Data Structures | Namespaces | Typedefs | Functions
ie_blob.h File Reference

A header file for Blob and generic TBlob<> More...

#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <numeric>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "ie_allocator.hpp"
#include "ie_common.h"
#include "ie_layouts.h"
#include "ie_locked_memory.hpp"
#include "ie_precision.hpp"
#include "details/ie_blob_iterator.hpp"
#include "details/ie_exception.hpp"
#include "details/ie_pre_allocator.hpp"

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Data Structures

class  InferenceEngine::Blob
 This class represents a universal container in the Inference Engine. More...
class  InferenceEngine::MemoryBlob
 This class implements a container object that represents a tensor in memory (host and remote/accelerated) More...
class  InferenceEngine::TBlob< T, typename >
 Represents real host memory allocated for a Tensor/Blob per C type. More...


 Inference Engine C++ API.


using InferenceEngine::BlobMap = std::map< std::string, Blob::Ptr >
 This is a convenient type for working with a map containing pairs(string, pointer to a Blob instance).


template<typename T , typename std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer< T >::value &&!std::is_reference< T >::value, int >::type = 0, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< Blob, T >::value, int >::type = 0>
std::shared_ptr< T > InferenceEngine::as (const Blob::Ptr &blob) noexcept
 Helper cast function to work with shared Blob objects. More...
template<typename T , typename std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer< T >::value &&!std::is_reference< T >::value, int >::type = 0, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< Blob, T >::value, int >::type = 0>
std::shared_ptr< const T > InferenceEngine::as (const Blob::CPtr &blob) noexcept
 Helper cast function to work with shared Blob objects. More...
template<typename Type >
InferenceEngine::TBlob< Type >::Ptr InferenceEngine::make_shared_blob (const TensorDesc &tensorDesc)
 Creates a blob with the given tensor descriptor. More...
template<typename Type >
InferenceEngine::TBlob< Type >::Ptr InferenceEngine::make_shared_blob (const TensorDesc &tensorDesc, Type *ptr, size_t size=0)
 Creates a blob with the given tensor descriptor from the pointer to the pre-allocated memory. More...
template<typename Type >
InferenceEngine::TBlob< Type >::Ptr InferenceEngine::make_shared_blob (const TensorDesc &tensorDesc, const std::shared_ptr< InferenceEngine::IAllocator > &alloc)
 Creates a blob with the given tensor descriptor and allocator. More...
template<typename TypeTo >
InferenceEngine::TBlob< TypeTo >::Ptr InferenceEngine::make_shared_blob (const TBlob< TypeTo > &arg)
 Creates a copy of given TBlob instance. More...
template<typename T , typename... Args, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< Blob, T >::value, int >::type = 0>
std::shared_ptr< T > InferenceEngine::make_shared_blob (Args &&... args)
 Creates a Blob object of the specified type. More...
Blob::Ptr InferenceEngine::make_shared_blob (const Blob::Ptr &inputBlob, const ROI &roi)
 Creates a blob describing given ROI object based on the given blob with pre-allocated memory. More...

Detailed Description

A header file for Blob and generic TBlob<>