
Use Case and High-level Description

This is a MobileNetV2 + SSD-based vehicle and (Chinese) license plate detector for the “Barrier” use case.





Mean Average Precision (mAP)


AP vehicles


AP plates


Car pose

Front facing cars

Min plate width

96 pixels

Max objects to detect






Source framework


Average Precision (AP) is defined as an area under the precision/recall curve. Validation dataset is BIT-Vehicle.


Original Model

An input image, name: input, shape: 1, 256, 256, 3, format: B, H, W, C, where:

  • B - batch size

  • H - image height

  • W - image width

  • C - number of channels

Expected color order: RGB. Mean values: [127.5, 127.5, 127.5], scale factor for each channel: 127.5

Converted Model

An input image, name: input, shape: 1, 256, 256, 3, format: B, H, W, C, where:

  • B - batch size

  • H - image height

  • W - image width

  • C - number of channels

Expected color order is BGR.


Original Model

The net outputs a blob with the shape: 1, 1, 200, 7 in the format 1, 1, N, 7, where N is the number of detected bounding boxes. For each detection, the description has the format: [image_id, label, conf, x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max], where:

  • image_id - ID of the image in the batch

  • label - predicted class ID

  • conf - confidence for the predicted class

  • (x_min, y_min) - coordinates of the top left bounding box corner

  • (x_max, y_max) - coordinates of the bottom right bounding box corner.

Converted Model

The net outputs a blob with the shape: 1, 1, 200, 7 in the format 1, 1, N, 7, where N is the number of detected bounding boxes. For each detection, the description has the format: [image_id, label, conf, x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max], where:

  • image_id - ID of the image in the batch

  • label - predicted class ID

  • conf - confidence for the predicted class

  • (x_min, y_min) - coordinates of the top left bounding box corner

  • (x_max, y_max) - coordinates of the bottom right bounding box corner.

Download a Model and Convert it into OpenVINO™ IR Format

You can download models and if necessary convert them into OpenVINO™ IR format using the Model Downloader and other automation tools as shown in the examples below.

An example of using the Model Downloader:

omz_downloader --name <model_name>

An example of using the Model Converter:

omz_converter --name <model_name>

Demo usage

The model can be used in the following demos provided by the Open Model Zoo to show its capabilities: