Class ov::op::util::MultiSubGraphOp::MergedInputDescription#
class MergedInputDescription : public ov::op::util::MultiSubGraphOp::InputDescription
Describes a body input initialized from a MultiSubGraphOp input on the first iteration, and then a body output thereafter.
Public Functions
MergedInputDescription(uint64_t input_index, uint64_t body_parameter_index, uint64_t body_value_index)
Constructs a new instance.
- Parameters:
input_index – Position of the MultiSubGraphOp input supplying a value to body_parameter for the initial iteration.
body_parameter_index – Body parameter position to receive input.
body_value_index – Body value to supply body_parameter for successive iterations.
MergedInputDescription(uint64_t input_index, uint64_t body_parameter_index, uint64_t body_value_index)