ngraph.opset1.ops Namespace Reference


Node absolute (NodeInput node, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node which applies f(x) = abs(x) to the input node element-wise. More...
Node acos (NodeInput node, Optional[str] name=None)
 Apply inverse cosine function on the input node element-wise. More...
Node add (NodeInput left_node, NodeInput right_node, str auto_broadcast="NUMPY", Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node which applies f(x) = A+B to the input nodes element-wise. More...
Node asin (NodeInput node, Optional[str] name=None)
 Apply inverse sine function on the input node element-wise. More...
Node atan (NodeInput node, Optional[str] name=None)
 Apply inverse tangent function on the input node element-wise. More...
Node avg_pool (NodeInput data_batch, List[int] strides, TensorShape pads_begin, TensorShape pads_end, TensorShape kernel_shape, bool exclude_pad, str rounding_type="floor", Optional[str] auto_pad=None, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return average pooling node. More...
Node batch_norm_inference (NodeInput data, NodeInput gamma, NodeInput beta, NodeInput mean, NodeInput variance, float epsilon, Optional[str] name=None)
 Perform layer normalizes a input tensor by mean and variance with appling scale and offset. More...
Node binary_convolution (NodeInput data, NodeInput filters, List[int] strides, List[int] pads_begin, List[int] pads_end, List[int] dilations, str mode, float pad_value, str auto_pad="EXPLICIT", Optional[str] name=None)
 Create node performing convolution with binary weights, binary input and integer output. More...
Node broadcast (NodeInput data, NodeInput target_shape, Optional[NodeInput] axes_mapping=None, str mode="NUMPY", Optional[str] name=None)
 Create a node which broadcasts the input node's values along specified axes to a desired shape. More...
Node ctc_greedy_decoder (NodeInput data, NodeInput sequence_mask, bool merge_repeated=True, Optional[str] name=None)
 Perform greedy decoding on the logits given in input (best path). More...
Node ceiling (NodeInput node, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node which applies ceiling to the input node element-wise. More...
Node clamp (NodeInput data, ScalarData min_value, ScalarData max_value, Optional[str] name=None)
 Perform clamp element-wise on data from input node. More...
Node concat (List[NodeInput] nodes, int axis, Optional[str] name=None)
 Concatenate input nodes into single new node along specified axis. More...
Constant constant (NumericData value, NumericType dtype=None, Optional[str] name=None)
 Create a Constant node from provided value. More...
Node convert (NodeInput data, Union[str, NumericType] destination_type, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node which casts input node values to specified type. More...
Node convert_like (NodeInput data, NodeInput like, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node which casts data node values to the type of another node. More...
Node convolution (NodeInput data, NodeInput filters, List[int] strides, List[int] pads_begin, List[int] pads_end, List[int] dilations, str auto_pad="EXPLICIT", Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node performing batched convolution operation. More...
Node convolution_backprop_data (NodeInput data, NodeInput filters, List[int] strides, Optional[NodeInput] output_shape=None, Optional[List[int]] pads_begin=None, Optional[List[int]] pads_end=None, Optional[List[int]] dilations=None, Optional[str] auto_pad=None, Optional[List[int]] output_padding=None, Optional[str] name=None)
 Create node performing a batched-convolution backprop data operation. More...
Node cos (NodeInput node, Optional[str] name=None)
 Apply cosine function on the input node element-wise. More...
Node cosh (NodeInput node, Optional[str] name=None)
 Apply hyperbolic cosine function on the input node element-wise. More...
Node deformable_convolution (NodeInput data, NodeInput deformable_values, NodeInput filters, List[int] strides, List[int] pads_begin, List[int] pads_end, List[int] dilations, str auto_pad="EXPLICIT", int group=1, int deformable_group=1, Optional[str] name=None)
 Create node performing deformable convolution. More...
Node deformable_psroi_pooling (NodeInput feature_maps, NodeInput coords, int output_dim, float spatial_scale, int group_size=1, str mode="bilinear_deformable", int spatial_bins_x=1, int spatial_bins_y=1, float trans_std=1.0, int part_size=1, Optional[NodeInput] offsets=None, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node performing DeformablePSROIPooling operation. More...
Node depth_to_space (Node node, str mode, int block_size=1, str name=None)
 Rearranges input tensor from depth into blocks of spatial data. More...
Node detection_output (Node box_logits, Node class_preds, Node proposals, dict attrs, NodeInput aux_class_preds=None, NodeInput aux_box_preds=None, Optional[str] name=None)
 Generate the detection output using information on location and confidence predictions. More...
Node divide (NodeInput left_node, NodeInput right_node, str auto_broadcast="NUMPY", Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node which applies f(x) = A/B to the input nodes element-wise. More...
Node elu (NodeInput data, NumericType alpha, Optional[str] name=None)
 Perform Exponential Linear Unit operation element-wise on data from input node. More...
Node equal (NodeInput left_node, NodeInput right_node, str auto_broadcast="NUMPY", Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node which checks if input nodes are equal element-wise. More...
Node erf (NodeInput node, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node which calculates Gauss error function element-wise with given tensor. More...
Node exp (NodeInput node, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node which applies exponential function to the input node element-wise. More...
Node fake_quantize (NodeInput data, NodeInput input_low, NodeInput input_high, NodeInput output_low, NodeInput output_high, int levels, str auto_broadcast="NUMPY", Optional[str] name=None)
 Perform an element-wise linear quantization on input data. More...
Node floor (NodeInput node, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node which applies floor to the input node element-wise. More...
Node floor_mod (NodeInput left_node, NodeInput right_node, str auto_broadcast="NUMPY", Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node performing element-wise FloorMod (division reminder) with two given tensors. More...
Node gather (NodeInput data, NodeInput indices, NodeInput axis, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return Gather node which takes slices from axis of data according to indices. More...
Node gather_tree (NodeInput step_ids, NodeInput parent_idx, NodeInput max_seq_len, NodeInput end_token, Optional[str] name=None)
 Perform GatherTree operation. More...
Node greater (NodeInput left_node, NodeInput right_node, str auto_broadcast="NUMPY", Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node which checks if left input node is greater than the right node element-wise. More...
Node greater_equal (NodeInput left_node, NodeInput right_node, str auto_broadcast="NUMPY", Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node which checks if left node is greater or equal to the right node element-wise. More...
Node grn (Node data, float bias, Optional[str] name=None)
 Perform Global Response Normalization with L2 norm (across channels only). More...
Node group_convolution (NodeInput data, NodeInput filters, List[int] strides, List[int] pads_begin, List[int] pads_end, List[int] dilations, str auto_pad="EXPLICIT", Optional[str] name=None)
 Perform Group Convolution operation on data from input node. More...
Node group_convolution_backprop_data (NodeInput data, NodeInput filters, List[int] strides, Optional[NodeInput] output_shape=None, Optional[List[int]] pads_begin=None, Optional[List[int]] pads_end=None, Optional[List[int]] dilations=None, str auto_pad="EXPLICIT", Optional[List[int]] output_padding=None, Optional[str] name=None)
 Perform Group Convolution operation on data from input node. More...
Node hard_sigmoid (Node data, NodeInput alpha, NodeInput beta, Optional[str] name=None)
 Perform Hard Sigmoid operation element-wise on data from input node. More...
Node interpolate (Node image, NodeInput output_shape, dict attrs, Optional[str] name=None)
 Perform interpolation of independent slices in input tensor. More...
Node less (NodeInput left_node, NodeInput right_node, str auto_broadcast="NUMPY", Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node which checks if left input node is less than the right node element-wise. More...
Node less_equal (NodeInput left_node, NodeInput right_node, str auto_broadcast="NUMPY", Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node which checks if left input node is less or equal the right node element-wise. More...
Node log (NodeInput node, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node which applies natural logarithm to the input node element-wise. More...
Node logical_and (NodeInput left_node, NodeInput right_node, str auto_broadcast="NUMPY", Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node which perform logical and operation on input nodes element-wise. More...
Node logical_not (NodeInput node, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node which applies element-wise logical negation to the input node. More...
Node logical_or (NodeInput left_node, NodeInput right_node, str auto_broadcast="NUMPY", Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node which performs logical OR operation on input nodes element-wise. More...
Node logical_xor (NodeInput left_node, NodeInput right_node, str auto_broadcast="NUMPY", Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node which performs logical XOR operation on input nodes element-wise. More...
Node lrn (NodeInput data, NodeInput axes, float alpha=1, float beta=0.5, float bias=1, int size=5, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which performs element-wise Local Response Normalization (LRN) operation. More...
Node lstm_cell (NodeInput X, NodeInput initial_hidden_state, NodeInput initial_cell_state, NodeInput W, NodeInput R, NodeInput B, int hidden_size, List[str] activations=None, List[float] activations_alpha=None, List[float] activations_beta=None, float clip=0.0, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which performs LSTMCell operation. More...
Node lstm_sequence (NodeInput X, NodeInput initial_hidden_state, NodeInput initial_cell_state, NodeInput sequence_lengths, NodeInput W, NodeInput R, NodeInput B, int hidden_size, str direction, List[str] activations=None, List[float] activations_alpha=None, List[float] activations_beta=None, float clip=0.0, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which performs LSTMSequence operation. More...
Node matmul (NodeInput data_a, NodeInput data_b, bool transpose_a, bool transpose_b, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return the Matrix Multiplication operation. More...
Node max_pool (NodeInput data, List[int] strides, List[int] pads_begin, List[int] pads_end, TensorShape kernel_shape, str rounding_type="floor", Optional[str] auto_pad=None, Optional[str] name=None)
 Perform max pooling operation with given parameters on provided data. More...
Node maximum (NodeInput left_node, NodeInput right_node, str auto_broadcast="NUMPY", Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node which applies the maximum operation to input nodes elementwise. More...
Node minimum (NodeInput left_node, NodeInput right_node, str auto_broadcast="NUMPY", Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node which applies the minimum operation to input nodes elementwise. More...
Node mod (NodeInput left_node, NodeInput right_node, str auto_broadcast="NUMPY", Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node performing element-wise division reminder with two given tensors. More...
Node multiply (NodeInput left_node, NodeInput right_node, str auto_broadcast="NUMPY", Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node which applies f(x) = A*B to the input nodes elementwise. More...
Node negative (NodeInput node, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node which applies f(x) = -x to the input node elementwise. More...
Node non_max_suppression (NodeInput boxes, NodeInput scores, Optional[NodeInput] max_output_boxes_per_class=None, Optional[NodeInput] iou_threshold=None, Optional[NodeInput] score_threshold=None, str box_encoding="corner", bool sort_result_descending=True, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which performs NonMaxSuppression. More...
Node normalize_l2 (NodeInput data, NodeInput axes, float eps, str eps_mode, Optional[str] name=None)
 Construct an NormalizeL2 operation. More...
Node not_equal (NodeInput left_node, NodeInput right_node, str auto_broadcast="NUMPY", Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node which checks if input nodes are unequal element-wise. More...
Node one_hot (NodeInput indices, NodeInput depth, NodeInput on_value, NodeInput off_value, int axis, Optional[str] name=None)
 Create node performing one-hot encoding on input data. More...
Node pad (NodeInput arg, NodeInput pads_begin, NodeInput pads_end, str pad_mode, Optional[NodeInput] arg_pad_value=None, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a generic padding operation. More...
Parameter parameter (TensorShape shape, NumericType dtype=np.float32, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return an ngraph Parameter object. More...
Node power (NodeInput left_node, NodeInput right_node, str auto_broadcast="NUMPY", Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node which perform element-wise exponentiation operation. More...
Node prelu (NodeInput data, NodeInput slope, Optional[str] name=None)
 Perform Parametrized Relu operation element-wise on data from input node. More...
Node prior_box_clustered (Node output_size, NodeInput image_size, dict attrs, Optional[str] name=None)
 Generate prior boxes of specified sizes normalized to the input image size. More...
Node prior_box (Node layer_shape, NodeInput image_shape, dict attrs, Optional[str] name=None)
 Generate prior boxes of specified sizes and aspect ratios across all dimensions. More...
Node proposal (Node class_probs, Node bbox_deltas, NodeInput image_shape, dict attrs, Optional[str] name=None)
 Filter bounding boxes and outputs only those with the highest prediction confidence. More...
Node psroi_pooling (NodeInput input, NodeInput coords, int output_dim, int group_size, float spatial_scale, int spatial_bins_x, int spatial_bins_y, str mode, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which produces a PSROIPooling operation. More...
Node range (Node start, NodeInput stop, NodeInput step, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which produces the Range operation. More...
Node relu (NodeInput node, Optional[str] name=None)
 Perform rectified linear unit operation on input node element-wise. More...
Node reduce_logical_and (NodeInput node, NodeInput reduction_axes, bool keep_dims=False, Optional[str] name=None)
 Logical AND reduction operation on input tensor, eliminating the specified reduction axes. More...
Node reduce_logical_or (NodeInput node, NodeInput reduction_axes, bool keep_dims=False, Optional[str] name=None)
 Logical OR reduction operation on input tensor, eliminating the specified reduction axes. More...
Node reduce_max (NodeInput node, NodeInput reduction_axes, bool keep_dims=False, Optional[str] name=None)
 Max-reduction operation on input tensor, eliminating the specified reduction axes. More...
Node reduce_mean (NodeInput node, NodeInput reduction_axes, bool keep_dims=False, Optional[str] name=None)
 Mean-reduction operation on input tensor, eliminating the specified reduction axes. More...
Node reduce_min (NodeInput node, NodeInput reduction_axes, bool keep_dims=False, Optional[str] name=None)
 Min-reduction operation on input tensor, eliminating the specified reduction axes. More...
Node reduce_prod (NodeInput node, NodeInput reduction_axes, bool keep_dims=False, Optional[str] name=None)
 Product-reduction operation on input tensor, eliminating the specified reduction axes. More...
Node reduce_sum (NodeInput node, NodeInput reduction_axes, bool keep_dims=False, Optional[str] name=None)
 Perform element-wise sums of the input tensor, eliminating the specified reduction axes. More...
Node region_yolo (Node input, int coords, int classes, int num, bool do_softmax, List[int] mask, int axis, int end_axis, List[float] anchors=None, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which produces the RegionYolo operation. More...
Node reshape (NodeInput node, NodeInput output_shape, bool special_zero, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return reshaped node according to provided parameters. More...
Node result (NodeInput data, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which represents an output of a graph (Function). More...
Node reverse_sequence (NodeInput input, NodeInput seq_lengths, NumericData batch_axis, NumericData seq_axis, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which produces a ReverseSequence operation. More...
Node select (NodeInput cond, NodeInput then_node, NodeInput else_node, str auto_broadcast="numpy", Optional[str] name=None)
 Perform an element-wise selection operation on input tensors. More...
Node selu (NodeInput data, NodeInput alpha, NodeInput lambda_value, Optional[str] name=None)
 Perform a Scaled Exponential Linear Unit (SELU) operation on input node element-wise. More...
Node shape_of (NodeInput data, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which produces a tensor containing the shape of its input data. More...
Node sigmoid (NodeInput data, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which applies the sigmoid function element-wise. More...
Node sign (NodeInput node, Optional[str] name=None)
 Perform element-wise sign operation. More...
Node sin (NodeInput node, Optional[str] name=None)
 Apply sine function on the input node element-wise. More...
Node sinh (NodeInput node, Optional[str] name=None)
 Apply hyperbolic sine function on the input node element-wise. More...
Node softmax (NodeInput data, int axis, Optional[str] name=None)
 Apply softmax operation on each element of input tensor. More...
Node space_to_depth (Node data, str mode, int block_size=1, str name=None)
 Perform SpaceToDepth operation on the input tensor. More...
Node split (NodeInput data, NodeInput axis, int num_splits, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which splits the input tensor into same-length slices. More...
Node sqrt (NodeInput node, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node which applies square root to the input node element-wise. More...
Node squared_difference (NodeInput x1, NodeInput x2, str auto_broadcast="NUMPY", Optional[str] name=None)
 Perform an element-wise squared difference between two tensors. More...
Node squeeze (NodeInput data, NodeInput axes, Optional[str] name=None)
 Perform squeeze operation on input tensor. More...
Node strided_slice (NodeInput data, NodeInput begin, NodeInput end, NodeInput strides, List[int] begin_mask, List[int] end_mask, Optional[List[int]] new_axis_mask=None, Optional[List[int]] shrink_axis_mask=None, Optional[List[int]] ellipsis_mask=None, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which dynamically repeats(replicates) the input data tensor. More...
Node subtract (NodeInput left_node, NodeInput right_node, str auto_broadcast="NUMPY", Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node which applies f(x) = A-B to the input nodes element-wise. More...
Node tan (NodeInput node, Optional[str] name=None)
 Apply tangent function on the input node element-wise. More...
Node tanh (NodeInput node, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return node which applies hyperbolic tangent to the input node element-wise. More...
Node tensor_iterator (List[Node] inputs, GraphBody graph_body, List[TensorIteratorSliceInputDesc] slice_input_desc, List[TensorIteratorMergedInputDesc] merged_input_desc, List[TensorIteratorInvariantInputDesc] invariant_input_desc, List[TensorIteratorBodyOutputDesc] body_output_desc, List[TensorIteratorConcatOutputDesc] concat_output_desc, Optional[str] name=None)
 Perform recurrent execution of the network described in the body, iterating through the data. More...
Node tile (NodeInput data, NodeInput repeats, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which dynamically repeats(replicates) the input data tensor. More...
Node topk (NodeInput data, NodeInput k, int axis, str mode, str sort, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which performs TopK. More...
Node transpose (NodeInput data, NodeInput input_order, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which transposes the data in the input tensor. More...
Node unsqueeze (NodeInput data, NodeInput axes, Optional[str] name=None)
 Perform unsqueeze operation on input tensor. More...
Node variadic_split (NodeInput data, NodeInput axis, NodeInput split_lengths, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which splits the input tensor into variadic length slices. More...

