Optimizing for Latency#

An application that loads a single model and uses a single input at a time is a widespread use case in deep learning. Surely, more requests can be created if needed, for example to support asynchronous input population. However, the number of parallel requests affects inference performance of the application.

Also, running inference of multiple models on the same device relies on whether the models are executed simultaneously or in a chain: the more inference tasks at once, the higher the latency.

However, devices such as CPUs and GPUs may be composed of several “sub-devices”. OpeVINO can handle them transparently, when serving multiple clients, improving application’s throughput without impacting latency. What is more, multi-socket CPUs can deliver as many requests at the same minimal latency as there are NUMA nodes in the system. Similarly, a multi-tile GPU, which is essentially multiple GPUs in a single package, can deliver a multi-tile scalability with the number of inference requests, while preserving the single-tile latency.


Balancing throughput and latency by manual configuration requires strong expertise in this area. Instead, you should specify performance hints for compile_model, which is a device-agnostic and future-proof option.

For running multiple models simultaneously, consider using separate devices for each of them. When multiple models are executed in parallel on a device, use ov::hint::model_priority to define relative priorities of the models. Note that this feature may not be available for some devices.

First-Inference Latency and Model Load/Compile Time

First-inference latency is the longest time the application requires to finish inference. This means it includes the time to load and compile the model, which happens at the first execution only. For some scenarios it may be a significant factor, for example, if the model is always used just once or is unloaded after each run to free up the memory.

In such cases the device choice is especially important. The CPU offers the fastest model load time nearly every time. Other accelerators usually take longer to compile a model but may be better for inference. In such cases, Model caching may reduce latency, as long as there are no additional limitations in write permissions for the application.

To improve “first-inference latency”, you may choose between mapping the model into memory (the default option) and reading it (the older solution). While mapping is better in most cases, sometimes it may increase latency, especially when the model is located on a removable or a network drive. To switch between the two, specify the ov::enable_mmap() <../../../api/ie_python_api/_autosummary/openvino.frontend.FrontEnd.html#openvino.frontend.FrontEnd.load> property for the ov::Core as either True or False.

You can also use AUTO device selection inference mode to deal with first-inference latency. It starts inference on the CPU, while waiting for the proper accelerator to load the model. At that point, it shifts to the new device seamlessly.


Keep in mind that any throughput-oriented options may significantly increase inference time.