Class ov::frontend::ProgressReporterExtension

class ProgressReporterExtension : public ov::Extension

Public Types

using progress_notifier_callback = std::function<void(float, unsigned int, unsigned int)>

A progress reporting callback signature. A FunctionObject that matches this signature should be passed to the constructor of this extension. The extension will then invoke this as a callback each time the progress needs to be reported. The callback itself is responsible for consuming the reported values.

Param progress

A float value in the range [0.0, 1.0] indicating the total progress of an operation.

Param total_steps

The total number of steps that a given instance of this extension is tracking

Param completed_completed

The current number of completed steps (out of the total number of steps to take)

Public Functions

inline ProgressReporterExtension()

The default constructor which creates a reporter that doesn’t report progress.

void report_progress(float progress, unsigned int total_steps, unsigned int completed_steps) const

The main method of this extension used to report the progress. This method forwards its arguments to the callback stored in this class.

  • progress – A float value in the range [0.0, 1.0] indicating the total progress of an operation.

  • total_steps – The total number of steps that a given instance of this extension is tracking

  • completed_steps – The current number of completed steps (out of the total number of steps to take)