Function Documentation

◆ absolute()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.absolute ( NodeInput  node,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node which applies f(x) = abs(x) to the input node element-wise.

@param node: One of: input node, array or scalar.
@param name: Optional new name for output node.
@return New node with Abs operation applied on it.

◆ acos()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.acos ( NodeInput  node,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Apply inverse cosine function on the input node element-wise.

@param node: One of: input node, array or scalar.
@param name: Optional new name for output node.
@return New node with arccos operation applied on it.

◆ add()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.add ( NodeInput  left_node,
NodeInput  right_node,
str   auto_broadcast = "NUMPY",
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node which applies f(x) = A+B to the input nodes element-wise.

◆ asin()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.asin ( NodeInput  node,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Apply inverse sine function on the input node element-wise.

@param node: One of: input node, array or scalar.
@param name: Optional new name for output node.
@return New node with arcsin operation applied on it.

◆ atan()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.atan ( NodeInput  node,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Apply inverse tangent function on the input node element-wise.

@param node: One of: input node, array or scalar.
@param name: Optional new name for output node.
@return New node with arctan operation applied on it.

◆ avg_pool()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.avg_pool ( NodeInput  data_batch,
List[int]  strides,
TensorShape  pads_begin,
TensorShape  pads_end,
TensorShape  kernel_shape,
bool  exclude_pad,
str   rounding_type = "floor",
Optional[str]   auto_pad = None,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return average pooling node.

@param data_batch:      The input node providing data.
@param strides:         The window movement strides.
@param pads_begin:      The input data optional padding below filled with zeros.
@param pads_end:        The input data optional padding below filled with zeros.
@param kernel_shape:    The pooling window shape.
@param exclude_pad:     Whether or not to include zero padding in average computations.
@param rounding_type:   Determines used rounding schema when computing output shape. Acceptable
                        values are: ['floor', 'ceil']
@param auto_pad:        Determines how the padding is calculated. Acceptable values:
                        [None, 'same_upper', 'same_lower', 'valid']
@param name:            Optional name for the new output node.

@return New node with AvgPool operation applied on its data.

◆ batch_norm_inference()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.batch_norm_inference ( NodeInput  data,
NodeInput  gamma,
NodeInput  beta,
NodeInput  mean,
NodeInput  variance,
float  epsilon,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Perform layer normalizes a input tensor by mean and variance with appling scale and offset.

