Class ov::op::util::ConvolutionBackPropBase#
class ConvolutionBackPropBase : public ov::op::util::ConvolutionBase#
Base class for operations like back propagation convolution.
Subclassed by ov::op::v1::ConvolutionBackpropData, ov::op::v1::GroupConvolutionBackpropData
Public Functions
ConvolutionBackPropBase() = default#
Constructs a conversion operation.
inline ConvolutionBackPropBase(const OutputVector &arguments, const Strides &strides, const CoordinateDiff &pads_begin, const CoordinateDiff &pads_end, const Strides &dilations, const PadType &auto_pad = PadType::EXPLICIT, const CoordinateDiff &output_padding = {})#
Constructs a conversion operation.
- Parameters:
strides – Convolution strides.
pads_begin – Amount of padding to be added to the beginning along each axis. For example in case of a 2D input the value of (1, 2) means that 1 element will be added to the top and 2 elements to the left.
pads_end – Amount of padding to be added to the end along each axis.
dilations – The distance in width and height between the weights in the filters tensor.
auto_pad – Specifies how the automatic calculation of padding should be done.
output_padding – The output padding adds additional amount of paddings per each spatial axis in the output tensor. clang-format on
ConvolutionBackPropBase() = default#