addition, weight compression is data-free and does not require a calibration dataset, making it easy to use.

Compress Model Weights

The code snippet below shows how to compress the weights of the model represented in OpenVINO IR using NNCF:

from nncf import compress_weights

model = compress_weights(model) # model is openvino.Model object

Now, the model is ready for compilation and inference. It can be also saved into a compressed format, resulting in a smaller binary file.