@param data: The input tensor with data for normalization.
@param gamma: The scalar scaling for normalized value.
@param beta: The bias added to the scaled normalized value.
@param mean: The value for mean normalization.
@param variance: The value for variance normalization.
@param epsilon: The  number to be added to the variance to avoid division
                by zero when normalizing a value.
@param name: The optional name of the output node.
@return The new node which performs BatchNormInference.

◆ binary_convolution()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.binary_convolution ( NodeInput  data,
NodeInput  filters,
List[int]  strides,
List[int]  pads_begin,
List[int]  pads_end,
List[int]  dilations,
str  mode,
float  pad_value,
str   auto_pad = "EXPLICIT",
Optional[str]   name = None 

Create node performing convolution with binary weights, binary input and integer output.

@param data: The node providing data batch tensor.
@param filter: The node providing filters tensor.
@param strides: The kernel window movement strides.
@param pads_begin: The number of pixels to add to the beginning along each axis.
@param pads_end: The number of pixels to add to the end along each axis.
@param dilations: The distance in width and height between elements (weights) in the filter.
@param mode: Defines how input tensor 0/1 values and weights 0/1 are interpreted.
@param pad_value: Floating-point value used to fill pad area.
@param auto_pad: The type of padding. Range of values: explicit, same_upper, same_lower, valid.
@param name: The optional new name for output node.
@return New node performing binary convolution operation.

◆ broadcast()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.broadcast ( NodeInput  data,
NodeInput  target_shape,
Optional[NodeInput]   axes_mapping = None,
str   mode = "NUMPY",
Optional[str]   name = None 

Create a node which broadcasts the input node's values along specified axes to a desired shape.

@param data: The node with input tensor data.
@param target_shape: The node with a new shape we want to broadcast tensor to.
@param axes_mapping: The node with a axis positions (0-based) in the result
                       that are being broadcast.
@param mode: The type of broadcasting that specifies mapping of input tensor axes
                       to output shape axes. Range of values: NUMPY, EXPLICIT.
@param name: Optional new name for output node.
@return New node with broadcast shape.

◆ ceiling()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.ceiling ( NodeInput  node,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node which applies ceiling to the input node element-wise.

@param node: The node providing data to ceiling operation.
@param name: Optional name for output node.
@return The node performing element-wise ceiling.

◆ clamp()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.clamp ( NodeInput  data,
ScalarData  min_value,
ScalarData  max_value,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Perform clamp element-wise on data from input node.

@param data: Input tensor. One of: input node, array or scalar.
@param min_value: The lower bound of the <min_value;max_value> range. Scalar value.
@param max_value: The upper bound of the <min_value;max_value> range. Scalar value.
@param name: Optional output node name.
@return The new node performing a clamp operation on its input data element-wise.

Performs a clipping operation on an input value between a pair of boundary values.

For each element in `data`, if the element's value is lower than `min_value`,
it will be replaced with `min_value`. If the value is higher than `max_value`,
it will be replaced by `max_value`.
Intermediate values of `data` are returned without change.

Clamp uses the following logic:

    if data < min_value:
    elif data > max_value:

◆ concat()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.concat ( List[NodeInput]  nodes,
int  axis,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Concatenate input nodes into single new node along specified axis.

@param nodes: The nodes we want concatenate into single new node.
@param axis: The axis along which we want to concatenate input nodes.
@param name: The optional new name for output node.
@return Return new node that is a concatenation of input nodes.

◆ constant()

Constant ngraph.opset1.ops.constant ( NumericData  value,
NumericType   dtype = None,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Create a Constant node from provided value.

@param value: One of: array of values or scalar to initialize node with.
@param dtype: The data type of provided data.
@param name: Optional name for output node.
@return The Constant node initialized with provided data.

◆ convert()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.convert ( NodeInput  data,
Union[str, NumericType]  destination_type,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node which casts input node values to specified type.

@param data: Node which produces the input tensor.
@param destination_type: Provides the target type for the conversion.
@param name: Optional name for the output node.
@return New node performing the conversion operation.

◆ convert_like()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.convert_like ( NodeInput  data,
NodeInput  like,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node which casts data node values to the type of another node.

@param data: Node which produces the input tensor
@param like: Node which provides the target type information for the conversion
@param name: Optional name for the output node.
@return New node performing the conversion operation.

◆ convolution()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.convolution ( NodeInput  data,
NodeInput  filters,
List[int]  strides,
List[int]  pads_begin,
List[int]  pads_end,
List[int]  dilations,
str   auto_pad = "EXPLICIT",
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node performing batched convolution operation.

@param data: The node providing data batch tensor.
@param filter: The node providing filters tensor.
@param strides: The kernel window movement strides.
@param pads_begin: The number of zero padding elements to add on each axis below 0 coordinate.
@param pads_end: The number of zero padding elements to add on each axis above max coordinate
@param dilations: The data batch dilation strides.
@param auto_pad: The type of padding. Range of values: explicit, same_upper, same_lower, valid.
@param name: The optional new name for output node.
@return New node performing batched convolution operation.

◆ convolution_backprop_data()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.convolution_backprop_data ( NodeInput  data,
NodeInput  filters,
List[int]  strides,
Optional[NodeInput]   output_shape = None,
Optional[List[int]]   pads_begin = None,
Optional[List[int]]   pads_end = None,
Optional[List[int]]   dilations = None,
Optional[str]   auto_pad = None,
Optional[List[int]]   output_padding = None,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Create node performing a batched-convolution backprop data operation.

@param      data:         The node producing data from forward-prop
@param      filters:      The node producing the filters from forward-prop.
@param      output_shape: The node producing output delta.
@param      strides:      The distance (in pixels) to slide the filter on the feature map
                          over the axes.
@param      pads_begin:   The number of pixels to add to the beginning along each axis.
@param      pads_end:     The number of pixels to add to the end along each axis.
@param      dilations:    The distance in width and height between elements (weights)
                          in the filter.
@param      name:         The node name.

@return   The node object representing ConvolutionBackpropData  operation.

◆ cos()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.cos ( NodeInput  node,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Apply cosine function on the input node element-wise.

@param node: One of: input node, array or scalar.
@param name: Optional new name for output node.
@return New node with cos operation applied on it.

◆ cosh()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.cosh ( NodeInput  node,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Apply hyperbolic cosine function on the input node element-wise.

@param node: One of: input node, array or scalar.
@param name: Optional new name for output node.
@return New node with cosh operation applied on it.

◆ ctc_greedy_decoder()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.ctc_greedy_decoder ( NodeInput  data,
NodeInput  sequence_mask,
bool   merge_repeated = True,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Perform greedy decoding on the logits given in input (best path).

@param data: Logits on which greedy decoding is performed.
@param sequence_mask: The tensor with sequence masks for each sequence in the batch.
@param merge_repeated: The flag for merging repeated labels during the CTC calculation.
@param name: Optional name for output node.
@return The new node performing an CTCGreedyDecoder operation on input tensor.

◆ deformable_convolution()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.deformable_convolution ( NodeInput  data,
NodeInput  deformable_values,
NodeInput  filters,
List[int]  strides,
List[int]  pads_begin,
List[int]  pads_end,
List[int]  dilations,
str   auto_pad = "EXPLICIT",
int   group = 1,
int   deformable_group = 1,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Create node performing deformable convolution.

@param data: The node providing data batch tensor.
@param filter: The node providing filters tensor.
@param strides: The distance (in pixels) to slide the filter on the feature map over the axes.
@param pads_begin: The number of pixels to add to the beginning along each axis.
@param pads_end: The number of pixels to add to the end along each axis.
@param dilations: The distance in width and height between elements (weights) in the filter.
@param auto_pad: The type of padding. Range of values: explicit, same_upper, same_lower, valid.
@param group: The number of groups which both output and input should be split into.
@param deformable_group: The number of groups which deformable values and output should be split
                         into along the channel axis.
@param name: The optional new name for output node.
@return New node performing deformable convolution operation.

◆ deformable_psroi_pooling()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.deformable_psroi_pooling ( NodeInput  feature_maps,
NodeInput  coords,
int  output_dim,
float  spatial_scale,
int   group_size = 1,
str   mode = "bilinear_deformable",
int   spatial_bins_x = 1,
int   spatial_bins_y = 1,
float   trans_std = 1.0,
int   part_size = 1,
Optional[NodeInput]   offsets = None,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node performing DeformablePSROIPooling operation.

DeformablePSROIPooling computes position-sensitive pooling
on regions of interest specified by input.

@param feature_maps: 4D tensor with feature maps.
@param coords: 2D tensor describing box consisting of tuples: [batch_id, x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2].
@param output_dim: A pooled output channel number.
@param spatial_scale: A multiplicative spatial scale factor to translate ROI.
@param group_size: The number of groups to encode position-sensitive score.
@param mode: Specifies mode for pooling. Range of values: ['bilinear_deformable'].
@param spatial_bins_x: Specifies numbers of bins to divide the input feature maps over width.
@param spatial_bins_y: Specifies numbers of bins to divide the input feature maps over height.
@param trans_std: The value that all transformation (offset) values are multiplied with.
@param part_size: The number of parts the output tensor spatial dimensions are divided into.
@param offsets: Optional node. 4D input blob with transformation values (offsets).
@param name: The optional new name for output node.
@return New node performing DeformablePSROIPooling operation.

◆ depth_to_space()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.depth_to_space ( Node  node,
str  mode,
int   block_size = 1,
str   name = None 

Rearranges input tensor from depth into blocks of spatial data.

Values from the height and width dimensions are moved to the depth dimension.

Input tensor has shape [N,C,H,W], where N is the batch axis, C is the channel or depth,
H is the height and W is the width.

Output node produces a tensor with shape:

[N, C * `block_size` * `block_size`, H / `block_size`, W / `block_size`]

@param node: The node with input tensor data.
@param mode: Specifies how the input depth dimension is split to block coordinates

             blocks_first: The input is divided to [block_size, ..., block_size, new_depth]
             depth_first: The input is divided to [new_depth, block_size, ..., block_size]

@param block_size: The size of the spatial block of values describing
                   how the tensor's data is to be rearranged.
@param name: Optional output node name.
@return The new node performing an DepthToSpace operation on its input tensor.

◆ detection_output()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.detection_output ( Node  box_logits,
Node  class_preds,
Node  proposals,
dict  attrs,
NodeInput   aux_class_preds = None,
NodeInput   aux_box_preds = None,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Generate the detection output using information on location and confidence predictions.

