Class ov::op::v9::ROIAlign#
class ROIAlign : public ov::op::util::ROIAlignBase#
Public Functions
ROIAlign(const Output<Node> &input, const Output<Node> &rois, const Output<Node> &batch_indices, const int pooled_h, const int pooled_w, const int sampling_ratio, const float spatial_scale, const PoolingMode mode, const AlignedMode aligned_mode = AlignedMode::ASYMMETRIC)#
Constructs a ROIAlign operation.
- Parameters:
input – Input feature map {N, C, H, W}
rois – Regions of interest to pool over
batch_indices – Indices of images in the batch matching the number or ROIs
pooled_h – Height of the ROI output features
pooled_w – Width of the ROI output features
sampling_ratio – Number of sampling points used to compute an output element
spatial_scale – Spatial scale factor used to translate ROI coordinates
mode – Method of pooling - ‘avg’ or ‘max’
aligned_mode – Method of coordinates alignment - ‘asymmetric’, ‘half_pixel_for_nn’ or ‘half_pixel’
virtual void validate_and_infer_types() override#
Verifies that attributes and inputs are consistent and computes output shapes and element types. Must be implemented by concrete child classes so that it can be run any number of times.
Throws if the node is invalid.
ROIAlign(const Output<Node> &input, const Output<Node> &rois, const Output<Node> &batch_indices, const int pooled_h, const int pooled_w, const int sampling_ratio, const float spatial_scale, const PoolingMode mode, const AlignedMode aligned_mode = AlignedMode::ASYMMETRIC)#