@param  box_logits:         The 2D input tensor with box logits.
@param  class_preds:        The 2D input tensor with class predictions.
@param  proposals:          The 3D input tensor with proposals.
@param  attrs:              The dictionary containing key, value pairs for attributes.
@param  aux_class_preds:    The 2D input tensor with additional class predictions information.
@param  aux_box_preds:      The 2D input tensor with additional box predictions information.
@param  name:               Optional name for the output node.
@return Node representing DetectionOutput operation.

 Available attributes are:

* num_classes       The number of classes to be predicted.
                    Range of values: positive integer number
                    Default value: None
                    Required: yes

* background_label_id   The background label id.
                        Range of values: integer value
                        Default value: 0
                        Required: no

* top_k                 Maximum number of results to be kept per batch after NMS step.
                        Range of values: integer value
                        Default value: -1
                        Required: no

* variance_encoded_in_target    The flag that denotes if variance is encoded in target.
                                Range of values: {False, True}
                                Default value: False
                                Required: no

* keep_top_k            Maximum number of bounding boxes per batch to be kept after NMS step.
                        Range of values: integer values
                        Default value: None
                        Required: yes

* code_type             The type of coding method for bounding boxes.
                        Range of values: {'caffe.PriorBoxParameter.CENTER_SIZE',
                        Default value: 'caffe.PriorBoxParameter.CORNER'
                        Required: no

* share_location        The flag that denotes if bounding boxes are shared among different
                        Range of values: {True, False}
                        Default value: True
                        Required: no

* nms_threshold         The threshold to be used in the NMS stage.
                        Range of values: floating point value
                        Default value: None
                        Required: yes

* confidence_threshold  Specifies the minimum confidence threshold for detection boxes to be
                        Range of values: floating point value
                        Default value: 0
                        Required: no

* clip_after_nms        The flag that denotes whether to perform clip bounding boxes after
                        non-maximum suppression or not.
                        Range of values: {True, False}
                        Default value: False
                        Required: no

* clip_before_nms       The flag that denotes whether to perform clip bounding boxes before
                        non-maximum suppression or not.
                        Range of values: {True, False}
                        Default value: False
                        Required: no

* decrease_label_id     The flag that denotes how to perform NMS.
                        Range of values: False - perform NMS like in Caffe*.
                                         True  - perform NMS like in MxNet*.

                        Default value: False
                        Required: no

* normalized            The flag that denotes whether input tensors with boxes are normalized.
                        Range of values: {True, False}
                        Default value: False
                        Required: no

* input_height          The input image height.
                        Range of values: positive integer number
                        Default value: 1
                        Required: no

* input_width           The input image width.
                        Range of values: positive integer number
                        Default value: 1
                        Required: no

* objectness_score      The threshold to sort out confidence predictions.
                        Range of values: non-negative float number
                        Default value: 0
                        Required: no

Example of attribute dictionary:
    # just required ones
    attrs = {
        'num_classes': 85,
        'keep_top_k': [1, 2, 3],
        'nms_threshold': 0.645,

    attrs = {
        'num_classes': 85,
        'keep_top_k': [1, 2, 3],
        'nms_threshold': 0.645,
        'normalized': True,
        'clip_before_nms': True,
        'input_height': [32],
        'input_width': [32],

Optional attributes which are absent from dictionary will be set with corresponding default.

◆ divide()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.divide ( NodeInput  left_node,
NodeInput  right_node,
str   auto_broadcast = "NUMPY",
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node which applies f(x) = A/B to the input nodes element-wise.

@param left_node: The node providing dividend data.
@param right_node: The node providing divisor data.
@param auto_broadcast: Specifies rules used for auto-broadcasting of input tensors.
@param name: Optional name for output node.
@return The node performing element-wise division.

◆ elu()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.elu ( NodeInput  data,
NumericType  alpha,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Perform Exponential Linear Unit operation element-wise on data from input node.

Computes exponential linear: alpha * (exp(data) - 1) if < 0, data otherwise.

For more information refer to:
[Fast and Accurate Deep Network Learning by Exponential Linear Units](

@param data: Input tensor. One of: input node, array or scalar.
@param alpha: Scalar multiplier for negative values.
@param name: Optional output node name.
@return The new node performing an ELU operation on its input data element-wise.

◆ equal()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.equal ( NodeInput  left_node,
NodeInput  right_node,
str   auto_broadcast = "NUMPY",
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node which checks if input nodes are equal element-wise.

@param left_node: The first input node for equal operation.
@param right_node: The second input node for equal operation.
@param auto_broadcast: The type of broadcasting specifies rules used for
                       auto-broadcasting of input tensors.
@param name: The optional name for output new node.
@return The node performing element-wise equality check.

◆ erf()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.erf ( NodeInput  node,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node which calculates Gauss error function element-wise with given tensor.

@param node: The node providing data for operation.
@param name: The optional name for new output node.
@return The new node performing element-wise Erf operation.

◆ exp()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.exp ( NodeInput  node,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node which applies exponential function to the input node element-wise.

@param node: The node providing data for operation.
@param name: The optional name for new output node.
@return The new node performing natural exponential operation.

◆ fake_quantize()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.fake_quantize ( NodeInput  data,
NodeInput  input_low,
NodeInput  input_high,
NodeInput  output_low,
NodeInput  output_high,
int  levels,
str   auto_broadcast = "NUMPY",
Optional[str]   name = None 

Perform an element-wise linear quantization on input data.

@param data:           The node with data tensor.
@param input_low:      The node with the minimum for input values.
@param input_high:     The node with the maximum for input values.
@param output_low:     The node with the minimum quantized value.
@param output_high:    The node with the maximum quantized value.
@param levels:         The number of quantization levels. Integer value.
@param auto_broadcast: The type of broadcasting specifies rules used for
                       auto-broadcasting of input tensors.
@return New node with quantized value.

Input floating point values are quantized into a discrete set of floating point values.

    if x <= input_low:
        output = output_low
    if x > input_high:
        output = output_high
        output = fake_quantize(output)

Fake quantize uses the following logic:

\f[ output =
        \dfrac{round( \dfrac{data - input\_low}{(input\_high - input\_low)\cdot (levels-1)})}
        {(levels-1)\cdot (output\_high - output\_low)} + output\_low

◆ floor()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.floor ( NodeInput  node,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node which applies floor to the input node element-wise.

@param node: The input node providing data.
@param name: The optional name for new output node.
@return The node performing element-wise floor operation.

◆ floor_mod()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.floor_mod ( NodeInput  left_node,
NodeInput  right_node,
str   auto_broadcast = "NUMPY",
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node performing element-wise FloorMod (division reminder) with two given tensors.

@param left_node: The first input node for FloorMod operation.
@param right_node: The second input node for FloorMod operation.
@param auto_broadcast: Specifies rules used for auto-broadcasting of input tensors.
@param name: Optional name for output node.
@return The node performing element-wise FloorMod operation.

◆ gather()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.gather ( NodeInput  data,
NodeInput  indices,
NodeInput  axis,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return Gather node which takes slices from axis of data according to indices.

@param data: The tensor from which slices are gathered.
@param indices: Tensor with indexes to gather.
@param axis: The dimension index to gather data from.
@param name: Optional name for output node.
@return The new node performing a Gather operation on the data input tensor.

◆ gather_tree()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.gather_tree ( NodeInput  step_ids,
NodeInput  parent_idx,
NodeInput  max_seq_len,
NodeInput  end_token,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Perform GatherTree operation.

@param step_ids: The tensor with indices from per each step.
@param parent_idx: The tensor with with parent beam indices.
@param max_seq_len: The tensor with maximum lengths for each sequence in the batch.
@param end_token: The scalar tensor with value of the end marker in a sequence.
@param name: Optional name for output node.
@return The new node performing a GatherTree operation.

The GatherTree node generates the complete beams from the indices per each step
and the parent beam indices.
GatherTree uses the following logic:

    for batch in range(BATCH_SIZE):
        for beam in range(BEAM_WIDTH):
            max_sequence_in_beam = min(MAX_TIME, max_seq_len[batch])

            parent = parent_idx[max_sequence_in_beam - 1, batch, beam]

            for level in reversed(range(max_sequence_in_beam - 1)):
                final_idx[level, batch, beam] = step_idx[level, batch, parent]

                parent = parent_idx[level, batch, parent]

◆ greater()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.greater ( NodeInput  left_node,
NodeInput  right_node,
str   auto_broadcast = "NUMPY",
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node which checks if left input node is greater than the right node element-wise.

@param left_node: The first input node providing data.
@param right_node: The second input node providing data.
@param auto_broadcast: The type of broadcasting specifies rules used for
                       auto-broadcasting of input tensors.
@param name: The optional new name for output node.
@return The node performing element-wise check whether left_node is greater than right_node.

◆ greater_equal()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.greater_equal ( NodeInput  left_node,
NodeInput  right_node,
str   auto_broadcast = "NUMPY",
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node which checks if left node is greater or equal to the right node element-wise.

@param left_node: The first input node providing data.
@param right_node: The second input node providing data.
@param auto_broadcast: The type of broadcasting specifies rules used for
                       auto-broadcasting of input tensors.
@param name: The optional new name for output node.
@return The node performing element-wise check whether left_node is greater than or equal

◆ grn()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.grn ( Node  data,
float  bias,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Perform Global Response Normalization with L2 norm (across channels only).

Computes GRN operation on channels for input tensor:

\f[ output_i = \dfrac{input_i}{\sqrt{\sum_{i}^{C} input_i}} \f]

@param data: The node with data tensor.
@param bias: The bias added to the variance. Scalar value.
@param name: Optional output node name.
@return The new node performing a GRN operation on tensor's channels.

◆ group_convolution()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.group_convolution ( NodeInput  data,
NodeInput  filters,
List[int]  strides,
List[int]  pads_begin,
List[int]  pads_end,
List[int]  dilations,
str   auto_pad = "EXPLICIT",
Optional[str]   name = None 

Perform Group Convolution operation on data from input node.

@param data:        The node producing input data.
@param filters:     The node producing filters data.
@param strides:     The distance (in pixels) to slide the filter on the feature map
                    over the axes.
@param pads_begin:  The number of pixels to add at the beginning along each axis.
@param pads_end:    The number of pixels to add at the end along each axis.
@param dilations:   The distance in width and height between elements (weights) in the filter.
@param auto_pad:    Describes how to perform padding. Possible values:
                    EXPLICIT:   Pad dimensions are explicity specified
                    SAME_LOWER: Pad dimensions computed to match input shape
                                Ceil(num_dims/2) at the beginning and
                                Floor(num_dims/2) at the end
                    SAME_UPPER: Pad dimensions computed to match input shape
                                Floor(num_dims/2) at the beginning and
                                Ceil(num_dims/2) at the end
                    VALID:      No padding
@param name: Optional output node name.
@return The new node performing a Group Convolution operation on tensor from input node.

◆ group_convolution_backprop_data()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.group_convolution_backprop_data ( NodeInput  data,
NodeInput  filters,
List[int]  strides,
Optional[NodeInput]   output_shape = None,
Optional[List[int]]   pads_begin = None,
Optional[List[int]]   pads_end = None,
Optional[List[int]]   dilations = None,
str   auto_pad = "EXPLICIT",
Optional[List[int]]   output_padding = None,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Perform Group Convolution operation on data from input node.

@param data:            The node producing input data.
@param filters:         The node producing filter data.
@param strides:         The distance (in pixels) to slide the filter on the feature map
                        over the axes.
@param output_shape:    The node that specifies spatial shape of the output.
@param pads_begin:      The number of pixels to add at the beginning along each axis.
@param pads_end:        The number of pixels to add at the end along each axis.
@param dilations:       The distance in width and height between elements (weights)
                        in the filter.
@param auto_pad:        Describes how to perform padding. Possible values:
                        EXPLICIT:   Pad dimensions are explicity specified
                        SAME_LOWER: Pad dimensions computed to match input shape
                                    Ceil(num_dims/2) at the beginning and
                                    Floor(num_dims/2) at the end
                        SAME_UPPER: Pad dimensions computed to match input shape
                                    Floor(num_dims/2) at the beginning and
                                    Ceil(num_dims/2) at the end
                        VALID:      No padding
@param output_padding:  The additional amount of paddings added per each spatial axis
                        in the output tensor.
@param name: Optional output node name.
@return The new node performing a Group Convolution operation on tensor from input node.

◆ hard_sigmoid()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.hard_sigmoid ( Node  data,
NodeInput  alpha,
NodeInput  beta,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Perform Hard Sigmoid operation element-wise on data from input node.

@param data: The node with data tensor.
@param alpha: A node producing the alpha parameter.
@param beta: A node producing the beta parameter
@param name: Optional output node name.
@return The new node performing a Hard Sigmoid element-wise on input tensor.

Hard Sigmoid uses the following logic:

    y = max(0, min(1, alpha * data + beta))

◆ interpolate()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.interpolate ( Node  image,
NodeInput  output_shape,
dict  attrs,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Perform interpolation of independent slices in input tensor.

@param  image:         The node providing input tensor with data for interpolation.
@param  output_shape:  1D tensor describing output shape for spatial axes.
@param  attrs:         The dictionary containing key, value pairs for attributes.
@param  name:          Optional name for the output node.
@return Node representing interpolation operation.

Available attributes are:

* axes              Specify spatial dimension indices where interpolation is applied.
                    Type: List of non-negative integer numbers.
                    Required: yes.

* mode              Specifies type of interpolation.
                    Range of values: one of {nearest, linear, cubic, area}
                    Type: string
                    Required: yes

* align_corners     A flag that specifies whether to align corners or not. True means the
                    alignment is applied, False means the alignment isn't applied.
                    Range of values: True or False. Default: True.
                    Required: no

* antialias         A flag that specifies whether to perform anti-aliasing.
                    Range of values: False - do not perform anti-aliasing
                                     True - perform anti-aliasing
                    Default value: False
                    Required: no

* pads_begin        Specify the number of pixels to add to the beginning of the image being
                    interpolated. A scalar that specifies padding for each spatial dimension.
                    Range of values: list of non-negative integer numbers. Default value: 0
                    Required: no

* pads_end          Specify the number of pixels to add to the beginning of the image being
                    interpolated. A scalar that specifies padding for each spatial dimension.
                    Range of values: list of non-negative integer numbers. Default value: 0
                    Required: no

Example of attribute dictionary:
    # just required ones
    attrs = {
        'axes': [2, 3],
        'mode': 'cubic',

    attrs = {
        'axes': [2, 3],
        'mode': 'cubic',
        'antialias': True,
        'pads_begin': [2, 2, 2],
Optional attributes which are absent from dictionary will be set with corresponding default.

◆ less()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.less ( NodeInput  left_node,
NodeInput  right_node,
str   auto_broadcast = "NUMPY",
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node which checks if left input node is less than the right node element-wise.

@param left_node: The first input node providing data.
@param right_node: The second input node providing data.
@param auto_broadcast: The type of broadcasting specifies rules used for
                       auto-broadcasting of input tensors.
@param name: The optional new name for output node.
@return The node performing element-wise check whether left_node is less than the right_node.

◆ less_equal()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.less_equal ( NodeInput  left_node,
NodeInput  right_node,
str   auto_broadcast = "NUMPY",
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node which checks if left input node is less or equal the right node element-wise.

@param left_node: The first input node providing data.
@param right_node: The second input node providing data.
@param auto_broadcast: The type of broadcasting specifies rules used for
                       auto-broadcasting of input tensors.
@param name: The optional new name for output node.
@return The node performing element-wise check whether left_node is less than or equal the

◆ log()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.log ( NodeInput  node,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node which applies natural logarithm to the input node element-wise.

@param node: The input node providing data for operation.
@param name: The optional new name for output node.
@return The new node performing log operation element-wise.

◆ logical_and()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.logical_and ( NodeInput  left_node,
NodeInput  right_node,
str   auto_broadcast = "NUMPY",
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node which perform logical and operation on input nodes element-wise.

@param left_node: The first input node providing data.
@param right_node: The second input node providing data.
@param auto_broadcast: The type of broadcasting that specifies mapping of input tensor axes
                       to output shape axes. Range of values: numpy, explicit.
@param name: The optional new name for output node.
@return The node performing logical and operation on input nodes corresponding elements.

◆ logical_not()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.logical_not ( NodeInput  node,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node which applies element-wise logical negation to the input node.

@param node: The input node providing data.
@param name: The optional new name for output node.
@return The node performing element-wise logical NOT operation with given tensor.

◆ logical_or()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.logical_or ( NodeInput  left_node,
NodeInput  right_node,
str   auto_broadcast = "NUMPY",
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node which performs logical OR operation on input nodes element-wise.

@param left_node: The first input node providing data.
@param right_node: The second input node providing data.
@param auto_broadcast: The type of broadcasting that specifies mapping of input tensor axes
                       to output shape axes. Range of values: numpy, explicit.
@param name: The optional new name for output node.
@return The node performing logical or operation on input nodes corresponding elements.

◆ logical_xor()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.logical_xor ( NodeInput  left_node,
NodeInput  right_node,
str   auto_broadcast = "NUMPY",
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node which performs logical XOR operation on input nodes element-wise.

@param left_node: The first input node providing data.
@param right_node: The second input node providing data.
@param auto_broadcast: The type of broadcasting that specifies mapping of input tensor axes
                       to output shape axes. Range of values: numpy, explicit.
@param name: The optional new name for output node.
@return The node performing logical or operation on input nodes corresponding elements.

◆ lrn()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.lrn ( NodeInput  data,
NodeInput  axes,
float   alpha = 1,
float   beta = 0.5,
float   bias = 1,
int   size = 5,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return a node which performs element-wise Local Response Normalization (LRN) operation.

@param data: Input data.
@param alpha: A scale factor (usually positive).
@param beta: An exponent.
@param bias: An offset (usually positive) to avoid dividing by 0.
@param size: Width of the 1-D normalization window.
@param name: An optional name of the output node.
@return The new node which performs LRN.

◆ lstm_cell()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.lstm_cell ( NodeInput  X,
NodeInput  initial_hidden_state,
NodeInput  initial_cell_state,
NodeInput  W,
NodeInput  R,
NodeInput  B,
int  hidden_size,
List[str]   activations = None,
List[float]   activations_alpha = None,
List[float]   activations_beta = None,
float   clip = 0.0,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return a node which performs LSTMCell operation.

@param X: The input tensor with shape: [batch_size, input_size].
@param initial_hidden_state: The hidden state tensor with shape: [batch_size, hidden_size].
@param initial_cell_state: The cell state tensor with shape: [batch_size, hidden_size].
@param W: The weight tensor with shape: [4*hidden_size, input_size].
@param R: The recurrence weight tensor with shape: [4*hidden_size, hidden_size].
@param B: The bias tensor for gates with shape: [4*hidden_size].
@param hidden_size: Specifies hidden state size.
@param activations: The list of three activation functions for gates.
@param activations_alpha: The list of alpha parameters for activation functions.
@param activations_beta: The list of beta parameters for activation functions.
@param clip: Specifies bound values [-C, C] for tensor clipping performed before activations.
@param name: An optional name of the output node.

@return The new node represents LSTMCell. Node outputs count: 2.

◆ lstm_sequence()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.lstm_sequence ( NodeInput  X,
NodeInput  initial_hidden_state,
NodeInput  initial_cell_state,
NodeInput  sequence_lengths,
NodeInput  W,
NodeInput  R,
NodeInput  B,
int  hidden_size,
str  direction,
List[str]   activations = None,
List[float]   activations_alpha = None,
List[float]   activations_beta = None,
float   clip = 0.0,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return a node which performs LSTMSequence operation.

@param X: The input tensor. Shape: [batch_size, seq_length, input_size].
@param initial_hidden_state:    The hidden state tensor.
                                Shape: [batch_size, num_directions, hidden_size].
@param initial_cell_state:      The cell state tensor.
                                Shape: [batch_size, num_directions, hidden_size].
@param sequence_lengths:        Specifies real sequence lengths for each batch element.
                                Shape: [batch_size]. Integer type.
@param W: Tensor with weights for matrix multiplication operation with input portion of data.
          Shape: [num_directions, 4*hidden_size, input_size].
@param R: The tensor with weights for matrix multiplication operation with hidden state.
          Shape: [num_directions, 4*hidden_size, hidden_size].
@param B: The tensor with biases.
          Shape: [num_directions, 4*hidden_size].
@param hidden_size: Specifies hidden state size.
@param direction: Specifies if the RNN is forward, reverse, or bidirectional.
@param activations: The list of three activation functions for gates.
@param activations_alpha: The list of alpha parameters for activation functions.
@param activations_beta: The list of beta parameters for activation functions.
@param clip: Specifies bound values [-C, C] for tensor clipping performed before activations.
@param name: An optional name of the output node.

@return The new node represents LSTMSequence. Node outputs count: 3.

◆ matmul()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.matmul ( NodeInput  data_a,
NodeInput  data_b,
bool  transpose_a,
bool  transpose_b,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return the Matrix Multiplication operation.

@param data_a: left-hand side matrix
@param data_b: right-hand side matrix
@param transpose_a: should the first matrix be transposed before operation
@param transpose_b: should the second matrix be transposed
@return MatMul operation node

◆ max_pool()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.max_pool ( NodeInput  data,
List[int]  strides,
List[int]  pads_begin,
List[int]  pads_end,
TensorShape  kernel_shape,
str   rounding_type = "floor",
Optional[str]   auto_pad = None,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Perform max pooling operation with given parameters on provided data.

@param  data:           The node providing input data.
@param  strides:        The distance (in pixels) to slide the filter on the feature map
                        over the axes.
@param  pads_begin:     The number of pixels to add at the beginning along each axis.
@param  pads_end:       The number of pixels to add at the end along each axis.
@param  kernel_shape:   The pooling operation kernel shape.
@param  rounding_type:  Determines used rounding schema when computing output shape. Acceptable
                        values are: ['floor', 'ceil']
@param  auto_pad:       Determines how the padding is calculated. Acceptable values:
                        [None, 'same_upper', 'same_lower', 'valid']
@param  name:           The optional name for the created output node.

@return   The new node performing max pooling operation.

◆ maximum()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.maximum ( NodeInput  left_node,
NodeInput  right_node,
str   auto_broadcast = "NUMPY",
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node which applies the maximum operation to input nodes elementwise.

◆ minimum()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.minimum ( NodeInput  left_node,
NodeInput  right_node,
str   auto_broadcast = "NUMPY",
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node which applies the minimum operation to input nodes elementwise.

◆ mod()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.mod ( NodeInput  left_node,
NodeInput  right_node,
str   auto_broadcast = "NUMPY",
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node performing element-wise division reminder with two given tensors.

@param left_node: The first input node for mod operation.
@param right_node: The second input node for mod operation.
@param auto_broadcast: Specifies rules used for auto-broadcasting of input tensors.
@param name: Optional name for output node.
@return The node performing element-wise Mod operation.

◆ multiply()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.multiply ( NodeInput  left_node,
NodeInput  right_node,
str   auto_broadcast = "NUMPY",
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node which applies f(x) = A*B to the input nodes elementwise.

◆ negative()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.negative ( NodeInput  node,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node which applies f(x) = -x to the input node elementwise.

◆ non_max_suppression()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.non_max_suppression ( NodeInput  boxes,
NodeInput  scores,
Optional[NodeInput]   max_output_boxes_per_class = None,
Optional[NodeInput]   iou_threshold = None,
Optional[NodeInput]   score_threshold = None,
str   box_encoding = "corner",
bool   sort_result_descending = True,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return a node which performs NonMaxSuppression.

@param boxes: Tensor with box coordinates.
@param scores: Tensor with box scores.
@param max_output_boxes_per_class: Tensor Specifying maximum number of boxes
                                    to be selected per class.
@param iou_threshold: Tensor specifying intersection over union threshold
@param score_threshold: Tensor specifying minimum score to consider box for the processing.
@param box_encoding: Format of boxes data encoding. Range of values: corner or cente.
@param sort_result_descending: Flag that specifies whenever it is necessary to sort selected
                               boxes across batches or not.
@return The new node which performs NonMaxSuppression

◆ normalize_l2()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.normalize_l2 ( NodeInput  data,
NodeInput  axes,
float  eps,
str  eps_mode,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Construct an NormalizeL2 operation.

@param data: Node producing the input tensor
@param axes: Node indicating axes along which L2 reduction is calculated
@param eps: The epsilon added to L2 norm
@param eps_mode: how eps is combined with L2 value (`add` or `max`)
@return New node which performs the L2 normalization.

◆ not_equal()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.not_equal ( NodeInput  left_node,
NodeInput  right_node,
str   auto_broadcast = "NUMPY",
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node which checks if input nodes are unequal element-wise.

@param left_node: The first input node for not-equal operation.
@param right_node: The second input node for not-equal operation.
@param auto_broadcast: The type of broadcasting specifies rules used for
                       auto-broadcasting of input tensors.
@param name: The optional name for output new node.
@return The node performing element-wise inequality check.

◆ one_hot()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.one_hot ( NodeInput  indices,
NodeInput  depth,
NodeInput  on_value,
NodeInput  off_value,
int  axis,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Create node performing one-hot encoding on input data.

@param indices: Input tensor of rank N with indices of any supported integer data type.
@param depth: Scalar of any supported integer type that specifies number of classes and
              the size of one-hot dimension.
@param on_value: Scalar of any type that is the value that the locations
                 in output tensor represented by indices in input take.
@param off_value: Scalar of any type that is the value that the locations not represented
                  by indices in input take.

@param name: The optional name for new output node.
@return New node performing one-hot operation.

◆ pad()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.pad ( NodeInput  arg,
NodeInput  pads_begin,
NodeInput  pads_end,
str  pad_mode,
Optional[NodeInput]   arg_pad_value = None,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return a generic padding operation.

@param arg: The node producing input tensor to be padded.
@param pads_begin: number of padding elements to be added before position 0
                   on each axis of arg.
@param pads_end: number of padding elements to be added after the last element.
@param pad_mode: "constant", "edge", "reflect" or "symmetric"
@param arg_pad_value: value used for padding if pad_mode is "constant"
@return Pad operation node.

◆ parameter()

Parameter ngraph.opset1.ops.parameter ( TensorShape  shape,
NumericType   dtype = np.float32,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return an ngraph Parameter object.

◆ power()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.power ( NodeInput  left_node,
NodeInput  right_node,
str   auto_broadcast = "NUMPY",
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node which perform element-wise exponentiation operation.

@param left_node: The node providing the base of operation.
@param right_node: The node providing the exponent of operation.
@param name: The optional name for the new output node.
@param auto_broadcast: The type of broadcasting specifies rules used for
                       auto-broadcasting of input tensors.
@return The new node performing element-wise exponentiation operation on input nodes.

◆ prelu()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.prelu ( NodeInput  data,
NodeInput  slope,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Perform Parametrized Relu operation element-wise on data from input node.

@param data: The node with data tensor.
@param slope: The node with the multipliers for negative values.
@param name: Optional output node name.
@return The new node performing a PRelu operation on tensor's channels.

PRelu uses the following logic:

    if data < 0:
        data = data * slope
    elif data >= 0:
        data = data

◆ prior_box()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.prior_box ( Node  layer_shape,
NodeInput  image_shape,
dict  attrs,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Generate prior boxes of specified sizes and aspect ratios across all dimensions.

@param  layer_shape:  Shape of layer for which prior boxes are computed.
@param  image_shape:  Shape of image to which prior boxes are scaled.
@param  attrs:        The dictionary containing key, value pairs for attributes.
@param  name:         Optional name for the output node.
@return Node representing prior box operation.

Available attributes are:

* min_size          The minimum box size (in pixels).
                    Range of values: positive floating point numbers
                    Default value: []
                    Required: no

* max_size          The maximum box size (in pixels).
                    Range of values: positive floating point numbers
                    Default value: []
                    Required: no

* aspect_ratio      Aspect ratios of prior boxes.
                    Range of values: set of positive floating point numbers
                    Default value: []
                    Required: no

* flip              The flag that denotes that each aspect_ratio is duplicated and flipped.
                    Range of values: {True, False}
                    Default value: False
                    Required: no

* clip              The flag that denotes if each value in the output tensor should be clipped
                    to [0,1] interval.
                    Range of values: {True, False}
                    Default value: False
                    Required: no

* step              The distance between box centers.
                    Range of values: floating point non-negative number
                    Default value: 0
                    Required: no

* offset            This is a shift of box respectively to top left corner.
                    Range of values: floating point non-negative number
                    Default value: None
                    Required: yes

* variance          The variance denotes a variance of adjusting bounding boxes. The attribute
                    could contain 0, 1 or 4 elements.
                    Range of values: floating point positive numbers
                    Default value: []
                    Required: no

* scale_all_sizes   The flag that denotes type of inference.
                    Range of values: False - max_size is ignored
                                     True  - max_size is used
                    Default value: True
                    Required: no

* fixed_ratio       This is an aspect ratio of a box.
                    Range of values: a list of positive floating-point numbers
                    Default value: None
                    Required: no

* fixed_size        This is an initial box size (in pixels).
                    Range of values: a list of positive floating-point numbers
                    Default value: None
                    Required: no

* density           This is the square root of the number of boxes of each type.
                    Range of values: a list of positive floating-point numbers
                    Default value: None
                    Required: no

Example of attribute dictionary:
    # just required ones
    attrs = {
        'offset': 85,

    attrs = {
        'offset': 85,
        'flip': True,
        'clip': True,
        'fixed_size': [32, 64, 128]

Optional attributes which are absent from dictionary will be set with corresponding default.

◆ prior_box_clustered()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.prior_box_clustered ( Node  output_size,
NodeInput  image_size,
dict  attrs,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Generate prior boxes of specified sizes normalized to the input image size.

@param  output_size:    1D tensor with two integer elements [height, width]. Specifies the
                        spatial size of generated grid with boxes.
@param  image_size:     1D tensor with two integer elements [image_height, image_width] that
                        specifies shape of the image for which boxes are generated.
@param  attrs:          The dictionary containing key, value pairs for attributes.
@param  name:           Optional name for the output node.
@return Node representing PriorBoxClustered operation.

 Available attributes are:

* widths        Specifies desired boxes widths in pixels.
                Range of values: floating point positive numbers.
                Default value: 1.0
                Required: no

* heights       Specifies desired boxes heights in pixels.
                Range of values: floating point positive numbers.
                Default value: 1.0
                Required: no

* clip          The flag that denotes if each value in the output tensor should be clipped
                within [0,1].
                Range of values: {True, False}
                Default value: True
                Required: no

* step_widths   The distance between box centers.
                Range of values: floating point positive number
                Default value: 0.0
                Required: no

* step_heights  The distance between box centers.
                Range of values: floating point positive number
                Default value: 0.0
                Required: no

* offset        The shift of box respectively to the top left corner.
                Range of values: floating point positive number
                Default value: None
                Required: yes

* variance      Denotes a variance of adjusting bounding boxes.
                Range of values: floating point positive numbers
                Default value: []
                Required: no

Example of attribute dictionary:
    # just required ones
    attrs = {
        'offset': 85,

    attrs = {
        'offset': 85,
        'clip': False,
        'step_widths': [1.5, 2.0, 2.5]

Optional attributes which are absent from dictionary will be set with corresponding default.

◆ proposal()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.proposal ( Node  class_probs,
Node  bbox_deltas,
NodeInput  image_shape,
dict  attrs,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Filter bounding boxes and outputs only those with the highest prediction confidence.

@param  class_probs:        4D input floating point tensor with class prediction scores.
@param  bbox_deltas:         4D input floating point tensor with box logits.
@param  image_shape:        The 1D input tensor with 3 or 4 elements describing image shape.
@param  attrs:              The dictionary containing key, value pairs for attributes.
@param  name:               Optional name for the output node.
@return Node representing Proposal operation.

* base_size     The size of the anchor to which scale and ratio attributes are applied.
                Range of values: a positive unsigned integer number
                Default value: None
                Required: yes

* pre_nms_topn  The number of bounding boxes before the NMS operation.
                Range of values: a positive unsigned integer number
                Default value: None
                Required: yes

* post_nms_topn The number of bounding boxes after the NMS operation.
                Range of values: a positive unsigned integer number
                Default value: None
                Required: yes

* nms_thresh    The minimum value of the proposal to be taken into consideration.
                Range of values: a positive floating-point number
                Default value: None
                Required: yes

* feat_stride   The step size to slide over boxes (in pixels).
                Range of values: a positive unsigned integer
                Default value: None
                Required: yes

* min_size      The minimum size of box to be taken into consideration.
                Range of values: a positive unsigned integer number
                Default value: None
                Required: yes

* ratio         The ratios for anchor generation.
                Range of values: a list of floating-point numbers
                Default value: None
                Required: yes

* scale         The scales for anchor generation.
                Range of values: a list of floating-point numbers
                Default value: None
                Required: yes

* clip_before_nms   The flag that specifies whether to perform clip bounding boxes before
                    non-maximum suppression or not.
                    Range of values: True or False
                    Default value: True
                    Required: no

* clip_after_nms    The flag that specifies whether to perform clip bounding boxes after
                    non-maximum suppression or not.
                    Range of values: True or False
                    Default value: False
                    Required: no

* normalize     The flag that specifies whether to perform normalization of output boxes to
                [0,1] interval or not.
                Range of values: True or False
                Default value: False
                Required: no

* box_size_scale    Specifies the scale factor applied to logits of box sizes before decoding.
                    Range of values: a positive floating-point number
                    Default value: 1.0
                    Required: no

* box_coordinate_scale  Specifies the scale factor applied to logits of box coordinates
                        before decoding.
                        Range of values: a positive floating-point number
                        Default value: 1.0
                        Required: no

* framework     Specifies how the box coordinates are calculated.
                Range of values: "" (empty string) - calculate box coordinates like in Caffe*
                                 tensorflow - calculate box coordinates like in the TensorFlow*
                                              Object Detection API models
                Default value: "" (empty string)
                Required: no

Example of attribute dictionary:

# just required ones
attrs = {
    'base_size': 85,
    'pre_nms_topn': 10,
    'post_nms_topn': 20,
    'nms_thresh': 0.34,
    'feat_stride': 16,
    'min_size': 32,
    'ratio': [0.1, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5],
    'scale': [2, 3, 3, 4],

Optional attributes which are absent from dictionary will be set with corresponding default.

◆ psroi_pooling()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.psroi_pooling ( NodeInput  input,
NodeInput  coords,
int  output_dim,
int  group_size,
float  spatial_scale,
int  spatial_bins_x,
int  spatial_bins_y,
str  mode,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return a node which produces a PSROIPooling operation.

@param input: Input feature map {N, C, ...}
@param coords: Coordinates of bounding boxes
@param output_dim: Output channel number
@param group_size: Number of groups to encode position-sensitive scores
@param spatial_scale: Ratio of input feature map over input image size
@param spatial_bins_x: Numbers of bins to divide the input feature maps over
@param spatial_bins_y: Numbers of bins to divide the input feature maps over
@param mode: Mode of pooling - "avg" or "bilinear"
@return PSROIPooling node

◆ range()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.range ( Node  start,
NodeInput  stop,
NodeInput  step,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return a node which produces the Range operation.

@param start:  The start value of the generated range
@param stop:   The stop value of the generated range
@param step:   The step value for the generated range
@param name:   Optional name for output node.
@return Range node

◆ reduce_logical_and()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.reduce_logical_and ( NodeInput  node,
NodeInput  reduction_axes,
bool   keep_dims = False,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Logical AND reduction operation on input tensor, eliminating the specified reduction axes.

@param node:           The tensor we want to reduce.
@param reduction_axes: The axes to eliminate through AND operation.
@param keep_dims:      If set to True it holds axes that are used for reduction
@param name:           Optional name for output node.
@return The new node performing reduction operation.

◆ reduce_logical_or()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.reduce_logical_or ( NodeInput  node,
NodeInput  reduction_axes,
bool   keep_dims = False,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Logical OR reduction operation on input tensor, eliminating the specified reduction axes.

@param node:           The tensor we want to reduce.
@param reduction_axes: The axes to eliminate through OR operation.
@param keep_dims:      If set to True it holds axes that are used for reduction
@param name:           Optional name for output node.
@return The new node performing reduction operation.

◆ reduce_max()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.reduce_max ( NodeInput  node,
NodeInput  reduction_axes,
bool   keep_dims = False,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Max-reduction operation on input tensor, eliminating the specified reduction axes.

@param node:           The tensor we want to max-reduce.
@param reduction_axes: The axes to eliminate through max operation.
@param keep_dims:      If set to True it holds axes that are used for reduction
@param name: Optional name for output node.

◆ reduce_mean()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.reduce_mean ( NodeInput  node,
NodeInput  reduction_axes,
bool   keep_dims = False,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Mean-reduction operation on input tensor, eliminating the specified reduction axes.

@param node:           The tensor we want to mean-reduce.
@param reduction_axes: The axes to eliminate through mean operation.
@param keep_dims:      If set to True it holds axes that are used for reduction
@param name:           Optional name for output node.
@return The new node performing mean-reduction operation.

◆ reduce_min()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.reduce_min ( NodeInput  node,
NodeInput  reduction_axes,
bool   keep_dims = False,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Min-reduction operation on input tensor, eliminating the specified reduction axes.

@param node:           The tensor we want to min-reduce.
@param reduction_axes: The axes to eliminate through min operation.
@param keep_dims:      If set to True it holds axes that are used for reduction
@param name:           Optional name for output node.

◆ reduce_prod()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.reduce_prod ( NodeInput  node,
NodeInput  reduction_axes,
bool   keep_dims = False,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Product-reduction operation on input tensor, eliminating the specified reduction axes.

@param node:           The tensor we want to product-reduce.
@param reduction_axes: The axes to eliminate through product operation.
@param keep_dims:      If set to True it holds axes that are used for reduction
@param name:           Optional name for output node.
@return The new node performing product-reduction operation.

◆ reduce_sum()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.reduce_sum ( NodeInput  node,
NodeInput  reduction_axes,
bool   keep_dims = False,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Perform element-wise sums of the input tensor, eliminating the specified reduction axes.

@param node:           The node providing data for operation.
@param reduction_axes: The axes to eliminate through summation.
@param keep_dims:      If set to True it holds axes that are used for reduction
@param name:           The optional new name for output node.
@return The new node performing summation along `reduction_axes` element-wise.

◆ region_yolo()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.region_yolo ( Node  input,
int  coords,
int  classes,
int  num,
bool  do_softmax,
List[int]  mask,
int  axis,
int  end_axis,
List[float]   anchors = None,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return a node which produces the RegionYolo operation.

@param input:       Input data
@param coords:      Number of coordinates for each region
@param classes:     Number of classes for each region
@param num:         Number of regions
@param do_softmax:  Compute softmax
@param mask:        Mask
@param axis:        Axis to begin softmax on
@param end_axis:    Axis to end softmax on
@param anchors:     A flattened list of pairs `[width, height]` that describes prior box sizes
@param name:        Optional name for output node.
@return RegionYolo node

◆ relu()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.relu ( NodeInput  node,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Perform rectified linear unit operation on input node element-wise.

@param node: One of: input node, array or scalar.
@param name: The optional output node name.
@return The new node performing relu operation on its input element-wise.

◆ reshape()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.reshape ( NodeInput  node,
NodeInput  output_shape,
bool  special_zero,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return reshaped node according to provided parameters.

@param node: The tensor we want to reshape.
@param output_shape: The node with a new shape for input tensor.
@param special_zero: The boolean variable that controls how zero values in shape are
                     interpreted. If special_zero is false, then 0 is interpreted as-is
                     which means that output shape will contain a zero dimension at the
                     specified location. Input and output tensors are empty in this case.
                     If special_zero is true, then all zeros in shape implies the copying
                     of corresponding dimensions from data.shape into the output shape.
                     Range of values: False or True

◆ result()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.result ( NodeInput  data,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return a node which represents an output of a graph (Function).

@param data: The tensor containing the input data
@return Result node

◆ reverse_sequence()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.reverse_sequence ( NodeInput  input,
NodeInput  seq_lengths,
NumericData  batch_axis,
NumericData  seq_axis,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return a node which produces a ReverseSequence operation.

@param input: tensor with input data to reverse
@param seq_lengths: 1D tensor of integers with sequence lengths in the input tensor.
@param batch_axis: index of the batch dimension.
@param seq_axis: index of the sequence dimension.
@return ReverseSequence node

◆ select()

Node ( NodeInput  cond,
NodeInput  then_node,
NodeInput  else_node,
str   auto_broadcast = "numpy",
Optional[str]   name = None 

Perform an element-wise selection operation on input tensors.

@param cond: Tensor with selection mask of type `boolean`.
@param then_node: Tensor providing data to be selected if respective `cond`
                    item value is `True`.
@param else_node: Tensor providing data to be selected if respective `cond`
                    item value is `False`.
@param auto_broadcast: Mode specifies rules used for auto-broadcasting of input tensors.
@param name: The optional new name for output node.
@return The new node with values selected according to provided arguments.

◆ selu()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.selu ( NodeInput  data,
NodeInput  alpha,
NodeInput  lambda_value,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Perform a Scaled Exponential Linear Unit (SELU) operation on input node element-wise.

@param data: input node, array or scalar.
@param alpha: Alpha coefficient of SELU operation
@param lambda_value: Lambda coefficient of SELU operation
@param name: The optional output node name.
@return The new node performing relu operation on its input element-wise.

◆ shape_of()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.shape_of ( NodeInput  data,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return a node which produces a tensor containing the shape of its input data.

@param data: The tensor containing the input data.
@return ShapeOf node

◆ sigmoid()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.sigmoid ( NodeInput  data,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return a node which applies the sigmoid function element-wise.

@param data: The tensor containing the input data
@return Sigmoid node

◆ sign()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.sign ( NodeInput  node,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Perform element-wise sign operation.

@param node: One of: input node, array or scalar.
@param name: The optional new name for output node.
@return The node with mapped elements of the input tensor to -1 (if it is negative),
         0 (if it is zero), or 1 (if it is positive).

◆ sin()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.sin ( NodeInput  node,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Apply sine function on the input node element-wise.

@param node: One of: input node, array or scalar.
@param name: Optional new name for output node.
@return New node with sin operation applied on it.

◆ sinh()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.sinh ( NodeInput  node,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Apply hyperbolic sine function on the input node element-wise.

@param node: One of: input node, array or scalar.
@param name: Optional new name for output node.
@return New node with sin operation applied on it.

◆ softmax()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.softmax ( NodeInput  data,
int  axis,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Apply softmax operation on each element of input tensor.

@param data: The tensor providing input data.
@param axis: An axis along which Softmax should be calculated
@return The new node with softmax operation applied on each element.

◆ space_to_depth()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.space_to_depth ( Node  data,
str  mode,
int   block_size = 1,
str   name = None 

Perform SpaceToDepth operation on the input tensor.

SpaceToDepth rearranges blocks of spatial data into depth.
The operator returns a copy of the input tensor where values from the height
and width dimensions are moved to the depth dimension.

@param data: The node with data tensor.
@param mode: Specifies how the output depth dimension is gathered from block coordinates.

             blocks_first: The output depth is gathered from [block_size, ..., block_size, C]
             depth_first: The output depth is gathered from [C, block_size, ..., block_size]

@param block_size: The size of the block of values to be moved. Scalar value.
@param name: Optional output node name.
@return The new node performing a SpaceToDepth operation on input tensor.

◆ split()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.split ( NodeInput  data,
NodeInput  axis,
int  num_splits,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return a node which splits the input tensor into same-length slices.

@param data: The input tensor to be split
@param axis: Axis along which the input data will be split
@param num_splits: Number of the output tensors that should be produced
@return Split node

◆ sqrt()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.sqrt ( NodeInput  node,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node which applies square root to the input node element-wise.

@param node: One of: input node, array or scalar.
@param name: Optional new name for output node.
@return The new node with sqrt operation applied element-wise.

◆ squared_difference()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.squared_difference ( NodeInput  x1,
NodeInput  x2,
str   auto_broadcast = "NUMPY",
Optional[str]   name = None 

Perform an element-wise squared difference between two tensors.

\f[ y[i] = (x_1[i] - x_2[i])^2 \f]

@param x1: The node with first input tensor.
@param x2: The node with second input tensor.
@param auto_broadcast: The type of broadcasting that specifies mapping of input tensor axes
                       to output shape axes. Range of values: numpy, explicit.
@param name: Optional new name for output node.
@return The new node performing a squared difference between two tensors.

◆ squeeze()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.squeeze ( NodeInput  data,
NodeInput  axes,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Perform squeeze operation on input tensor.

@param data: The node with data tensor.
@param axes: List of non-negative integers, indicate the dimensions to squeeze.
              One of: input node or array.
@param name: Optional new name for output node.
@return The new node performing a squeeze operation on input tensor.

Remove single-dimensional entries from the shape of a tensor.
Takes a parameter `axes` with a list of axes to squeeze.
If `axes` is not provided, all the single dimensions will be removed from the shape.
If an `axis` is selected with shape entry not equal to one, an error is raised.

For example:

   Inputs: tensor with shape [1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1], axes=[2, 4]

   Result: tensor with shape [1, 2, 3, 1]

◆ strided_slice()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.strided_slice ( NodeInput  data,
NodeInput  begin,
NodeInput  end,
NodeInput  strides,
List[int]  begin_mask,
List[int]  end_mask,
Optional[List[int]]   new_axis_mask = None,
Optional[List[int]]   shrink_axis_mask = None,
Optional[List[int]]   ellipsis_mask = None,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return a node which dynamically repeats(replicates) the input data tensor.

@param      data:              The tensor to be sliced
@param      begin:             1D tensor with begin indexes for input blob slicing
@param      end:               1D tensor with end indexes for input blob slicing
@param      strides:           The slicing strides
@param      begin_mask:        A mask applied to the 'begin' input indicating which elements
                               shoud be ignored
@param      end_mask:          A mask applied to the 'end' input indicating which elements
                               shoud be ignored
@param      new_axis_mask:     A mask indicating dimensions where '1' should be inserted
@param      shrink_axis_mask:  A mask indicating which dimensions should be deleted
@param      ellipsis_mask:     Indicates positions where missing dimensions should be inserted
@return   StridedSlice node

◆ subtract()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.subtract ( NodeInput  left_node,
NodeInput  right_node,
str   auto_broadcast = "NUMPY",
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node which applies f(x) = A-B to the input nodes element-wise.

@param left_node: The node providing data for left hand side of operator.
@param right_node: The node providing data for right hand side of operator.
@param auto_broadcast: The type of broadcasting that specifies mapping of input tensor axes
                       to output shape axes. Range of values: numpy, explicit.
@param name: The optional name for output node.
@return The new output node performing subtraction operation on both tensors element-wise.

◆ tan()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.tan ( NodeInput  node,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Apply tangent function on the input node element-wise.

@param node: One of: input node, array or scalar.
@param name: Optional new name for output node.
@return New node with tan operation applied on it.

◆ tanh()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.tanh ( NodeInput  node,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return node which applies hyperbolic tangent to the input node element-wise.

@param node: One of: input node, array or scalar.
@param name: Optional new name for output node.
@return New node with tanh operation applied on it.

◆ tensor_iterator()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.tensor_iterator ( List[Node]  inputs,
GraphBody  graph_body,
List[TensorIteratorSliceInputDesc]  slice_input_desc,
List[TensorIteratorMergedInputDesc]  merged_input_desc,
List[TensorIteratorInvariantInputDesc]  invariant_input_desc,
List[TensorIteratorBodyOutputDesc]  body_output_desc,
List[TensorIteratorConcatOutputDesc]  concat_output_desc,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Perform recurrent execution of the network described in the body, iterating through the data.

@param      inputs:                The provided to TensorIterator operator.
@param      graph_body:            The graph representing the body we execute.
@param      slice_input_desc:      The descriptors describing sliced inputs, that is nodes
                                   representing tensors we iterate through, processing single
                                   data slice in one iteration.
@param      merged_input_desc:     The descriptors describing merged inputs, that is nodes
                                   representing variables with initial value at first iteration,
                                   which may be changing through iterations.
@param      invariant_input_desc:  The descriptors describing invariant inputs, that is nodes
                                   representing variable with persistent value through all
@param      body_output_desc:      The descriptors describing body outputs from specified
@param      concat_output_desc:    The descriptors describing specified output values through
                                   all the iterations concatenated into one node.
@param      name:                  The optional name for output node.
@return   Node representing TensorIterator operation.

◆ tile()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.tile ( NodeInput  data,
NodeInput  repeats,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return a node which dynamically repeats(replicates) the input data tensor.

@param data: The input tensor to be tiled
@param repeats: Per-dimension replication factors
@return Tile node

◆ topk()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.topk ( NodeInput  data,
NodeInput  k,
int  axis,
str  mode,
str  sort,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return a node which performs TopK.

@param data: Input data.
@param k: K.
@param axis: TopK Axis.
@param mode: Compute TopK largest ('max') or smallest ('min')
@param sort: Order of output elements (sort by: 'none', 'index' or 'value')
@return The new node which performs TopK (both indices and values)

◆ transpose()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.transpose ( NodeInput  data,
NodeInput  input_order,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return a node which transposes the data in the input tensor.

@param data: The input tensor to be transposed
@param input_order: Permutation of axes to be applied to the input tensor
@return Transpose node

◆ unsqueeze()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.unsqueeze ( NodeInput  data,
NodeInput  axes,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Perform unsqueeze operation on input tensor.

Insert single-dimensional entries to the shape of a tensor. Takes one required argument axes,
a list of dimensions that will be inserted.
Dimension indices in axes are as seen in the output tensor.

For example: Inputs: tensor with shape [3, 4, 5], axes=[0, 4]
             Result: tensor with shape [1, 3, 4, 5, 1]

@param data: The node with data tensor.
@param axes: List of non-negative integers, indicate the dimensions to be inserted.
              One of: input node or array.
@return The new node performing an unsqueeze operation on input tensor.

◆ variadic_split()

Node ngraph.opset1.ops.variadic_split ( NodeInput  data,
NodeInput  axis,
NodeInput  split_lengths,
Optional[str]   name = None 

Return a node which splits the input tensor into variadic length slices.

@param data: The input tensor to be split
@param axis: Axis along which the input data will be split
@param split_lengths: Sizes of the output tensors along the split axis
@return VariadicSplit node